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Islam Religion of Peace!

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posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
If Rome proclaims dogmatically the theological truth that
Christ is Divine (which they have) ... that's binding.

If Rome proclaims that the war in Iraq is wrong .... that's just
Euro-centric drivel that has no meaning.


This is of course your opinion.
IMO any dogmatic statement has no meaning.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 11:55 AM
There are lots of threads about Christianity versus Islam. Seems to be the topic of the day. I thought I'd share an analogy that pops into my head often:

Christians can easily see any messiah after JC to be heretical. Being convinced to kill that messiah's followers isn't a far stretch for them. To the Mohammedans, war seems the only way to validate their claim to the Abrahamic bloodline, and they are also poor, which never sits well with anybody.

Both groups are largely made of of peaceful and nice folks who'd just as soon not see their kids blown up or genetically deformed by DU ammo. Nobody likes a napalm bath or seeing their buddy's head fly apart mid-sentence. Apart from the sermons of the War-Mongers, it's never patriotic to see guts splashing around inside an APC.

To me, it seems like both of these religions have a war-nipple, if you will, that can be stroked and stimulated. In fact, these war-nipples are each peaks which reside on religio-breasts on the same chest. Each one looks at the other and sees it becoming erect for warfare, and it responds in turn by becoming harder and prepared.

The reason world war III between Muslim and Christian will occur just as the world architects and bankers planned it to do, is that nobody will ever see their invisible financial fingers stimulating each of the war-nipples. Each religio-breast responds to the other and blames the other.

The stimulating fingers of the banks and War-Mongers are invisible due to the ignorance of those being stroked. Will American Christians halt paying taxes and thereby halt weapons manufacture? No. Will Muslims stop obeying the call to prayer and thereby moderate their religion away from violence? No. Neither of these things will happen and so the War-Mongers and those who profit from making bullets will win, as they usually do.

The number one goal of all 'believers' whether Muslim or Christian should be attention to their own war nipple. They should recognize the entities that will still be standing after world war III (banks) and look at the profit statements of corporations/fraternities that have profited from Hitler, Churchill AND Kennedy during the last century. If they do this, the elite fingertips which are stroking them will appear before their eyes.

The Military Industrial Complex will live on even after both religio-breasts are gone and the ribcage of humanity is a shredded mess. Look closer to see who's stroking you. If your war-nipple gets hard enough, you both become a whore to the War-Mongers and your children die. What's so hard to understand?

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by BattleofBatoche
But I agree just drop a couple of nukes already. You'll never get rid of the hate that is taught over there unless you kill all the men & women 11 yrs and up & then start over without brain washed children.

Yes, that's the solution a lot of conservatives have for world problems: "nuke'em!". It's quite easy to say that when you're sitting in your comfy chair, in your heated house, with your healthy family and good food on the table... while blissfully ignoring the horrors you're suggesting to visit on millions of people elsewhere. To me it doesn't sound like justice. It sounds like the first-class passengers on the Titanic rejoicing that if the ship goes down, it's the rabble down in third class that'll die. Your "solution" disgusts me.

Originally posted by DrHoracidthey are just misguided children.

Without these "misguided children", our society would know little of Greek and Roman philosophers and scientists like Plato, Aristotle, Archimedes, Pliny and Hippocrates. The Muslims preserved their works much better than the Christian monks did, and actually expanded on Roman medicine when Christianity condemned all research of new knowledge as "witchcraft".

Originally posted by centurion1211Another and more telling statistic is how many of all the wars happening on this planet right now, involve muslims.

Hint: almost all of them

There's your "religion of peace".

And it's all happened in the last 25 years. Before that, in a lot of instances it was the West taking the war to the Muslims, from Philip II of Spain's clash with the Turks in 1571, to France and Britain tearing Egypt up between them in the 1790's (causing Mehmet Ali's rebellion in the early 1800's), to France's occupation of Algeria from 1830 to 1960, and to Britain's occupation of Iraq and Palestine in the 1920's (while France occupied Syria and Lebanon). And of course, let's not forget the U.S. supporting the repressive Shah's regime in Iran because he was an anti-communist... then arming Iraq against Iran... and pretending at every turn that Israel was blameless in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Hmmm... yep, I guess they are warmongers for absolutely no reason. And of course, I'm sure that Christian Americans reacting to the acts of terrorists by condemning everything the Muslims believe in as "misguided" and "false" is going to inspire those Muslims to see the error of their ways and recant...

And by the way... I see more and more conservatives with a mushroom cloud as their ava... is it your desire that it replace the eagle as the symbol of America?

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:18 PM
Islam is an ideology, not a religion!

Islam is not a religion. It is an ideology cloaked by a blanket of perceived religion in order to conceal its true nature: political/social controls and power through a strict ideology.

