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America's secret, diabolical reason for allowing illegal immigrants

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posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

C. The wall is just a cover to make it look like you are doing something but in reality you are not stoping them from coming here but you can make some money of the crisis.

Fact is that during the hay day of Mexican workers coming to US......they were not crossing the Rio Grand on foot at night and then trying to blend and move north. They were taking buses from gathering points in Mexico, crossing the boarder at the check points, and then these buses were dropping off passengers, as the orders for jobs came in, at cites here and there all the way north as far as Main if need be. It was all very organized and a secret in plain sight.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 02:59 PM
No doubt about illegals from Mexico and cheap labor, and that was especially true many years ago.

Now, even the illegals can not find jobs, because they are already taken by the other illegals! Are you guys saying we still need 30 or 40 million illegals...AND COUNTING....for cheap labor??? I live at the edge of Sandiego County, Ca---hello Mexican border--and any given Home Depot from here to Los Angeles, on any given day there are so many illegals, 50 or 100 standing there waiting for work, and can't even find it. Someone will pull up and say yard work, and the illegals will say $15 an hour or so, then maybe one guy will stoop to $12 an hour and hop in the truck. Then there are the higher number of illegals working at all kinds of factories, warehouses and construction sites for full pay. Everyone knows there were already way too many of them here years ago, and Obama tells the border patrol and customs to release them. They are here for more than labor.
edit on 11-2-2016 by 222mockingbirdlane because: Auto correct

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 09:19 PM
Firstly, no free citizen will be forcibly microchipped. You gotta give people some credit, I mean if they tried that nonsense in my country there would be mass revolts.

The danger there is if they try to force them on criminals in the guise of "these people have committed crimes therefore they must be monitored to ensure they commit no further crimes" in which case there would be people supporting that because people are idiots.

As for immigrants, it's because governments favour larger labour forces and population increase is considered a good thing economically. A capitalist government, unless halted by the people, does not care about cultural preservation - though this may be more of an issue in Europe with the current rapefugee crisis.

And that's what it really comes down to. And there's nothing wrong with that. In Europe, we're getting tired of having Africans and Middle Easterners taking over our cities and turning whole districts into no-go zones. European countries all have a long history, each with their own unique culture, which is currently being drowned in the name globalisation. Our countries are being invaded, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

And you know what the effect of protesting against it and implementing resources to stop the flood of immigrants is? It sets on group of people against another. I can't speak for the USA, but in Europe the refugees and migrants tend to stick together, creating an Us vs. Them situation which is similar to what is happening in the USA (from what I can tell, if I am incorrect please correct me).

But there is more. The modern world is run on Hegelian philosophy, featuring such strategies as Hegelian dialectics, which basically is when two sides of a conflict clash and the end result is a mixture of the two previously opposed ideologies. Cold War capitalism vs. communism has resulted in many countries adopting a mixture of capitalist and socialist policies. Western people vs. Middle Eastern people will (ideally for the government) result in a merging of the two cultures.

The sick thing is that a lot of people (idiots) will rejoice at a "harmonious" global culture. They look forward to the end of national borders and the end of national cultures, usually because it will "end racism". But is that really worth seeing my homeland destroyed, watching all that my ancestors built crumble into nothing? Maybe this is more sensitive to Europeans, but it's something the whole world needs to think about.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: Volchitsa

Forgot to mention, if microchips are used not for tracking purposes but for recording things like medical info and driver license status, that's just as bad.

It will end your ability to remain anonymous when someone can just run a scanner over you and learn what they need to know.

I reserve my right to commit crimes damn it.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: Volchitsa

Rapefugee crisis. Very nice, I like the term😊 I agree that the chip won't be forced, it can only be given to the willing. They may have prototypes that can be forced, but when it comes the the "real, final, fat lady sings" chip implant, it will be free will. I agree with all you said, and reading made me sad. It is a shame what is happening to our well developed, happy, civilized cultures. I'd like to think something can happen to just change it back to normal. That's why I'm hoping for Trump here in the U.S. For now, at least, him saying he will fix it is the only hope we've got.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 12:26 AM
America's secret, diabolical reason for allowing illegal immigrants

It's not really a secret.

