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Would A “New World Order” Be So Bad?

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posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:41 PM
Would A “New World Order” Be So Bad?

Much has been made over the years about the supposed NWO and the conspiracy surrounding a secret organization trying to bring about such a reality. My question to you is would that be such a terrible thing?

I realize much of it has been wrapped around nefarious actions with false flag events and while I do not support the notion that a major war or depletion of the population is necessary, I do not particularly care for the separation of people.

I see a world that is mired in a rut, continually fighting each other over resources and religious ideology. If the goal of a NWO is to bring about a more unified populous without borders controlling us and will usher in a spiritual foundation without all the religious rhetoric involved, I am all for it.

For 1000’s of years the current way of doing things has caused nothing but destruction of people and this beautiful planet and for what? Control? Power? Is the world really better with all the wars generated due to money, gold, oil and religion? Unfortunately, a NWO may not change this, but would just be another form of the same greed and manipulation, just under a different name.

This is quite the conundrum is it not? So, if not the NWO then what is the answer? Nuclear annihilation at the hands of madmen? Really the answer is much more simple, but completely idealistic and wishful thinking; it requires a change in attitude towards ourselves and each other.

A Utopian society with a view based on love would be the only way to ensure a peaceful coexistence. Right now this world is based on a different view, one of greed and hatred and it will only end one way, the mutual destruction of all.

Perhaps this is what occurred to Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu, those mystical lands of days gone by that are for some reason imbedded in our psyche, they imploded for the same reasons, there were those that could not allow for a world to exist with greed and hatred and decided to destroy it so it could be reborn.

Nuclear Armageddon does not have to happen at the hands of a madman, it could also happen because good people have had enough and want to hit the reset button. Rather than be stuck in a world full of hatred and ugliness they will simply just say enough is enough.

Certainly, a madman could start it and a good man could say fine, lets get it over with. Or a good man could just say, you know what, you have pulled this crap for far too long and we need a New World period.

Here is what I preferred happened:

Go to bed tonight with one thought in mind and wake up tomorrow and execute it.

I will LOVE my fellow beings with all my heart and soul. See, simple is it not?

I love you all!

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: forthelove

I see a world that is mired in a rut, continually fighting each other over resources and religious ideology.

Thats the same old order. They tell you they are seeking a new way to do things but really that is cover for they want to keep it the way it is. And want you to just believe theres something 'new' in the world, when there isn't.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:48 PM
There may be some disagreement with the concept of people who would bring Armageddon down on the world because they are personally fed up with it....don't sound exactly sane to me.....
But I argue the entire human race is going insane rapidly anyways so whats normal?
We appear to be committing racial suicide at this stage any how...don't you think?
edit on 29-3-2016 by bandersnatch because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: forthelove would be unacceptable.

Why should I consent to some 'government' 1,000's of miles away to be in charge of me and what I do? I will not cede my rights and personal sovereignty to some 'world order'. I will not comply.

Anything that puts the rights of government or society above those of personal liberty is a bad thing in my opinion and I refuse to recognize that authority nor do I need it.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: forthelove

I would say it would depend on your definition of one world order.

I think a global controlling body could, potentially, be a good thing.

Shared resources,
a singular base for what's right and wrong,
equal punishment,
no more wars,
less to no poverty.

I kind of look at it as a Star Trek type of thing. Instead of the federation of planets, it it would be the federation of countries.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:02 PM
Technically no. If by new world order you mean a one world government.

We already have Big Banks, Fossil Fuel companies, Food Companies, Military companies and Pharma companies ruling the world. It's not working out too well for us.

It would work similar to the USA where we have states= Countries reporting to the Federal=world government.

It would give those countries that we're currently raping like some in central America, AFrica and the middle east the same say and power as the US and Russia. That wouldn't be bad. We'd still have our Militia=Army and local governments and economies.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: forthelove

It's reality denial by those like yourself that causes most of the evils of man.

You think a perfect peaceful world not only can but should exist. So you and others like yourself will force your world view on others, who will resent it.

Those like yourself that know better than everyone else what is best will then resort to legal means of enforcement of your vision.

Which will only cause more harm than good.

The world isn't now, nor will it ever be a nice place.

Only an idiot would want to actually live on sesame street right next door to Mr. Rogers.

Peace is a myth, it has never existed. Every lifeform on this world exists in a constant state of war.

Man has always existed in a constant state of war also, either it is being waged, or it is being prepared for.

Grow up

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:05 PM
Not with the current state of humanity.
Unless YOU LIKE Helghasts...

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:35 PM
I believe the only way this planet would ever unite behind a single government is if there were an extraterrestrial threat. Humans do not come together for love. Our pathetic species only ally themselves because of fear or hate. The phrase "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is the most common reason for cooperation.


posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:46 PM
If you mean 1 world government .. Yes... Washington cant get it right with the people just in the USA... some faceless entity on the other side of the globe is supposed to make choices for me and understand the situation on the ground in my neck of the woods... yea right.