Followers and believers of Islam call it a "religion of peace", but that only applies to believers and followers of Islam. It is a belief system which is intolerant of any other belief system. Only followers of Islam have a right to exist and are the only one's guaranteed a place in heaven. I can think of other ideologies that are equally intolerant. White supremists/separatists and Hitler's Third Reich come to mind.

Teachings of Islam (Qu'ran and Hadith) are very specific and worded with very little room for interpretation. Non-believers shall be put to death and it is the responsibiltiy of all Muslims to enforce the will of Allah; as there is only one "true" religion and only one "true" god. Those who are believers of other religions/gods are considered by Islam as idolators and apostates and are therefore a scourge of the earth.

There are many (scholars, politicians, the President, and so-called religion "experts" to name a few) who say Islamic extremists have "hijacked" an otherwise peaceful religion to justify their brutality. I submit, however, that anyone who takes the time to read the passages from the Qu'ran will note that these "extremists" are only following the specific instructions contained therein.

Does this mean that all Muslims are evil barbarians? Absolutely not!! Most Muslims are peace-loving people who have no desire to exact the kind of brutality that a relative minority have. But I ask this question: Are the majority of Muslims peace-loving because of Islam or in spite of Islam? It is ironic that those Muslims whom we percieve as "peaceful" are considered by strict followers as apostates because they don't follow Islam as it is written. It is equally ironic that only a small handful of those "peaceful Muslims" have spoken out against these "extremists" who are hijacking their religion. In fact, most who do speak out are non-Muslims whose knowledge of Islam is questionable.

So why do I say that Islam is an ideology and not a religion? The dictionary defines religion as the following:
a) Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
b) A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

On the surface it would seem that Islam is a religion. But because Islam is enforced through the Sharia (Islamic Law) it becomes more of a means to control the masses through fear, intimidation, and oppression. This, in my view, makes it a political ideology. I think this is an important difference and one that at some point our government is going to have to resolve in order to win the "war on terror". If the Islamic paradigm can be shifted from one of religion to one of an ideology, then it no longer can become a "religious war". It is simply a battle against a brutal ideology, much like the fight against Communism.

I challenge anyone interested to do your own research and educate yourself. Part of the winning strategy against "terror" is to learn the hearts and minds of those who wish to do us harm. While the government is responsible for our security, it is foolish to believe that we as individuals have no role in the global war on terror. A good starting place is

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Freedom_for_sum
Islam is an ideology, not a religion!

Islam is not a religion. It is an ideology cloaked by a blanket of perceived religion in order to conceal its true nature: political/social controls and power through a strict ideology.

after reading that
i didnt bother with the rest as its just some bulls*it

because you could do the same with christianity and jews and so on

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by bodrul

Originally posted by Freedom_for_sum
Islam is an ideology, not a religion!

Islam is not a religion. It is an ideology cloaked by a blanket of perceived religion in order to conceal its true nature: political/social controls and power through a strict ideology.

after reading that
i didnt bother with the rest as its just some bulls*it

because you could do the same with christianity and jews and so on

If you wish to remain ingorant that is your choice. Only ignorant people refuse to read/listen to others opinions. Usually, FEAR of changing one's mind is the root reason ignorance prevails.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Freedom_for_sum
If you wish to remain ingorant that is your choice. Only ignorant people refuse to read/listen to others opinions. Usually, FEAR of changing one's mind is the root reason ignorance prevails.

sorry thats just me
i dont like going around reading or spreading rubbish about someone elses faith or culture

ps being a muslim my self your reply offends me

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by bodrul

Originally posted by Freedom_for_sum
If you wish to remain ingorant that is your choice. Only ignorant people refuse to read/listen to others opinions. Usually, FEAR of changing one's mind is the root reason ignorance prevails.

sorry thats just me
i dont like going around reading or spreading rubbish about someone elses faith or culture

ps being a muslim my self your reply offends me

I find this interesting considering what is says under your member name: "Examine what is said not him who speaks"

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Freedom_for_sum
I find this interesting considering what is says under your member name: "Examine what is said not him who speaks"

i did read most of you put down
but still it looks rubbish to me

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:42 PM
It is sickening to read the hate filled trash spewn by a bunch of fat nazi amerikans who think they run the world.

eventually the rest of the planet well get fed up with this

I wonder if the origenator of this thread could be arrested for hate speach.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by tovenar

It is sickening to read the hate filled trash spewn by a bunch of fat nazi amerikans who think they run the world.

eventually the rest of the planet well get fed up with this

I wonder if the origenator of this thread could be arrested for hate speach.