The LEFT wants more voters, and there is no better way than 'instant' citizenship.

Once those people wise up to the LEFT's lies, and has ALIENATED them FTW

Rinse and Repeat.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: 222mockingbirdlane

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

You realize the majority of Americans carry tracking chips in their pockets every day right? They are called cell phones.

Not to be rude...but the downfall of any topic is when people just blindly post comments, without even reading what they are posting about. I just said in 2 different posts, that the point of microchip identification isn't about tracking, and then wrote a bunch of explanations of what is about.

A phone can be lost, discarded, or broken at any time, etc. It's not a permanent, all inclusive I.D. and tracking device. To get rid of a microchip implant, one would have to remove part of them selves.

I have a feeling a short sharp dose of high energy magnetic field might be most unwelcome for that little chip, just like an EM burst?

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: interupt42
I believe your way of thinking is the key to survival.

We have to dump the idea that this world is all gum drops and lollipops. The government is not concerned about the people, outside of how they can be used. Yes they will lie to you, they will manipulate you, and they will dispense of you as it necessary to achieve their goals.

Honestly, it isn't personal. They don't give a damn about you so there is no way it could be personal. How much thought do you give to a gnat that is buzzing around your head? It annoys you, you smash it and never drop stride. Too many gnats to ignore? You whip out the bug spray. They returned? Aerial spray them and apply DEET.

It is not about you, me, or the country; at this point it isn't even about the money. They already have all the money. The money angle at this point is for controlling the masses, and it is one grand illusion.

The only way to survive at this time is to get out of the game. Even with that you are just buying yourself a little time.

Stop expecting the old rules and the old standards to work or even make sense. You are stuck in a spider web, the more you struggle, the more entangled you will become, and the more likely you will be next on the menu.

You are not in Kansas anymore and continuing to follow the yellow brick road is not going to take you any place you want to be. You can just stand there clicking your heels and wishing for a magical trip back home to the way things used to be, but don't be disappointed when a White House gets dropped on your head and someone else runs off with your ruby slippers.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 08:40 AM
I'm convinced by now that there is an agreement or some nefarious power block of globalistsome designing the takedown of Western nation via mass immigration.

None of it makes sense, and none of it is benefitting the host nations. And it just grows and grows with not opposition, but more ENCOURAGEMENT.

This is a willful takedown.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane
I had a friend a very long ago that told me something that I didn't understand at the time. We were unlikely friends because he was born into a family with old money and I was born into a family with no money, but we both loved books, and talking about them. Even back then young people didn't think sitting around talking about books was exciting, so we became friends because we were the odd ones.

He told me that money sitting in a bank was useless. He said it wasn't your money that you carried in your picket that makes you wealthy, it was your money that other people carried in their pockets that made you wealthy.

It is not about the money. It is like any other item that is labeled as "valuable".'As long as someone other than yourself is controlling the price tags, then you are nothing more than a consumer, and a pawn to those that control you and the system.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 09:33 AM
They have already suggested that non-citizen votes tipped the last elections. So if amnesty is in the works the next elections will be pure immigration driven. The top states with the greatest electoral votes are also the states with the highest illegal immigration. Florida being #3 on the illegal immigration list will surely go blue this election with 29 electoral votes. Texas is surely another target being #2 on the illegal immigration list also possibly going blue. Not to mention N. Carolina #09 on the illegal immigration list now which almost went blue last election with another 13 electoral votes. That could be more 80 electoral votes added to the states that have gone blue the last 6 elections and gives 322 blue electoral votes. It does seem that the states electoral votes are being targeted and driven by non citizen immigration.
edit on 12-2-2016 by TamtammyMacx because: #

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 11:38 AM
Regarding anyone's view on the chip I.D. Implant, it comes down to whether or not you believe it can happen.
I you don't, then nothing you see or hear will ever support the idea.
If you do believe it, then you know something like this could only happen after years of strategic planning by diabolical minds.

