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May 13, 2016 completes 99 years since Fatima and starts the 100th year

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posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Apollumi

Fulda explains much if not all. John Paul II spoke before a group of German bishops, say other sources. I can't understand how after that there could still be people in hi places who will continue to deny the existence of the full 3rd secret, after we were fed with half words for how many decades. Did they lie us then, or do they lie us now?

Is it Nibiru, or something else (as aliens, good and bad), or a combination of all thinkable and unthinkable? Malachi Martin said, that not even Neues Europa contains the core element, although we were told by Card. Ottaviani predecessor of Ratzinger in office that Neues Europe nears very close to the original text.

Moreover we have Akita, another approved apparition by the Catholic Church, that uses the same language as Neues Europa version, although with less wording, saying explicitly, fire will fall from the sky (or "heaven", words interchangeable in many languages).
Now it seems everything goes towards a world war, be it bigger or smaller.

The topic could and should be prolonged, not shelved, as some would like it to see. It is strange the secular people are more interested in discussing Fatima, Malachi and other Catholic prophecies, than the Catholics themselves. Books have been written and internet is full of intelligent views. In 21st century one could hardly delude all people, as it was possible at the beginning of the 20th century.

edit on 9-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 10:12 PM
Benedict 16 denies rumors he said there were more of the 3rd secret. Here is his entire letter available online.

Benedictus XVI, Papa Emeritus Vatican City, 15. 3. 2016 Sir, In response to your very kind letter of February 22, I can tell you that a fourth secret of Fatima does not exist. The published text is full and there is nothing else. When I said that this secret is not just about the past, I wanted to clarify and explain simply the genre of such words, we can never reduce only on a specific point. It�s an ongoing reality that the Church and the Pope are threatened by evil forces. Even if we can interpret the vision of a specific event, you can still see in it also a reference to ever new threats and dangers that continue. Above all it is important that the call to prayer, which supports and assists the Pope and the Church, remain present after this time. I hope I have cleared your request and stay with my greetings and my blessing. Yours, Benedictus XVI

That comes after his own words that the fulfillment of Fatima will occur before (or at) the 100th anniversary, said during his visit to Fatima as pope. Of course Benedict Ratzinger said many other words about Fatima, that contradict to each other and more so, with the words of his predecessor in the Vatican hi office cardinal Ottaviani, and even with John Paul II during his healthy years. (Fulda comes here). One can suggest Ratzinger was somehow compelled to write that commentary on the 3rd official version published in 2000. Perhaps at the time of the ailing John Paul II who was hardly adequate anymore, the cardinals were convinced the 3rd secret TIMING is over (one century). 2000 and the events afterwards proved otherwise.

Now we have an ambiguous letter again. Close reading shows Benedict speaks of a 4th secret that he denies to exist. He didn't deny the 3rd although he still insists it was published in its entirety./ The vocabulary of the professor in theology is complex, and one could fall in the trap of literal understanding of his elaborated words. But, after that letter, together with previous ones, it will be very hard to accept Benedict's testimony further as authentic one. Not because he doesn't know the real Fatima but because he shows he is unwilling to say it word by word. Insisting on the 2000 release as the only part is absurd.

First of all, 2000 version is a VISION described with Lucia's words, and not a TEXT OF WORDS said directly by Our Lady that we know to exist. We even know what part of the known 2nd secret is cut off, where those words should be added, before the final words "at the end my immaculate heart will triumph". If we are to believe the second secret as well.

Because suspicions arise when we have 1941 text of Lucy (why not earlier) written only after WW2 has already started, and circulated in a far more conservative Vatican in pre-Vatican II era. Everything is possible. Even if they didn't lie 100% they still could hide important parts that change the meaning drastically.

No one will keep so stubborn a secret that speaks of a martyrdom of a pope. After all, weren't all those popes and cardinals sworn in to serve the Lord and to shed their blood if needed, after the example of Peter and Paul? How many times in history that happened, especially in the early centuries? What so terrible, it is even glorious for Church leaders who are not afraid to die for Christ, as they constantly call us to sacrifice our daily lives, to the point of forfeiting the entire earthly goals of our lives, if not of martyrdom, in exchange of the heavenly reward? Do they believe what they preach?

The attempt to reduce Fatima to the vision of martyrdom, is attempt to hide the core issue to the last moment.

Our brainstorm efforts should be concentrated on what exactly could still Vatican hold a secret. I already talked about extraterrestrials. But it is not enough to say "alien life exists, and we may even baptize them" as pope and jesuits already said. It is much more than that. In next posts I may touch upon that again.

Why Russia is chosen to deliver punishment to the World/West, according to words of the older Lucia (and they are questioned too as whether come from the same sister Lucia or not). Whom does Russia serve if it is going to fulfill God's will? Why the consecration prayer was never done as said by the nun Lucia (not by 1917 apparition)? Is there such requirement by Our Lady in first place, or is it invented by the Church to present as if it controls the situation but for some reason does not want to do it? While the situation is controlled by someone else?

Questions that go much further than today's level of official reasoning, starting from are we the only planet created by God, and what is the role of all the rest if they exist. What is the role of Jesus Christ for them, or their role in his mission to earth, as we read constantly of angels (and also demons). Questions that the Church preferred not to answer for 2000 years. And to keep it that way now when we have volumes of information, including some valuable so called "science fiction" that give so many details it was not humanly possible to imagine them, not even for the money (are all sci-fi writers millionaires?).

