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just had a pharmacy 'decline' to fill my prescription

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posted on Mar, 12 2016 @ 09:22 PM
As somone who has suffered years of pain from an accident i had , was hooked on pain meds for 8 years . This thread disgusts me . I don't know your lives and diagnosis but what i do know is the "pain pill life" and mentality that comes with it and this thread reeks of it.

Seeking poor me sympathy because you didn't get your pills on time . Yeah i know whats coming "you don't know me or the pain i am in" yadda yadda yadda ..

Since being sober i know this for certain that i was and addict , hooked on pain pills , relaying on them from the time i woke up and went to sleep. Anyone taking Roxies like that is a pill addict hands down. And dont try to justify that your arnt to me . been their done that.. Same old song and dance.

I still suffer from my pain but i manage it with non opioid pills . never felt better .

Pill pushing drs and a society relaying on pills is sad really.

Flame on.

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Kapusta

I still suffer from my pain but i manage it with non opioid pills . never felt better .


if i had a giant cookie i would give it to your for being so awesome.
i will continue to manage my pain with the pills

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

They have a doctorate and they are licensed through the state. Thus a licensed doctor.

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: TinySickTears

With C2s you only have so many days to complete the partial. As I said previously, depending on the pharmacy's delivery schedule it may take until the following week before they get the drug. And even then there's no knowing if the drug is on back order. If the partial is not completed in that amount of time you will be charged for what you got and then be required to get another script which you'll also be charged for. Let's not even bring up the fact that many doctors will charge you an appointment fee just to get another script. And who's going to get all the blame for making you pay all this extra money? The pharmacy. Do while pharmacies legally can partial C2s it's ultimately easier for everyone involved to just check to see if other stores in the area have it in stock.

I don't know about all started but here in Virginia you are required to get a photo ID of anyone picking up a C2 unless the person is known. You would then record the name of the person picking up and their ID# on the hard copy. That way if someone picks up the script that's not supposed to you have their info to give to the cops. Also, you can always have your pharmacist out a note in your profile saying only certain people are allowed to pick up your meds.

I agree with you on the eScript thing though. It wasn't until last year that the law was changed here to allow for C2s to be electronically prescribed. And even then most doctors didn't know the law had changed.

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

i was under the impression that partial fills were no longer possible.

also, as of february i have to show my ID when i drop off but not when i pick up.

i get what youre saying about delivery schedules and all that but it really should not be my problem. their business is to sell me medicine. i come every month with the same script for the same amount. have been for 3 years. they should be able to make sure that there is enough medicine when it comes time for me to get mine filled.
again, it has only happened a couple times where i have had to go to another pharmacy but i shouldnt even have to do that.
everything is logged into the computer.
all customers with existing prescriptions for a certain med should be covered as far as stock goes for the month.
if a new customer comes in with that same script and them filling it is going to potentially short another customer(should say patient) for that medicine then they should have to order more.
there are all kinds of liability issues as far as doctors go once they start treating you. for liabilty reasons they have to do certain things. i think the pharmacy having certain kinds of meds in stock all the time should be covered under that same sort of issue.
what if i was to need my medicine filled on a friday? cant get those filled early. i go to the pharmacy and they are out of stock. lets say till monday or tuesday. lets say the surrounding pharmacies from the same chain are out as well.
what am i as a patient supposed to do?
suffer i suppose huh. aside from the pain issue you can not just stop taking those kinds of meds in those doses cold turkey.

the pharmacy as a first point of contact(as they like to call it) should absolutely be responsible for situations like in not leave people possible hanging for days without their medicine.

that is a serious problem and i know people that re not on these meds will not understand.
neither will people like superman who posted above who can now cope after 8 years with no pain meds.
not everyone is that super duper awesome. people need their medications.

the only reason the attitude and stigma even comes out is because it is a narcotic.
i bet if we would have this same conversation about another maintenance medication like friggin daily insulin or something like that it would be a different story.

it would be oh the poor poor patient cant get his insulin. then it will be the big bad pharmacy or insurance or healthcare. when it comes to pain meds though. most people basically have the attitude of # those people.
who cares about them

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: TinySickTears

originally posted by: Kapusta

I still suffer from my pain but i manage it with non opioid pills . never felt better .


if i had a giant cookie i would give it to your for being so awesome.
i will continue to manage my pain with the pills

Miss read your reply.