I mentioned this already,
but please read if you didn't read it. some people didn't. They keep saying there is no need for the "old" technology of an implant, when we have the "new" technology of cell phones.....

It baffles me that people don't see the difference between carrying rfid chips around in devices, and having one permanently embedded in your body. I'm not sure as many people truly understand these implants as you think. Implants have been created that are made from a tiny dot of a gel like substance and float around in the blood stream freely. Devices can “read” them if a person has one in his/her body, but they cannot be removed. I think there will be irreversible ramifications for anyone who gets one, and any tyrannical government that would want people to get them has seriously ill plans. Why would a government even want people to have them implanted, rather than just carry them?

They will say "so it can never be lost" but keep in mind this is a radio frequency device that can send and RECEIVE information. The Verichip/Digital Angel website stated the chip could transmit feelings of happiness and well being via a frequency through the chip.
This was not on some forum, this was on the Digital Angel website, and it was meant to be an awesome thing, not a bad thing. Of course, you wonder what else can be transmitted that they didn't happen to mention. Perhaps you can see why it is imperative to them that they groom people towards being implanted, and why it is imperative to you that you get informed, and choose not to get it. Because once you do get it, one of those irreversible ramifications could be your very own mind and thoughts.

One rule they have to follow in all of this, is that it has to be the persons choice, it can't be forced. There are plenty of prototype chips floating around out there. When the official, widespread implant chip is released (possibly the one that moves freely in the blood and cannot be removed) it is an order from the "big boss" that it has to be personal choice. Other than that, there are no rules. They can create any kind of horrible scenario they want, in order to make you break down and say "ok fine, I'll get it!"

Regarding illegals voting; now that they have state issued drivers licenses to vote with, we may be screwed.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

The simple reason of the illegals being welcomed is that the births of children of the existing residents is an unhealthy percentage below the 2+ that would sustain the population. And that ain't no way to grow the economy. Letting those illegals in is the same as having babies in increasing the population. Except they come at a working age or near working age. The immediately are independent consumers of all things.

How many business care one iota about where a buyer of their product comes from? Answer: zero. Business don't suffer from loss of jobs at such times as does a middle and lower class work force, businesses make more money.

As they say, "It's the economy, stupid." (Nothing personal, just a quote.)

You nailed it.

Like them or not, they are big consumers and they spend a lot of money. Just to to any Ikea or outlet mall. If they suddenly dissapeared, our economy would take a big hit.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

As someone who works with, and designs RFID systems, I think it's possible that you overestimate the capabilities of RFID technology, especially the fact that any passive RFID tag small enough to be implanted could even come CLOSE to transmitting a signal that could have a physiological effect on the human body. With passive RFID's antenna requirements, it would be EXTREMELY difficult to design a reliable tag that would be small enough to be safely injected I.V. There are just too many fundamental constraints at play with passive RFID.

Also, RFID is not even REMOTELY considered a secure technology, and could very easily be spoofed.

I'm on the same page as Krazysh0t on this one. If some sort of identification system like what you are talking about were to be implemented, it wouldn't be RFID-based. They would use a technology that was reliable, such as barcodes. After we started implementing RFID tags, we actually did some testing that compared RFID read rate with barcode reads. Needless to say, we will be using barcoding for the forseeable future. So will everybody else. You'll be seeing barcodes at Wal-Mart for a VERY long time. (Wal-Mart was the customer that actually requested the comparison data, as we were one of their vendors at the time).

Also, I don't know about other people's opinion, and don't take this personally, but to be 100% honest, when you start talking about the company logo that looks like "666" upside-down, you're already starting to lose credibility with me.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 05:03 AM
First, you say "they would use more reliable technology, such as barcodes" like you're speaking hypothetically. Then, later you say "we will be using barcoding for the foreseeable future" I believe what you say, but that just left me unsure whether you know more or less than you let on. What have you done for them, write a computer program, or are you in the engineering aspect of designing scanners and such?
It seems like a barcode would kill less birds with one stone; versus a chip, which can be tracked. What are all of the functions of the barcode; ie how much info can it hold? Is it possible that the barcode is a prototype stepping stone, leading to a different method in the future? How would the barcode system be implemented, and how do they suppose people will react? You're not like Val Kilmer in "Real Genius" are you?

