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Donald Trump's 'blood' comment about Megyn Kelly backfires

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posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 02:48 AM
Just imagine this guy as president, The War Of America Vs Everyone Else. But really him as president means a dictatorship he will be worse than Obama about going over congress's head about whatever foreign policy he wants, and here at home he wont listen to the voters because his money makes him smart.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
I do agree with you here. They both (Trumps and Clintons) move in the same circle on occasion. They have been like that for years.

I wish to make one point clear before I go on any further. I don't take any issue with friendships that exist political party/partisan lines. Those kinds of friendships have been no longer exist in and around Washington. In their place is a destructive form of hyper partisanship not unlike what existed in the led up to the Civil War.

I don't think Trump is a Clinton plant. He wants to be the President of the United States for the attention, power, and prestige that he thinks he'll experience. He doesn't want the job, he wants the recognition.

I would give you a half point. I don't doubt that Trump is out to promote his brand. In the wake of his latest comments I am becoming more convinced that he is a plant from the Clinton camp.

He KNOWS he couldn't win as a Democrat, because of of his somewhat offensive nature, but perhaps he would win as a Republican "straight-talkin' maverick". And so he's trying. And doing very well. Nothing wrong with that. But I think he's going to fall or quit. Because he doesn't really want the job.

My prediction is that he runs as a interdependent candidate which means that Hillary sails instead of jogs into the White House.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 05:10 AM
Donald Trump is nothing but a showman, only concerned with attaining the highest office of the United States. He is not doing it for the American people, nor for the love of America. It is done purely for the self. For posterity. His methods are pretty transparent.

The current climate of America is distrust in 'politicians' so like the cunning two-time sociopath that he is, he will present the persona of 'truth'. He will demonize those he has once supported in the past, with no shame, no embarrassment, because a sociopath has none. He can flip issues like flipping a light switch on and off.

He knows the American people are tired of being told lies, so what he has done is gathered the growing discontents amongst the people, and packaged it as a campaign; despite his beliefs and principles being completely opposite to it. He will still push these newly acquired 'discontents' as his concerns. This is his way of gathering the vote. And he will continue to do this as the presidential campaign carries on.

He has no respect for minorities or women which is evidenced in his calm demeanor while speaking with Anderson Cooper, and despite his aggressive interrogative approach, Donald maintained a level of respect for him because he was a white male.

Now, when he was approached and asked a question by a legal Mexican citizen, Donald immediately condescended him, and mocked him. Treated him as if his question did not matter. When he was interviewed by another female reporter, once again Donald adopted an aggressive demeanor whenever the female pushed on the questioning.

Donald has no morals. No principles. No insight. No empathy, and he will say whatever is necessary to control and win. It is all about winning and if he has to contradict himself 50 times in 5 days to win, he will. And if confronted he will simply blame the media for distorting words, etc.

His communication skills are close to low, especially to those who are of a minority race. Or to be more specific, a race that is not of European descent. He will bully the non-white nations and create even further tension on the world stage which will probably cause the world powers to shun America. This might even lead to some new form of alliance among these nations, if Donald is to take office as President.

This man should not have his hands in control of any military, or have his finger anywhere near a red button. I'm talking any red button. Not even the A button on a SNES.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 05:45 AM
To all the Trumpeter on this thread.

So your way of saving the USA from being a corperate oligarchy based on a economy of crony capitolism is to hand the US governments directly over to one of the oligarchs who gaind his wealth via crony capitalism?

Right.......makes sense...

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 07:13 AM
After 7 years of a Democrat thin skinned, childish narcissist as POTUS, the last thing the country needs is a Republican thin skinned, childish narcissist as POTUS

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 08:29 AM
This relating the 'whatever' to this woman being on her period is a very literal rather than figurative response by the PC crowd. This phrase was around long before Trump offended every woman on US soil.
There was a song written by Bob Dillon that has the phrase 'blood in eyes'. It means: anger toward someone that one would want to see harm come to them, not bleeding from whereever. He is guilty of a poor choice of words. He should have said daggers, not blood or he should have Google instead of twitting.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: Phoenix
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I appreciate your opinion on Clinton influence but it's hard for me to buy the a millionaire has that kind of pull on a billionaire - they are in different strata.

You would have a point if his quest for the presidency was about money. But it's not money that Donald needs. It's the Ego Food he needs. Purina Ego Chow. It's the power, prestige and RESPECT of the world he's after. Clinton has it. Donald wants it.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 10:37 AM
I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Trump is the kind of man who speaks his mind. If you don't like that then stay away from him. If Megyn Kelly didn't want to get her feelings hurt by having him respond in the way he did then she shouldn't have asked him any questions. She could have merely said "I have no questions." On the other hand if she wanted to be bold and take chances with her questioning then she should have been prepared for the type of response she got. He's a successful corporate leader, accustomed to saying what he thinks, versus a professional politician who very carefully crafts their comments to appeal to statistically calculated focus groups. If the public wants more of the same from professional politicians then there are a bunch of candidates to choose from - go for it. On the other hand, if they want someone who honestly says what they think then like him or not Trump is about all you have to choose from. All of this whining from the other candidates, news reporters, etc. just makes me view them as gutless wimps.

FOX, the Kochs, Sheldon Adelson, Grover Norquist, etc.. all want the Republican candidate to be a puppet, who will just do their bidding. Trump is certainly not perfect, but Trump is also not a puppet. Trump doesn't need Koch money, like the five other Republicans who just went begging to them last weekend at their California event. And what favors are expected after taking a billion dollars from the Koch Brothers? It's not good for your average middle class working person, that's for sure.


