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Let Me Know When All Lives Matter

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posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: dreamlotus1111
its your MORAL obligation as a human being. to interact and make things work with your fellow human beings on this planet.

Unless they're the police?

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: DeadFoot

I have the highest respect for civil servants, especially police. My dad was a policeman, we knew that every day that he went to work just to provide for us that he might not come home.

People always asked why I didn't follow in his footsteps and I decided after going to a funeral of a cop and seeing his wife and three kids that it wasn't worth it for 25,000 per year starting out. No way. I respect these men and women, they have to deal with the worst of the worst in society.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: dreamlotus1111

originally posted by: jasminnne
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

The problem is INSIDE the black community itself. But they choose to ignore it and blame others.

so where exactly did the problem stem from? did it materialize out of thin air. did black individuals just say hey lets walse over to america and stir some # up for no reason? think for a moment...

I'll bite! Yes...slavery, etc. had a lot to do with their starting place in the USA. It should have never happened but things back then were much different than they are today. Today, every person has equal rights and you are judged by your character and your actions. So when a white person is shot by a cop...even a black cop, the white people don't decide its TV stealing time and go out to riot. If any group chooses to continue to dwell upon the past...that is their choice. The rest of us have moved into the future. Black people in general were given all kinds of "legs up" to get up to speed. They chose to instead listen to their "leaders" telling the to keep playing the victim just so these "leaders" kept their jobs of crying about racism. They DECIDED to continue having high crime rates, DECIDED to not Father their children, DECIDED to mouth off to cops and therefore...DECIDED to be what they are currently.

So again. The only thing holding the black community back from achieving what they want is themselves. Be a man...take some personal responsibility. You have a black president, black members on the supreme court, black cops, governors, etc. But some of you decide to sit back, collect welfare, wait for your Obama phone and act like you are owed something. You're not.

But you do owe yourself and your children something. And again...this is directed at the problems, not the entire community by any means.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: JimiBlack

originally posted by: jasminnne
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

This is Exactly what is. I'm tired of this victim mentality that is becoming popular. Everyone thinks if things aren't' given to them for free if things are just a little bit hard they are being treated unfairly. The truth is the majority of blacks DO commit crimes and most of them are in jail because of that. Being in situations where they would be arrested. If they would just stop blaming others for their shortcomings and try to better themselves instead of asking for handouts and special treatment people would start to view them differently. The problem is INSIDE the black community itself. But they choose to ignore it and blame others.
That's a damn lie that MOST BLACKS commit crimes. You need to look at the conditions that were purposely put into place. Blacks have always been here since the inception of America and fought in every war from the Revolutionionary War to present day, and my family PERSONALLY from WWII up to now. Blaming others? Who brings dope to the U.S., BLACKS? The Justice Department has all but put out a memo that drug laws are geared to undermine black defendants. Everyone with a brain knows who put dope in the "hood". Everyone with a brain knows BLACKS own No planes to bring said dope in and yet make up the majority of prisons. You are the type of person that can't see beyond your self-righteous nose. MOST BLACKS COMMIT CRIMES? All disrespect intended, you are a very shallow, unempathetic, self-righteous ass.

I've been around drugs all my life and decided when and where to partake. If someone can't look at poison and decide not to take it...maybe we don't want them around anyway. And THAT is the problem. So there is crime, so there are fathers who don't father, so there is economic problems and drugs. It is the personality...the character of the individual that decides if they want to make that mistake. And apparently, some black people can't make the right choice.

No one is forced to choose to do bad things. It is a choice! Sometimes a tough choice, but a choice nonetheless.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: Deetermined
a reply to: Abysha

I know it's not conservatively correct to say this but it's true. BLACK LIVES MATTER. Why is that so hard to acknowledge in the context of police killings?

Because blacks aren't killed by cops because they are black, they are killed because they refuse to acknowledge authority of any kind.

Do you know why else, because the BLM all started on a false narrative of "hands up, don't shoot" PLUS most of these supporters truly believe that it doesn't matter what they do to you as long as you don't kill them in return. All's fair when it comes to trying to grab your gun and resisting arrest and not putting their hands where they belong when asked. They can slit you with a knife and you're in the wrong if you kill them in return. These particular supporters don't want to be equal, they want to be elevated above the law so that no one can touch them no matter what they do.