Take the corruption in DC and magnify it a thousand times and you might be approaching the problem with a 1 world govt.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: forthelove would be unacceptable.

Why should I consent to some 'government' 1,000's of miles away to be in charge of me and what I do? I will not cede my rights and personal sovereignty to some 'world order'. I will not comply.

Anything that puts the rights of government or society above those of personal liberty is a bad thing in my opinion and I refuse to recognize that authority nor do I need it.

No kidding... I always wonder whose set of laws for governance they would use. North Korea where there are only a very limited allowed style of hair cuts for men and women; disobey and "Not nice is what happens next".. Or China's death vans who cruise the streets offing people on a list the government says disrupt the peace of the land..something as simple as the wrong religion can get you killed there..

In today's age with all the spyware and a government's propensity to micro manage anything and everything I could see a day much worse than anything dreamed up in the book 1984 ... See freedom is a messy way of doing things... it is better to form up in lines and obey the rules... who's rules will always be a problem... To many cars on the road...OK women can't drive.. Justice will be administered back at the village or township level.. Stoning is now permitted as is burning people at the stake for disparaging words against our all and powerful benevolent leaders and their minions.

Bad examples but maybe someone could use their imagination and see where this could lead. Beside with some of the trade deals already in place we are already making a one world financial and trade pack... or at least trying in our sphere of influence.

Will one world government happen one day ? Maybe.... I would expect it to be a body of governance much like the U.N. who put Saudi Arabia in charge of human rights.. So no I am not in a hurry for that day to come..

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 06:30 PM
What, a new world order based on the Georgia guide stones teachings.
That seems to be their 10 commandments

A new world order, wasn't that Hitlers dream, Stalins dream, Mao tse tongs dream
People in power, extending their power don't and have never cared about the little people, have never cared about anything other than power.

Look at the US of A, it started off as a good country, torn apart in a civil war based on greed and power, recovered, rose to great heights and has been in a state of free fall for the last twenty years

The new world order is about control by the powerful of the weak, slavery, it's the old world order, just bigger

People are evil, they will corrupt anything good, even from the inception.

Just look at those organising it.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: forthelove

NWO won't be bad? have you seen the countries who are trying to set up a new government?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:06 PM
I really don't believe we as a people could or should have a one world government until it is voted on and unanimously agreed upon. Such a government would have to be by and for the people of this world, where everyone can have a say and a chance at office and where corruption is kept to the absolute minimum. Seeing as how the present state of affairs is I don't believe it would be possible but it is a nice thought

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
What, a new world order based on the Georgia guide stones teachings.
That seems to be their 10 commandments

A new world order, wasn't that Hitlers dream, Stalins dream, Mao tse tongs dream
People in power, extending their power don't and have never cared about the little people, have never cared about anything other than power.

Look at the US of A, it started off as a good country, torn apart in a civil war based on greed and power, recovered, rose to great heights and has been in a state of free fall for the last twenty years

The new world order is about control by the powerful of the weak, slavery, it's the old world order, just bigger

People are evil, they will corrupt anything good, even from the inception.

Just look at those organising it.

Would a government based on the "Georgia:" (read: R. C. Christian , or Rosicrucian) Guidestones be really that bad ?(outside of the 1st one)

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Georgia Guidestones

I have been there several times before the vandalism and the resulting closure to the public.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 09:52 PM
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
You putting your hand up?

Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Who controls who, you happy to be dictated to, slavery

Unite humanity with a living new language.
What language, Spanish, English, Chinese, who loses their social identity and because of who.
I bet its just grand if you make the decision

Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Who decides what is tempered reason, ISIS, the military, who rules faith, ISIS the military, who chooses what faith.
We will have no identity as individuals, one giant step towards soviet style communism.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Fair laws and just courts controlled by the leaders who will be corrupt, all leaders are corrupt
What a joke, what magic will they use to find fair people

Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
What, like the UN? Been there done that, still failing

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Petty laws, how stupid, petty laws like what, dog poo in the park, street parking, what?
This is a stupid statement

Balance personal rights with social duties.
Wow, like we cant do that now, another stupid statement

Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Ditto, another stupid statement, how do they implement this pie in the sky nonsense, guns, prisons, death sentences, what will they do if we dont want to Prize truth — beauty — love — seek harmony with the infinite, guns, prisons, death sentences, what will they do .

Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Be not a cancer on the earth, just kill billions of people first, hope you and your kids put your hands up as the first ones to go, ala Auschwitz I guess

As stated this is pie in the sky nonsense.

