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The Mazzini-Pike Bluprint for Global Domination

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posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 07:28 PM
Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary leader of the mid 1800s as well as the Director of the Illuminati. He selected Albert Pike, a former Brigadier-General in the Confederate army and follower of Qabbalism, to be the head of all Illuminati activities in the United States. Wrote Mazzini to Pike:

We must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown.

The secret organization mentioned was the New and Reformed Palladian Rite, a Satanic cult. As the Illuminati and its sub-cults grew in power, Mazzini and Pike were gradually forging a plan which would enable the order to take over the world--a plan which required three wars on a world-wide scale.

Stage 1: Start a world war, destroying the Czars in Russia and supplanting them with a Communist government. Obviously, this has already happened, and the Czarist form of government has never returned from its death in the early 1900s.

Stage 2: A second world war must occur by the manipulation of Germany and Great Britain. At this point, Communism would be so powerful that it could begin taking over weaker countries and openly opposing organized religion. Once again, this has occurred exactly according to plan.

Stage 3: The Jews and Muslims would be set against each other, starting a religious war in which they would destroy each other and draw the rest of the world into World War III. This would bring the entire world into chaos, and when the war was over, one government would emerge: the World Government of the Illuminati.

Now, my source for this information which described the Illuminati and this blueprint for domination was published in 1980, twenty-five years ago. While the Jews and Muslims have always opposed each other, we see today a violent war raging between them in the way of suicide bombers and the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis. In other words, when my source was written, two stages had been completed, which was enough to raise some eyebrows and suggest a conspiracy. But now, a quarter of a century later, we are in the very midst of Stage 3 and no doubt will soon see the beginnings of the Third World War.

[edit on 1/20/2005 by southern_cross3]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3

Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary leader of the mid 1800s as well as the Director of the Illuminati. He selected Albert Pike, a former Brigadier-General in the Confederate army and follower of Qabbalism, to be the head of all Illuminati activities in the United States. Wrote Mazzini to Pike:

We must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown.

The secret organization mentioned was the New and Reformed Palladian Rite, a Satanic cult. As the Illuminati and its sub-cults grew in power, Mazzini and Pike were gradually forging a plan which would enable the order to take over the world--a plan which required three wars on a world-wide scale.

Stage 1: Start a world war, destroying the Czars in Russia and supplanting them with a Communist government. Obviously, this has already happened, and the Czarist form of government has never returned from its death in the early 1900s.

Stage 2: A second world war must occur by the manipulation of Germany and Great Britain. At this point, Communism would be so powerful that it could begin taking over weaker countries and openly opposing organized religion. Once again, this has occurred exactly according to plan.

Stage 3: The Jews and Muslims would be set against each other, starting a religious war in which they would destroy each other and draw the rest of the world into World War III. This would bring the entire world into chaos, and when the war was over, one government would emerge: the World Government of the Illuminati.

Now, my source for this information which described the Illuminati and this blueprint for domination was published in 1980, twenty-five years ago. While the Jews and Muslims have always opposed each other, we see today a violent war raging between them in the way of suicide bombers and the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis. In other words, when my source was written, two stages had been completed, which was enough to raise some eyebrows and suggest a conspiracy. But now, a quarter of a century later, we are in the very midst of Stage 3 and no doubt will soon see the beginnings of the Third World War.

[edit on 1/20/2005 by southern_cross3]


Palladian Freemasonry was completely and absolutely a fictional creation by Leo Taxil, a pornographer and author of the Taxil Hoax. This Lucifer-worshipping section of Freemasonry, along with Pike's supposed writings, were admitted by Taxil, IN PUBLIC, to be complete HOAXES. Nevertheless, people still believe this crap...

You can read all about it at

[edit on 20-1-2005 by sebatwerk]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary leader of the mid 1800s as well as the Director of the Illuminati.

The secret organization mentioned was the New and Reformed Palladian Rite, a Satanic cult.

Shown to be a hoax here...

Ah heck, you main source of info has been shown to be a hoax as well...
and here...
Look for Masonic Light quotes on the subject.

This topic has been done to death.

[edit on 1/20/2005 by cotwom]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 08:14 PM
Done to death eh? My bad.

The Mazzini-Pike blueprint is a hoax because the Freemasons say so.


That's like saying that we have proof that there were no aliens at Roswell, simply because the US government says so.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3

The Mazzini-Pike blueprint is a hoax because the Freemasons say so.

No, it is a hoax because Leo Taxil said so.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 08:32 PM

Taxil Confesion here...

Some of the sites above are not pro-Mason, I think on might be, and some are neutral.