Not to seek answers of these questions speaks of lower level of human intellect, that ultimately will meet the fate predicted in not few prophecies. Whatever the exact scenario is.
edit on 9-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 12:13 PM
Instead of talking nonsence, and sometimes deluding the billion faithful, the popes would do better to improve the well being in real terms of those of their followers who are sick, jobless, homeless, elderly. Not just to spend money for propaganda in 3rd world countries but to the already existing Catholics. After all, it is all about them, the flock. The pope wouldn't be a pope if there wouldn't be a flock to care of.

Let remember the first Christian communities, how the rich sold property to give to apostles, who in turn redistributed to the poor. Everything was in common, says the Gospel the book of Acts.

The Vatican has plentiful of options to redistribute the income of the world's richest dioceses, to the poorest ones. To guarantee the minimum income that the common Catholics can feed their families. If needed, let start a new Christian -driven economy in those predominantly Catholic countries. Those people who can work, can be employed by the Church.

Furthermore, a Vatican citizenship would be a good way to make equal the 1.2 bln Catholics. Because today the citizens of Germany are not so equal to the citizens of Paraguay no matter they believe Jesus redeemed them both. That would be a step towards a planetary citizenship, and beyond that in the era of open extraterrestrial contact - of galactic citizenship.

Let cal the things with their real names. We have been kept in dark for quite long time. How is it the Greek, Roman, Egyptians, knew of "gods" who live in "heaven"? Even the Jews the prophets wrote of Angels, as pretty much material beings who accomplish material tasks, and who do not have wings. Nowhere in the Bible is talked about angels' wings. Rather, Ezekiel and Elijah witnessed what we would call today technology that the angels used, in the case of Elijah to transport him to his dwelling place, that cannot be "heaven on clouds", simply because he was not dead nor resurrected. He went to another planet.

That is apparent what the Church in its long uneasy history preferred not to talk about. Because sure Jesus talked of the heavenly realm in more details than the recorded trimmed gospels.

I can tak more. Hope a next pope would do better and bolder moves. Will it be Francis? With every passing month that chance diminish although it is not completely cancelled. If he feels he cannot go further than "baptizing Martians", or in his social policy, let he step aside. That seems to be the way for future popes too. No one will wait until the future popes slowly die or incapacitated as the great John Paul II who would be greater if he would have stepped down in 2000 as he wrote he wanted. If there is a talk of a change without any visible change until now, let it start from the top, from those who preach it.

edit on 10-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 02:57 PM
We have a very tiny time slot for action. If the Vatican intends to go further in history, it has to make good on the promises given during 2013 conclave of significant changes.
Malachi prophecy, Fatima official 3rd secret prophecy that look so similar...
The question is, is Vatican going to be the spiritual center of the 21st century and beyond, or is it going to eclipse now and remain as the longest serving Christian institution but in history.
I am amazed at the slow pace, snail pace of any reforms. Perhaps will is present but not seeing into real world to happen anything. If they wait apocalyptic doom first, it is a bad way to do it.

But perhaps the doom itself has variances. Whether for example, the ET that Medvedev ALREADY admitted about, will manifest themselves before or after the nuclear war? That matters for those who want to escape it. The worst case scenario will be we are left to undergo WW3 and then start the restoration of earth. Including of what is left of Churches.

Is there another way around? Perhaps the pope and cardinals know, there might be a way that somehow let the beautiful St Peter's cathedral and all those frescoes of Michelangelo and others to remain, along with the billion faithful, and to be transferred directly into the era of peace without necessity of destruction of Rome/Vatican first. If so, why aren't we told plainly, and instead continue the chatter of half words half truths to fill in the gap?
Will God be pleased with that?

The way of heavenly kingdom on Earth would require much more effort and new thinking, totally different from the one of Pharisees in Jesus' time.

The nuclear way is pretty much well known, although never experienced on massive scale.

Perhaps the choice is ours.

edit on 10-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
a reply to: Apollumi

Fulda explains much if not all. John Paul II spoke before a group of German bishops, say other sources. I can't understand how after that there could still be people in hi places who will continue to deny the existence of the full 3rd secret, after we were fed with half words for how many decades. Did they lie us then, or do they lie us now?

Is it Nibiru, or something else (as aliens, good and bad), or a combination of all thinkable and unthinkable? Malachi Martin said, that not even Neues Europa contains the core element, although we were told by Card. Ottaviani predecessor of Ratzinger in office that Neues Europe nears very close to the original text.

I have seen UFOs in the day. One directly above me and huge. I mention this because I am going to post a link to my UFO experience and the dreams that did not seem like dreams which I had later. In one they told me (we spoke telepathically) that soon great winds would come on the earth. Told is probably not a good word for the communication. It was like communicating a more complete understanding. I could feel the devastation and it was total.

So, I don't know about the aliens. I'm sure like people there are good and bad. But if they wanted to destroy us I imagine it wouldn't be much of a problem. I think that speaks volumes about our continued existence. I also feel that although there may be a desire to help us they cannot until we learn to help ourselves.

