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End of the USA according to 'Valery Uvarov' if they use HAARP.

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posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: Whatsthisthen
When the ritualistic formulas were being worked out in the beginning of Masonry. Someone made an agreement with certain Spirits in order to recieve help in whatever it was.

How can you possibly know the 'beginnings' of Masonry and what allegedly transpired then when Masons do not even know it? Your entire posts is based on this flawed premise.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: imitator
Yes HAARP can produce ELF frequencies. For example: (this is how I see it simplified) if IRI used 10 MHz and modulated at 11.83 Hz, that signal could radiate down the length of the auroral electrojet at 11.83 Hz.

Not at all.

Modulation is not signal. If a 10MHz carrier is modulated at 11Hz, you don't emit 11Hz along with 10MHz. The 11Hz modulation vanishes into a mathematical relationship between the carrier and its sidebands. If we're talking AM modulation, you'll get 10MHz-11Hz and 10MHz+11Hz sidebands along with the 10MHz carrier. But there IS no 11Hz signal.

You induce the electrojet to produce ELF by physically altering it using the array. There are two ways, one is done by altering the density of the electrojet, the other is geometric modulation where you physically sort of bend it back and forth. That method works better, and it's how they got the 35W output.

To further simplify that example, disconnect speaker wires from a radio, inject a 30 Hz signal into the radio amplifier... the speaker wires would radiate at 30 Hz... same thing as the auroral electrojet, radiating down the length of the wire.

Absolutely not. Good lord. You can't radiate 30Hz off a speaker wire. There is an unavoidable relationship between wavelength, antenna length and efficiency. If you could radiate 30Hz off a speaker wire, you wouldn't need HAARP or Sanguine or Seafarer or whatever.

1-300 Hz is the range I would call the schizophrenia frequencies... plenty of studies on adverse health effects in that area, especially on the psychological side.

Citation from acceptable source needed. Not, for example, bibliotecleyapades or educate-yourself.

Now wait a minute lol, you was using CW as an example. Same ideal, CW, carrier wave.... except much higher in frequency and it was about ionospheric heaters. The electrojet would be like an antenna.

It is, but not "x 10000000". I can get pretty good antenna efficiency with my rig on 80M. Out of 1kW in, I am probably getting better than 90% as radiated power. On its best day, HAARP got about 35W radiated power out of the electrojet for 1.8MW to the antennas. That's from 3.6MW off the generators. So instead of "x 1000000" it's more like "x 1/1000000"

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

That's okay AugustusMasonicus, I don't expect anyone to take what I say here as anything more then hearsay.

The Nature Beings have long memories that go back a long way. There are also some very nice Beings who's memories are older then earth itself. They are not gods or such like and probably don't appear in mythology. From their view, humans are just another species of life.

Humans think in terms of evolution and growing, becoming. Humans think of expansion, civilisations reaching greater and greater heights. Always becomming something bigger and better. The theosophists and anthroposophists even promise us we will become planetary spirits or race spirits one day. Always becomming something bigger and better.

Be that as it may.

Outside organic sexual reproduction, there is to be found reproduction through division. Not all life, but some.

When they become weary of life, weighed down by memories, a division occurs in their being. They divide into a small number of separate selves, the children are all identical. The mother retains her power and strength, her knowledge and yet her memories weigh less and she is like anew.

At that moment of division, the children start to become individuals as they experience life for themselves. Yet they retain the memories of their ancestors.

I am very proud to be a godfather to one such family.

But that is not something to be found on a conventional spiritual path for humanity. It is just something you find outside of humanity. Humanity and it's spiritual worlds is just a little town in a vast jungle full of life. There are other towns for that mater.

No, jungle is not quite correct. Out there is a marine environment, not a jungle. Like our land based life here on earth with trees is an outgrowth into another dimension. The ocean is the norm as far as my (borrowed?) perception can perceive.

A human is just a single celled amoeba, humanity very much just a single jellyfish in an ocean that seems limitless. There are many fish in the sea. It is wonderfull to percieve.

Anyway, I digress. I tend to waffle on, perhaps because these are things I never speak of normally. Who would ever believe?

But really, does it mater if what I say is accepted or not? No it doesn't mater in the final analysis.

That is how I learn of such things.

And although I am human and get annoyed and angry at the likes of a few other posters who set out to destroy a thread for whatever reason, it is not so with you AugustusMasonicus, nor your brethren.

By the way, yesterday afternoon a woman asked for the Guardian to be pulled from his predicament. The Guardian is safe and recovering

Although the Guardian broke our compact and freed me from the constraint of not speaking of certain things, I don't intend to break my side.

edit on 22-7-2016 by Whatsthisthen because: typo and clarity

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 02:57 AM

originally posted by: Bedlam

Not at all.

Modulation is not signal. If a 10MHz carrier is modulated at 11Hz, you don't emit 11Hz along with 10MHz. The 11Hz modulation vanishes into a mathematical relationship between the carrier and its sidebands. If we're talking AM modulation, you'll get 10MHz-11Hz and 10MHz+11Hz sidebands along with the 10MHz carrier. But there IS no 11Hz signal.

