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A Tremendous Breakdown on How Donald Trump Answers A Question

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posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: Ghost147

I don't believe for one second trump is just a salesman.

He may not be, but he certainly talks like one.

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: Ghost147

He is no orphan amongst politicians doing that

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: Ghost147

That was fascinating! Thank you! I have never considered Trump to be smart, intelligent or someone to be respected, in any way. He's simple-minded, insecure and childlike. But this video expertly points out how he's manipulating the public and why his "message" resonates with his supporters. Very interesting!

And don't be surprised if the video makers get sued. Trump has been involved in 169 lawsuits and threatens to sue anyone who he thinks has "wronged" him. He sued his ex for talking about their relationship. He threatened to sue a man for (for $25 million) for protesting against Trump's clothing line. Source

Anyone who spends 10 minutes to look into Trump's background will find that his bark is MUCH worse than his bite. He's all mouth and no substance. And other countries are laughing at us for even considering this guy... I can't blame them. We look embarrassingly ridiculous right now...

posted on Feb, 18 2016 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: okrian
It's funny that people don't see how much being a salesman is like being a politician. But remember, for Trump, and for being a salesman, it's about selling, not actually about the product. That should give anyone pause when listening to Trump.

I realize this every time I hear a politician speak. Though this certainly is a good rationale for Trump's lowest common denominator approach to political speak.

You don't have to be well-educated to see through this. You do have to put your knee-jerk emotions aside though, because they only give short-run results.

Well 4th graders have trouble doing that you see.

posted on Feb, 25 2016 @ 12:45 PM
I have a Masters Degree, yet I support Trump. It's simple. I've read his plans, and they are pretty sensible. How many other candidates have a book showing just what is needed to turn things around?

If anything, his speeches turn me off, but knowing the substance behind his ideas, I can overlook the fact that he's not exactly politically correct. To be honest, it's a bit refreshing.

I used to think he'd do well, but never get the GOP nod as a candidate. I'm getting just as surprised as the rest of the folks though, as he definitely seems to be nearly unstoppable. I still think he'd lose to Hillary in the general election, but I do think it would be a MUCH tighter race than with any other GOP candidate.

(and no, Bernie is not a factor....just count up the delegates to see this one).....

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: Gazrok

I have a Masters Degree, yet I support Trump. It's simple. I've read his plans, and they are pretty sensible. How many other candidates have a book showing just what is needed to turn things around?

Do you actually believe he wrote that book? In fact, do you think he has even bothered to read it? He never read any of the other books he had ghost written for himself:

Asked by Megyn Kelly what his favorite book is besides The Art of the Deal, Trump chose All Quiet on the Western Front. (Not sure what happened to the Bible!) Kelly, perhaps sensing that Trump may not have read a book since sixth grade, asked him to name the last book he read. “I read passages, I read areas, chapters, I don’t have the time,” Trump said. “When was the last time I watched a baseball game? I’m watching you all the time.”

If anything, his speeches turn me off, but knowing the substance behind his ideas, I can overlook the fact that he's not exactly politically correct. To be honest, it's a bit refreshing.

His speeches turn you off because that's him espousing what he really thinks, not a ghost writer trying to make it sound like it makes sense.

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