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mental health and terrorism

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posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 02:00 PM
I think it could well be due to hot sun on the head. Seriously.

Look at the Islamic world; it's essentially one huge, sun-baked desert, from Morocco through Pakistan. Not really suitable for human habitation.

Those countries are incredibly hot and many Westerners just can't take it for too long. I remember hearing stories of British soldiers dropping like flies from heat exhaustion during the Iraq campaign, and that was only after weeks, months.

Think what it would be like year on year, decade on decade, generation on generation. That powerful sun, frying the brain in the skull, the unknown effects of strong UV rays on the delicate human brain, the cumulative effect over generations. That's got to have an effect, hasn't it?

You're not telling me that's not going to be significant?

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 02:21 PM
Don't forget to factor in the absolute belief in "instant entrance into paradise and and total wiping away of all sins" for martyrs.

This is especially appealing to muslims who may have "strayed from muhammads path" during their teen and young adult years but come back to faith later in life only to worry they can never overcome their previous sins in any other way than jihad martyrdom.

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Deny Arrogance

This is especially appealing to muslims who may have "strayed from muhammads path" during their teen and young adult years but come back to faith later in life only to worry they can never overcome their previous sins in any other way than jihad martyrdom.

The Catholics should send them a business card. Or they could call an Evangelist preacher and donate a few $$?

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: tonycodes
As I said, it all depends on you classification of mental illness. Yes genetic mental abnormalities can be passed on to children. But I think the greater part with children is complex. Part the environment they grow up in (not the area ie. bombs and body parts) but how their parents or religious teachers ( as in some societies children are forced to attend regular religious schools) teach them the reasons and actions behind what they see and experience and in that teaching molds the adult.
As for the wars I was alluding to all the soldiers returning from these wars that actually killed and saw their friends killed in gruesome manners. If I read you correctly you are alluding to the latter wars, Korea and Vietnam. The main reasons that there were an awful lot of mental problems from these conflicts and even latter conflicts is that unlike the 1st and 2nd world wars that had a defined enemy who obeyed certain rules of warfare but most of all there was a defined beating of the enemy and a defined end.
Where as Korea and Vietnam and all the wars since The enemy has NOT been a defined army, there was no logical reason that the ordinary soldier to believe just what they were fighting for. By and far the biggest reason was that the ordinary soldier did not actually know who the enemy was. Yes, when they were being attacked it was kill or be killed and your enemy was the person firing at you, but when the shooting stopped and the enemy just melted into the population just then who was your enemy. And the enemy did not play by the rules that regular soldiers had to abide by. That's why there were incindents like Mai Lai.
On top of all that there was never asolid goal that they could achieve and there never was a satisfactory end to the conflicts. It was just the top brass announcing the war was over, when to the men on the ground knew there was no such thing as the enemy were never defeated and were still there opperating as before. That just there was the mindf***.

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: CJCrawley

it is an interesting point... but there just arent enough terrorists out of the total number of people living in deserts to say that this is the case. I guess the only link could be that a small percentage of people, based on the physicality, simple cannot handle overexposure to the sun... but if desert climate was some sort of negative mind altering thing, well there would be ALOT more terrorists or crazies than there are now

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

I was referring to ww1 and ww2, but any "war" serves my point. I wasn't talking about genetics either as far as passing it on. I was asking if you think its possible to GIVE a child a mental illness after they are born without one. US military i feel are trained well enough to have direct objectives, regardless of the enemy. What I am making a connection to is that terrorism is more of a psychological fight than anything. I feel terrorism is the manifestation of mental illness being spread like a virus. This would take terrorism away from being considered a religion and simply the terrorists rhetoric is the "cough" of the "host" to spread a mental illness... This also leads me to believe the only cure is take out the kids so that they cannot be infected. The adults that arent already infected should leave the area. If they dont leave, well, they are infected. No way to pass it on means it dies. This is how eradication has been conducted for years in man kind and nowadays we have the resources to kill everyone and save most of the kids instead of killing the kids too. So thats what should be happening i think, and it will kill terrorism at its root.

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 03:02 PM
Dammit!!! I should have named this post "The manifestation of mental illness being spread like a virus- Terrorism" oh well
edit on 19-11-2015 by tonycodes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: tonycodes

if desert climate was some sort of negative mind altering thing, well there would be ALOT more terrorists or crazies than there are now

Well there are quite a number. Switch on your TV and see where most of the action is.

It's not a catch-all explanation, but I think it could explain some of the blood lust and sheer pointlessness of Islamist atrocities.

If you look at Western terrorist groups like the IRA, UDA, ETA, and so on, there is a kind of method to their madness, however deplorable.

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 04:15 PM
How is this 'terrorism' any different to Guy Fawkes sponsored by the Catholic Church, the French Resistance murdering those who wouldn't join them backed by the British and their Defender of the Faith and the murder of over 200,000 civilians in a predominantly agricultural area in just two blasts by the US, self-proclaimed blessed by God? All relied on fear to get their way in the name of a freedom allegedly defined in the Christian tradition which purportedly preaches peace among men through tolerance and inaction. Islam and its 'terrorists' are no different. Each century's generations follow the precedents set in the previous century. The West set all the precedents in the 19th and 20th centuries. 21st century cultures see these, see they were successful and imitate them. They also see what happened to those who surrendered or were subjugated. Germany, Japan, Israel all seem to have done pretty well, invested in by the victors. Where's the lesson for them to learn?

