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Trump caves to GOP endorses Paul Ryan, John McCain and Kelly Ayotte

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posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 07:37 AM
But but but the dnc did it too? Thanks for the early mornings laughs, at least trump,realized he needs the people he says he loathes to have a chance at the white house.

Let the excuses flow.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: MrSpad
It looks like at least for the moment the GOP has put the leash back on Trump.

You choice of words and your perception of events here is why he shouldn't have done it.
edit on 6-8-2016 by Logarock because: n

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 08:07 AM
If Trump was as toxic as the MSM makes him out to be, I would have thought that the GOP candidates would not want a Trump endorsement.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Yea. This stuff sounds like the sort of crap you see in history where some new king comes to power and all the earls and dukes are pressing for position. Fin feudalists. In this case, where power is drawn for the consent of the governed, we see that being negotiated for.....even though Ryan got choked out and the other guy is a lame duck and a liberal press darling.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: spiritualzombie

You are spot on with that feeling, I think. I'm glad you see it.

@ Mr Spad:

I agree with you. He realized he was sinking his own ship. Somehow they got him to humble himself a little bit. But even if it does get him elected - he isn't going to have such guidance all the time. He's never had "handlers" before, and I think he really doesn't like that part of this whole business that he thought would be an easy goal to reach, so he could put another checkmark on his list of "I'm great because...." list of to-do items.

I think. This is all just what I think, and that's all.
edit on 8/6/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 08:36 AM
I see it as Trump is the head of the party and he needs to get them in line behind him.

In turn, they need to do it or risk some backlash.

It's like, "hey people, we have a big job to do. Leave it at the door and let's get rolling."

lol, Ryan's endorsement was a, "yeah ok whatever, I endorse him"

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:03 AM
No leash. Trump has been using more prepared speeches for a little while now. It's just him moving from shock and awe in the primaries to more reserved (relatively) in the general.

The refusal to immediately endorse Ryan was a business deal. Ryan initially refused to endorse Trump, using the words, "I'm just not there yet" before finally endorsing him. Trump then did the exact same thing to Ryan. The implied message: you better not diss me again or there will be consequences.

If there's a leash, Ryan and McCain are wearing it.

This is how deals should be handled: one deals from strength, not weakness. There are consequences for balking. If your opponent doesn't play ball with you, you don't play ball with them. It is also a reason for me to start to like Trump again... maybe, with this attitude and tough dealing, he can get immigration under control and get a manufacturing base re-established in this country.

Giving away the farm and playing nicey nicey certainly hasn't worked well.


edit on 8/6/2016 by TheRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: MrSpad

Trump personally attacks McCain's heroism and now he endorses him? He constantly attacks people in his own party and refuses to endorse them. On the other hand, the republican establishment doesn't like his stance on some issues including his incompetent and rude rhetoric, so many of them don't want to come out and support him! The hypocrisy with Trump and the Republicans is so blatant! How could anyone find any kind of credibility in either of them?

I find it amazing how prominent Republicans are criticizing Trump yet act like wusses afraid to say they don't endorse him or his ideas! This clearly shows how self-centered and concerned our politicians are about staying in office. They're afraid to speak their mind, worried if they do, they'll lose their election race for another term in office!

This election is really showing the dire need for the elimination of the party system and the creation of term limits for our elected officials. These politicians are using a temporary elected position for a life-long career in government! They know it's a cushy job, high salary position, loaded with benefits, power and influence! Why would any of them take a chance of losing it?? I can bet if their salaries were more in line with the average American, lacked a good Health Care package, and they knew their job was only temporary for two terms, you wouldn't have millionaires or lawyers running for office! We would see more people like our next door neighbor running for office who could relate to the average hard working citizen. They wouldn't be in office for a high paying political career but for the main purpose to better the life of the majority of American citizens.

How can we expect our representatives to represent the citizen's of this country when they can't even speak their mind!! The goal to hold office is much more important to our representatives than to voice what they truly believe! I give more credibility for someone who will speak their mind than someone who feels like they have to tow the line for the sake of the party or their beloved office. How can we truly know where our representatives stands on the issues, if there's pressure on them to conform?

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: MrSpad

Actually what are the chances of the Unprincipled One losing his primary, the same way that Cantor did two years ago? In the meantime are McCain and Ayotte glad or annoyed at being endorsed by Trumpster?

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 10:58 AM
Last ditch effort to keep the GOP relevant with a changing electorate. You simply can't stay relevant with out minority support. The minorities are now savy to the system and will use it to their own advantage. Hardball politics. Trump may have blown it for the Republicans.

And if the Corporate/banking sector feels like they can't manipulate and or trust Trump....he's gone. It's his own fault! Wall st. has more political influence than you can imagine and the corruption, lobbyist, good ole boy paradigm is here to stay.

Trumps endorsements are meaningless.
edit on 6-8-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
Last ditch effort to keep the GOP relevant with a changing electorate. You simply can't stay relevant with out minority support. The minorities are now savy to the system and will use it to their own advantage. Hardball politics. Trump may have blown it for the Republicans.

And if the Corporate sector feels like they can't manipulate and or trust Trump....he's gone. It's his own fault!