What pain? If your on 30 mil roxy your in no pain. Until you start going through WD. You choose to be on that #. I am sure it all started with vicoden then as your addiction grew and your tolerance and pill intake got bigger you stedy worked on your Dr convincing him you need sonething more stronger . .. So here you are now on ATS ranting about how you didnt get your pills on time.

Take your smoke screen addiction elseware.

edit on 06/17/2015 by Kapusta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: TinySickTears

originally posted by: Kapusta

I still suffer from my pain but i manage it with non opioid pills . never felt better .


if i had a giant cookie i would give it to your for being so awesome.
i will continue to manage my pain with the pills

Miss read your reply.

What pain? If your on 30 mil roxy your in no pain. Until you start going through WD. You choose to be on that #. I am sure it all started with vicoden then as your addiction grew and your tolerance and pill intake got bigger you stedy worked on your Dr convincing him you need sonething more stronger . .. So here you are now on ATS ranting about how you didnt get your pills on time.

Take your smoke screen addiction elseware.

dont know what condition you had. dont care.
even with the roxi i am not pain free. have not had a pain free day in 3 years.
i was on vicodin for a time but not for this.
lyrica, morphine, and the roxi.

not really ranting about not getting them on time either. i got them on time. what i am doing is bitching about a pharmacist refusing to fill a prescription and how i dont feel they should not be able to do so.

then you come in on your high horse with your story, who knows if it is true or not. i suspect not. anyway.
you were an addict for 8 years then one day decided you were going to manage without.
arent you a super special unicorn of a person.

maybe you are taking elements of your 'story' and trying to twist them in to mine.
the whole working on the doctor thing...trying to convince them i needed stronger stuff.
yeah that never happened for me.

dont lay your trip off on me. i didnt need to do any convincing. what i did do was go through diagnostic tests and such that pointed the doctor(s) in the direction. things you cant fake. things that dont need convincing.

the triple phase bone scan i went through said all that needed to be said without me uttering a word.
multiple surgeries. multiple diagnostic tests.

think what you want. does not really matter to me.
i wanted to know how people felt and if they have had this situation happen to them. i got my answers.
i was even lucky enough to be able to hear your expert, ex pain patient, ex drug addict opinion on the matter. lucky me.

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: Kapusta

thanks for showing love, honor, compassion etc that you claim to have been taught through islam

If anything this religion has taught me honor ,love , compassion . etc I wouldn't be the man I am today had I not picked up the Quran some years ago

all you really did in this thread was form an opinion about me and talk # to me based on your own struggles.

now that i know a little something about you though it makes perfect sense.

thanks for that

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 06:29 PM
Yes, it's a nightmare and I've experienced what the OP has many times. Often they will cop and tell you they don't have enough to fill your script rather than outright refuse you. Fact is, they have to log these scripts in to a database with the DEA and they go over these with a fine tooth comb. They are a real problem for pharmacists and can take away their license to work for any number of reasons.

The best way to handle it is to set aside a couple day's worth of meds each month by skipping a pill here and there when you can. That way you have a fallback for situations like this. Otherwise you may have to tough it out for a few days or end up in the emergency room. The most difficult part is the lessening amount of relief you get over time and the addictive nature are a tough combination for patients to manage yet they must control that aspect or go through hell on a regular basis should you run out early.

Some pharmacists are asses, others are just trying to cover theirs.
They're in a tough spot too.

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears


You do realize that a diabetic without insulin can die?? Yes they actually need insulin to LIVE.....

Love and light
Sat Nam

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: eriathwen
a reply to: TinySickTears


You do realize that a diabetic without insulin can die?? Yes they actually need insulin to LIVE.....

