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Concerned citizen calls 911 over man walking ‘with purpose’ with Confederate flag

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posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: FamCore
originally posted by: kosmicjack

And before anyone chirps up that this guy wasn't killed - let's be honest - in the context of the police state that exists now, he is very lucky.

That's so true, and completely disturbing

Coincidentally, there was a man killed by officers, in Louisville, a couple of months ago for swinging a flag pole at them. I don't recall that there was an actual flag attached to it though. I do believe the police were called because he was walking around with it, however.

The initial call wasn't for him walking around with a pole. It was an assault call, and then guy didn't pick up the flag pole until after an office made contact with him. He grabbed an "OPEN" flag and attacked the officer when the officer started to follow him down the sidewalk.

Just to clarify.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Ok. let's play the assumption game: Either the OP REALLY likes the OP and that is why he posted the thread or he posted it because he was outraged that someone called in a trivial police report. So we assume option one, then this thread and the OP's tone make sense. Now let's assume option two, why even post the thread? Trivial police calls are made every day in this country.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: GonzoSinister

originally posted by: kosmicjack
a reply to: GonzoSinister

Exactly. And that underscores that we have got to stop this madness.

and to an extent that is true,

however i do not for one minute believe all those who see this scenario as an issue in this thread, would be as against the same reaction if the scenario i put forward played out,

so where does the line get drawn?

I think if there is a reason to be suspicious -- for example, someone fitting the description of a wanted suspect for a string of robberies -- then I can accept calling the police about someone appearing to be minding their own business.

Otherwise, I would not defend harassing innocent people and wasting law enforcement resources.

And that's where the problem is. "If there is a reason" is completely vague & each person will have a different description of this. I've had police called on me so much that I can't even remember them all (yet I've never been arrested, imagine that). Not only have I had police called on me for talking to my Mom in a park, but I've them called on me for:

1. "Suspiciously" sitting on a bench at a bus stop during the day

2. Sitting on a bench at the airport while waiting for a taxi to come over

3. For driving "suspiciously" while leaving an apartment complex while looking for a new apartment (the police actually laughed w/me on that)

4. For playing music in my old car in my own driveway (ironically, it wasn't for loud music but because I apparently stayed in the car "too long" & that made me suspicious, whatever that means)

And that's just off the top of my head. And there are so many other incidences when I've been with friends that I wouldn't even know where to begin.

And that's why it's been mentioned several times in this thread that the "outrage" here is only because it involved the confederate flag. Many of the same people complaining about this incident would be cheering or silent if the 911 call involved other American demographics.

Well, I won't be silent. You were harassed multiple times and I don't fault you a bit for your skepticism if the roles were reversed in the way you stated. I'd feel the same way.

Oh, uh thanks. I didn't think you'd see where I was coming from. That completely defused me. Hmm... not sure what to say now... I guess I'm just used to people justifying stuff like that even though the police never ended up having a problem with what I was doing (or not doing).

Thanks. I think I needed that for some reason.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Sounds to me like you're already playing the assumption game, and assuming what you want to. Since YOU don't see any point in posting about somebody calling in a stupid complaint to the police, that MUST not be the real reason behind the OP.

No, has to be a conservative that loves the flag and admires it.

Seems legit.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
Thanks. I think I needed that for some reason.

I loved reading this, it's going to remind me not to be silent from now on.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:20 AM


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posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: Shamrock6

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: FamCore
originally posted by: kosmicjack

And before anyone chirps up that this guy wasn't killed - let's be honest - in the context of the police state that exists now, he is very lucky.

That's so true, and completely disturbing

Coincidentally, there was a man killed by officers, in Louisville, a couple of months ago for swinging a flag pole at them. I don't recall that there was an actual flag attached to it though. I do believe the police were called because he was walking around with it, however.

The initial call wasn't for him walking around with a pole. It was an assault call, and then guy didn't pick up the flag pole until after an office made contact with him. He grabbed an "OPEN" flag and attacked the officer when the officer started to follow him down the sidewalk.

Just to clarify.

Ah, thanks. I could not remember all the details. Probably should have looked up the story again before commenting!

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

Look, if I'm genuinely afraid of something, or something looks suspicious to me, I'm going to let someone know about it. In this country today, there are people shooting up schools, theaters, bombing marathons and threatening people online. It's a "thing". If a man wants to call the cops, even if I don't agree with his reasons, it's his right and I'm not going to bash him for it.

Yes. When does this anti-politically correct nonsense start to infringe on the rights of people who are legitimately concerned about their safety?

Mizzou Poop Swastika Police Report

If I remember correctly - there were quite a few people that thought that nincompoop Zimmerman was perfectly right to call the cops because he saw somebody near his home wearing a hoody and not walking right

P.S. Once again - I need to read all the way through :-)

edit on 11/12/2015 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:38 AM
Good let the police deal with thepossible flag crazy who knows he may be up to no good, and is certainly suspicious if he is walking around a place neighborhood where people dont know him.

Call the cops! Let them deal with him if he has a problem. . . . . . .