My UFO experience
edit on 11-6-2016 by Apollumi because: URL probs.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: Apollumi

thank you for sharing your UFO experience! We need more people to witness what is the reality, not sci fi.
Unfortunately the topic is still taboo in most Church circles. Only few, namely jesuit astronomers dare to speak openly. The interviews come at a pace of one in 1-2 years. Instead of speaking openly of the topic and explaining the meaning of angels and demons in the Bible, the pope restricted his words to "baptizing Martians" and "beings of the Universe". Still, this is the first pope to say so much.

The devote Catholics and especially the hierarchy must understand that they do not have endless time or choices. They should either go towards a full change of the oldest institution on earth, or they will meet the inevitable end of it. Malachi and Fatima (Official) are not empty words. I believe the biggest Church (not the only Church) has a future but not in the frames set in the Middle ages.

Perhaps the ET Angelic disclosure is part of all that, may be the most important part. Why don't they appear already? You see, there are some 100,000 - 300,000 people online who watch all relevant videos. With hundreds millions internet users in the Western world, that is not so much, even if we do not count Africa and Asia. If the ET come tomorrow, those people will greet them. Strange it closes on the Biblical number of 144,000 although it may not be 1:1 match. How about all the rest? Obviously the goal of the ET is not to come only for the 144,000. Otherwise, they could simply rapture them and let the billions do their own fate. Most certainly that will result in a total war days after the rapture.

I don't know which scenario is chosen by God. Or where on the prophetic line we are at.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 12:43 PM
I sincerely hope before the 100th anniversary doom to have a chance of several months and rescue of some kind (the timing may be enlarged). The point is not again to postpone the fulfillment with another 20 years, doing empty works in a world that is proven to be a failure. The point is to be given real chance to move thru or beyond the chastisement. I don't believe the era of peace will be given without a chastisement, be it bigger or lesser.

edit on 12-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
a reply to: Apollumi
Perhaps the ET Angelic disclosure is part of all that, may be the most important part. Why don't they appear already? You see, there are some 100,000 - 300,000 people online who watch all relevant videos. With hundreds millions internet users in the Western world, that is not so much, even if we do not count Africa and Asia. If the ET come tomorrow, those people will greet them. Strange it closes on the Biblical number of 144,000 although it may not be 1:1 match. How about all the rest? Obviously the goal of the ET is not to come only for the 144,000. Otherwise, they could simply rapture them and let the billions do their own fate. Most certainly that will result in a total war days after the rapture.

I don't know which scenario is chosen by God. Or where on the prophetic line we are at.

With respect I don't think people would be very accepting of ET showing up or even worse if ET became perceived as angels from the somewhat distant past. I will give examples and it has to do with the ego and self truths.

The American Indians for the most part rolled over and died. I would say the biggest part of this had to do with their truths being crushed. Their spirits did not avail them and their culture was a detriment. Their truths got usurped and if all your truths are null and void you give up.

Here pretty soon America will have to deal with the thought of not being number 1 in the world. We all like to be the winner. It stimulates the ego. Fires up those endorphins. How would it feel to not be number 1 ever again? Perhaps like a rock star who has passed his time. Bring on the depression from what you thought you were before nobody cared. ET would have a similar effect on humanity.

If ET showed up and was way ahead of us in evolution religious people would have to deal with the fact that they are not uniquely God's chosen people. Just like American Indians had to come to grips with how unsubstantial they were in comparison to the Europeans way of life and their truths.

If ET showed up renowned scientists would look feeble by comparison. I know Hawking would # his wheelchair and his points of view would no longer matter. Away would go our self importance. Gone would be the thing that drives us to be more than what we are.

I have always loved the book "Childhood's end". It is hard for the mind to look back in on itself from the outside but some manage to do so. Btw, the book is not the foundation for my argument. My argument just comes from my experience and self examination. We really aren't what we think we are. Perhaps that's a good thing.

I think ET does not make themselves known because they know these things. We are just not mature enough to handle it. Their science is probably pretty good though and they know our solar system gets pounded frequently. In the Fatima event, best I remember, people saw the event around 30 miles away. That's line of sight from curvature of the earth. The way they described the moving sun sounds like the way UFOs have been described. Things to ponder...

edit on 12-6-2016 by Apollumi because: just because

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: Apollumi

originally posted by: 2012newstart
a reply to: Apollumi
Perhaps the ET Angelic disclosure is part of all that, may be the most important part. Why don't they appear already? You see, there are some 100,000 - 300,000 people online who watch all relevant videos. With hundreds millions internet users in the Western world, that is not so much, even if we do not count Africa and Asia. If the ET come tomorrow, those people will greet them. Strange it closes on the Biblical number of 144,000 although it may not be 1:1 match. How about all the rest? Obviously the goal of the ET is not to come only for the 144,000. Otherwise, they could simply rapture them and let the billions do their own fate. Most certainly that will result in a total war days after the rapture.

I don't know which scenario is chosen by God. Or where on the prophetic line we are at.

Here pretty soon America will have to deal with the thought of not being number 1 in the world. We all like to be the winner. It stimulates the ego. Fires up those endorphins. How would it feel to not be number 1 ever again? Perhaps like a rock star who has passed his time. Bring on the depression from what you thought you were before nobody cared. ET would have a similar effect on humanity.