Love and light
Sat Nam

i do realize that.
you do realize that a person who has been on high dose opiates for years can also die if they are all of a sudden cut from a high milligram per day to zero?
not likely but it can happen

taking that off the table though people have a right not to be in pain and they have a right not to suffer.
a person should not have to go through DT's and legitimately suffer cause of a pharmacy error in ordering medicine or a pharmacist refusing to fill a prescription.

asktheanimals, i agree with you. that is probably the best course of action. even if a person stashed away 1/2 of a single pill a few days out of the month that would probably be enough to get them through an emergency couple of days if there was a problem. i am 100% with you.
my point though is a legit pain patient with a legit prescription should not have to do that and should not even have to think about doing that.
a person should be able to take their prescription and get it filled at their pharmacy on the day it is due. no exceptions.
i dont feel like it should be the patients responsibility to cut themselves short through the month for a just in case. i feel like the pharmacy should over stock if they have to so that under no circumstance should their customer(patient) be without their medication.

people who again take insulin for example are not expected to do this. my wife take thyroid medication and she is not expected to do this.
only we patients on narcotics are expected to have to do this.

instead of a patient having to short themselves on doses through the month maybe the pharmacy should be able to fill their prescription 72 hours early...just pulled that number out random.
things happen. pharmacies run out. cars break down. blizzards hit. deliveries go off schedule. any of that happens and the person who needs those pain meds is expected to just deal with it. theyre just supposed to suffer.

people that are not in those situations can not possible understand. i would have thought mr love and compassion would understand like asktheanimals does seeing as he claims he was a pain sufferer but apparently he does not.

there is a stigma attached to these medications and patients should not be made to go through what they do to get their medications.
of course i am only talking if there is a legit diagnosis from a legit doctor for a legit condition what warrants it.

these heavy hitting pain meds are designed and marketed towards conditions like crps. like fibromyalgia. like breakthrough cancer pain. that is what these meds are for yet when a person with one of those conditions starts on one of those medications, the stereotyping starts.

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals

Some pharmacists are asses, others are just trying to cover theirs.
They're in a tough spot too.

how tough of a spot is it really though? if a person walks in with a legitimate prescription that is valid and with all the security features on it and intact. if that person has their ID on them. i dont see what the problem is.
these days they can call other pharmacies. they can check databases. they can check and see when and how often insurance has been paying for the medication.
like in my case they can call the doctor and get questions answered and get the diagnosis codes. with all that it seems pretty straight up to me. if all that is on the level the script should be filled.

now if a person walks in with a script that looks like it has been tampered with. if they are paying cash on their first visit with a script that looks like that. if no verification can be made with the doctor. i get it. that is probably a CYA situation.
i would think those situations are pretty easy to spot

i dont know. maybe not but it seems to me it should be pretty easy to verify the legitimacy of a prescription.

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 06:58 PM
Unfortunately, people have abused the system to a point where legitimate patients are suffering. Hands down, that's the issue.

posted on Mar, 13 2016 @ 08:29 PM
I have no intention of flaming you. I would like to add a little bit of a different perspective.

I too live with pain 24/7. Some days I can barely make it out of bed and it takes me almost 20 minutes to walk less than 20 feet to the bathroom. It took me 3 to 4 months to decide to go without the narcotics. I will be honest. The only reason I took that route was because the narcotics were not worth it. For the little benefit I got from narcotics, they made me sick or put me to sleep. Neither of which allowed to me to function. With every visit to a doctor's office or hospital, the first question they ask you is, "Are you having pain?" If you dare say yes, it is followed with the question, "On a level from 0 to 10, what level would you rate your pain?" The moment you give them a level above a 3, you are immediately placed in the med seeker, junkie, category, and you are dismissed in their minds, and are placed at the bottom of the list. I just stopped answering the question.

It is humiliating, frustrating and enraging, because pain is 100% subjective. No one can rate the pain of another. You will never know what kind of pain a person is having, even if you have the same experience. I have a very low pain threshold, that is why I have learned to deal with high levels of pain. If I were to display the pain I sometimes feel, they would lock me up.

I once had a doctor sit down, look me in my face and say to me, "I just looked at your MRI, how can you possibly, be sitting here in my office so calm?" He said, "I am surprised you are not rolling on the floor after seeing your scans." I asked him would he treat me any different if I was screaming and rolling around on the floor?

I have pain so bad I can hardly breathe or move, let alone scream and roll on the floor. Yet most people think if you don't act like a damn fool, scream and cry, than you pain can't be that bad. Trust me on this, people that are screaming and acting a fool, their pain isn't necessarily any worse than the person that is sitting quietly, gritting their teeth and bearing it.

