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Marco Rubio Wants to End Your First Amendment Right to Free Speech

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posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 11:57 AM
Marco Rubio finally said what he really thinks about Donald Trump and the campaign

I think we also have to look at the rhetoric coming from the frontrunner in the presidential campaign. This is a man who in rallies has told his supporters to basically beat up the people who are in the crowd and he'll pay their legal fees, someone who has encouraged people in the audience to rough up anyone who stands up and says something he doesn't like. …

This has happened repeatedly now. This is not new. This is a pattern of the idea that: We are angry. And since we are angry we can say or do whatever we want. We are tired of being constrained by civility, tired of being constrained by rules of cultural engagement. We are tired of being told...

Watch at 0:50 mins to 1:10 mins

Marco subtly talks about suppressing American culture in society about their right to speak what is on their mind and I am sure his special interest groups are pressuring him to relate this to Donald Trump to make DJT look bad and that society should not mimic the GOP front runner.

Now parts are true but what gets under my skin is how Marco is shadowing society....I think he wants society to be controlled on what they can and cannot say in public. Think about about it and listen to him speak in PC terms...when people say "whatever the heck they want", whenever I am angry I will speak my mind....this will all end up in chaos??? In other words he wants people to suppress their emotions so that governments can think for the people? Am I reading into this right?

Viewers be warned this guy is a political sleezeball and a hack!

I think that if you have something to say in public you should be allowed to say it with civility and right to protest without violence. If you don't speak your mind it means you are chicken or a sheeple.

During political elections, of course tempers will rise. This is really the only time I hear words battles between candidates and so it gives people a little more incentive to act in this manner too.

I just try to think beyond the box and beyond what Marco's word imply if he were President...and my gut instinct tells me otherwise...he wants to suppress the First Amendment most likely during elections my guess.
edit on 14-3-2016 by Skywatcher2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Skywatcher2011

Sorry I can't watch the video, so maybe I'm missing something. I don't like Rubio one bit, but isn't he referring to Drumpf inciting violence? Is that legal, and if so, should it be? I'm a huge all-Amendments supporter, but I don't think a politician in a huge crowd of his or her sycophants should be inciting and encouraging acts of violence.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 12:08 PM

Rubio, like the Democrats have run out of dialog.

Hillary is next.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 12:12 PM
This Rubio fellow seems like an angry nervous person with attitude. He can't manage his own household finances, so why would we let him manage the USA economy and government finances? A confident candidate does not spend their time back stabbing and gossiping. He is just not smart or mature.
edit on 14-3-2016 by frugal because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 12:14 PM
Do people think that freedom of speech allows you to say anything?

Ever wonder why it's illegal to yell FIRE in a theater? Doesn't have anything to do with freedom of speech.

If the speech you espouse leads directly to a person being assaulted, or targeted or otherwise hurt, then your freedom of speech is not covered. Clear and present danger can indeed *trump* freedom of speech.

I'm not a Marco Rubio supporter, but he'd not have to remove anything to go after people like that, it's a very well established law.


posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 12:27 PM
So now we know who would fit in like a glove in places like Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, China.

Add Rubio to those 'protestors'.
edit on 14-3-2016 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 12:30 PM

We are angry. And since we are angry we can say or do whatever we want. We are tired of being constrained by civility, tired of being constrained by rules of cultural engagement.

Actually people are.

ONLY so far as Occupy,Blm,Ferguson, and Chicago go, and people those aren't Trump supporters. That is the other side of the coin.

Same people behind those first three were responsible for the last one.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Skywatcher2011

The masters have been advocating what you suggest since the late 80's. It culminated in the phrase 'hatespeech', which quickly wormed it's way into law. The goal was total submission of expression of things distasteful, such as telescreen monitor programming, lies spewing from the mouths of multi-millionaire reporters, and of course, utter submission to their progressive weave of compliance to their ways and means through societal taboo, and technofascism via redcoats who brutally wield force where none is needed, oft escalating into a death or ruined life wherever they are sent. The only hatred that was allowed under this passing regime, was hatred of their semitic kin, the Muslims. How convenient. For this, they will need the Christians.

Thanks to the lure of the irresistible honey in the pot, the grass will be mown soon enough. They've seen to that.

