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How Josephus' James became Jesus' kid brother

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posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Parazurvan
a reply to: Raggedyman

One book attests to Christ and it can't be verified as autheny.

And why would it? I have been reading early church writings by Clement who never mentions the ressurection.

Nothing is older than 400 BC and believing it is true only makes it true in your mind. You know you can't prove it. We have books about many things that aren't true.

If being a book makes something true than every religion with a book is true. No more proof of Jesus than their is for Krishna or any other so called god.

Hey, Clement is a gift from God, he was a disciple of Peter and without his books letting us know the Nazarene perspective on things, it would be incredibly hard for us to understand the truth. It was Clement who told us the truth about the relationship that Paul had with Peter, and how they were truly enemies, which nobody understands today.

There is a way to find the truth with the help of Clement. The books of Clement give us a historical perspective on the preaching of Peter and the movement of the Nazarene church during its formation. The other majority of early church fathers were disciples of Paul, or disciples of those who were followers of Paul. In this case when we compare the sacred texts of Peter from Clement with almost any of the church fathers, we can see that the doctrines of the first church came from two separate origins which varied intensely between themselves. One matches the letters of Paul and the other matches the Nazarene texts which were deliberately omitted from history. From Clement we can see that the formation of the early church was indeed a conspiracy by the antisemitic white man.

Now the key is the Aramaic gospel of the Holy 12. Both this source and the Clement recognitions are just being shed light upon in this modern day that they were the Nazarene source material from which the Romans built their religions upon with the help of Saul and Luke. The Clement recognitions were originally the Nazarene Acts of Peter. But when we compare this scripture to the Aramaic gospel is when we finally have the ultimate smoking gun which proves that Paul and Luke took the Nazarene gospel and forged it, writing interpolation upon interpolation in a very cunning and wise manner that completely misleads the average person into believing it is authentic. Finally in that Aramaic gospel the truth can be brought to light and the comparison scrutinized, which shows without a doubt that these prideful and cunning men of the 1st century were entirely dishonest and evil, planning to deceive the whole world in order to control them. Specifically, small details are taken from the Aramaic gospel and changed around to benefit their goals and ambitions, but when cross referenced with other Nazarene material they are confirmed to be true as one would have suspected. Also, the Aramaic gospel goes into details after the forged references were taken out, being the basis document from where they got their material, it describes and elaborates more into the truth which they stole from it. Finally, the Aramaic doctrine of the early church contains large amounts of specific teachings that were completely removed from out Greek gospels, one being that the Nazarene taught it was necessary to be a vegetarian for salvation. We know from Paul's letters that he was against being a vegetarian and being a warlike person of dishonesty that he was, he claimed being so would make men weak so they should eat meat to become strong, so can it be more obvious on why they removed those parts of the doctrine? But thanks to Clement, we know the whole story that Paul indeed did forge his letter and went about teaching a false doctrine in the creation of his own church totally separate from the apostle Peter, and when Peter went about to those cities afterwards baptizing those who believed Paul, they bowed down to Peter like a royal king and pleaded for his forgiveness because Peter was the real thing unlike Paul, Peter was a royal Nazarene, completely literate and knowledgeable, a vegetarian who ate nothing but salad and fruit from trees, an Essene who woke up before sunrise daily to pray, etc. This apostle who ate and reclined with Jesus, never addressed him by the name of Jesus Christ, but by the name of True Prophet, as we also know form the early church that his name was not Jesus but Joshua, and for that matter, James was not named James but Jacob! Everything, and I mean everything, is a lie and I wish people would wake up to the fact that they were considered undeserving to be addressed with the truth, and since they have so little regard to learn the truth now that some of it has been exposed, as far as I'm concerned they probably do not deserve it!

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Parazurvan
a reply to: eight bits

Josephus was one who left subtle clues about what really happened as was Luke and Plutarch who may be the same person.

If the James comment is valid I believe he was saying Saul killed James but this Saul is a Herodian but Paul writes to or about a Herodias that he knows so I believe it is the same Saul as "Paul."

Jeshua was a common Jewish name and occurs in the OT and there is Jesus Ben Sirach in the Catholic bible. It is the same as Joshua and Jesus is an improper translation.