I remember times that I wished I had the power to let those people that were judging me, feel what I was feeling, for just 5 minutes. Then I would feel guilty, because I knew they wouldn't be able to take the pain for a full 5 minutes without passing out. So I would wish for the power to let them only feel it for 1 minute.

Personally, if a person can get relief from pain in any way that works for them, I am very happy for them. Of course there are people that abuse medications. There are people that do many things in excess; food, games, gambling, even sex. So every one that eats, plays games, plays Lotto, or has sex, is an addict? Everyone that experiences pain and needs pain medication, is not an addict.

I consider myself blessed most of the time, that I can continue to function without the narcotics. So blessed, that I would never begrudge anyone the means to relieve their pain, not for one second. I don't believe anyone should judge or withhold medication from a patient that needs it.

I am angry, stubborn, and damn determined. Everyone is not like me. You can thank a higher power for that, because I wouldn't want to live in world with too many people that are like me. To be honest, very few people would be able to function with the level of pain that I "choose" to live with. Some days I lose the battle, and if I need a break from the pain, I go to bed and force myself to sleep through it, until I have the strength to get back into the ring.

For me dealing with pain isn't about courage or strength. For me it is more about pride and control. I am not going to beg or kiss ass, nor am I going to give control of my life over to somebody writing a prescription or to a substance.

It is a choice you can't make for anyone else.

edit on 13-3-2016 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: word edits.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: Kapusta

thanks for showing love, honor, compassion etc that you claim to have been taught through islam

If anything this religion has taught me honor ,love , compassion . etc I wouldn't be the man I am today had I not picked up the Quran some years ago

all you really did in this thread was form an opinion about me and talk # to me based on your own struggles.

now that i know a little something about you though it makes perfect sense.

thanks for that

I have no tolerance for people that abuse prescription drugs . Whats the matter ? hitting a sore spot ?

I call it how i see it , and your trying to justify your addiction. Its a common pattern with people like you and the pharmacist recognize this.

your a pill Addict simply put .

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: Kapusta

thanks for showing love, honor, compassion etc that you claim to have been taught through islam

If anything this religion has taught me honor ,love , compassion . etc I wouldn't be the man I am today had I not picked up the Quran some years ago

all you really did in this thread was form an opinion about me and talk # to me based on your own struggles.

now that i know a little something about you though it makes perfect sense.

thanks for that

I have no tolerance for people that abuse prescription drugs . Whats the matter ? hitting a sore spot ?

I call it how i see it , and your trying to justify your addiction. Its a common pattern with people like you and the pharmacist recognize this.

your a pill Addict simply put .
This line of thinking is like, anyone whoever has a beer in the evenings is an alcoholic. Ban it all! Aspirin and ibuprofen not working!?? Who cares!?! Got cancer? Need MM, just so you can eat? So What! Been in a terrible accident and can't stand the pain?!! Tough it out!
Not everything and everyone is like you or your problems with addiction. I don't see why you have a need to keep judging folks and it really seems your issue is within yourself. You've obviously not been around too many accident victims, disabled, sick or elderly people that need relief from pain or other ailments. Hope you can find peace and understanding.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: peppycat

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: Kapusta

thanks for showing love, honor, compassion etc that you claim to have been taught through islam

If anything this religion has taught me honor ,love , compassion . etc I wouldn't be the man I am today had I not picked up the Quran some years ago

all you really did in this thread was form an opinion about me and talk # to me based on your own struggles.

now that i know a little something about you though it makes perfect sense.

thanks for that

I have no tolerance for people that abuse prescription drugs . Whats the matter ? hitting a sore spot ?

I call it how i see it , and your trying to justify your addiction. Its a common pattern with people like you and the pharmacist recognize this.

your a pill Addict simply put .
This line of thinking is like, anyone whoever has a beer in the evenings is an alcoholic. Ban it all! Aspirin and ibuprofen not working!?? Who cares!?! Got cancer? Need MM, just so you can eat? So What! Been in a terrible accident and can't stand the pain?!! Tough it out!
Not everything and everyone is like you or your problems with addiction. I don't see why you have a need to keep judging folks and it really seems your issue is within yourself. You've obviously not been around too many accident victims, disabled, sick or elderly people that need relief from pain or other ailments. Hope you can find peace and understanding.