ON A SIDE NOTE Nobody seems to want true equal rights across the board in this country, they only want them when it benefits them.. Sure Rosie can talk about his hair and anything else but he isn't suppose to retaliate back? Blacks can call whites anything but as soon as we spit it back oh oh you're racist....

So many males in this country have been deballed and feminized to the point of being as soft as a roll of wet toilet paper.. Let anyone slap you in the face, insult and degrade you, but God forbid if you are a male especially a white male and you counter attack a minority or female then you are the misogynist or racist... Guess everyone wants us to be a freaking doormat.. Not me screw that, im sick of the turn the other cheek mentality (DOUBLE STANDARD BS) it seems we have to live by..
edit on 9-8-2015 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 01:19 PM
The first few questions to Donald Trump were clearly out of line. The audience reacted to the questions. Megan Kelly and Wallace were in attack mode. Normally I watch Fox News on a regular basis. a reply to: WeRpeons

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: elfrog
Normally I watch Fox News on a regular basis.

Hasn't anyone told you that's bad for your mental health ?

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 02:03 PM
But but, everything Trump spews I have heard said on this very forum and worse, hearkening back to Palin trashing.

I'm just watching.

Wonders what people would say if he was running as democrat.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: WeRpeons

If he gets the nomination it is a win for the democrats.
If he gets the presidency I fear for humanity.

He better win, its the last chance the world has to reform things instead of dying slowly like it has been with all the other shills in power.

At least this would speed things up in ANY direction, which will cause actual CHANGE LOL.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 02:09 PM
I thought the majority on ATS hated FOX with a passion, and Kelly, now all of a sudden, has the worm turned?

what am I missing?

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
a reply to: WeRpeons

I said he would fall before November of this year... This may be the beginning. Good. Thank you, Megyn.

And it blows me away that people think refraining from comments like he made is just "political correctness". He's not refusing political correctness, he's being a complete ass, TOTALLY disrespectful and acting like a bully on the playground! He's such a spoiled child! (My apologies to spoiled children everywhere.)

The GOP voters will realize that they don't want someone like this to spout off to Netanyahu, Rouhani or al-Assad. We need a grown-up in the office.

You must be joking, this would be the greatest thing I have ever seen, watching him spout off to those 3 , and many more.

I may even start watching the news again if that were too happen!!!

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
I thought the majority on ATS hated FOX with a passion, and Kelly, now all of a sudden, has the worm turned?

what am I missing?

From my observations there are more people on this site that defend Fox, than not.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 02:40 PM
I just want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Trumps supporters: Thank you all for outing yourselves as irredeemably stupid.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: Monger
I just want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Trumps supporters: Thank you all for outing yourselves as irredeemably stupid.

Who your Candidate ?

Or is this your not very clever drive by ?

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: whatnext21
This relating the 'whatever' to this woman being on her period is a very literal rather than figurative response by the PC crowd. This phrase was around long before Trump offended every woman on US soil.
There was a song written by Bob Dillon that has the phrase 'blood in eyes'. It means: anger toward someone that one would want to see harm come to them, not bleeding from whereever. He is guilty of a poor choice of words. He should have said daggers, not blood or he should have Google instead of twitting.

Right he should have said daggers, and he didn't say where the blood was coming from everyone assumed.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: boymonkey74

Exactly, I just can't get over how many GOP voters can't see what a pompous and ignorant person this guy is. Not to mention, he's part of the same corporate elite who many Americans have been complaining about who buy out our representatives! Our British friends can see this, yet voters here are blind to that fact!

What so many of you do not seem to understand is that people DO see what a pompous fool he is. People DO see it, they DO know it, and guess what...........

It's no different from what many politicians say in private.

So you must ask yourself, who is worse? A guy who speaks his mind and does not care who hears it or a guy who says one thing in public buy another in private?

Something very interesting is happening here and it amazes me how so many members here at ATS simply don't understand it. The support for Trump is not actually support for him as a President. Now of course there are some people who do support him as President, but it's not the majority of those who you would consider Trump supporters.

What people love about Trump is that he is pulling the veil off American Politics. When he says the US is "too P.C." - most average Americans agree. Most average Americans do believe the Country has gotten way too politically correct to a point that it is reaching it's maximum absurdity level.

When he bitches and moans about illegal immigration- the majority agree. The majority understand that if you allow people to cross over without interference, then you're gonna have some bad people who cross over too.

When Trump sat on stage the other night and proclaimed that 'up until two months ago I was a business man, and I have given money to many Politicians, so two or three years later if I need a favor I call them and I get it- That's a broken system' -- The people KNOW he is speaking the truth and saying something that NOT ONE single politician will stand up and say.

Notice Thursday night that not one single Politician standing on stage with Trump said he was wrong? What you did have was two who quickly said, "He never gave me money"?

I know many people, myself included, who LOVE Trump right now- but none of us want to see him as President. What we love is him calling out our Politicians. We love that he is exposing the BS of Washington. We LOVE that he stood on a stage- on National TV- and admitted that he has bought and paid for Politicians from BOTH Parties.

Let me put this another way. Look at the posters here who are calling him a bully for what he said about Megen Kelly. Now look at their posting history and see how many times they have bashed FOX News and/or Megen Kelly for towing the line and spinning "news" to advance an agenda ie; Fergeson or Baltimore riots for example. There are many who simply don't care. We don't care if Trump insults Megen Kelly- a person we think is full of crap and been part of the problem.

For most of you here, your post against Trump make no sense to me. You call him a bully for this quote against Megen Kelly, but I don't recall a single person saying how it was not "Presidential" to stand on a stage on National TV and call every Republican and Democratic career Politician and Legislature "stupid". I can't recall a single article pointing that out, much less a single poster here.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 03:11 PM
The people I like never run for president,

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