posted on Jun, 23 2003 @ 02:07 AM
Let us be clear here: "nationalism" ( and, somewhat similarly, "patriotism") are things that will, at certain points of political, economic and
cultural development, emerge - perhaps inevitably, as far as history shows.
Nationalism is what is manipulat-ED: a "manipul-able", as it were.
Fascism is one of a number of forces that manipulat-ES: as does communism, monarchism, capitalism, republicanism, liberalism, socialism, perhaps even
pacifism...blah..sigh...drivel...yawn. Fascism is a "manipulat-OR".
"Religon" can be the same: it is a "manipul-able" which again can be manipulated by all means of manipulators.
Consequently, it is inevitably wrong to equate "nationalism" with any political movement: all (in theory) are equally capable of manipulating
[Edited on 23-6-2003 by Estragon]