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Israel girding for possible Palestinian Authority collapse

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posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 05:58 PM

High-level government officials have reportedly been meeting to discuss the potential collapse of the Palestinian Authority, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructing ministers to act to prevent the break up of the West Bank governing body.

Netanyahu told the security cabinet Monday that Israel must take steps to avert the collapse, but also warned them to prepare for a worst-case scenario, the Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday.

“We must prevent the Palestinian Authority from collapsing if possible, but at the same time, we must prepare in case it happens,” the paper reported him as telling the closed meeting of top ministers.

You want to stop this from happening then stop doing what you're doing, building more and more illegal settlements on Palestinian land, end the occupation, and for the love of god do something about those Jewish extremists called the Hilltop Youth. Work towards an actual two state solution, but it's obvious Netanyhu is not interested in that.

I'm torn if he wants the PA to fall because on one hand Israel works with PA to increase Israel's security, you know checkpoints, walls, midnight raids, but on the other hand could Israel seize even more control of the West Bank with no leadership.

The PA hasn't held elections since 2009 so it might be time for that to change because that kinda sounds like a dictatorship, one Israel fully supports.

“Many of those arguing for the dissolution of the PA simply don’t believe in two states,” Kerry complained. “Many current Israeli ministers have been clear that they oppose the vision of a Palestinian state, not just now – but ever.”

Damn Kerry, tell it how it is.

posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: Swills

Sounds like an opportunity for Israel to take control of the temple mount.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 12:10 AM
Good and unbiased people of ATS who're informed of our past all know Palestine was under the Muslim Ottoman Empire and they thrived before Rothschild's Britain waged WW1 for control of it and many other objectives. Then they slowly expanded into what today is known as Israel. God bless everyone on planet Earth I love u all and all of our faiths.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 01:23 AM

right have the Spirit.......

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: Swills

Israel planning Palestinian Authority collapse

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 02:57 AM
Obviously the Palestinian authority are full of Mossad otherwise why would Isreal support them?


posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: THEBEARDEDGOAT
Good and unbiased people of ATS who're informed of our past all know Palestine was under the Muslim Ottoman Empire and they thrived before Rothschild's Britain waged WW1 for control of it and many other objectives. Then they slowly expanded into what today is known as Israel. God bless everyone on planet Earth I love u all and all of our faiths.

Uh huh."palestine" was never a nation,but a Area of land. If you go by the name being given to the area by WESTERNERS such as THE ROMANS(thanks ceasear) the original nation before the western crusaders(aka romans) was Judea right beside anchient israel. Israel existed before WW1 or 2.

Also th eottomans sided with th elosing side of the war and as such their government collapsed and went to th evictors. It was all legal until after WW1 apparently to seize lands for compensation.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Cmon man u cant throw our recorded history under the bus like that brother. I would be more than happy to post my sources if u are willing to post yours good sir

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 06:40 PM

If the Land goes to the "original" owners this debate is solved by bringing the Canaanites to the Table, if you are liberal enough to include Neanderthal man in the picture then the land needs to go to a collective of Europeans with the highest percentage of remaining neanderthal genes... Because they were there before Humans as we know them.

If you think that sounds odd... Then you know what both of your "who's on first" debate sounds like and how valid it is in the debate.

1: Israel can't be moved they do some of the best research in the world Tel Aviv is a center of global finance, Millions upon Millions of people depend on the work done there for their well being. That's TODAY

The Palestinians have been offered Land, in fact a lot more land and right next door... it's been refused, repeatedly. The point being all common sense has been lost. For starters Palestinian or Jewish a century ago there was "NOTHING". Regardless of "Pride" which is a Sin to all 3 Monotheistic faiths by the way Palestine before Israel was of no value, Palestine of what remains is ruined and of no value.

I don't care where you are in this world.... when a home gets destroyed by nature,taken wrongly etc, etc due process in a court of law is the norm. The Palestinians were "wronged" they deserve compensation which "Can" include a home land, it would be a much nicer homeland, no fighting and the same chance to thrive the Jews got and yeah, they would WIN that case.... But what is wanted is revenge, what is driving this a set of emotions and primitive thinking in regards to "territory of ancestors" when in reality anyone in the rest of the world would opt for More Land, New Homes... And yeah the UN would pay for that if the world agreed.

Where the Palestinians loose the debate and maybe their futures... Is in a complete lack of practicality and they can only blame themselves...

You see, The Jews, most came from Germany. They aren't in the hills of Austria demanding their homes back firing rockets lol, no, no, no. They were "Sane" sure a location where they had historical claim sounds great, but let's be serious they could have offered the Jews part of Western Pennsylvania and money for condos and they would have said "Sure, Great idea" The Palestinians however are ridiculous in the same exact regard and intend to fight to the death...for nothing.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

Considering th e caananites stopped being a people and were bred ou t of existence i dont see that happenning. Also They tested the palestinians and they have no DNA relation to said group.

Also That lie about most jews are from Germany has been debunked. Most jews came from surrounding countries

@ the goat. Umm yes you can because Judea and Israel existed BEFORE the area of palestine. Read about it. the romans renamed it as a punishment,and also to further the insult the current ceasear himself decreed all maps be redrawn with th e new name.
edit on 16000000pppm by yuppa because: education

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 10:29 PM
Well, excuse my ignorance for not reading back into those days but i speak of ww1 and after. Im not a professional historian but what i posted is true. The disputed land may have been called something else but in ww1 it was Palestine. If u have any reading material you are willing to post plz do i believe we should all be much more informed on this subject for human bloods sake.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 10:36 PM
To Israel...Do not give any land away for "peace",not even one inch.Do not
divide Jerusalem!

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: THEBEARDEDGOAT
Well, excuse my ignorance for not reading back into those days but i speak of ww1 and after. Im not a professional historian but what i posted is true. The disputed land may have been called something else but in ww1 it was Palestine. If u have any reading material you are willing to post plz do i believe we should all be much more informed on this subject for human bloods sake.

It was Illegally renamed "palestine" by the Romans. By modern day UN laws it would be considered a war crime to had doen what the romans did. And it was a AREA,and not a country. thats a fact. Also Google it yourself. ive already explained this to others many times and im not going to do so again.

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