I think this should be done more often and I applaud the calling of the cops on confederate potential nutcases!
edit on 12-11-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: kosmicjack

I grew up in a very small mountain town - we used to have a newspaper that came out once a month (I think). In it there was a list of the all the latest sheriffs calls

I remember once there was a call from a little old lady who found some footprints in the snow outside her home that she couldn't explain. Sheriff came out, tried to figure out where they came from - where they were real answers - case closed

She was afraid. I know the police have better things to do in this day and age, but we should be able to trust that if we're afraid we can call the police and they won't judge us

Just recently in Colorado Springs there was a guy walking around with a gun - and nobody responded to the initial 911 call until shots were fired

People are so divided over this flag - but for some people it represents something they should actually be afraid of

edit on 11/12/2015 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: chiefsmom

Probably some one would have called the cops... maybe not who knowsn people called the cops over stupid stuff 10 years ago too.

I am confused on what being PC has to do with this, but these days it just seems if you want to be mad just toss that word in there and people will agree with you.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: chuck258
It's the attempt that someone made (no matter how fruitless) to deny someone else their rights over something so trivial as carrying a flag. They are trying to use Police to quash someone's free speech.

From all of the links that I've read, there is nothing that says the 911 call took place in order to deny a person a right to walk down the street with a flag--it simply states that the person was concerned about the overall actions of the individual. Whether we see that concern as justified is irrelevant to the caller, and until we have concrete proof that this was some PC individual hell bent on denying rights, I fail to see the trail of logic that brought you to that conclusion.

I once almost called the cops on a guy who kept peeking in a window down the street from my house--I had never seen the guy before, but knew the people that lived there. Turns out, it was the wife's brother, and he was playing peek-a-boo with one of the young kids inside.

Would I have been denying him a right because I felt his actions were suspicious?

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 02:17 PM
it should have said retarded citizen dimes citizen for doing nothing and bothering no one

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 02:17 PM
Strangely this made it to the news?

Unlike all the calls that are made EVERY SINGLE DAY about people being "suspicious" based on things like their clothing or the color of their skin.

Look how angry conservatives are because this guy is white and carrying a Confederate flag. "Where's the outrage" when over all the other incidents that go unreported of innocent people, minding their own business, being harassed by the cops?

Where were are all these concerned conservative voices when John Crawford III was assassinated in a Wal-Mart because some moron called 911 and made him out to be an "active shooter?"

Hell, the cops didn't even roll up on this guy and shoot him nor was the caller an armed neighborhood watch clown playing self-appointed law enforcement.

Nobody should have harassed this man just like nobody should have harassed John Crawford III or Trayvon Martin. Most of you are crying about "PC" but this has nothing to do with somebody feeling "offended" but rather idiots feeling irrational fear because of prejudices. You're not concerned with civil liberties and people going about their business without being accosted for no good damn reason — you're only pissed because it's a white guy with a Confederate flag.

edit on 2015-11-12 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: anon72

Well, the rest is taken up by the OVER SENSITIVE moron calling the cops. What the heck has happened in America?

Well, so an oversensitive moron calls the cops. Big deal. Let's extrapolate this out into a general truth to be promoted through out the land. I say this. What has happened to America when oversensitive morons dig up something like this and use it as propaganda for their own political interests.

I say this because when I googled the article I found only right wing propaganda sites bringing it to our attention. Even the Washington Times, which is your source and link is this kind of rag. The Washington Times was bought decades ago to promote the extreme right wing agenda of the Korean Messiah, Sun Myung Moon, and his Unification Church. They bought the paper to filter into American culture, disinfo and other propaganda pieces that would gain them stature within the American conservative political scheme.

So yes, some poor schmo sees a guy walking down the street and it is so 'out of the ordinary' and he has been so conditioned to 'fear' crazies waving this flag, that he considers it his duty to inform the authorities. My mind reels at the callers propagandized mentality. But I also think it is sad that others find this such a shame that it needs to be scattered throughout the internet, only to propagate another form of propaganda.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

you're only pissed because it's a white guy with a Confederate flag.

You are assuming that no one here posting has posted outrage over other incidents such as you mention. That is what is wrong with things. Wide spread assumptions of groups of people.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 06:18 PM
What a great thread this turned out to be, member input related.

I have listened to many people on both sides of the arguement and I must say that for the C-Flag supporters.

It's about Respect, not about Racism.

Like it or not, the civil war happened and the C-side has the right to remember and honor thier past history and relatives.

That's how I see it. Slay Me.....

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
Thanks. I think I needed that for some reason.

I loved reading this, it's going to remind me not to be silent from now on.

Thanks. I guess that's proof of the power of words.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: Leprekon

Oh the coffee cups!!! I can't believe the media made a major story over red cups that didn't say Merry Christmas on them! OUTRAGEOUS! If people are that sensitive over this guy carrying a flag or red coffee cups, than World War three is just over the horizon! God help us all.

seriously. bunch of Pussies

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: anon72
What a great thread this turned out to be, member input related.

I have listened to many people on both sides of the arguement and I must say that for the C-Flag supporters.

It's about Respect, not about Racism.

Like it or not, the civil war happened and the C-side has the right to remember and honor thier past history and relatives.

That's how I see it. Slay Me.....

I agree. Hey, p.s. the group Anonymous is listed as a terrorist organization by the FBI. So i hope you don't affiliate with such groups. Just mentioning it since I dislike groups such as this

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