Thank you so much for your tolerance. The concept of being arrested for hate speech in itself is filled with "hate" and ignorance. Your own hate and intolerance of differing ideas and opinions is the truly frightening thing about the PC world. A picture showing suicide bombers brainwashing a small child should be a universal Horror. If anything qualifies for "hate" it is your endorsement of murder of innocent children. If you do not completely condem such a picture of horror then you support murder.....

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by tovenar

It is sickening to read the hate filled trash spewn by a bunch of fat nazi amerikans who think they run the world.

So all Americans are fat nazis?

what an enlightened and tollerent veiw point. Its allways good to hear from someone that truly takes the time to look at the issues and not just name call

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by tovenar

It is sickening to read the hate filled trash spewn by a bunch of fat nazi amerikans who think they run the world.

eventually the rest of the planet well get fed up with this

I wonder if the origenator of this thread could be arrested for hate speach.

Why should someone be arrested for hate speach? By the way, either you have no idea what you are talking about, or you are about 12.

But take some Pepto, that sickness will cure right up. As for me, I have to remember your sickness, which preceeded the thing that made you sick.

Learn from the mistakes of others.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
If anything qualifies for "hate" it is your endorsement of murder of innocent children.

But I suppose advocating dropping a nuke to kill all Muslims over the age of 11 is love and compassion?

Of course, we know how a good number of conservatives like to blow up things in God's name.

Edited for spelling

[edit on 22-1-2005 by Otts]

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 02:19 AM
DrHoracid i just have to ask you, say you nuke every "muslim" country ok so now are you rid of islam? I never new you could nuke a religon, if i where to make up a religon today and get it so popular that millions would follow it and then those millions would over time go to other peoples countrys and have other people (like the huge islamic african-american community) follow it in your country by your idea by nuking the country that this religon was "created in" and the near by countrys who follow this idea would simply not be around any more, know one will ever remeber it. So your expecting all the muslims in Asia, Europe and North America to just magically forget this religon? Sorry does not make that much sense.

its absolutly impossible to destroy a religon, you can try to debunk it but people will follow (faith is blind for a reason) and last i remeber their is proof of muhammeds life, jesus christ rose from the dead did some magic tricks and poff no body and no proof of him every living except for a book that was written thousand years ago and has been translated and messed with more times than any book should.

so say you go on your trip, and try and kill every muslim in the world, dont forget muslim are from satan (thats what you guys belive right?) well according to your religon satan like to decieve people, so the muslims will try to act christian, so who can you trust, some of your church could be muslim in desguise, you have to then do it by race, so you go on and all you have left a white anglo saxon christians, their that should make you safe, of look a picture of cat stevens, a white muslim no way, that meens any one could be a muslim, you are the only true christian you need to kill every one.

Im just trying to tell you in my own way how immpossible it is to destroy a belife system, as far as i can tell people can lie about who they pray to pretty damn easy, so whats your plans for all the Asian,American,European muslims?

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:10 AM
Does anyone see a resemblance here?

They both claim to be doing the work of their "GOD"!

[edit on 23/1/05 by Intelearthling]

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by Otts

Originally posted by DrHoracid
If anything qualifies for "hate" it is your endorsement of murder of innocent children.

But I suppose advocating dropping a nuke to kill all Muslims over the age of 11 is love and compassion?

Of course, we know how a good number of conservatives like to blow up things in God's name.

Edited for spelling

[edit on 22-1-2005 by Otts]

Nice try, but the words you posted after a quote with my name are not my words, and you know it. That "choice" was written by someone else.

I do not wish to kill ALL muslims nor have I ever written such a thing. I do advocate the destruction of radical isalm known as terrorist.

Islam is a false religion started by satan to decieve the world into worshipping HIM. Just to be fair there are a number of "Christian" faiths that are equally mislead.

As "THE" liar, satan provides Islam with a good mixed with evil. Allah is a pagan god and was before Mohamed. The Koran itself indicates a difference between Allah and The God of Abraham. The Koran also deny's Christ. Again muslims are misguided children.

[edit on 23-1-2005 by DrHoracid]

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 05:22 AM
Ah yes, Religion. Millions upon Millions slaughtered in the name of (Insert deity here) since the dawn of man.

Man will never truely grow until he can shed this primitive custom.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 05:27 AM
Veltro: How dare you mock religion! I've spent a lot of time deciding which team to join-- Uh, I mean belief to have!

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Veltro: How dare you mock religion! I've spent a lot of time deciding which team to join-- Uh, I mean belief to have!

Actually you are mocking "God" and he will have something to say to you both somewhere around Dec 22nd 2012. Give or take an aeon for judging the dead and then the living. Regardless of what "flavor" you think fits you, keep the commandments and believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God and you won't have to do the lake of fire thingy......

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