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Do you think the NWO are in power?

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posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 12:42 PM
cus av looked at what others have to say and am still not sure


posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 01:09 PM
am askin anyone, i just want to hear some fresh theroys about the subject

[Edited on 13-6-2003 by neo]

posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 01:17 PM
Well they are in power in some nations. But that can hardly be called a world order. If you look on the ATS main site theres a piece called. "Are UFO's created by humans?" Wich has a nice theory on how the NWO would sieze power.


posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 03:16 PM
thanks that was very informative ill just sit wait and see what happens next

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 01:57 AM
We've been living in the NWO for quite some time now. It's just not in full swing yet. I'd say that WWIII will be the final step in fully establishing the One World Government. I'm gonna make an educated guess of that happening within the next eight or nine years.

The best scenario to me AT THIS POINT; would be a world where all races mix to make one race and a One World Government with honest men in control; not that that would ever happen.

Since that probably won't happen, we may as well have TOTAL ANARCHY because we live in world that's chaotic; and our so called "free-will"; is what I like to call "manipulated free-will". I say TOTAL ANARCHY because we are living in a sort of anarchy or "controlled anarchy" as it is, so why have bounds to it?


[Edited on 14-6-2003 by Tamahu]

[Edited on 14-6-2003 by Tamahu]


posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 04:23 PM
i have to say, ive always been against anarcy and chaos but after reading certain bits of infomation recently im starting to see that as the only option to go against the NWO

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 05:17 PM
I say anarchy; because a world without government would be better than the world that we have now. It would actually be LESS chaotic, because things would sort of balance out.

Then again; people would eventually form groups and have opposing interests, then governments would form.
Oh well; this life is probably just a single stage, in our souls travels in this vast universe.


[Edited on 14-6-2003 by Tamahu]

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 05:20 PM
I rather have the NWO in controll then total anarchy.
Total anarchy would mean that every single nut case in the world would go on a killing spree. Some poeple will bunker in their houses with food, water, weapons etc.
Wait a minute. Wasn't there a movie like that?

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 05:26 PM
"Total anarchy would mean that every single nut case in the world would go on a killing spree."

Better to have nut cases with only their own individual power going on killing sprees; than nut cases who have almost whole nations backing them. Ex. Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Reagan, Blair, Sharon, etc.

The individual nutcases would be easier to subdue.


posted on Jun, 15 2003 @ 07:45 PM
Anarchy is total freedom. THats my look on it. If only we had anarchy with no hate. Then our world would be perfect.

posted on Jun, 15 2003 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by spubbles
Anarchy is total freedom. THats my look on it. If only we had anarchy with no hate. Then our world would be perfect.

Nope. Anarchy means looking after Number 1 using any method. Invariably, that method involves taking something from your neighbour.
Anarchy is no substitute for order.

As to wether there is a New World Order?
I see things as having started at the end of WW2 with the demise of the League of Nations and the creation of the UN Security Council. After 2 disastrous wars where we almost totally destroyed each other it was time to make sure that it could never happen again.

The Cold War put things on hold for a while as two different doctrines battled it out for control. Eventually the US beat the Soviets and now is clearing up the mess after that fight.

China is an unknown quantity to me though. It seems weird to me why they got a seat on the council in the first place. The excuse could be that they were nuclear but that seems to obvious to me.

Whether the New World Order is just a very powerful US which is pushing through it's policies isn't yet clear. I'd like to think that there are others involved.