We understand that there are racial problems out there, that blacks may be pulled over more than others, but they aren't being killed more than others due to their skin color. They are being killed mostly by their actions and words.
i guess trayvon martin was being a thug walking down HIS street heading home thats why he got shot, or selling loosies on the corner damn violent blacks.. oh an that thug freddy gray how dare he stand on a corner ....blacks are indeed targeted because of their color...face the many all lives matter but those blacks, or muslims etc. when are people going to see reality. black lives matter TOO!

edit on 11-7-2016 by CaDreamer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: CaDreamer

Freddie Gray was beating his head against the paddy wagon interior, Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman and the only eyewitness said he was on top of him "ground and pound" MMA style and beating a man almost unconscious. And the guy who was selling loosies died 45 minutes after his arrest in an ambulance from a massive heart attack brought on by his obesity and heart disease. He had to be tackled because he refused to comply with arrest.

Let's be accurate as possible here.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 11:07 AM
The OP is missing the meaning of Black Lives Matter. No need to get hung up on the title. Most people hear the title, and yes, all lives matter, but that's not what this issue is about... It's about respect, and support, and about not sweeping a problem under the rug. There is no fight here except against systemic racism in the criminal justice system.
edit on 11-7-2016 by spiritualzombie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

It seems that black people are not the problem. Their lives don't need to matter more than anyone else.
It seems that members of the police are the problem. Their lives don't need to matter more than anyone else.

Attention is being paid to the wrong group. This is a band aid for a severed limb. The police need better training and tighter control over their proceedings. They are not above the law. In such a position they need to be professional enough to at least not allow their personal prejudices to influence how they do their job.

Sort out the radical cops from the top to the bottom. Hell, use our taxes for something worth while. Make it work.
Then tackle areas of high crime, make it work. ffs
That's what needs to matter. There are issues in our society, here cop on black violence is one of them. It's not white persons fault and it's not black persons fault. I'm glad the issue is being addressed, but the only area that needs special treatment is the issue of certain cops not doing their jobs properly, not that black lives matter less. Just that certain individuals have abused their power.

I hate to potentially open a can of worms here, but I saw something posted somewhere online detailing cases of violence amongst certain race groups in America. I can't speak for the veracity of what I saw (I'll try find it and post here if I do) but according to this report the facts are that there is more black on white violent crimes than any other race on race crime. Take what you will out of that. It's unfortunate. Personally this info, true or not, has no bearing on my stance that we are the human race and I won't allow myself to do anything but love each and every one of you as such (and still get irritated/angry/sad with some of you sometimes, we can be asses sometimes).

Regardless, my point stands: the issue is with the cops and how they carry out their duty. They should be met with a heavy hand.

(Okay, so I stopped being lazy long enough to find a source to that report before posting. Imagine that. From the FBI: Murder Statistics What is quite alarming is if you take into consideration the fact that America is only 13% Black, statistically accounting for far more murders. That makes me quite f***ing sad. Almost sadder that some will use this info as ammunition against blacks in a racist fashion. Something's gotta f***ing change, man! Away with racism! Sort out the crime in your country! ...when you're done there come to sunny South Africa and help us sort ours out too!)

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: spiritualzombie
The OP is missing the meaning of Black Lives Matter. No need to get hung up on the title. Most people hear the title, and yes, all lives matter, but that's not what this issue is about... It's about respect, and support, and about not sweeping a problem under the rug. There is no fight here except against systemic racism in the criminal justice system.

Systemic racism in the criminal justice system?? In all these major cities who controls the city-county council, mayors office, the chief of police??

Democrats have a stranglehold on the big city municipal government apparatus.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: Jimjolnir

Black Lives Matter is about systemic racism... I'm all for someone starting another movement specifically about law enforcement reform. It doesn't negate BLM. You can support all.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: spiritualzombie
a reply to: Jimjolnir

Black Lives Matter is about systemic racism... I'm all for someone starting another movement specifically about law enforcement reform. It doesn't negate BLM. You can support all.

BLM is about attention, special treatment, and free #.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 07:55 PM
yes please let the native americans, african americans ,pacific islanders, africans, Japanese, central americans , mexicans and a bunch of other know too please, thanks

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:12 AM
thatll never be a thing never was never will be, anyone who sais all lives matter is quite simply anti-blm or for lack of better words, simply doing it to counter blm which is odd. Also I would bet a dollar to dime that the same people proclaiming that all lives matter have a fridge full of meat at this very moment.

If you're a vegetarian and you're #ALM then good for you. if not, you're a waste. Just my 2 cents

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 03:01 AM

originally posted by: CaDreamer

originally posted by: Deetermined
a reply to: Abysha

I know it's not conservatively correct to say this but it's true. BLACK LIVES MATTER. Why is that so hard to acknowledge in the context of police killings?

Because blacks aren't killed by cops because they are black, they are killed because they refuse to acknowledge authority of any kind.

