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Just a Reminder What Your Gov Has Done For You

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posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 05:21 AM
I thought this would be a good idea to keep this in a constant attention of everyone. I'm just speaking from the heart maybe a lot of venting too. It bothers me that I'm in over 50k debt and have zero to show for it. I must of thrown out that receipt but sure enough my Gov kept the receipts they just will not show me what I bought with it!

I'm still young and from what I've read and learned over the years the Gov has never really been fully for the people as they so state, and as my thirst for knowledge grows so does my frustration. I don't know if people are simply waiting for another president in hopes they will make everything better and just wipe away all the unconstitutional unjust that has been written into our life's? This is the technological era we have more access to more information than any other generation before and yet what do we really gain from it. We can reach millions of people with facebook twitter, but what is our message?

Before I start a meaningless rant about how ticked I've become I would rather open the forum to honest thoughts do you all feel like it's pointless to fight for our rights and it's to far gone. Do you think the thousand or so who call the shots has you're best interest and just electing more of these set candidates will eventually work. Do you enjoy watching you're hard earned money go towards a country that will not even protect it's own border and stand up for it's people and to spend you're hard earned dollars on secret projects used to hack into you're life collect all of you're every moves possible.

They live lavishly, they poison our crops and water supply. They install more laws everyday that affects you're future, you're children's future. All of this corruptness they impose on all of us we pay for when will people learn it will not get better if you keep feeding the monkey. The only ones who can make it stop is you, you reading this do you're part if you have something to say how about a better idea maybe paint some flowers around it make it look pretty. Here's you're facts to your share if the debt.

The Outstanding Public Debt as of 18 Sep 2015 at 09:43:35 AM GMT is:

The estimated population of the United States is 321,403,249
so each citizen's share of this debt is $56,483.28.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$1.93 billion per day since September 30, 2012!
Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 05:27 AM
One thing that would surely help would be to take big money out of politics.

ban super PAC's

Implement term limits on members of congress.

As for the rest of your rant, we first must realize where all of the money is going towards...Yes many members here love to place the blame on all of the welfare recipients and immigrants but look at this:

In recent years the Department of Defense has received over $300 Billion dollars while the Department of Health and Human Services has received just under $20 Billion.

And here are the top 5 contractors receiving your tax dollars.

If we stop meddling in other countries business and stop wasting all of that money on the military and invest that money right back into our schools, hospitals, and infrastructure then we might just turn this ship around

Also, I do not mind paying more taxes if those taxes go towards bettering the lives of my fellow Americans by providing them with food, or healthcare.

Government might evil but it's a necessity.
edit on 18-9-2015 by muse7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: Bunkrbuster

If you are young then that entire amount was not spent on "the people". We borrowed from China and gave it to the foreign wars. I wonder how much one tank or Humvee costs? The people we VOTE for made these decisions, therefore, self inflicted wounds on the part of us, the voters.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: muse7

I couldn't agree more, I don't see much if any at all, upside to out constant military presence and wars in the past and present. Yes I understand we do have certain liabilities and obligations but it seems more like what NATO wants and has us flip the bill. My thoughts on the saving this economy starts with our schools, if our children don't have a descent education or even a trade taught what chance does our economy have in the future it all relies over sees. I went to Vocational school I still think it's one of the best things high school has offered I think it needs more funding so our youth has an actual direction when finishing school if they don't choose to continue to college.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: Bunkrbuster

. I don't know if people are simply waiting for another president in hopes they will make everything better and just wipe away all the unconstitutional unjust that has been written into our life's?