[edit on 1/20/2005 by cotwom]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by wiggy

Originally posted by southern_cross3

The Mazzini-Pike blueprint is a hoax because the Freemasons say so.

No, it is a hoax because Leo Taxil said so.

don't know if you've been on this link before (see below)
its interwoven with Illuminati, your A. Pike & such are mentioned as small actors/roles in the scheme of things....
The Brethern of the Gift updated Sept 2004

the intro page at:
[then theres also pages-------------- 003.htm, 004.htm, 005.htm ]
**its ALL i can't give you anything from it.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
don't know if you've been on this link before (see below)
its interwoven with Illuminati, your A. Pike & such are mentioned as small actors/roles in the scheme of things....

Another conspiracy website...

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:23 PM
if this isnt true then i feel sorry for all the masons that people condemn just because some say theyre part of a conspiracy...

but if it is in FACT true then woah, we should blow their secrecy out of the water. i am however afraid that probably cannot happen..


posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
but if it is in FACT true then woah, we should blow their secrecy out of the water. i am however afraid that probably cannot happen..

Quotes from this forgery can be found all over the Internet on conspiracy websites; the problem is, they can't produce any resource for the original.

The popularity of this hoax is probably derived from the "Freemasonry Watch" website, who once claimed that the original letter was in the British Museum (I'm not sure if that website still makes this claim).

The webmaster from Freemasonry Watch posted this stuff all over the newsgroup alt.freemasonry a few years ago. To put an end to that sort of trolling once and for all, several Brothers contacted the British Museum curators, who verified that it was a hoax, and no such letter had ever passed through its doors.

No doubt, if any Italians are reading this, they are roaring with laughter at the bogus Pike-Mazzini hoax. Mazzini, an Italian patriot and freedom fighter, is beloved in that country in much the same way that George Washington is beloved in the USA.

Much the same could be said of those who have read Pike. That aged poet, philosopher, and philanthropist is beloved by those who have seriously studied him because of the purity, wisdom, and virtue that encompasses practically every word he wrote.

[edit on 20-1-2005 by Masonic Light]

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
if this isnt true then i feel sorry for all the masons that people condemn just because some say theyre part of a conspiracy...

but if it is in FACT true then woah, we should blow their secrecy out of the water. i am however afraid that probably cannot happen..

If it indeed was fact, it would have been blown out of the water a long time ago by a lot of people. The reason that Freemasonry is still around is because anybody with half a brain can see that there's nothing dangerous or harmful about Freemasonry, and only silly conspiracy theorists believe the first load of crap that they read on a website. When presented with fact and proof that Freemasonry is innocent, they ignore it because THEY WANT TO BELIEVE IN THE CONSPIRACIES.

Deny ignorance, indeed...

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 02:37 AM

this is gonna be fun! i believe that the truth will prevail! always!


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 04:47 PM
Rather interesting that all the people upholding the "hoax" idea concerning this seem to have Masonic ties...

And they're acting pretty defensive...

This only justifies the plan, rather than the opposite.

What began as a post on a conspiracy is quickly turning to a cover-up...

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
Rather interesting that all the people upholding the "hoax" idea concerning this seem to have Masonic ties...

And they're acting pretty defensive...

This only justifies the plan, rather than the opposite.

What began as a post on a conspiracy is quickly turning to a cover-up...

Ok....let's say just for giggles that this is the first time I've heard this story, and that I'm an unbiased observer. What proof could you show me that your letter is real? I mean, where is this letter? Why do historians laugh at it, and why do the unbiased authorities deem it a hoax? And if you can't prove it, which means that you yourself don't really know, why are you using it here for propaganda?

And will you answer these questions, or will you just simply ignore them, as most of your conspiratorial colleagues, and just move on to the next line of BS?

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:58 AM
Even if it wasn't fake the jew how does he account for the christian part in the jew/muslim war?

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 09:42 PM
Pretend you're unbiased?

This whole forum is full of biased people. As soon as somebody suggests an Illuminati or Freemason conspiracy theory, here comes the Mason Patrol to say that it's a hoax, or that it's ridiculous, etc.

It would seem to me that the Freemasons are watching this forum to be sure that information doesn't get out that could be potentially damaging to their agenda.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 02:55 AM
Just in case anyone's lost track, I wrote:

"And will you answer these questions, or will you just simply ignore them, as most of your conspiratorial colleagues, and just move on to the next line of BS? "

The response was:

Originally posted by southern_cross3

It would seem to me that the Freemasons are watching this forum to be sure that information doesn't get out that could be potentially damaging to their agenda.

Well, you didn't answer my first three questions, but you certainly answered the last one!