If ET showed up and was way ahead of us in evolution religious people would have to deal with the fact that they are not uniquely God's chosen people. Just like American Indians had to come to grips with how unsubstantial they were in comparison to the Europeans way of life and their truths.

Yes it seems so for many people in USA. In contrast, I always lived with the thought there were some peoples with richer heritage, culture, who achieved more in the centuries, and individually. For me the ET contact would be enriching, not from the position of American Indians to the Cowboys.

Sci Fi literature is a precious gift that the humanity received, much higher level ideas and description than the Sci Fi movies, despite the latter are much more popular. What is said in the "Disclosure process" is not even 1 % of what we can read in the books. It is not humanly possible to create that amount of data and all those details based on imagination only.

The bigger problem I see in the Demonization from ultra-conservative religious circles, present in all Churches, who want to present all extra-terrestrial beings as descendants of one only group that of the Nephilim. All the ET who don't look exactly like us would be called straightforward "demons" such as the grey or God forbid, the reptilians if they show up. But even the blond human ET who reportedly contacted the Earth in the last 70 years, are subject to damnation by religious stereotypes that are not found in the Bible rather in the Medieval interpretation of it. The danger to demonize God's angels who acted throughout the Bible, is real problem, and it has the potential to make impossible the salvation (physical) of those faithful of all churches who buy to it.

I shiver because I know many people who belong to those fundamental circles who are good people, devote, God fearing, and teach their children in that way. One may say from the religious point of view, they are the best of the best, or at least that is what they think of themselves. They practically sign up their ticket to massive die off, for them and those of their children who buy to their teaching. Therefore, the humanity will be prolonged by people who are moderate and open minded in religion doctrine, who can see God can act thru history and also today using not ethereal but real personages called angels, who differ from us not so much as physicality rather as elevated spirits in contact with God.

The issue of Jesus Christ coming to planet Earth only, is another may be the biggest stumbling block. Because those fundamentalists say, how could Jesus come to Earth to save us. If there are other creatures of God, they should be the devils. In fact the reality could be just the opposite of what the fundamentals think as a limited role of Jesus to planet Earth only. If he is God son of God, something I firmly believe, then He should be Lord of all other planets and civilizations no matter how many trillions they are. Or shall we diminish the role of Jesus Christ out of our stubborn doctrinal approach that cannot see farther than the time of Galileo?

Many of those civilizations may well be in contact with him for all the time since the Ascension. While other civilizations may await our own testimony tomorrow as galactic spread authentic religion (I'd wish there is another word different from the "religion").
edit on 13-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 11:45 AM
Cardinal Capovilla the secretary of St John 23, said in 2006 about Fatima, the 2000 official text is not the only one

Q: "...there exist two texts regarding the Third Secret?’ I asked him this point-blank. He remained silent for a moment, thinking about it, and then he said to me, literally:‘Precisely so (Per l’appunto)’.

Solideo Paolini declared: “I met Archbishop Loris Francesco Capovilla on July 5th 2006 in Sotto il Monte [name of a town]at his house. Since this very first meeting, during our private conversation, he made me implicitly but unequivocally understand something about the existence of two texts, or at least about certain things not being revealed regarding the Third Secret. When I asked him the question [about the Secret], he literally answered: ‘No, look, since it was officially revealed, I must abide by what was declared in the official documents, even if I may know something more.’ And at that point, when he said those words ‘even if I may know something more,’ he smiled ironically. Since I was there, I was able to see from his gestures that it was clear: there is something more than what was revealed during the Holy Year 2000 [by the Vatican]. But what Archbishop Capovilla said to me during a phone call was an even more dead giveaway. When he sent me his answers [by mail to questions I had sent to him], I called him on the phone, and he gave me the answer to a question of mine which literally was: ‘So, Your Excellency, as regards the two dates in which Pope Paul VI (would have) read the Third Secret, March 27th 1965 and June 27th 1963, which are confirmed by different sources, are they both correct because, in fact, there exist two texts regarding the Third Secret?’ I asked him this point-blank. He remained silent for a moment, thinking about it, and then he said to me, literally: ‘Precisely so (Per l’appunto)’. This is the most explicit confirmation that anyone could give.”

This one word of the famous secretary of John 23 and participant in the Second Vatican Council Capovilla , negates all the elaborated writings of Benedict -Ratzinger who practically sold to the world the text of Lucia's own words of vision, instead the text of the words of Virgin Mary.

It wouldn't matter who of the cardinals said what, against whom, or in favor of whom, if...

IF it wasn't about a planetary event that will befall all of us, not just the guys in Rome! We all, regardless of religion, have the right to know what Virgin Mary has told the world in 1917 that concerns the near future of this world, may be the near months. It is not personal issue of Ratzinger, Francis, Capovilla, Malachi Martin. It is an issue of 7 bln people. If they knew in 1960, as Virgin Mary said to be opened, then their decisions for their own future would be different. Now they have to make decisions instantaneously. Hope they will not follow advices of failed teachers when they decide for their children and great-grand children's fate.

edit on 13-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 01:02 AM
Taking into account the repeated lies of hi Vatican clerics about Fatima, one can make the following conclusions:

1. The Vatican top hi do not have any interest of disclosing the full truth of Fatima (and perhaps other no less important apparitions or ancient scrolls)

2. Certain personages on hi enough positions openly lie in the name of God and in the name of Our Lady, thus taking de facto the "other side". One may think of a de facto cult within... country within a country after the old Roman empire model

3. As the message itself, not only the 3rd secret but also the 2nd secret should be questioned whether it is released in full or whether key words have been exchanged. (released for first time within Vatican circles in 1941 when WW2 was already a fact)

4. Vatican fear of Russia is more than obvious, for whatever reason. The "heavenly demand" of consecration of Russia should be questioned to, because if that was the case, the Vatican during several popes would do it to assure its dominance over Russia.