Jesus Barabbas was the man who was released instead of Jesus Christ before his sentencing.

man, I didn't know Paul may have stoned James.....great plowing deep here....our history is what we found in an ancient library.......or were there copies of 30 copies of Antiquities by Joe Joe...?

edit on 5-6-2016 by GBP/JPY because: our new King.....He comes right after a nicely done fake one

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 03:32 PM
nope, my brother.....Paul is our buddy.....He plowed deep into spiritual truths.....and a few more striking details ( brought the message to the little guys ).....and Got clobbered....then came back to life....

I do like reading your post....excellent reading....You're correct in saying we friggin don't really have our's kinda.....JUST REALLY GONE...a reply to: UFOdanger

edit on 5-6-2016 by GBP/JPY because: our new King.....He comes right after a nicely done fake one

posted on Jun, 6 2016 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: GBP/JPY

Hey thank you. I think it is very necessary to start speaking about this. Let us go over some of the Jewish rabbinic literature to analyze the evidence of my claims, showing that not only the Roman Greek speaking Gentiles had it in on the royal family of Jesus and his brother James, but even the culture of Jesus himself made sure that they omitted the Nazarene Messiah from their annuals of history also. But they did not just exclude him as Josephus did in most of his materials, they did something similar to Luke and Paul, and rewrote their own version of his history, not knowing that a learned man such as myself would easily be able to see the lies - specifically because the claims are the direct opposite of what the Nazarene gospel states.

So you have these groups along with the Romans that opposed the Essenes and considered themselves enemies:
The Sadducees - The Sadducees were once of the heritage of priestly kings from the same bloodline of Jesus himself originally, but through the years of exile and persecution they gave into the worldly powers, became greatly hellenized and thus the central root of the Davidic bloodline came together and went out into the desert to form the New Covenant, or New Testament. The Sadducees developed corrupt relationships with those in worldly power and made up the government.

The Zealots - The Zealots were the remnant of the Maccabee family and Hasmonean dynasty. These were warriors of men and had a hand in establishing Jewish freedom after exile. So they always had a passion for war and liberating the state of Israel. Many scholars link the Nazarenes with the Zealots but they were opposite of each other, the Zealots had actual family in the Sadducee sect and were like a Sadducee freedom fighter.

The Herodians - The evidence points to Paul being a famous and extremely well learned Herodian, a well known philosopher of his time. The Herodians were Roman hand puppets taking the place of a Jew. That is why Paul had a Roman citizenship which was unheard of for a regular Jewish person during that time. The Herodians were a royal bloodline also like the Nazarenes, the Zealots, and the Sadducees.

This is just how complex the political situation was in the 1st century holy land, and this is why it was so easy to cover up history - because of so much that was going on during that time. You had 5 groups all wanting to be in the position of power - the Romans, Sadducees, Herodians, Zealots, and finally with the expected Messiah, the Nazarenes.

It is widely accepted that the ancient rabbis fastidiously ignored the rise of Christianity and only rarely alluded to Jesus in their writings. However, as the surviving texts of the Toledot Yeshu (the Chronicles of Jesus) attests, not all Jews in antiquity avoided speculation about Jesus, his life, and the origins of Christianity.

The Sages desired to separate from Israel those who continued to claim Yeshu as the Messiah, and they called upon a greatly learned man, Simeon Kepha, for help. Simeon went to Antioch, main city of the Nazarenes and proclaimed toe them: "I am the disciple of Yeshu. He has sent me to show you the way. I will give you a sign as Yeshu has done."

He added that Yeshu desired that they separate themselves from the Jews and no longer follow their practices, as Isaiah had said, "Your new moons and your feasts my soul abhorreth." They were now to observe the first day of the week instead of the seventh, the Resurrection instead of the Passover, the Ascension into Heaven instead of the Feast of Weeks, the finding of the Cross instead of the New Year, the Feast of the Circumcision instead of the Day of Atonement, the New Year instead of Chanukah; they were to be indifferent with regard to circumcision and the dietary laws. Also they were to follow the teaching of turning the right if smitten on the left and the meek acceptance of suffering. All these new ordinances which Simeon Kepha (or Paul, as he was known to the Nazarenes) taught them were really meant to separate these Nazarenes from the people of Israel and to bring the internal strife to an end.

