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Our Water Makes Us Passive!!

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posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Flange Gasket
It's not that Sodium Flouride by itself will turn us into zombies, it's just one component of a vast chemical cocktail of additives and contaminants...the death of a thousand cuts, if you like. The net result is nations of apathetic, ignorant, obese couch potato consumers sucking up the propaganda on the tube.

As for the veracity of it being a conspiracy, it is a classic conspiracy, it has all the hallmarks, it has illuminati families conspiring with Nazi scientists in collusion with the governments of the west, and it's not a theory, it's fact.


posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Flange Gasket
As for the veracity of it being a conspiracy, it is a classic conspiracy, it has all the hallmarks, it has illuminati families conspiring with Nazi scientists in collusion with the governments of the west, and it's not a theory, it's fact.

OHHH boy... you -might- want to show us some sort of evidence that "illuminati families" were linked to the introduction of fluoridated water, and you'll definately want to name these Nazi scientists and specify their involvement with the Nazis.
I mean, i'll soak up pretty much anything you care to show me because I'm just a dirt-dumb construction worker with a job title that includes the word "engineer" to make up for being under-paid, but there are a few of these pesky intellectuals who seem to think that "evidence" is important, whatever that is.

I'm really not trying to mess with you though, don't be offended. Would you happen to have links though?

Edit: because I'm a bloody moron.

[edit on 29-1-2005 by The Vagabond]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:12 PM

Yes, fluoride can affect the brain. Fluoride is the primary agent in many pharmaceuticals specifically intended to affect brain activity: Prozac (fluoxetene) to inhibit the reuptake of Seratonin, the brain chemical necessary for synapse; Rohypnol (commonly called "roofies"), recently in the news as the date rape drug; and virtually every general anesthetic contains fluoride.

Link to site

Rohypnol is fluoridated Valium, the addition of fluoride makes it 20-30 times more powerful than Valium by itself.

Here is the White House report on Rohypnol:

[edit on 30-1-2005 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by The VagabondSo you're arguing that Bush turned out OK and this means we shouldn't worry
What if I don't think Bush turned out OK?

Uh... no. I think he should be flouridated and possibly prozac-ated. And so forth.

I see fluoride as part of a broader health issue. Obviously despite my alarm at what fluoride can do in high concentrations, I'm not particularly worried that it's turning us into zombies. ... To me the problem is that we eat various amounts of a great many things that we didn't really evolve to eat.

Oddly enough, I agree. But some of it has a beneficial effect for us (making sure we get enough vitamins and iodine and other minerals in our diets) and I don't think we should eliminate that.

My husband takes a lot of meds, so I try to buy organic (when I can) and to fix from scratch when I can. It's not always practical, but I do try.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by Byrd]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
Uh... no. I think he should be flouridated and possibly prozac-ated. And so forth.

Listening to that man speak while he's sober is enough of a linguistic adventure for me. If we're going to sedate him we also need to gag him and keep him away from the press. (or we could just do that without sedating him).

Oddly enough, I agree. But some of it has a beneficial effect for us (making sure we get enough vitamins and iodine and other minerals in our diets) and I don't think we should eliminate that.

Oh my, I've said something that is total rubbish. This could ruin my reputation around here.

On a more serious note, I was a health nut in a past life and my experiences have caused me to favor "natural food" over items that have been supplemented, even with good things.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 01:10 PM
Eat lots of natural foods or eat meal replacements. How may a person check for unsafe levels of flouride in there water supply? What is the entire purpose of making us this passive, I mean, Its not that bad, atleast we're not getting anymore hysterical then most are.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by faddinglight
Eat lots of natural foods or eat meal replacements. How may a person check for unsafe levels of flouride in there water supply?

I currently do not know of any.

Originally posted by faddinglight
What is the entire purpose of making us this passive, I mean, Its not that bad, atleast we're not getting anymore hysterical then most are.

Passivity or the lack thereof can translate into motivation. If you are displeased about how current events are going, how motivated are you to change it? Of course, medicating us through our water is not going to accomplish that. But a combination of various luxuries, standard of life, shiny entertainment, and a lack of proper nutrition/education will suffice very nicely.

I guess, though, what are the down sides of life? For the most part our personal lives are consisitent of quality interactions and the perpetuation of our genes...............but I am digressing off topic..........

[edit on 31-1-2005 by MemoryShock]

[edit on 31-1-2005 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by faddinglight
How may a person check for unsafe levels of flouride in there water supply? What is the entire purpose of making us this passive, I mean, Its not that bad, atleast we're not getting anymore hysterical then most are.

I just went to my cities webstie and looked for the water dept. link. There was a pdf showing the water analysis from a year ago. I think they might have to do law now and then, by law.
What I found interesting is that the health goal is 4 ppm, while the actual reading was 1.1 ppm.
Also, the major source : "Erosion of natural deposits; Water additive which promotes strong teeth; Discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories."
Real nice huh???

I really don't think the flouride makes us passive, like peaceful. I think it more or less makes us more agreeable to suggestions. MOre malleable. Easier to control. More sheep-like.

[edit on 31-1-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 10:06 PM
For more details of the Flouride conspiracy check my post with links on the previous page...

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 11:18 AM
they are putting stuff in the water, who cares? I don't think anybody is going to do anything about it. The government takes care of me, I'm tired of worrying about it. Can someone pass me the remote? I don't feel like getting up to get it and the movie on this topic is about to start...

[edit on 1-2-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 11:24 AM
I haven't read the responses here......I just keep seeing the title and thinking...."WTH, if our water is making us passive, WTH would we be like without whatever it is in it! We are a violent a species now, with it!