Yeah, folks tried that one and look where it got us. Bush was all for war, pretty much any excuse would do and Obama is going to be known for his "line in the sand " that no one feared to cross. People need to realize that until we get big money/big business out of politics, it really doesn't matter which side you vote for, they all dance to the same tune. Nothing but a complete reset is going to fix it and a "reset" would destroy this country. If America is to become the country we once were, it won't be in my lifetime. And probably not even in your's.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: MOMof3

Yes I may be young but regardless of my 20 years in the working society I'm now owner of my own small business and that debt no matter how you want to sugar coat is just as much mine as yours. Of course some will ultimately not working and in the system will pass there share to the rest of us. Anyway my point was that's where the number sits now and had anyone seen or heard anything about how this continued reckless spending will stop. And my other point is the fact we are in necks deep debt and have absolutely nothing to show for it. If we where necks deep with a thriving economy and sturdy we'll being it would be easier to shrug off.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

I agree up to the last part of this won't change in out lifetime. That sets itself up for failure. I'm ready to sleep outside of congress until I can get my chance to speak to congress. But I think there are ways to go about gaining progress. People see protests and look past the point and just see angry people, and when they hear crazy talk they classify you as a conspirator.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: Bunkrbuster
a reply to: muse7

My thoughts on the saving this economy starts with our schools, if our children don't have a descent education or even a trade taught what chance does our economy have in the future it all relies over sees. I went to Vocational school I still think it's one of the best things high school has offered I think it needs more funding so our youth has an actual direction when finishing school if they don't choose to continue to college.

An excellent place to start!!! In the 60s and 70s, most high schools had various shop classes -- metal, wood, auto. There were typing and office classes as well. Most kids left high school with a marketable skill. That started changing in the 80s, with a push to send more kids to college, and too many schools stopped offering shop and other classes. We need to return the shop classes to school, add more office and computer courses, as well as basic life skills -- cooking, home finances/budgeting, etc. I'm sure there's more we could add that would provide real skills to our kids.

You might like this: East Valley Institute of Technology

The East Valley Institute of Technology is a joint technological education district serving the eastern portion of the Phoenix, Arizona metro area. Its programs are available to students at the member high schools.

Juniors and seniors in high school can attend free during normal school hours. Courses are also available to adults at night. Their classes range from auto repair and construction to culinary and vet techs. I think it's pretty awesome, and I'd love to see it expanded around the country. It's a great foundation for kids entering the real world for the first time, or older folks who need new or better skills.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:24 AM
Ill simplify it, you do what the state wants.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

I had actually dropped out of school and was able to go to VoTech and still stay in that program probably what saved my rear. The class was not only rewarding on it's own but there where job placement programs as well. Friend who graduated before me who got me in is an overhead structural bridge welder making bank. Mi grew up near one of the biggest of it's time steel manufactures that supplied both world wars and now everything is gone over seas.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:38 AM
Isn't it more like:

What Your Gov Has Done *To* You ?

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: Hyperia

Maybe you do what the state wants and be a good little boy. Why can't people be proud anymore this country use to have balls, the world war eras those men had balls to back up there era what do we have. We are getting fingered by the man and all I hear is ok just one more time then stop.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Nahh I quit feeding that bad monkey called gov not to long ago I'm just trying to get others to wake up and decide if they want to continue to be fingered by the man or stand up.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: Bunkrbuster

We have plenty to show for wars. Lots of people got rich, the stock market knows no bounds with free money for years.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: MOMof3

Society provides for humans, since there are a few of them. You get the point.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: Bunkrbuster
a reply to: Boadicea

I had actually dropped out of school and was able to go to VoTech and still stay in that program probably what saved my rear. The class was not only rewarding on it's own but there where job placement programs as well. Friend who graduated before me who got me in is an overhead structural bridge welder making bank. Mi grew up near one of the biggest of it's time steel manufactures that supplied both world wars and now everything is gone over seas.

Good for you! My hubby dropped out of college to go to a trade school -- much to his parents' chagrin! I don't think my folks were too excited either. But he's made a good living for us, and never regretted it. He told me that he just couldn't do a desk job. He had to work with his hands.

College is not for everyone. Vocational schools are perfect for many. If we bring back the trades, we can bring back the foundries and manufacturing plants and jobs.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: Bunkrbuster

I don't know if people are simply waiting for another president in hopes they will make everything better and just wipe away all the unconstitutional unjust that has been written into our life's?