They were to be indifferent with regard to circumcision and the dietary laws? Ok, now we are getting to the truth of the story. How the leader of the church, James, was arguing with Paul because he didn't want to make circumcision a must. How Paul said the Essene vegetarians were "weak" because they did not eat meat. How In 325 C.E. the Nicene Council was held where it was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed - for the fact that they were omitting the teachings of vegetarianism from the religion of Christianity, although Christ the founder taught it was a must! Soon because of their lies it all makes sense, no wonder why they tried so hard to dispose of that Hebrew Nazarene literature, because after reading it all of a sudden their 100s of lies are all exposed and everything all of a sudden makes sense and why they had to do all of the horrible things they did.

Now here is the uppercut to the jaw of all modern Christians - and how Christ is going to ask them, Why did you believe in a liar over me? Why did you not look hard enough to find that the person you thought was my disciple is really a shameful liar?
Because in the Nazarene Acts of Peter - we have a documented APOLOGY by Paul!!!

Chapter LXVI.-Truth Told by Lying Lips.
"It is long that the divine patience bears with me, Simon the most unhappy of men; for whatever you have wondered at in me was done, not by means of truth, but by the lies and tricks of demons, that I might subvert your faith and condemn my own soul.
I confess that all things that I said about Peter were lies; for he never was either a magician or a murderer, but has been sent by God for the salvation of you all."

Let me know if you would like to see any more material...

posted on Jun, 7 2016 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: UFOdanger

Ok, now we are getting to the truth of the story. How the leader of the church, James, was arguing with Paul because he didn't want to make circumcision a must. How Paul said the Essene vegetarians were "weak" because they did not eat meat.

Not to mention that also, the Nazarene wore their hair long. Paul denounced long hair on men.

1 Corinthians 11:14
Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him,

posted on Jun, 7 2016 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: UFOdanger

How the leader of the church, James, was arguing with Paul because he didn't want to make circumcision a must. How Paul said the Essene vegetarians were "weak" because they did not eat meat. How In 325 C.E. the Nicene Council was held where it was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed - for the fact that they were omitting the teachings of vegetarianism from the religion of Christianity, although Christ the founder taught it was a must!

Where are you getting this from?

How about a link or something

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: Akragon

Where are you getting this from?

How about a link or something

This is coming from years of learning, but here is a link to Paul's apology -

The main thing that is the hardest to overcome, is to realize that we have been told many, many, many lies, about everything. And many scholars come to that point, but they stop at the basis for the Good News of the historical Jesus Christ, who yes, would be disappointed for being called that name, as James would be so for not being called Jacob. But also remember Josephus, I recently heard Robert Price who knows Josephus of the best, said that his reference to James and his brother Peter being crucified was a Sadducee family. Like the "Son of the Father" being crucified and taken down from the cross. That is a literary analogy. I forget the word but ancient writers did it a lot. it is a writing technique to throw us off but only those who understand the hidden meaning can interpret the truth of what the text is representing. here is a great link to show that Luke incorporated this greatly into his gospel -

For the Toldot Yeshu I have some additional material that all of you interested in this topic would enjoy, it is like an extension picking up where the Toledoth Yeshu left off and it is called The Anti-Gospel of Yeshu the Magician -

So here is the story. The expected Essene Messiah Joshua was born and after John the Baptizer was removed from his role as Righteous Teacher by King Herod, Joshua became the Anointed Melchizedek, which means Righteous Priest-King over Israel from the bloodline of David, or Nazarene. Him and his brothers were educated and his father Joseph was wealthy, although as you will learn he advocated to be poor by self choice. With the given uprises that I mentioned in the last post he was crucified, taken down from the cross in the presence of his father and brother Jacob, afterwards his father and him were exiled to England, and his wife Mary was exiled to France with her family. Mary his mother stayed in Jerusalem, and his brother also, Jacob being the leader of the newly created church, Peter going out to the Gentiles on account of Paul, and John writing down the narrative of the Savior.

John wrote the gospel, yes only one gospel, early. As soon as Gentile (or Sadducee) hands got on that gospel, immediately it was interpolated to alter the Essene teachings, writing the exact opposite in order to be offensive, and as we said earlier to make sure that civilization did not depart from their well enjoyed beliefs. Christians today give their money into a basket which is exactly what Paul was doing, and the first at it to that. The person these same people worship was saying to sit next to this homeless man to see what it's like in his shoes, feed him, clothe him, and work as a culture to eliminate the poor. It is a fact that homelessness in the US is far more than the UK, it is neglected on the large scale by society. I am just saying that it was huge in the scriptures to avoid a material world, and that is certainly what it is now.

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