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Police Unions nationwide boycott Quentin Tarantinos work

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posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

It's like the girl in the school room with her cell phone. Should the cop have treated her like that? No.

However, how hard is it to just put your cell phone away when you are asked to? How many times did she have to just do that before the cop was ever in her face making it into that ugly situation?

Feeling guilty about something ketsuko? Why are you dragging that into this thread?

That girl did nothing that warranted his outrageously aggressive behavior - that is on him and only him

You just can't stand that that little girl was defiant. Why is that? In the bigger picture you can't seem to realize - she didn't actually do anything wrong

Sometimes cops are bad people

People who cannot or will not govern themselves will invite being governed and as we can see, it invites brutality. That doesn't make the brutality right, but then again, how many opportunities do we have to avoid it happening in the first place if we would learn how to behave like civilized human beings again.

And I say again - sometimes cops are bad people. They should police their own

I just can't buy into this idea that you seem to have they can't help it when they misbehave. That we should just be better people - that way we don't make cops do bad things

edit on 11/5/2015 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: randyvs

The good cops should think about corralling the bad cops before the issue rips this nation and their line of employment completely apart.

Exactly. It isn't any more complicated than that

How about the good citizens start corralling the bad ones then? You want the cops to go back to being what they should be, maybe we ought to clean up our society so the cops stopped feeling like they were targets dealing with so many potentially deadly situations every time they had to make a cop/citizen interaction too.

It's like the girl in the school room with her cell phone. Should the cop have treated her like that? No.

However, how hard is it to just put your cell phone away when you are asked to? How many times did she have to just do that before the cop was ever in her face making it into that ugly situation?

People who cannot or will not govern themselves will invite being governed and as we can see, it invites brutality. That doesn't make the brutality right, but then again, how many opportunities do we have to avoid it happening in the first place if we would learn how to behave like civilized human beings again.

None of us are authorized to deal with other citizens. Thats called "vigilantism" and can get you put in prison.

Someone here used to point out that government has a monopoly on violence. Regardless of who that is, its a fairly accurate statement, at least in some parts of this country (where crime happens to be highest).

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Why would I feel guilty?

I taught and teach my son to comply with reasonable requests like ... when your teacher tells you to put away your stuff. Do it.

My point is that society only works when most of the people in it recognize and behave according to a more or less similar set of behavioral standards. I am not talking about the law. I am simply talking about things like respect for others - their persons, their lives, their property.

When that starts to break down and breaks down widely, which we are seeing, you have society in decay and you see an overall decay in how we treat each other. Force begins to be used in order to compel that which we should all be more or less doing on our own because we were raised to be decent human beings.

Both you and others here want to blame the cops, but they have been given an increasingly untenable position. I am not talking about vigilantism. I am talking about fixing ourselves and how we behave. Do you think a society of increasingly narcissistic and selfish individuals care about how they affect others with their actions or even increasingly view others as other humans with the same range of emotions and needs as themselves?

edit on 5-11-2015 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I am simply talking about things like respect for others - their persons, their lives, their property.

Like how you show respect for that little girl?

Sorry - not buying it

What are you trying to say? That cops shouldn't police their own?

Are you actually trying to tell me there are no bad cops?

How did my simple comment start you ranting about societal decay?

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo
Police Unions nationwide boycott Quentin Tarantinos work

The dark corrupt always hate the Light that exposes their corruption!
Yeah, boycott, so whats the big loss?
No cops in the audience means the audience gets out alive!

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

My point is that society only works when most of the people in it recognize and behave according to a more or less similar set of behavioral standards. I am not talking about the law. I am simply talking about things like respect for others - their persons, their lives, their property.

I was thinking about this ketsuko...

After the incident, it came out that the girl is living in foster care, and has been through some hard times lately. I have no idea if this is true or not, but it doesn't have to be true in order for me to make my point

How hard would it have been to allow her to stay and not make an issue of it? That's the simple, non-violent solution

How much harder than that would it have been to just walk over, ask her if she was OK, ask her if she would prefer to stay in class or leave?

This school - like so many - wants to cow it's student body into compliance, break the will of these kids with fear and intimidation

You want order, compliance, discipline...blind obedience?

Or do you really want civility? You want to avoid society crumbling down around our ears? It begins with mutual respect, consideration, patience and compassion - tolerance. This is for everyone - but especially the littlest and meekest, weakest and youngest among us

We're off topic now, but about cops...if they want our respect and our cooperation, they're going to have to demonstrate that we have a reason to trust and respect them. If they want to rule over us with fear tactics - there is going to be some push back

They're public servants

I don't have anything against cops, but there is no way I can stand behind everything they do simply because they are in a position of authority. I don't think it's unreasonable for we citizens to expect that police departments are run with that in mind

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:55 AM
Police Union Backlash won't matter one bit.

originally posted by: eluryh22
To be fair, the LAPD invited Tarantino to join some officers on a few ride-alongs to perhaps have a greater appreciation of a day in the life of an officer.

You're kidding, right? So the LAPD Leadership, thinks, that over the course of the movie making process, Tarantino has NEVER had the opportunity to work closely with retired LEO's, acting as hired staff for screenplay consultation, movie set design, stunt coordination, set security and personal security, on a REGULAR BASIS? This guy makes multimillion dollar budget movies, for a living and during that time, we're supposed to believe, that he has never worked closely with an LEO?

Of course he has worked with LEO's directly and has likely done it HUNDREDS, even THOUSANDS, of times. In fact, his wealth and exposure to unrelated professions, due to his career in film-making, has probably resulted in MANY candid and truthful interactions with LEO's (the kind of interactions that most of us will NEVER experience, even a single time, in our entire lives).

originally posted by: peppycat
I read about this which leaves me wondering why QT wouldn't go for the ride. Should we just follow along with him and start to believe that all police people are bad? There are good one's too. I'm not in agreement with police brutality but is Quentin Tarantino just lumping all police and people in law together?