Feel free to answer these questions in one really long run on sentence

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

The "they" I was referring to the "Government", so it IS hypothetical.

When I said "we" I was referring to industry. Which will be using barcodes for a long time.

As far as "barcodes killing lees birds with one stone", I really don't know what you mean. Barcodes and RFID tags serve pretty much the same purpose, which is to store a short sequence of alphanumeric data, usually 25 characters or less.

As far as the ability to "track" a RFID tag, they are no easier to track than a barcode. To do so would require an ENORMOUS infrastructure (such as RFID readers in every doorway), because in order to do so you would have to stay within range of a RFID reader, which have really short range, usually only a few feet. The read range of a passive RFID tag is also fairly proportional to the surface area and/or the length of the antenna on the tag. The smaller the tag, the shorter the read range.

Barcoding is a very mature technology compared to RFID, and was simply using barcodes as an example to demonstrate that barcodes are VERY much more reliable than RFID, at least as a general rule.

I don't know why barcodes would be a "stepping stone leading to a different method of WHAT in the near future?

I'm saying that if some type of 24/7 tracking system were to be implemented, I think it's unlikely to be RFID based. it's not reliable enough, and is EXTREMELY easy to hack or defeat. It's just another example of doom porn foolishness.

Walmart jumped all over RFID about 10 years ago. They were proposing a system that could suppliment and possibly replace checkouts. They wanted to set up "RFID Lanes". The customer would simply bag their items (which would be RFID tagged) and exit between RFID readers on either side of the exit door. Theoretically the readers would read all the tags and just bill the customer's account or credit card. No checker-person required. In practice, they were getting read rates as low as 50%, so that plan quickly fell by the wayside. Passive RFID is just not reliable enough for dependable real-world applications unless it's very short range. Inches in my experience.

About me, I was a Systems Engineer. Software and hardware. I mostly designed, wrote code for, and built warehouse conveyor and shipping/receiving/inventory systems for 20 years with a (very) large textile manufacturer. We invested a LOT of money in RFID tech around 2004-2005. 90% of it is in storage as of a couple of years ago.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

The simple reason of the illegals being welcomed is that the births of children of the existing residents is an unhealthy percentage below the 2+ that would sustain the population. And that ain't no way to grow the economy. Letting those illegals in is the same as having babies in increasing the population. Except they come at a working age or near working age. The immediately are independent consumers of all things.

How many business care one iota about where a buyer of their product comes from? Answer: zero. Business don't suffer from loss of jobs at such times as does a middle and lower class work force, businesses make more money.

As they say, "It's the economy, stupid." (Nothing personal, just a quote.)

People had no problem having children when the economy was free from uncontrolled immigration and when jobs stayed in country.

Eventually the immigrants will realize this too, then what ??

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: MteWamp
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

The "they" I was referring to the "Government", so it IS hypothetical.

When I said "we" I was referring to industry. Which will be using barcodes for a long time.

As far as "barcodes killing lees birds with one stone", I really don't know what you mean. Barcodes and RFID tags serve pretty much the same purpose, which is to store a short sequence of alphanumeric data, usually 25 characters or less.

As far as the ability to "track" a RFID tag, they are no easier to track than a barcode. To do so would require an ENORMOUS infrastructure (such as RFID readers in every doorway), because in order to do so you would have to stay within range of a RFID reader, which have really short range, usually only a few feet. The read range of a passive RFID tag is also fairly proportional to the surface area and/or the length of the antenna on the tag. The smaller the tag, the shorter the read range.

Barcoding is a very mature technology compared to RFID, and was simply using barcodes as an example to demonstrate that barcodes are VERY much more reliable than RFID, at least as a general rule.