5. I have strong notion to believe the missing 3rd part includes words about Extra-terrestrial presence

6. The polarity of that ET presence is unknown (or both?). Having in mind the lies of Vatican clerics, one may doubt the kind of ET polarity they would present us with (if they sad the ET are bad they might be good and vice versus). Here comes Malachi Martin who is honest but lower level cleric, who was exposed to certain information and honestly releases part of it. We cannot be sure of how true it is, regarding the polarity (3 days of darkness thread)

7. Perhaps the ET were already in contact with Russia by the time the Vatican starts manipulative actions on Fatima texts, that is the beginning of WW2. It is no surprise since we know different groups ET are or have been in contact with: USA, Germany, others.

8. ET are/were in contact with the Vatican itself.

Alleged episode widely spread online without any other proof, says that St John XXIII allegedly met with extraterrestrials themselves, landing their craft in Castel Gandolfo summer residence. Cardinal Capovilla, then secretary, was present but didn't hear the conversation between the pope and the Aliens-humanoids who came from the landed craft. (I have separate thread on that). That explains in part the reluctance of John 23 to speak in public about Fatima, if he had more to say than the 3 children - he had direct encounter of what they would have been talking of without seeing it.

9...your views

Although I cannot be other than critical to apparent lies sold in the public space by people who due to their seniority and age should have stopped lying by now, I do not change my overall positive view of both the Catholic Church and the papacy (and cardinalate). Billions people throughout the ages have put their hope in the earthy voice of the hidden God. Their prayers and devote life cannot be just trashed because of handful of clerics who abused their positions. I wonder, what would be the counteraction of Our Lady and ultimately God, who should have known well that their messages would be changed so drastically. As you see from above article, questions rise of the DIFFERENT ENVELOPES, and other articles not quoted here question the handwriting of Lucia. I.e. we may have a total forgery not only a missing part and released part. With every next word the Vatican clerics present their real face to the world. Only bold actions on the side of those who are not under the influence of the abovementioned insider sect could repair the image. It is not enough on Day 2 (of event, contact, WW3) some prelate to say: you know what, btw Our Lady said that on that page in that envelope...we knew it for a couple of decades...
Then why didn't tell it, you servants not of God, who were to release it in 1960 according to Lucia?

I am sure in God's preventive action who knows the plans of His enemies.

edit on 15-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 01:30 AM
I should say about the poster Phantomfire who stopped posting several months ago accusing pope Francis of a tragic incident of his closed friends.

I do not envision pope Francis as the originator of those Fatima intrigues. He is an outsider of the Vatican before his election. However, the existence of a sect within is apparent. Until now, Francis is hopeless before that lobby, that his actions at least on Fatima show (and not only on Fatima).

IMO phantomfire went too far to accuse them of something they cannot possibly be involved with. But he had enough good points of the message itself. It would be good, if he returns back to forum having in mind the advanced stage of Fatima timeline that he knows very well. What more he has to lose, if I may ask that way?

What more we all have to lose, if we have a couple of months left, before whatever apocalyptic event is hidden from us? Here come the French minister in DC who said, 500 more days. Here come the holy year of the Jews.
edit on 15-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 01:40 AM
The Neues Europa Extract of the Third Secret. Approved by cardinal Ottaviani who wanted to see 10,000 , 20,000 , 30,000 printed copies. Card. Ottaviani was predecessor of card. Ratzinger as prefect in the Holy Office. Neues Europa is not the exact 3rd secret but is close enough. Malachi Martin said, the core element is missing. Still you have enough apocalyptic elements that if they are close enough that makes the puzzle quite complete, without the core central figure (imo ET). So let the successor of card. Ottaviani stop spreading his own view on Fatima that has been proven false or at best incomplete! 30-40 years are pretty much enough for those millions of people who consecrated their lives to Our Lady and bore the burden of an era quite different from ours! There should be a little shame in those prelates who practically let the things go with the flock and cared only for themselves not to be martyred. (as the official Ratzinger-approved secret envisions). To involve the name of the ailing and inadequate St John Paul II in the year 2000 is another abuse of power. He didn't take decisions by that time. ...
Here is the "extract" of the Third Secret of Fatima that was published by Neues Europa:

"It was the thirteenth of October, 1917. On that day, the Holy Virgin appeared for the last time to the little visionaries, Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucy, at the end of a series of six apparitions in all. After the manifestation of the miracle of the sun at Fatima, the Mother of God revealed a special secret message to Lucy, in which She particularly stated:

"‘Don’t worry, dear child. I am the Mother of God speaking to you and begging you to proclaim in My name the following message to the entire world. In doing this, you will meet great hostility. But be steadfast in the Faith and you will overcome this hostility. Listen, and note well what I say to you: Men must become better. They must implore the remission of the sins which they have committed, and will continue to commit. You ask Me for a miraculous sign so that all may understand the words in which, through you, I address mankind. This miracle which you have just seen was the great miracle of the sun! Everyone has seen it – believers and unbelievers, country and city dwellers, scholars and journalists, laymen and priests. And now, announce this in My name:

"‘A great punishment shall come to all mankind, not today as yet, nor even tomorrow, but in the second half of the 20th Century. What I have already made known at La Salette through the children Melanie and Maximin, I repeat today before you. Mankind has not developed as God expected. Mankind has gone astray and has trampled underfoot the gifts which were given it. There is no order in anything. Even in the highest positions, it is satan who governs and decides how affairs are to be conducted. He will even know how to find his way to the highest positions in the Church. He will succeed in sowing confusion in the minds of the great scientists who invent arms, with which half of humanity can be destroyed in a few minutes. If mankind does not refrain from wrongdoing and be converted, I shall be forced to let fall My Son’s arm. If those at the top, in the world and in the Church, do not oppose these ways, it is I who shall do so, and I shall pray God My Father to visit His justice on mankind.

"‘There will also come a time of the hardest trials for the Church. Cardinals will be against Cardinals and bishops against bishops. Satan will put himself in their midst. In Rome, also, there will be big changes. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall must not be maintained. The Church will be darkened and the world plunged into confusion.

"‘God will punish men still more powerfully and harshly than He did by means of the Flood, and the great and powerful will perish just as much as the small and the weak.

"‘The greatest World War will happen in the second half of the 20th Century. Then fire and smoke will fall from the sky, and the waters of the oceans will be turned to steam, hurling their foam towards the sky; and all that is standing will be cast down. Millions and millions of men will lose their lives from one hour to the next, and those who remain living will envy those who are dead. There will be tribulation as far as the eye can see, and misery all over the earth and desolation in every country.

"‘The time is continually approaching, the abyss is growing wider, and there is no end in sight. The good will die with the wicked, the big with the small, the princes of the Church with their subjects. Satan’s henchmen will then be the only sovereigns on earth.

"‘This will be a time which neither king nor emperor, Cardinal nor bishop expects, but it will come, nevertheless, in accordance with My Father’s plan to punish and take vengeance. Later, however, when those who survive all this are still alive, God and His glory will once more be invoked, and He will once more be served as He was, not so long ago, when the world had not yet become corrupted.

"‘I call on all true imitators of My Son, Jesus Christ, all true Christians and apostles of the latter days! The time of times is coming and the end of everything, if mankind is not converted, and if this conversion does not come from above, from the leaders of the world and the leaders of the Church. But woe! Woe if this conversion does not come about, and if all remains as it is, nay, if all becomes even worse!

"‘Go, My child and proclaim this! I shall always remain by your side to help you.’"

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 02:10 AM
"‘God will punish men still more powerfully and harshly than He did by means of the Flood,"
If God will punish the world, that is different than "satan will punish the world". That is different from The Antichrist, either, although Neues Europa speaks of devil between hi ranks laughing at their quarrels. (one doesn't have to be Lucia to see that happening in real time).
Indeed, God may allow something to happen from the evil one. But here it is said plainly that it is God's action and not to allow the devil's action as punishment.

The recently published book of the nuns of Lucia speak of yet another vision of Lucia, of a pole shift made by the action of the spear pf an angel. It is not the spear of the devil, but of an angel.

Just consider how the cloistered nuns who vowed to keep silence and kept silence for all those years, would publish such sensitive topic without permission, ultimately by Francis himself. Let alone, Lucia who was mum before anyone about the secret nature, would share it freely with her nuns, may be during the washing of clothes together? That is absurd. We have yet another leak that is to tell us how close we are to planetary changes that virtually everyone speaks about from different perspective.
edit on 15-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 02:28 AM
HEROD's vows

We know it is forbidden to make vow before God for something that is contrary to, or sin. As Herod said a vow to his daughter in law or niece (whatever) to fulfill her desire "up to the half of his kingdom". Apparently the head of John the Baptist was estimated less than half of the kingdom, controlled already by Roman empire anyway...

How could possibly those prelates quote vows of secrecy, if the text allegedly says it should be released by 1960 according to Lucia, if the Heavenly message is given for the people to be educated and correct themselves, but most importantly to be informed when tomorrow they have to decide not only their personal fate but apparently that of their great....great grand children? Is that the vow those prelates quote as obliged before the Lord, not to help the people? Not to help the billions who live today and multi billions who will inherit the Earth tomorrow?

Let they break such vow! Jesus will hold them accountable for what they didn't do, knowing the truth and going against God's law, common sense, and after all, against the humanity who have only one home by now, the spaceship called Earth.

I am more afraid if tomorrow they come with another forgery, to demonize some ET who are good and send to save us, or the like...