With my last above comment in mind, it should be pretty obvious that he doesn't need to, due to having had indirect professional exposure to the LEO culture. LEO Leadership, is SO DENSE that it was not immediately obvious to them, that a "ride along" would not have provided Tarantino with any new or useful knowledge, that he would not have already received, in some manner, from working with LEO consultants, for his films, over the last 20 years. In fact, I'd bet my house that he's already been on many "ride alongs" while researching ideas for screenplays

originally posted by: ketsuko
Both you and others here want to blame the cops, but they have been given an increasingly untenable position.

LEO's have created their own "untenable position" and they are not trusted by large portions of the general public any longer (perhaps not a majority, YET, but still concentrated heavily among those under 35 years of age). LEO's MUST now live with the LONG TERM consequence of the actions, which they, as a group, have taken while in the field and has been compounding their issues with an increasingly negative image, over the last 25 years.
edit on 6-11-2015 by boohoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 03:00 PM
Holy crap, Yeah I wouldnt go on that ride along for sure

Largest Police Union Cautions Quentin Tarantino: We've Got a Surprise Coming for YouText

In a veiled threat, the largest police union in the country says it has a "surprise" in store for Quentin Tarantino.

Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, would not go into any detail about what is being cooked up for the Hollywood director, but he did tell THR: "We'll be opportunistic."

"Tarantino has made a good living out of violence and surprise," says Pasco. "Our officers make a living trying to stop violence, but surprise is not out of the question." omething is in the works, but the element of surprise is the most important element," says Pasco. "Something could happen anytime between now and [the premiere]. And a lot of it is going to be driven by Tarantino, who is nothing if not predictable.

"The right time and place will come up and we'll try to hurt him in the only way that seems to matter to him, and that's economically," says Pasco.

Wow.. He really piised them off

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo
Holy crap, Yeah I wouldnt go on that ride along for sure

Largest Police Union Cautions Quentin Tarantino: We've Got a Surprise Coming for YouText

In a veiled threat, the largest police union in the country says it has a "surprise" in store for Quentin Tarantino.

Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, would not go into any detail about what is being cooked up for the Hollywood director, but he did tell THR: "We'll be opportunistic."

"Tarantino has made a good living out of violence and surprise," says Pasco. "Our officers make a living trying to stop violence, but surprise is not out of the question." omething is in the works, but the element of surprise is the most important element," says Pasco. "Something could happen anytime between now and [the premiere]. And a lot of it is going to be driven by Tarantino, who is nothing if not predictable.

"The right time and place will come up and we'll try to hurt him in the only way that seems to matter to him, and that's economically," says Pasco.

Wow.. He really piised them off

Nothing can hurt the man as his mind contains the creativity that can move mountains, if only he were to work with Uma Thurman once more... he would contain the riches beyond time and space. I love those two.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo
Holy crap, Yeah I wouldnt go on that ride along for sure

Largest Police Union Cautions Quentin Tarantino: We've Got a Surprise Coming for YouText

In a veiled threat, the largest police union in the country says it has a "surprise" in store for Quentin Tarantino.

Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, would not go into any detail about what is being cooked up for the Hollywood director, but he did tell THR: "We'll be opportunistic."

"Tarantino has made a good living out of violence and surprise," says Pasco. "Our officers make a living trying to stop violence, but surprise is not out of the question." omething is in the works, but the element of surprise is the most important element," says Pasco. "Something could happen anytime between now and [the premiere]. And a lot of it is going to be driven by Tarantino, who is nothing if not predictable.

"The right time and place will come up and we'll try to hurt him in the only way that seems to matter to him, and that's economically," says Pasco.

Wow.. He really piised them off

Does Tarantino now have grounds for a evidence of per-meditated constitutional rights violation? I didn't think government officials could make threats like this. How does publicly threatening Tarantino make the police union look like the "good guy" to a general public that already distrusts them? As I said, they just are digging a bigger, deeper, hole to lay down in.

LEO's have created their own "untenable position" and they are not trusted by large portions of the general public any longer (perhaps not a majority, YET, but still concentrated heavily among those under 35 years of age). LEO's MUST now live with the LONG TERM consequence of the actions, which they, as a group, have taken, while in the field and has been compounding their issues with an increasingly negative image, over the last 25 years.
edit on 9-11-2015 by boohoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
So the police want Tarantino's movie to break records at the box office huh?

Why did you have to steal my thunder? I was *just* about to post that!

He's going to make a killing off this movie, even more than before...

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 12:09 PM
Sounds like the Police unions are butt hurt, I guess now it's safe to know your not sitting next to a potential murderer when viewing a Tarantino movie.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Abysha

I see a patern here... Police brutallity is increasing and often backed by their superiors. It is as if police officers are being conditioned for what is coming. They need to be hardened and able to act and think like heartless psychopaths.

The time will come that if a policeofficer displays too much empathy or can not stick to the program he will be asked if he has chosen the right job. With other words... kindly asked or suggested to turn in his badge.

When I see these WW2 nazi ss gestapo cops following orders I often wondered how these men are able to perform these crimes. What you also see is that certain people are selected for the more cruel jobs...or able to order men to perform cruelties.

In the 60's there were some social experiments with this question in mind and it seems that it is in human nature to drift away from everything humain if the proper conditions are created.

The (official) policestate is right around the corner.

edit on 9/11/2015 by zatara because: (no reason given)

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