The biggest stumbling block to world peace is the USA. It was the one that went crazy with its nuclear arsenal, was mad to build the biggest army per capita and over-funded itself on lunatic foundations of land theft, slavery and organised gambling on a mass scale. It holds the biggest repository of lethal viruses. Mental. With all that behind it, it strike more fear in the rest of world than the Middle East groups. The majority of its population supports the use of violence and indeed the right for the individual, sane or otherwise, to kill or maim is enshrined in its constitution and protected despite numerous killing sprees. Is that rational?

And that's just what we know about.

Maybe if the US could be cured, the 'terrorists' might follow suit and seek a doctor.

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: tonycodes

dude you're right. They're crazy evil. They're not merely crazy, though. Otherwise they wouldn't be so prolific. They're so evil it seems crazy to not-as-evil/normal people like us.

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 02:33 AM

originally posted by: tonycodes
Dammit!!! I should have named this post "The manifestation of mental illness being spread like a virus- Terrorism" oh well


Imagine if the terrorists take that seriously, suicide 'spreaders' inject themselves with Ebola and walk through countries they hate !!!

One sneeze and everyone around them is dead.

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 02:56 AM
Even if the majority agree it were a mental illness, what then? Declare the entire ME a mental asylum and bring in millions of 'healthworkers' and drugs? Because that is what society does to uncontrollable, uncooperative persons or those demonstrating otherwise socially unacceptable behaviour, while not necessarily doing anything illegal. It is basically a kind of police and jailor system, only they have the possibility to declare someone insane and therefor possibly violent, enough to keep them legally locked up/drugged up before they do anything. They are not about curing illnesses, just containing like damage control.

Bombs and bullets would be cheaper. Although it would create a lot of jobs for those willing to go babysit the drugged up ME crazies, such a massive operation would also be profitable to the pharmaceutical industry.

But there's not the manpower for something like that, maybe if some of the ME would want to cooperate and do it themselves but that is unlikely if only because psychiatry is mental healthcare which has Christian/European roots. Besides, it opens doors to have Christians or even all religion be declared mentally insane and even though numbers are on the decline, it'll take at least another century before it's a small enough minority or it might even never happen.
edit on 20-11-2015 by johnnyjoe1979 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: tonycodes
I think we are reading of the same page so my misunderstanding of your definition"give a child". It is totally possible to give a child any mental make up as a childs mind is a blank canvas. As an example ,parents could make a child paranoid (which is classed as a mental illness) but I would still class these methods as not so much give but teach, train, through controlling their behavior and environment which leads to the desired affect that the parents want.
I don't believe that anyone can stop this process as the teachers of these terrorists have spread far and wide so you would only "save" a few children IF you could take them away from the "teachers".
A case in point was the problem Birmingham schools (Look up Operation Trojan Horse) had with militant, fundamental parents taking over the running of 3 schools with approximately 1000 pupils being involved. You can't take that many children away from their parents without serious repercusions.
One MUST also now recognise that the terrorist are not now based in one country so it will have no affect whatsoever in bombing or invading any one country. They have no alliegance to any country and are sitting in virtually all western countries just waiting for the right oppertunity to come along.

posted on Nov, 22 2015 @ 02:17 AM
well there are alot of detailed responses here i have to read and ellaborate on.. thank u guys!.. but if i can throw down a thought here real quick.... do animals commit suicide? i mean if an animal has food and shelter, its not going to sabotage all that. but picture a human, living in a situation that is really really easy to survive in. this human may blow themselves up? terrorism is the opposite of Natures order as we know it up until this me theres a reason some parts of the world are non violent and other parts are ultra violent.. and its non about the politics of those regions... its something else we dont know about yet i think.

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: johnnyjoe1979

you get the kids out.. thats my solution

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

well not many ideas last a long time.. no matter how well funded or popular they are.. besides, the majority of the islamic world hates the islamic state now so this might be a powerful group but they aint no china or russia. they are in a lot of ghettos arent they? people without resources? people more succeptable to mental illness or brainwashing or psychosis ... i dont see many wealthy people thinking religion is worth dying over in my generation lol
edit on 23-11-2015 by tonycodes because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-11-2015 by tonycodes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 04:22 AM
im schizo-effective i dont let the voices delusion me, but they try to cause me to suffer using loud magneticly resonant sounding voice attacks. the voices are terrorists that are little computers in my brain.

the people that commit crimes who are mentaly ill are being pushed violently in their minds to do so.

ive been blessed to have sought support the right way and not fall for the evil nano-bullies attempts.

when you see thing s true, they get mad. but there are medications that reduce or fully stop them, every one is different and it takes some med changes to get there.

god bless the victims of the lie.

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: Rapha

this is very close to the same thing, just a different method of transmission lol

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 07:08 AM
heres a thought.. has anyone heard of a muslim american who is wealthy and owns a businnes blowing themselves up? me neither.. the reason why is bc they arent as succeptable to developing a mental illness through the constant stress of living in a poor and violent environment. so why make this thread? bc when i tried to find more info on how mental illness links to terrorism.. google had some very weak results. not enough people in a position of power are looking at terrorism in the scope of mental illness and how its spread. geez, makes you wonder if there are truly TPTB and an NWO, they wouldnt need money.. they need control! Mwahaha.. and I cant be the only critical thinker on the planet that realizes religion is the ultimate conduit to get billions of people to move in one direction. the worlds elite would all fit nicely in the mental warfare model leading to an NWO. anyway, didnt wanna make any conspiracy theories but there u have it. did it anyway.. when i ramble my ideas it make me wanna thank this forum for letting us use their space for our ideas and thinking outside the box. God bless ATS hahaha
edit on 30-11-2015 by tonycodes because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-11-2015 by tonycodes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 08:07 PM
And the disease has finally spread to our shores.

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