One thing to watch for if you want to see how the NWO works. I believe that eventually the Security Council is going to have to take onboard more permanent members. Five won't be enough for much longer.
It will be interesting to see who comes onboard.

posted on Jun, 15 2003 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by neo
i have to say, ive always been against anarcy and chaos but after reading certain bits of infomation recently im starting to see that as the only option to go against the NWO

Well your starting to come around a little bit, exept for that whole "only option" bit. Other ways of fighting the NWO exist. One is this site, through awareness it is better fought than being ignorent. Other ways involve being more active and rallying together to oppose them in masses. Now anarchy to me is unbounded rioting, at least that is how it would appear. The NWO can be seen as the puppet master, the hidden force behind makeing the world one government. But as long as we the people of this world hold on to our individuality, and keep the cultural traditions alive, the only thing the NWO will represent is the changeing of the times. And a headache.

posted on Jun, 15 2003 @ 09:15 PM
what about the old world order?

they are both "in power". they are both illuminati.
and the puppets dance.

the world is, and has always been, run by criminals. they make deals in back rooms, and our brothers and sisters die as players in "the great game".


posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR

Well your starting to come around a little bit, exept for that whole "only option" bit. Other ways of fighting the NWO exist. One is this site, through awareness it is better fought than being ignorent. Other ways involve being more active and rallying together to oppose them in masses. Now anarchy to me is unbounded rioting, at least that is how it would appear. The NWO can be seen as the puppet master, the hidden force behind makeing the world one government. But as long as we the people of this world hold on to our individuality, and keep the cultural traditions alive, the only thing the NWO will represent is the changeing of the times. And a headache.

I think those are exelent words of wisdom and very uplifting the only problem i see is that these words will not reach all ears ie the masses of people not clued in on these sorts of goings on and when the revolution comes (if ever) people will be scared and panic and had not heard words like yours and fall into the NWO's trap, surrender their rights and become slaves to the NWO

i think speading the word is vital. but will they belive us

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 01:17 PM
a one world Government is inevitable, i think it could be a good thing, and when it will happen is anyones guess and is not yet decided, but WW3 would seem reasonable enough. However, why would there be a WW3 soon? i don't think there will be, not in the next decade at least, who would the allies be fighting? Russia is almost considered an ally in some quarters of Washington, and China are far too smart to move towards military confrontation with the West.
i don't believe any of the NWO theories i have read to be remotely true, and i think they should all be taken with a pinch of salt. The logic behind some of the theories is more than questionable.

I don't think many of us, if any of us, will see Global Government in our lifetimes.


posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Peace
a one world Government is inevitable, i think it could be a good thing, and when it will happen is anyones guess and is not yet decided, but WW3 would seem reasonable enough. However, why would there be a WW3 soon? i don't think there will be, not in the next decade at least, who would the allies be fighting? Russia is almost considered an ally in some quarters of Washington, and China are far too smart to move towards military confrontation with the West.
i don't believe any of the NWO theories i have read to be remotely true, and i think they should all be taken with a pinch of salt. The logic behind some of the theories is more than questionable.

I don't think many of us, if any of us, will see Global Government in our lifetimes.

If you had read all of the info on the main site espesially ARE UFOs CREATED BY HUMANS? you would see that the NWO's plan is not to do with setting countries against eachother.

Also for the WW3 senario you only have to glance at what is going on bettween the U.S and countries like N.Korea and Iran to name a couple to see that world war is a far more possible in the next decade than you you may have first assumed

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 08:46 PM
they are already in power with their puppets in high places

EU, UN are the two main ones

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 04:56 AM
I like this Anarchy thing... It sounds like a good thing for total nut cases such as myself...

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 01:45 PM
If it is in power then it wouldn't really matter for most people but that's the point, the process is supposed to be seruptitious. That way no-one's going to try and resist it. Except people on the internet. Who don't really matter because they aren't representative of the worldwide community as a whole. But you could take the view that it's going to end up like 1984- if there is that degree of control, there may be only certain people that it applies to, so you can all sit back, relax, play the lottery and eat cheeseburgers in peace.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 02:32 PM
Oisin said:

"so you can all sit back, relax, play the lottery and eat cheeseburgers in peace."

Yep. The mentally dead in "first world" countries sure don't have a problem with the NWO.

People in "third-world" countries do, whether they like it or not.


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