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:33 PM
It's not so much the passivity, though that was my initial impression when I started the thread. The cumulative health damage is way out of balance with the purported dental benifits - which have been shown to be false. Overall, force feeding a chemical to a nation is unnecassary and their are psychological/behaviour implications.........the date rape drug, prozac, etc....

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
It's not so much the passivity, though that was my initial impression when I started the thread. The cumulative health damage is way out of balance with the purported dental benifits - which have been shown to be false. Overall, force feeding a chemical to a nation is unnecassary and their are psychological/behaviour implications.........the date rape drug, prozac, etc....

Not quite the same. For one, as far as I know, you have a choice to take prozac; it's not being added to our water supply. Second, Prozac at least have some positive qualities. Flouride however, is poison when ingested. Period. The fact it's being added to our water supply is far worse. The dental benefits of flouride is purely topical. Again it's poison when ingested.

[edit on 102828p://10u36 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 09:04 AM
Does it qualify as conspiracy? It certainly follows the problem-reaction-solution formula. Turn kids into sugar junkies, and when their teeth start falling out, tell mom, "we need to put poison in the water, cause your kid's got bad teeth." Would kids have so much tooth decay if they weren't weaned on starburst?

How do I really know what's in my pricey arrowhead water? I stand at the cooler and stare at the rocky mountain pyramid as I fill my cup and worry.

What about toothpaste? Do adults really need to use a fluoride toothpaste? It's very hard to find a toothpaste without fluoride or sugar. When you do it tastes like a combination of licorice and dust. Can fluoride seep into your system while brushing?

I've also had more than a few people suggest that showering or bathing in tap water soaks up more of the crap in water than even drinking it. Until I can afford to bathe in evian, does that mean there is no way to avoid the junk?

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 11:54 AM

Does it qualify as conspiracy?

Ive done alot of research on this issue and it's pretty clear it's not a conspiracy. Flouride works topically; and is a poison when ingested (the flouride toothpaste even tells you to contact poison control if accidently swallowed).

Actually it is a conspiracy! =) Why is it being added to the water supply?

How do I really know what's in my pricey arrowhead water? I stand at the cooler and stare at the rocky mountain pyramid as I fill my cup and worry.

Heh. Probably shouldn't tell you this then, but some bottled waters are worse then tap water. Bottled water companies don't have to adhere to as strict of a policy as tap. *Hawaiian Pure Hawaiian Water is clean =) *

I've also had more than a few people suggest that showering or bathing in tap water soaks up more of the crap in water than even drinking it. Until I can afford to bathe in evian, does that mean there is no way to avoid the junk?

Hmmm. I imagine you do absorb alot from showering in it =( That's a good point. Im gonna have to read up on that.

For anyone that is interested...
...that's a good site on this issue.

[edit on 112828p://11u22 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by yellocake
How do I really know what's in my pricey arrowhead water? I stand at the cooler and stare at the rocky mountain pyramid as I fill my cup and worry.

Reverse-Osmosis Filters should do the trick. Also, they are ultimately cheaper, paying for themselves after a reasonable amount of time......though I am wondering about durability....

Originally posted by yellocake
What about toothpaste? Do adults really need to use a fluoride toothpaste? Can fluoride seep into your system while brushing?

Fluoride as a topical applicant is benefitial from what I have read up on it. Fluoride seeping into your sysytem while brushing would be, if it can, would be an insignificant amount, as most toothpaste gets spit out.....I wouldn't worry about that.

Originally posted by yellocake
I've also had more than a few people suggest that showering or bathing in tap water soaks up more of the crap in water than even drinking it. Until I can afford to bathe in evian, does that mean there is no way to avoid the junk?

It is difficult to avoid. But, that only means you can take steps to minimize your exposure......and complain. As for the shower, look into reverse-osmosis shower heads....a google will turn 'em up...........they also have under the counter for sinks as well.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 01:47 PM
I haven't had time yet to go over the entire thread but meanwhile I can paste here a fragment of one of the Cassiopaeans' channellings which gives practical advice regarding the ingestion of fluoride, and hints at a conspiracy:

Q: (L) This past couple of weeks that Ark spent in Dijon were miserable. What was the fundamental reason for these conditions and this misery?
A: Near ELF transmitter. Also the water supply is loaded with fluoride.
Q: (L) He is gone from Dijon now. Whatever it was in Gottingen, you said he would be gone soon and not to worry. So... he is no longer near the ELF transmitter... he is no longer drinking the water...
A: Fluoride is toxic, and deposits in fatty tissues, and lymph system. Aside from the obvious possible negative consequences, it can make one more susceptible to electromagnetic wave frequencies that are designed to make one open to mind alteration!
Q: (L) Okay. You have my undivided attention. How does he get the fluoride out of his system?
A: Recommend daily ingestion of Goldenseal root, as well as vinegar and garlic in moderation, along with up to an hour per every two days of light aerobic exercise.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 08:58 PM
[edit on 082828p://12u30 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Byrd

Regarding your comment on the french: In France, the Government fears the people (and they fear another revolution).. and in the US.. the people fear government - at least those of us with enough sense to learn from other places besides Fox News and the crap they play on television. When was the last time that protest was mainstream? American's are opinionated about the French because of the media.

Learning about other cultures is a great way to understand why other countries hate the united states, and vice versa. We are taught to dislike other countries, so that we don't realize what sheep we are! We're tricked into believing that our "freedom" is powerful. The Patriot Act took away rights - even privacy - so if you call that freedom. But, nobody ever questioned it. The terrorists we need to protect ourselves from are the ones in the white house.

It may surprise you to know that the EPA buys non-fluoridated water for their offices. Wonder why? If not.. perhaps you should!

Try a documentary some time!

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