I don't know why barcodes would be a "stepping stone leading to a different method of WHAT in the near future?

I'm saying that if some type of 24/7 tracking system were to be implemented, I think it's unlikely to be RFID based. it's not reliable enough, and is EXTREMELY easy to hack or defeat. It's just another example of doom porn foolishness.

Walmart jumped all over RFID about 10 years ago. They were proposing a system that could suppliment and possibly replace checkouts. They wanted to set up "RFID Lanes". The customer would simply bag their items (which would be RFID tagged) and exit between RFID readers on either side of the exit door. Theoretically the readers would read all the tags and just bill the customer's account or credit card. No checker-person required. In practice, they were getting read rates as low as 50%, so that plan quickly fell by the wayside. Passive RFID is just not reliable enough for dependable real-world applications unless it's very short range. Inches in my experience.

About me, I was a Systems Engineer. Software and hardware. I mostly designed, wrote code for, and built warehouse conveyor and shipping/receiving/inventory systems for 20 years with a (very) large textile manufacturer. We invested a LOT of money in RFID tech around 2004-2005. 90% of it is in storage as of a couple of years ago.

Very interesting to hear from you, and thank you for your long reply. It just dawned on me, you are talking about microchips & barcodes on products, not the ones made for implanting in people.

In 2002, Verichip Corp (Digital Angel) Applied Digital solutions, and the telecommunication company ORBCOMM, began working together in the creation of a GPS implant for humans. This is not the microchip made for implant, which was created long before, just a GPS to add to the chip implant. The GPS implant is of the size of a grain of rice, and even back then they were already working on making it smaller. Another name for the GPS implant is PLD, personal location device.
“Once inserted into a human, the device can be tracked by Global Positioning Satellite technology, the information relayed wirelessly to the Internet, where an individual’s location, movements and vital signs can be stored in a database for future reference.”

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: ParasuvO

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

The simple reason of the illegals being welcomed is that the births of children of the existing residents is an unhealthy percentage below the 2+ that would sustain the population. And that ain't no way to grow the economy. Letting those illegals in is the same as having babies in increasing the population. Except they come at a working age or near working age. The immediately are independent consumers of all things.

How many business care one iota about where a buyer of their product comes from? Answer: zero. Business don't suffer from loss of jobs at such times as does a middle and lower class work force, businesses make more money.

As they say, "It's the economy, stupid." (Nothing personal, just a quote.)

People had no problem having children when the economy was free from uncontrolled immigration and when jobs stayed in country.

Eventually the immigrants will realize this too, then what ??

Good point. If this government really believed we were underpopulated, they would have made abortion and birth control illegal a long time ago. They do anything they want, anyhow. And if they didn't want to do that, at the very least they could have made insurance companies stop covering the cost of abortion and birth control. But no, they want these options readily available and will continue to pay for them, because there is no underpopulation problem, there is an overpopulation problem.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: 222mockingbirdlane

Why the U.S. rolls out the red carpet for illegal immigrants has been a mystery for years. It has brought down the economy and our school system. 60% of government subsidized housing is occupied by illegals and their anchor babies, but we practically usher them in. Just recently Obama told U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Agents to release illegal immigrants. Why would he say that?

You have literally no clue what you're talking about. There is no "red carpet" for immigrants unless they are wealthy investors or very well educated and highly skilled - doctors, scientists, etc.

I challenge you to provide anything that even slightly resembles proof that "illegal immigrants" have brought down our economy or schools. What do you even mean by "brought down" anyway?

60% of gov subsidized housing is not being occupied by "illegals". That's just hogwash. I'd love to see you prove that one.

Study immigration law. Learn about how government assistance programs work. Learn a little bit about how the various immigration processes work. Meet some immigrants. Educate yourself. Most of the people you think are "illegal" probably aren't. Many of the 11 million people people refer to as illegal are not actually illegal.

These people don't qualify for almost every single government assistance program out there. And the government agencies that run these programs are very good at verifying legal status.

As for "anchor babies", I'd be very interested to hear how you think that works.

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