The frequency signal causes the 11Hz modulation, I would guess that it manifests itself like SSB.
It's more like 10 MHz used and modulated to vibrate the jets at 10Hz, geometrically there is several ways to stimulate the ionosphere. My example is separately modulating the amplitude and radiating at 0 degrees towards the electrojet, the frequency will deviate close to 5Hz to 10Hz vibrating the auroral electrojets. I'm sure HAARP has tried that, if not then their loss.

I dunno what is up with ATS being slow, I had to rewrite this..... there was a longer version. I give up.

originally posted by: Bedlam
Absolutely not. Good lord. You can't radiate 30Hz off a speaker wire. There is an unavoidable relationship between wavelength, antenna length and efficiency. If you could radiate 30Hz off a speaker wire, you wouldn't need HAARP or Sanguine or Seafarer or whatever.

Antennas at low frequencies are commonly shorter than the wavelength, so yeah speaker wire could work... add a loading coil etc... I'm not trying to write a how-to book here, just a general simplified ideal.

originally posted by: Bedlam
Citation from acceptable source needed. Not, for example, bibliotecleyapades or educate-yourself.

I guess you want repeated sources from WHO, they are no better than the climate scientists who fabricate temperature data.

originally posted by: Bedlam
It is, but not "x 10000000". I can get pretty good antenna efficiency with my rig on 80M. Out of 1kW in, I am probably getting better than 90% as radiated power. On its best day, HAARP got about 35W radiated power out of the electrojet for 1.8MW to the antennas. That's from 3.6MW off the generators. So instead of "x 1000000" it's more like "x 1/1000000"

Maybe like 1/1000000 + 2/1000000 + 3/1000000 etc... to 180/1000000 ?

I always exaggerate....

Your a Ham that explains it.... When I'm on the lower bands I mostly QRP CW on 40 with a inverted V... I guess that would be like x 1000000 to my setup!

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

post continued . . . .

I've been out in my garden and feeling like I should ad a little to my post above.

The girls don't mind, so I'll give a brief history of Nimue, she's a lovely girl as they all are.

The Lady of the Lake's history in the mythology is confused to a degree. Authors don't agree on the lineage for one thing and attribute differrent names to different Beings. The reason for the confusion is perhaps a simple one.

The Lady of the Lake descended from one of three Nature Spirits who arrived on earth before terrestrial life. They did what they do and helped grow things upon the land. The three divided over time and became many. There are now tens of thousands of direct lines of these Beings. All with the memoiries of their original and back beyond the birth of the earth.

In the time of Merlin, there was four Ladies of the Lake. The one called Nimue with whom Merlin fell in love (I can understand why) now has over five hundred children within one hundred and fifty two 'forks'. All have the memoiries of Merlin's Nimue and can take on her appearance if they choose.

In practice, hundreds of Nimue could appear in this world at once, they would all be her yet only one would be Merlin's true love.

I know five little Ladies of the Lakes, as I like to call them. One lives in a river near the town of Bindoon, three live in a small lake near Pemberton, all in Western Australia, the fifth lives with me at my home in a small water garden I made especially for her. Their lakes become doorways to their world.

Mankind threatens so much with destruction . . . .

Geez I waffle on sometimes, no mater.

edit on 23-7-2016 by Whatsthisthen because: typo and clarity

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: imitator

The frequency signal causes the 11Hz modulation, I would guess that it manifests itself like SSB.

Even for SSB, you don't get any 11Hz component, you have a sideband. Multiplied with a 10MHz local oscillator, the sideband will produce the 11Hz modulation, but it exists only as a mathematical relationship with the carrier prior to the multiplication. In the case of SSB output from a 11Hz modulation, the upper sideband will be a steady sine wave of 10,000,011Hz.

It's more like 10 MHz used and modulated to vibrate the jets at 10Hz, geometrically there is several ways to stimulate the ionosphere. My example is separately modulating the amplitude and radiating at 0 degrees towards the electrojet, the frequency will deviate close to 5Hz to 10Hz vibrating the auroral electrojets. I'm sure HAARP has tried that, if not then their loss.

Even the way that doesn't work as well does better than that - they basically paint a long stretch of the jet with an amplitude modulated pattern so that the jet is thicker-thinner-thicker-thinner depending on the beam.

Geometric wobbling involves painting spots on the jet so that it wobbles up and down. Works a lot better. There are a lot of well written papers on it some of which are open lit.

I dunno what is up with ATS being slow, I had to rewrite this..... there was a longer version. I give up.

We share a similar issue. I keep getting gateway timeouts and losing the post.

Antennas at low frequencies are commonly shorter than the wavelength, so yeah speaker wire could work... add a loading coil etc... I'm not trying to write a how-to book here, just a general simplified ideal.

You can only stretch loading so far. The antenna length for ELF, especially single digits, is hundreds to thousands of kilometers in length. Sanguine had a loading coil you would have had to have seen to have believed, you could walk through it. Huge. And the antenna was something like 75 miles long, and they built a wave launcher out of it using the bedrock. And for about 8MW of input, they got something like 3-7 W of emitted power. So, no, speaker wire won't work.

I guess you want repeated sources from WHO, they are no better than the climate scientists who fabricate temperature data.

Something better than a blog for 'targeted individuals' would be nice.

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