Do you know why else, because the BLM all started on a false narrative of "hands up, don't shoot" PLUS most of these supporters truly believe that it doesn't matter what they do to you as long as you don't kill them in return. All's fair when it comes to trying to grab your gun and resisting arrest and not putting their hands where they belong when asked. They can slit you with a knife and you're in the wrong if you kill them in return. These particular supporters don't want to be equal, they want to be elevated above the law so that no one can touch them no matter what they do.

We understand that there are racial problems out there, that blacks may be pulled over more than others, but they aren't being killed more than others due to their skin color. They are being killed mostly by their actions and words.
i guess trayvon martin was being a thug walking down HIS street heading home thats why he got shot, or selling loosies on the corner damn violent blacks.. oh an that thug freddy gray how dare he stand on a corner ....blacks are indeed targeted because of their color...face the many all lives matter but those blacks, or muslims etc. when are people going to see reality. black lives matter TOO!

You act like black people bear no responsibility for their actions. When did you see the last white riot? How about white people looting? Or simpler things. What group typically wears their pants down past their asses and then wants a job?

Here is my personal opinion of what the black community wants. They want to do everything they want to do and take no responsibility nor blame for their actions. They want to be allowed to riot and have everyone ignore it. They want to commit crimes and be ignored. They don't want to be shot by white cops...but being shot by anyone else is fine. They want to be looked at as equal but often act like out-of-control animals.

It is much like that gay/trans community. They want everything straight white people have but aren't willing to do equal work, etc. to get there. You can't say "I want to be treated equally" when you commit a disproportionate amount of the crime. You can't bitch that "Whitey didn't hire me because I'm black" when you show up to the interview barely speaking English, cursing right and left and wearing your pants over your rear-end. But what you consider "racism" is when people don't approve of your illegal, victim or low-life actions.

There are so many good examples for the black community that excel and are treated exactly the same as everyone else (or everyone white). You go off on "He acts like whitey". Yes...they act like whitey in that the act responsibly, legally, they don't loot, they don't rob and they walk around oozing respect and professionalism.

If you want equality...prove it, live it and act it.
edit on 7/12/2016 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 03:26 AM
Its funny being right all the time. So I just said (see post above) that blacks want to do whatever they want with repercussions and that blacks think it is racism when "being black" (ie. looting, riots, crime, etc.) is also illegal. Well...then I stumble upon this article where a lead from the Black Panthers wants a country for black people only.


So there you go! They want a place where they can do whatever they consider being black, without legal repercussions since...well...apparently it is illegal to be black in the rest of the country. And I SUPPORT THEM!!!! Give them an island somewhere and let the sink or swim. I have a good idea of where they will be in 10 years. But one requirement. You get your own place and don't come back nor bug the rest of us for help when your way of life fails.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 12:16 PM
I'm kind of dumbfounded by the idea that "all lives matter" is somehow backed by racist sentiment.

It's as though one can either give unwavering support to BLM or expect to be called a racist. Well, I don't support BLM. The group disgusts me with its willful efforts to descend the country into a race war.

I thought this video was interesting:

I know there are bad apples in any line of work, but generally speaking the cops I've met are good people. I support their right to go home in one piece at the end of a day's work. If that means a belligerent criminal of any shade goes to his eternal reward, so be it. Anything else treats LEO's lives as expendable.

edit on 12-7-2016 by SisterDelirium because: Technical difficulties.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 12:51 PM
Excellent OP.

People are responding to the words in the title of BLM because words matter. The words are deliberately meant to incite division. When light shines on only one member of a set, the one member is deliberately illuminated while the others are necessarily dimmed.

Someone earlier mentioned that at one time a black man was not even considered a whole person. Sounds terrible, but there was a reason for that and it was actually meant to lessen the influence of slave owning states by counting slaves as 3/5 of a person. Otherwise they would have had far greater representation in Congress, the Constitution may have never passed, and slavery could have spread even further into the new territories due to the greater influence of slave owners. Things aren't always as they appear on the surface (or the way media or pundits present them); you have to dig.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

Wait, I'm a white guy...

I'm not putting in any "work" to have all these things I supposedly have?

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 03:08 PM

It is much like that gay/trans community. They want everything straight white people have but aren't willing to do equal work, etc. to get there. You can't say "I want to be treated equally" when you commit a disproportionate amount of the crime.

You are all over the place and not making any sense at all here.
edit on 12-7-2016 by DeadFoot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2016 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

I totally agree all lives do matter..the day people realize division seperates is the day we will have peace.

Chinese lives matter.
Cops lives matter.
Black lives matter.

White reality shows
Black reality shows
Hispanic reality shows

BET is the black.entertainment television

When you separate one from another it creates division.

If you want unity don't participate in anything that creates or promoted division.

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