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:35 AM

The popularity of this hoax is probably derived from the "Freemasonry Watch" website

Not sure about this. The first reference I have is in a book called "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr [1968]. He says:

After an exchange of crdentials Father [Eustace] Eilers [of the Passionist Missions, Birmingham Alabama] provided me with a copy of "The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled" written by His Eminence Cardinal Caro Y Rodriguez of Santiago, Chile, first published in 1925.

Carr then says that this Cardinal quoted from Pike's letter to Mazzini, but still no proof. Proof would be good, but since the world is moving in that direction anyway, who can deny the forethought? Masons seem to be more interested in defending Albert Pike than denying the truth of the conspiracy, which is fine, I guess. Pike was surely an amazingly powerful and insightful person. I do understand why Masons defend his reputation. He was extremely smart and worthy of respect.

To me, fraternities seem to attract the sort of man who needs his fellows to tell him his thoughts have merit. Never have been interested in them. QUESTION: Would Pike have been the same caliber of man without Freemasonry? Would he have thought as highly of himself if he had not been a Freemason? Or was it masonry that gave him the tools to be so strong? Would [insert great non-masonic person here] have been even greater with the tools, comrades and connections Freemasonry provides?

Also, why do so many masons act as if they know everything when they have so many hidden levels above them? I mean, what's to say that when you ascend to the 33rd level, they won't whisper in your ear; "Guess what! Everything we've told you to deny is actually TRUE! Don't tell the guys on level 27."? Secrecy feeds on itself and there's always another curtain to pass through. Like the name of this place, ABOVE Top Secret. The dopes on plain ol' Top Secret level don't know crap!

It's funny to me that these people collect in groups and then are so impressed by their accomplishments. I wonder how much personal self esteem they have. Of all the frat boys I've met, be they Masons or just college greeks, I never saw anything that made me want to join their clubs. I'd rather be 1/100th of what Pike was but accomplish it on my own.

Nevertheless, if I meet a Mason, I do genuflect slightly simply due to the title and the effort it requires. They do try to produce better men, for what that's worth.

[edit on 23-1-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
Pretend you're unbiased?

This whole forum is full of biased people. As soon as somebody suggests an Illuminati or Freemason conspiracy theory, here comes the Mason Patrol to say that it's a hoax, or that it's ridiculous, etc.

It would seem to me that the Freemasons are watching this forum to be sure that information doesn't get out that could be potentially damaging to their agenda.

Or it would simply be that they're telling the truth? When someone comes in and suggests the organization they are a part of is trying to take over the world and is tied to a mythological illuminati they get annoyed and beat that person over the head with the truth.

The Masonic Agenda is simple and openly declared to the world daily. Its declared in the hospitals the Shiners and the Scottish Rite run. Its declared in the donations to the community lodges make. Its declared in the speech centers and child care homes they establish. It is declared in the history of the United States. Anyone who is a member of that organization, whether they are directly involved with those deeds or not, would rightly be pissed off when someone comes in and says "oh no, those millions of dollars that various Masonic bodies raise and spend on good deeds is all just a hoax and you're really just trying to take over the world."

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Also, why do so many masons act as if they know everything when they have so many hidden levels above them? I mean, what's to say that when you ascend to the 33rd level, they won't whisper in your ear; "Guess what! Everything we've told you to deny is actually TRUE! Don't tell the guys on level 27."? Secrecy feeds on itself and there's always another curtain to pass through. Like the name of this place, ABOVE Top Secret. The dopes on plain ol' Top Secret level don't know crap!

Uh right. Of the 33rd degree masons I know, the one my family has known the most is the president of a Scottish Rite Hospital and spends almost all of his time running the hospital and getting money to keep it running. I’m oh so certain that he does this because all the values of Masonry (the ones that support the idea of running a hospital that charges nothing for its extensive and costly services) he was taught up until the 33rd degree were revealed to him as a lie when reaching the 33rd. Yep, I’m positive that’s why he spends his time running a hospital that doesn't charge for its services
Besides some of the masons here have very few “hidden” levels above them.

It's funny to me that these people collect in groups and then are so impressed by their accomplishments. I wonder how much personal self esteem they have. Of all the frat boys I've met, be they Masons or just college greeks, I never saw anything that made me want to join their clubs. I'd rather be 1/100th of what Pike was but accomplish it on my own.

That’s a foolish sentiment. No one accomplishes anything on their own. They are taught be teachers. They are aided by banks, they are influenced by their parents and they are aided by their friends.

Nevertheless, if I meet a Mason, I do genuflect slightly simply due to the title and the effort it requires. They do try to produce better men, for what that's worth.

Fair enough

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