I will go as far as to say that 'hatespeech' was conceived in a design to save themselves from their critics, who are socially ruined should they go Voltaire on them, but numerous. Now that it is backfiring, they are frightened. Not only is the ship huge, and moving at full has already turned around. They will guide us in another war, but they made the mistake of squeezing the testes on paper such that the seed has scattered far and wide, nudged along by a few false flags, thinking it would assist in fomenting world Muslim hatred, when all it has done is created a streetfight that will engulf the masters too, because we see and hear that the slaves are angered, since each lever they pull to sway opinion, has simply backfired. Therefore the failed doghouse carpenter Bernie will amp up to misdirect us to believe that toys and free stuff are what's holding us back, and so will Hillary, albeit differently. These clowns will try to strip us of number 2 in order to fill us with the police state, which, as is the new hot pick up line/television meme, is to keep us safe. Even the weatherman is saying it. Especially the weatherman.

On a positive note, it looks like number 1 has roared right back, thanks to the ethos that the red robin has set.

Oh they're upset. I can tell you. A lot of folk were proudly writing threads about the need of having your own private shower stall and crapper in case you decide that you're the wrong sex and need to have a safe space while transitioning, just a few weeks ago. But now they're doing smack, with coke and sidecars of booze. They are vanished, just like certain posters go away unless there's a plague to make them feel good about their lives. Just try writing about trannies now, and see if anyone cares.

# 594

edit on 14-3-2016 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2016 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 12:53 PM
It's also protection in the event he does become president so he can suppress all "rumors" of him being gay.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Skywatcher2011

El Preidente has spoken. Us peasants must comply...

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 01:22 PM
Uh huh.

So asking for common decency and a modicum of civility towards one another as grown adults, is now being equated to taking away the first amendment and free speech ?

Hoo boy... it takes all kinds of special in this world, doesn't it.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: CranialSponge

Where was the 'civility' from Trump critics acting like two year olds.

'Protesting' with nothing, but LIES.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: neo96

Where was the 'civility' from Trump critics acting like two year olds.

'Protesting' with nothing, but LIES.

Mmm hmm.

Why point the finger at just one side of the sandbox ?

What purpose does that serve ?

How does that remedy anything ?

Both sides of the sandbox are being infantile.... while you're busy tugging on Jenny's ponytail, Johnny is peeing in your shiny new Tonka truck.

So now what ?

Who's going to be the adult and place everyone in their timeout corners ?

Jeezus people, are you even hearing yourselves ?!

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

Rubio, like the Democrats have run out of dialog.

Hillary is next.

Hillary is next.....the next POTUS

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: CranialSponge

Why point the finger at just one side of the sandbox ?

Because that the TOPIC.

I think we also have to look at the rhetoric coming from the frontrunner in the presidential campaign. This is a man who in rallies has told his supporters to basically beat up the people who are in the crowd and he'll pay their legal fees, someone who has encouraged people in the audience to rough up anyone who stands up and says something he doesn't like. …

And Rubio is all snip hurt he is getting trounced.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

Rubio, like the Democrats have run out of dialog.

Hillary is next.

He has suppressed his sweat on the debate stage but now in public he pours there anything else he can say or think about next to try and suppress society???

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 03:05 PM
Well I think it is the nature of humans. People want to have a society of all civil discourse until they aren't getting what they want or are being pushed in a corner for what someone else wants. For politicians and governments to try to claim the high road on this is epic hypocrisy. They are the ones that go to war and destroy lives, countries, infrastructure, entire civilizations. It is human nature and has been since we walked into this world. We are warlike animals whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not. It was what America WAS based on was freedom for a reason. To let people do what they want as long as they aren't hurting someone else.

That is no longer the state of the country at all. We are subjected to so many minuscule laws, regulations, cultural rules, etc. that we are supposed to be responsible for we are literally in an invisible straight jacket for the mind. Yes, go into a law library and remember you are responsible to everything in every book on every shelf under penalty of pain, financially or physically from incarceration to death. And ignorance of that law is no excuse. Well, now the masters have tried to write laws to suppress your very expression under hate-speech, which is being quickly transformed into Political Correctness, or Political Craziness. And now people are surprised the wheels are about to come off this train? Priceless!

We stood by and watched these politicians promise things over and over. Watched them destroy our country by passing laws and signing treaties shipping out jobs and manufacturing offshore. They said, oh it will work out. Better jobs are coming. America has recovered even though the numbers are a total sham. If you say they are not you're either daft or lying to yourself or worse. The people in the streets feel it and know it. It has been the splinter in their mind that something is very wrong. But, we played along with the PC BS when it has got ridiculously out of control used to thwart anything that some little entity or person is offended by. Guess what? I am going to shatter some peoples reality here so you better run to your safe place if you don't want to have reality hit you in the head with a 2x4.