So, having lie upon lie ona big pile called Fatima gate, one cannot but disregard any further snare of people who apparently do not want to share with the rest of us what Heaven told the children to be shared with the humanity. It is easier then, one adopts views based on common sense, on what will be salvation for future generations, and not what constitutes are very ill understood doctrine of contemporary teachings,t hat are not even a dogma...Let those prelates remain on the sinking ship with their secrets! They are desperately outdated! If in the year 2000 they could still take the lead by naming the ET who are good and who are not so good (or outright evil if there are such on earth), today it is hard to believe even if they finally do it. That is the result of multiplied lies, as one minister of propaganda of a regime not so long ago said.
edit on 15-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 05:53 AM
The apparent lies about Fatima, a 100% approved apparition by the Catholic Church, put forward questions as what else did the Church leaders lie us, while speaking in the name of God.

First it comes to mind the changed Gospels, the banned books, Jesus-married?

Then it goes to centuries old practices, tipped with the absurd of the Inquisition, never mentioned even remotely by Jesus.

In post-cataclysmic world apparently today's frames won't exist anymore.

Perhaps Petrus or the next Petrus (if there is a such) should think about all that, when he declares how many texts of Fatima there are, or even more important, how many undiscovered Gospels there are. It all matters for those who want to follow Jesus Christ, and not fables.
edit on 15-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 03:20 AM
Faith. It is not religion. After I read a few religious texts I went deep into Near Death Experiences. I thought to myself "Who would know God or God's intent in man better than somebody that died and came back?". I have read in NDEs many many times where when they were on the spiritual side (dead) and they asked which was the right religion. The reply repeatedly, none of them.

To my understanding and what I feel in my heart is that faith is believing in what so many already want to. Truth and Love. But when men see so many tempted by a lie they eagerly follow suit. The flesh is the test of the spirit. Whom has faith? Men have the laws written within them but they willingly ignore this.

"And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."

I don't say this for the religious doctrine. Christ, like others, tried to tell people the truth. Believe in the word. But people go out of their way to have no faith and be faithless. Here again I'm not speaking about religion. I am saying men have no faith within them and seek vain things. This is their downfall.

"Men shall think themselves Gods and shall abandon me"

During my lifetime I have witnessed this. I know the cause and it is in temptation. The temptation of exalting the self. Men have become islands unto themselves and see themselves as the singular judge, epicenter of all things, and increasingly executioner and deliverer of punishment. The world we see around us today is borne of selfishness and cruelty. The love of a lie and hate is the choice over and over again.

Man's only chance was to be their brother's keeper and to love his fellow man more than himself. This is actually written in us all and no religion whatsoever is needed.

Man however cannot grasp this. It is no mistake that mankind degenerates over and over. Eventually man has to be made anew. Cataclysm perhaps is the only way. But those that read this and think harshly of me imagine mankind becoming all powerful and spreading thought the Universe. In our current state we would eventually destroy everything. Not an individual here or there whom chooses to be good but the collective consciousness would achieve far worse things than ruining a planet.

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 06:29 AM
You had NDE?

I read the NDE of Lou Famoso, well published on internet, including on catholic prophesy websites although Lou is not catholic. In short, it speaks how he reached Orion, how he met Jesus, and then he had to choose one archangel to lead him around. He chose Raphael, but Michael was also present at times. He saw countless of worlds - stars. Finally he moved back to earth accompanying two flaming objects from Orion who hit the earth. That was the start of big change.
He has composed videos from available footage from NASA about solar flares and Oort cloud, to illustrate better what he has seen. Also he saw the souls of his yet to be born children, as orbs of light.

It is strange why the religion doesn't talk more of the afterlife. Where is heaven, in the beautiful universe may be?
Instead, the demonization is on full speed. But who goes to hell, whoever doesn't follow earthly religious teachings that are changeable from era to era. Did Jesus say that? Perhaps when coming again, Jesus will have strong admonishment to his servants. Exactly as St Malachi speaks about the last pope.

Why for example the catholic church doesn't approve a number of devotions from apparitions? The Divine Mercy devotion being the biggest single example how a holy person, St Faustina, got her devotion to Jesus forbidden for decades by the legitimate bishops and even Vatican I think. Only after John Paul II was elected pope the devotion was allowed, and later Faustina promoted as blessed and then saint. What if the pope wasn't the polish fervent devotee but someone else who might not heard of it? How many other legitimate apparitions and devotions there are, that are either banned or completely forgotten? Now 2 Latin American apparitions are quickly approved, one in Argentine, one in Brazil, by their local bishops. That should be enough to say, they are "catholic approved".

But what happened with Akita, that is approved by two consequent bishops? We know the message and it differs very little from the Neues Europa version. So what? Who pays any attention to it? Perhaps sister Agnes Sasagawa has received further appearances as Sr Lucia did. Nobody talks of that.

The biggest enemy of the Catholic Church is not someone outside, but some people inside. They stop God's grace that is already given. The faithful have to struggle with hierarchy or to ignore it at best, in order to get to the spiritual graces spread in our age thru new apparitions. That does not negate the Gospel. Which Gospel, if we are talking of several texts? (I already commented that). The Church is unwilling to go thru the transformation it calls everyone to go thru. Or called otherwise, conversion and repentance. To most unrepentant and non converted people stay on hi places. And that comes to prove the authentic message of Akita and Fatima.