Other than Kasich, I don't know of any other GOP candidate that could have beaten Clinton. Unless something drastic happens, I don't see Trump winning this.

edit on 6-8-2016 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: olaru12
Last ditch effort to keep the GOP relevant with a changing electorate. You simply can't stay relevant with out minority support. The minorities are now savy to the system and will use it to their own advantage. Hardball politics. Trump may have blown it for the Republicans.

And if the Corporate sector feels like they can't manipulate and or trust Trump....he's gone. It's his own fault!

Other than Kasich, I don't know of any other GOP candidate that could have beaten Clinton. Unless something drastic happens, I don't see Trump winning this.

Clinton has the Corporate endorsements in her pocket. They may not like her but she is a known commodity and will follow the DC protocols. It's about the money....not ideology or phony political partisanship.

Ain't Capitalism grand....

The political science classes you took in school...... all BS.
edit on 6-8-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: JacKatMtn

I thought Trump was the GOP candidate... why would it be shocking to support fellow GOP candidates?

Paul Ryan has a primary coming up, where he is running against another Republican (GOP). Trump was leaning toward supporting Ryan's GOP competition, after all, Trump supposedly represents "change" right?

Meet Paul Nehlen, the mini Trump challenging Paul Ryan in Wisconsin

Meet Ryan's GOP/Republican opponent, then you decide!

House Speaker Paul Ryan's (R-WI) primary challenger for Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district says he’s sick and tired of the Speaker’s beltway cronyism and he’s not going to take it anymore. The man is Paul Nehlen, a former Paul Ryan supporter who says that the incumbent Speaker of the House has left both him and members of his district feeling betrayed. “It really comes down to three priorities,”

Nehlen said of his campaign.

“Reclaiming the seat for Wisconsin’s 1st district and ‘we the people,’ stopping Paul Ryan’s cronyism & corruption, and securing the border while enforcing existing immigration law.” [Paul Ryan] literally shook my hand and looked me in the eye and said ‘get people out to vote and we we’ll push back against Obama’s illegal immigration,” fumed Nehlen.

“I bought his book. I sent his book as gifts to friends. That’s how invested in this I was. That’s the level of betrayal.” “If you look at where Paul Ryan’s campaign cash is coming from and going into his coffers, 85 percent of it came from outside his district, and about 65 percent of it came from D.C. and Alexandria, Virginia.”

“If you look at Paul Ryan’s votes, they don’t line up with the interests of this district,” said Nehlen, who added that he especially took issue with the Speaker’s recent support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and fast track Trade Promotion Authority, which he said “was a knife in the heart.”
edit on 6-8-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
a reply to: MrSpad

Actually what are the chances of the Unprincipled One losing his primary, the same way that Cantor did two years ago? In the meantime are McCain and Ayotte glad or annoyed at being endorsed by Trumpster?

Nobody has responded so they are likely deciding what to do. They no doubt they have the GOP saying see he made the first move (we totally did not make him) now make up, you won. Who knows what they will do but, if the come out and bait him instead of accepting it then Trump will completely lose it again.

And this is the problem. Trump is desperate because of the polls. So for the moment he is going to shut up and be a good boy but, how long with that last? Everybody knows how to bait him and send him off into crazy rants.

They need to prepare speeches for him that are fact checked and keep him from wandering off from them. That way he does not have admit he was lying the next day when he makes something up while he is speaking. No more, Putin and I are close, I never met Putin or The NFl sent me a letter, the never sent me a letter, or I saw a video of them giving the money, I never saw a video etc.

And somebody needs to sit him down and teach him about what is going on the world the Iran does not support ISIS and what has been happening in Ukraine since he has no clue.

They need to do a lot just to give him a chance in this thing and he has to listen and avoid going nuts.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
If Trump was as toxic as the MSM makes him out to be, I would have thought that the GOP candidates would not want a Trump endorsement.

let the grown ups talk.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
If Trump was as toxic as the MSM makes him out to be, I would have thought that the GOP candidates would not want a Trump endorsement.

He is toxic, but a large portion of the population votes party line starting with the President. If they don't like the President, no one downstream gets votes.

Step 1: Get Trump endorsing people.
Step 2: Rebrand Trump

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
This is how deals should be handled: one deals from strength, not weakness. There are consequences for balking. If your opponent doesn't play ball with you, you don't play ball with them. It is also a reason for me to start to like Trump again... maybe, with this attitude and tough dealing, he can get immigration under control and get a manufacturing base re-established in this country.

While negotiating from strength is nice, it's negotiating from weakness that's important. The deals that matter internationally are the ones where the US has little to no negotiating power but still needs to get something. So far Trump has displayed zero ability in that area, instead his strategy is to walk away and get nothing.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
This election is really showing the dire need for the elimination of the party system and the creation of term limits for our elected officials. These politicians are using a temporary elected position for a life-long career in government! They know it's a cushy job, high salary position, loaded with benefits, power and influence! Why would any of them take a chance of losing it??

So why don't you run and do better if it's so easy?

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

People are that stupid.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 01:43 PM
Just like Tweedle-dee (Hillary),

"Trump will say anything to get elected."

He is just trying to re-position himself as a bit less crazy. The Brian Williams Media is convinced that being attacked by Iranian immigration lawyer & his wife was bad for Trump. I think they may have managed to convince trump of it as well.

Did he ever seriously plan to win? Or is he just always playing anvil to Hillary's hammer?

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