The world is unfair, life is unfair. It is hard and NO, not everybody is a winner and not everybody is going to be getting the same thing no matter what you do to try. The lie that has been sold to the young people of being special snowflakes, everyone gets a participation trophy, there are no winners and losers, is backfiring big time with these millennials. They have emerged into the world and found out the adults have lied their tails off to them. Not only that, they have used mind altering drugs on their developing minds to make them conform to some psychobabble social norming goals that in reality are as much bunk as the rest of the lies sold to the people.

The combination of these thing done to Americans are about to reach their end result in epic fashion. It is recognized in the world right up to this very day and seen in every oppressed, over regulated, taken advantage of society on the planet. It is called war. The government is well aware of what is coming and they have been planning for it for at least a decade in earnest, much more in actuality. They have billions of bullets waiting for all you snowflakes that throw temper tantrums.

The people have their own war coming. And this one will be one of the worst wars I think the planet will see. It will probably result is a third world war. Too many things are happening at once. First, factional and guerrilla warfare is flowing under the surface ready to pop. We are only seeing symptoms of the real problems brewing. The globalists have convinced enough people that economic collapse is inevitable and part of what has to happen because we are killing the planet, AGW, and all the other boogeymen out there. The new normal they say out of one side of their mouth while taking jobs and trillions out of our country to develop the third and second world countries. That is opposing goals friends. You can't develop all these people and reduce pollution, resource depletion, global carbon emissions, etc. See, it is your carbon emissions that need to be reduced, your way of life that has to be brought down, and that is their real goal behind the front. The people are waking up to the scam. The planners weren't expecting this. They also weren't expecting someone like Trump to come along with the power and podium to say what a lot of people think and feel, ANGER is justified. Regardless of where Trump has said wrong things and pissed certain people off. The bottom line is that the people are angry as hell and don't intend to keep taking it in the rear, being pissed on and told it is raining and all will be sunny in a little while.

Yep, it sux big time. It isn't and outcome anyone wants. However, the vehicle is headed for the cliff at high speed and the brakes have been sabotaged by want to be mechanics of a New World Order and they can't fix it now. Slime like Soros pushing the open borders and immigration on Europe is almost complete is destroying that society. It will be at war especially if things continue as we are told they will this year on an upward trajectory. Multiculturalism is a lie. It may work with cultures of the 21st century that have a modicum of civility. But, mix 7th century religious cultures into a modern culture and you are not going to get your multiculturalism utopia. You get self separation and eventually total breakdown and civil war. And that is planned here. We just have been lucky on a few things. We have huge oceans between us and the worst of these cultures that have been at constant war amongst themselves, we are a very large country, and we are armed unlike most Europeans. However, it is the fact we are armed that is a thorn in tptb plans. It is also most likely going to lead to a shooting war much easier here than elsewhere. Still, I wouldn't have it any other way. I will not go quietly into the night, go out on my knees, or any other fanciful idea of totalitarian thinking. I will go my own way standing and fighting. And there are a lot of Americans that feel the same way. That is part of our culture running through our blood that people across the pond don't understand.

I got off the road there because the issues driving the political problem and the anger and violence we are seeing is multifaceted. It is not just easy as saying it is Trumps running his mouth that is causing this. It is not. He is just speaking about people being fed up and how we don't take it any more. We don't have to let our borders be open, we don't have to take the liberals ideas for society to take ours. Or I should say some liberals. They have been hijacked like certain religions too. And just as the left uses violence at Trump events, it is fomenting revolution. It is the same force that is coming out of the more silent majority that have been holding their tongues and taking it waiting for these promises of a better society. Well, it is evident now that it was all a lie and now something must be done. The establishment isn't working any more. And the fuse is lit. When it explodes is anyone's guess, but I would say within a couple of years at most. I hope somehow it can be resolved and put out, but the more you peek behind the curtain or out your window, the more that is looking like a pipe dream. This is much deeper!
edit on 14/3/16 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: xuenchen

Rubio, like the Democrats have run out of dialog.

Hillary is next.

Hillary is next.....the next POTUS

The Next JFK you mean.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Skywatcher2011

I listened to the entire video. I agree with Rubio. Free speech has limits, when your speech leads to violence against others that is the limit. Trump is inciting violence at this point. Rubio said nothing about using government to stifle free speech, he said we need to be critical of people who are calling for harm to others and perhaps even enforce the laws against that.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Boscowashisnamo

El Presedente in Cuban has suppressed his citizens of speaking out against cartels...anyone else?

edit on 14-3-2016 by Skywatcher2011 because: (no reason given)

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