Not the case at all really , I understand people need Pain meds. But my judgement came from reading everything the OP has posted . Based off that I am "assuming" without doubt of course that the OP has a pill addiction problem . My Opinion on this wont change . I have 8 years of living that lifestyle and being around people with the same mentality .

And i have been around terminally ill people ( namely my mother ) I also was an accident victim my self thats how i ended up getting hooked on pain pills .I was just like the OP i was essentially a walking pharmacy could tell you who , what , when , where , how when it came to dealing with pills , pharmacy , Dr's.

The OP has to many red flags ,thus my assumption that he/she is without a doubt an addict.

That's how i feel about it and i won't change my opinion. people can agree with me or not . simply put .

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: peppycat

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: Kapusta

thanks for showing love, honor, compassion etc that you claim to have been taught through islam

If anything this religion has taught me honor ,love , compassion . etc I wouldn't be the man I am today had I not picked up the Quran some years ago

all you really did in this thread was form an opinion about me and talk # to me based on your own struggles.

now that i know a little something about you though it makes perfect sense.

thanks for that

I have no tolerance for people that abuse prescription drugs . Whats the matter ? hitting a sore spot ?

I call it how i see it , and your trying to justify your addiction. Its a common pattern with people like you and the pharmacist recognize this.

your a pill Addict simply put .
This line of thinking is like, anyone whoever has a beer in the evenings is an alcoholic. Ban it all! Aspirin and ibuprofen not working!?? Who cares!?! Got cancer? Need MM, just so you can eat? So What! Been in a terrible accident and can't stand the pain?!! Tough it out!
Not everything and everyone is like you or your problems with addiction. I don't see why you have a need to keep judging folks and it really seems your issue is within yourself. You've obviously not been around too many accident victims, disabled, sick or elderly people that need relief from pain or other ailments. Hope you can find peace and understanding.

Not the case at all really , I understand people need Pain meds. But my judgement came from reading everything the OP has posted . Based off that I am "assuming" without doubt of course that the OP has a pill addiction problem . My Opinion on this wont change . I have 8 years of living that lifestyle and being around people with the same mentality .

And i have been around terminally ill people ( namely my mother ) I also was an accident victim my self thats how i ended up getting hooked on pain pills .I was just like the OP i was essentially a walking pharmacy could tell you who , what , when , where , how when it came to dealing with pills , pharmacy , Dr's.

The OP has to many red flags ,thus my assumption that he/she is without a doubt an addict.

That's how i feel about it and i won't change my opinion. people can agree with me or not . simply put .
That is a very human response and I thank you for that.
I guess what I don't understand is, why the judgment and pointing of fingers... we all have a right to our opinions, but what purpose does yours serve?
Are you concerned about someone who may or may not have an addiction and that's why you shared your opinion and personal experience beating an addiction or is it just out of need to be the better person and point fingers? Is this a case of tough love on your part? There are other ways to show concern about one's well being.
I was just a little put off by the judgment of someone you don't know and will never know their level of pain.... but I know the response to that... it's your opinion and your sticking to it.
The OP was about having a weird experience with pharmacies and many people explained the possible reasons for the experience.

posted on Mar, 14 2016 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: peppycat

I saw more in the OP and his other post than meets the eye . I saw a someone who has a pill addiction and is disgruntled at the pharmacy for refusing to fill is prescription many factors can cause this . One if they are trying to fill early or are bouncing Dr's/pharmacy's "pill seeking " etc etc . We only get to see one side of the story from the Op's prospective . Look it's hard for me to put into words what i knew and the prospective i i have now after living that lifestyle . But the OP knows exactly what i am talking about .

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: ketsuko

That's true. While my views on narcotic use is very libertarian, I also understand that American society has degenerated beyond the point of moderation and responsible pain management. If all controlled substance regulations where to be lifted today, America would dope itself into oblivion. We have lost our tolerance for freedom.

Just wanted to say that you and Ketsuko are knocking it out of the park on this thread!
Could not say it better myself and stars just dont say enough.

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