Something like that. Every election, people take off their cognizance hat, believing the lies political candidates tell them about improving the economy, education, welfare, wars, whatever. Once in office, the platform they rode in on evaporates and its business as usual.

Derpdi derp…

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: muse7

Also, term limit SCOTUS.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Bunkrbuster

My two cents.....

I think that, overall, the United States is a relatively safe place to live (at least for now and in most areas). That does mean something.

I think that the public schools suck on purpose, because "they" don't want an educated and informed public.

I think that in general the corruption has gotten so bad, so ballsy, so rampant that it seems less and less that "they" even try to hide it because they have conditioned many of us (sadly, myself included) that it's never going to stop no matter how much we b-tch and complain.

I think that they are doing a decent job of convincing (or brainwashing, if you like) way too many people into thinking that it is "okay" to flood the nation with uneducated, unskilled illegal immigrants as if somehow that is going to help the poor in this country (which to me, defies logic). Simultaneously, "they" are successfully displacing experienced, skilled, educated American citizens out of jobs that they have had for years (often in the IT sector) via H1B visas. (Reference the recent Disney horror stories, to name just one example).

I think "they" do an awesome job at distracting the masses. Look at what the main focus has been over the past few years.
Gay marriage, which regardless of how people feel doesn't help the economy and doesn't materially help people's lives (save for the few that can now marry). Taking down the Confederate flag, which did nothing to help the economy and doesn't materially help anyone's life. This stirring up of race-vs-race issues, doesn't materially help anyone's life and actually can (and has) caused severe damage to communities.

So, to be candid, and it is somewhat painful for me to admit this.... I find myself in the "its too far gone" camp. I have come to realize that there is almost NOTHING I can do. There is NOBODY to vote for that will make a difference. Just as I watch the neighborhood I was born and raised and still reside in crumble both structurally and crime-wise, so will go the nation (although that will take decades or maybe generations).

Our son will be 4 next month so all of the above literally has caused me to lose sleep worrying about his future. I've realized that since there is nothing I can do to fix this, the best thing my wife and I can do is put our family in the best possible position to survive as the nation crumble. We opted for private school for his Pre-K at great expense relative to our income. We will continue to have him in private school. We have started saving for the outrageous and (in my opinion) unwarranted insanely high cost of college, as to not have him in debt upon graduation.

We are also saving away as much as possible to build ourselves up as much as possible financially, so in the event our son needs help twenty years from now, we will be able to provide it.

Bottom line, we are screwed. I have been thinking about it this way lately....

When I was younger (say, in my early 20's) I was not as fiscally responsible as I am today. So when I would come across what, at the time, was a relatively large sum of money (say, a few thousand dollars) I wouldn't go and blow it all in one shot. However, even though my original intent was to only spend X-percent and keep the rest in savings, being young and less responsible I let the sensation that there is a lot there, I can spend just a littlebit more. However, after a while those "little bits" added up to the whole. That's how I think politicians see our nation. In so many ways it is so big that, "Eh, we can absorb a few million more illegals. Eh, we can squeeze a few million more jobs away from citizens. Eh, we can handle a few more million people on welfare or on the streets." After a while, it all adds up and the bill will come in he mail... eventually.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: eluryh22

Gotta dig deep here it's only over if you allow it. My thoughts at least. I hate to say it but if you throw up a white flag how does it help you if you are already screwed. These are just my thoughts I mean no harm it's just the way I grew up we didn't have everything or much and when I worked my tail off to get something and it has been taken away I want that back it's not right. We can't sit back idle and wait for the tide to roll over this problem I'm sorry if you have read anything about the new world sends they don't hide it go to the UN sight look what conference is being held the end of this month how ever much it hurts buttercup rolling over and taking a lick won't roll this new found agenda and new domestic crew over. Mf or those who still got some game in ya know you have one ticked off Irish basterd on you're side.

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