How long? That everyone wonders about. That is why that thread appeared, 99 y - 100 y since the first apparitions in Fatima.
edit on 17-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 01:39 PM
Date of Fatima. We know there is a Date in the 3rd secret (whoever wants to know how we know, he should read all the materials available for the Fatima gate).

If the date was a fixed year, month, day before year 2000, it would have passed by now. It is clear the top clergy believed the date should pass. previous posts).

How about a date that is not fixed as year, month and day, but is relative, let say: 1 year before the end of the century. Then, if someone believes the century ends when the calendar ends, in 2000, then he would expect that date to occur one year earlier. It didn't, so the Vatican officials believed their job is done and released the official version.

Now the expectations on 2017 are based on a different century that starts with the apparition itself in 1917 (angel 1916). The end of the century, the last day, would be Oct 13, 2017.

As we read Neues Europa version, it is said, "‘A great punishment shall come to all mankind, not today as yet, nor even tomorrow, but in the second half of the 20th Century." (perhaps the very number 20th is added to the extract that is NOT the original, because those in charge believed it was the case, on one hand, and didn't want to release the exact year and month, on another).

So we remain to expect what Our Lady meant by giving a date that in all likelihood is not a fixed date, but falls anywhere before the end of the century (that stil didn't end in Fatima terms).

Akita is remarkably close to Neues Europa version. And approved by the Catholic Church. There is no betterment of man in all those decades, as Akita sets condition. It is far not only the immorality sins. It is things in the society we don't really know of. Perhaps here come the cloning, gene, etc. Where are the millions hungry people who cry out to God day and night? That didn't change much despite all the progress in the West. In a way, the current immigrant crisis in Europe is a product of that inequality set long ago. Those mega sins didn't change, didn't better. The punishment is upon us, although it might be mitigated for God-known reasons.

Hundreds of new apparitions entered the stage since then. Perhaps some aare false, but al to be false, that is unbelievable. When most of them speak of the same, it is a time to listen to them.

The end of the civilization is at hand, and we'd better prepare for the start of the new civilization with the remnant rescued by God's providence. IMO it would be in spaceships not underground, but there might be underground rescued as well. 2 branches of humanity? Let see.
It may start overnight because the clock is ticking and the century expires.

What if fails as many prophecies failed? They didn't fail for everyone who understands that the prophetic timelines have nothing to do with the mathematical model of our 4th dimension - time, that is presented by a straight line from left to right. We don't know the nature of time, first of all. Unlike the other 3 dimensions, you don't move in the 4th forward and backward as a train. There is no such option. On the other side, bifurcation seems to be allowed and the case for new decisions to make new future, as also compared to branches of a tree. I say that to illustrate what the brightest scientists on time research have said. Augustine timeline is long gone. Now we have a tree of time etc. And that is all non-relativistic. I will not enter into the relativistic ideas, twin paradoxes etc.

So when we don't have prophetic occurrence, it is not because God cancelled it but because the sequence of events didn't fulfill to that juncture to be fulfilled too. We cannot move beyond Fatima into the era of peace, unless we pass thru it. Well I don't know if special grace is poured as promised after consecration of Russia. But that is not done, willingly, and I start to doubt it was a precise demand of heaven in the way they present it to us. It may or may not help.

Once we realize the world is on collision course, not because Russia or anyone else so evil, but because God is going to punish the world for its sins (He can use meteorite if He will so). Then nothing remains than to stick with God's orders revealed thru apparitions. Cross of Dozule, yet another requirement for France in the decades after Fatima. There are many more. The Church must obey the demands of the Heaven, if it wants to survive the events. "As the king of France didn't obey" said Jesus in one private apparition to Lucia, so is the church of today especially her bishops. A disobeying church may not rejoice the benevolence of God after as a result billions die and the world became desolate. Yes the promised era of peace will certainly come, to humanity not necessarily to planet earth. But will this church structure enter into it or some renewed Christianity.
edit on 17-6-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 01:11 PM
The next pope, whoever he might be among the 120 cardinals or outside them, should be thinking in direction to move away the see of Peter from Rome and from all dark secrets and predicaments. As Constantine once moved the empire capital to Constantinople. As Peter himself moved first from Jerusalem to Antioch, and later from Antioch to Rome. Rome won't be abandoned, it will preserve all wonderful church buildings, monasteries, so many priests and bishops. But the papal policy should not and could not be a hostage to centuries old prophecies and even worse traditions that do not allow making any significant progress.

Our Lady in Fatima, Neues Europa version, said "In Rome, also, there will be big changes. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall must not be maintained."

A new ongoing apparition in Anguera, Bahia, Brazil, is even more dare, predicting in 150 messages a war on Rome, mujaheddin, betrayal from among the ranks, rivers of blood of the consecrated ones flowing on the streets and plazas of Rome, partial destruction of the papal palace. You may search internet for that remarkable apparition and especially the messages given in 2008 that concern Rome, papacy, Catholic church.

The practical movement of the papal see could not be easier, with the help of mega flying machines, even entire cities as seen on Stargate Atlantis, that could land on any place or water, may be a beautiful gulf. What will be the choice of the next successor of Peter as of the next location, is unknown. Perhaps he will be advised by the ET angels. Ultimately, the destiny of humanity is off planet earth, so ultimately he should invite everyone in the church-cities to be lifted up.

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