You can live this life now, bet you wont, bet you cant, bet whatever

This is a real world with real people and the guidestones are a fairy tale set of rules founded on the slaughter of billions

The balance of humanity, the top 2% of the wealthiest people on earth on about 90% of its wealth

The greedy Western countrys steel from the poorer countrys, dont even care about people, how can this silly fluff be real.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 10:48 PM
I don`t think it would be so bad if humans have proved anything they have proved that they can`t handle personal liberty in a responsible manner.
A world government would be far too busy with governing the world to be bothered with local issues that`s why there would still be local governments and "country" governments.clearly on a worldwide scale humans need some king of oversight.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: forthelove
Would A “New World Order” Be So Bad?

Much has been made over the years about the supposed NWO and the conspiracy surrounding a secret organization trying to bring about such a reality. My question to you is would that be such a terrible thing?

I realize much of it has been wrapped around nefarious actions with false flag events and while I do not support the notion that a major war or depletion of the population is necessary, I do not particularly care for the separation of people.

I see a world that is mired in a rut, continually fighting each other over resources and religious ideology. If the goal of a NWO is to bring about a more unified populous without borders controlling us and will usher in a spiritual foundation without all the religious rhetoric involved, I am all for it.

For 1000’s of years the current way of doing things has caused nothing but destruction of people and this beautiful planet and for what? Control? Power? Is the world really better with all the wars generated due to money, gold, oil and religion? Unfortunately, a NWO may not change this, but would just be another form of the same greed and manipulation, just under a different name.

This is quite the conundrum is it not? So, if not the NWO then what is the answer? Nuclear annihilation at the hands of madmen? Really the answer is much more simple, but completely idealistic and wishful thinking; it requires a change in attitude towards ourselves and each other.

A Utopian society with a view based on love would be the only way to ensure a peaceful coexistence. Right now this world is based on a different view, one of greed and hatred and it will only end one way, the mutual destruction of all.

Perhaps this is what occurred to Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu, those mystical lands of days gone by that are for some reason imbedded in our psyche, they imploded for the same reasons, there were those that could not allow for a world to exist with greed and hatred and decided to destroy it so it could be reborn.

Nuclear Armageddon does not have to happen at the hands of a madman, it could also happen because good people have had enough and want to hit the reset button. Rather than be stuck in a world full of hatred and ugliness they will simply just say enough is enough.

Certainly, a madman could start it and a good man could say fine, lets get it over with. Or a good man could just say, you know what, you have pulled this crap for far too long and we need a New World period.

Here is what I preferred happened:

Go to bed tonight with one thought in mind and wake up tomorrow and execute it.

I will LOVE my fellow beings with all my heart and soul. See, simple is it not?

I love you all!

Ever since 911 we have been slowly sliding into tyrrany. Some would argue its been going on since long before 911 but if we use 911 as timeline most people can relate to what has happened since?

rights have been restricted
privacy has been demonised and is now regarded as suspicious activity.
more and more identifiable groups are being labeled terrorists groups.
more and more people are on terro watch lists.
police have become thugs
the justice system is become a criminal organisation in many places
the govt is looting its citizens
the little people get smashed by the law. When was the last time a big time somebody got thrown into goal for 20- 30 years.

more and more society is sliding into that big black hole of tyranny (doesn't matter weather is left, right or center tyranny.

There is another post on this site today that tells us more and more people are self censoring.

where is all this pointing to.

You may not thing the NWO is doing you any harm at the movement but within a few years you will begin the feel it more and more.

Every week it seems to me that our rights, privacy, options or choices are narrowing down. Give it a few years and you'll start feeling the downside of the NWO.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

I will not cede my rights and personal sovereignty to some 'world order'. I will not comply.

I think these came with obligations?

Anyhow, i think a NWO would be really great for the "land of dreamers" cause i think any man woman and children should have the privilege of simple things in society, but those are old christian values..

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:31 AM
For me the question is 'Who would be behind a New World Order?'

Who would have the inclination and resources to take on, and beat, the current PTB?

Would their motives be entirely altruistic?

I suggest looking closely at who is opposing whom.

To me, it seems like more of a power struggle between those who want to keep their current power & influence and those who wish to wrest it from them. All in the name of 'the good of the people'.

I'm not sure a 'one size fits all' approach would work as to how to fairly govern the people of the world Everyone, every nation, has their own ideas as to what works best for them. Try re-educating all the people, at the same time, to accept what might seem fair and logical to a Western NWO. Imagine for a minute that an Eastern NWO tried to assert itself. How would we, in the West feel about that?

Everyone has a right to fight (perceived or real) tyranny and injustice but ought not to be allowed to ride roughshod over those who are comfortable with their way of life and don't feel the need to be 'liberated'. A greater understanding is needed as to why some people would rather things stayed as they are. One can call them any names one likes: backward, superstitious - they still have a right to their say and beliefs. And to oppose their would-be liberators.

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