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Donald Trump's 'blood' comment about Megyn Kelly backfires

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posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:02 PM

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: FinalCountdown
Trump is no doubt a megalomaniac psycho with a big checkbook.
No doubt that he treats women like furniture etc.

I am voting for him, not because of the above but only for the fact that tptb absolutely hate him and are trying their best to silence him.

In crazy world, sometimes you have to get crazy.

And thats how we get despots, dictators and think its bad now, wait till people start doing what you just stated above

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I know. It's going to be epic!

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Husband and I have been talking for a while that we in this country have been pushed and pushed and pushed against our inclinations.

If the pendulum theory is true, then it always comes back. And the further you push, the further it swings back and the harder.

People may have been pushed into a very dark place, and that frightens us. Trump may be a symptom of that.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:15 PM
It's insane to vote for someone just because you have the prescription that everyone is against him, with out considering anything else.

I could see if trump came out and gave rational level head responses while laying out clear policy, and everyone still turned against him, but that's not the case. People don't want Trump as president because he's an obnoxious ass with the type of egomaniacal character flaws that should never have access to power, because it has historically turned out bad.

You also have to consider the current political climate, and extremely high tensions threatening to tear this country apart. Does anyone actually think trump will do anything other than play into them?

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Phoenix
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I appreciate your opinion on Clinton influence but it's hard for me to buy the a millionaire has that kind of pull on a billionaire - they are in different strata.

The millionaire has the political pull to get things done....

Do you REALLY not see how thats symbiotic?

LoL the same people who say they hate corruption in politics from the rich now all the sudden "fail to see how that works"

dont mean to sound insulting im just flabbergasted at how all the sudden every one has amnesia of how that works

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Husband and I have been talking for a while that we in this country have been pushed and pushed and pushed against our inclinations.

If the pendulum theory is true, then it always comes back. And the further you push, the further it swings back and the harder.

People may have been pushed into a very dark place, and that frightens us. Trump may be a symptom of that.

Absolutely agree with you and that is a scary scary place to be

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:21 PM
I think significant numbers of people are disgusted enough with the federal government that they're ready to take any polecat, turpentine its butt and toss it into the middle of the works just to foul it up.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: yeahright
I think significant numbers of people are disgusted enough with the federal government that they're ready to take any polecat, turpentine its butt and toss it into the middle of the works just to foul it up.

To a certain extent, I agree. The problem is that I don't think Trump is the White Knight they are looking for.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:53 PM
People either LOVE trump, or HATE him. He is NOT lukewarm.....and he KNOWS it. In fact, he is COUNTING on people to either LOVE him or HATE him....that is one of his strengths. Personally, I love the guy. Do I agree with everything he says? HELL NO. However, he is extremely calculated, extremely intelligent, and extremely successful. This man KNOWS how to maneuver around in the business world, AND in the political arena. He is cunning, and dare I say wise.

Sure, he acts like a baby sometimes.....but at least with him you KNOW where you stand. He doesn't try to pretend he is someone he is not....he shows you who he is right off the bat, his good side, and his bad side.

Threads like these just boost his popularity, so it works for me
He is COUNTING on those who don't like him to keep chattering about him. In fact, I'd say a pretty big chunk of his supporters probably first came on board due to some hate filled anti-Trump rant either in a yahoo article, or some blog somewhere, or a message board like this.

My whole point is, the guy knows what he is doing.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Can you imagine him with the most powerful military on earth?

and with the full might of the NSA and CIA behind him?


It's a rather a scary thought...

If voters think Obama has over used his executive privileges to by-pass congress, I can just imagine Trump using it two-fold!

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 09:19 PM

No. It is why you and I and all of TV land is talking about him. If he did not do this stuff you would not be paying attention to him. His actions are calculated.
a reply to: Xeven

I think you give him way too much credit... He's not as smart as you think he is. If he was, he would talk a lot more intelligently and give a lot more substance and detail to his answers. All he does is talk about how he's rich and makes a lot of money. He can't take criticism, and lashes out like a spoiled brat.
To me, that speaks volumes about his character.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 09:27 PM

Nope.......not when you can make enemies out of our allies because your a brash jackass who acts like a spoiled brat when he doesnt get his way....
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Exactly, we may have allies now but with trump acting like a child who lashes out because he can't take criticism, what country would even want to deal with that? Piss someone off with a smart ass remark, we'll see how many friends the U.S. keeps.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons

Nope.......not when you can make enemies out of our allies because your a brash jackass who acts like a spoiled brat when he doesnt get his way....
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Exactly, we may have allies now but with trump acting like a child who lashes out because he can't take criticism, what country would even want to deal with that? Piss someone off with a smart ass remark, we'll see how many friends the U.S. keeps.

Yeah because ya know, we have a ton of friends now with the way our leaders conduct themselves.....

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
This is really over the top. Donald Trump can’t handle anybody’s criticism, so he goes for the jugular.

Donald Trump's latest controversial comment was so alarming that he's been disinvited from a conservative gathering Saturday in Atlanta.

At issue: Trump's comments on "CNN Tonight" about Fox News' Megyn Kelly, who moderated a GOP presidential candidate debate Thursday night. During the debate, she pressed Trump about misogynistic, sexist comments he made in the past.

Trump slammed Kelly, saying "she is a lightweight. I couldn't care less about her."

"You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes," Trump told CNN's Don Lemon on Friday night. "Blood coming out of her wherever."

This guy is simply a bully and is far from presidential. How can anyone even justify his remarks? He’s childish and thinks just because he’s sitting on a billion dollar nest egg, he can say whatever he wants. What’s amazing is how some GOP voters are lapping up every outrageous remark that comes out of his mouth.

If this guy acts like this when dealing with foreign governments, I can’t imagine the backlash and condemnation these countries will throw back at the U.S., let alone the amount of enemies he’ll create!


I would vote for him. He sounds like a real man who doesn't sit around and take crap from vindictive women.

edit on 8-8-2015 by IlluminatiTechnician because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 09:50 PM
My unprovable suspicion is that he doesn't care one iota about the presidency, but knows this will all generate more publicity for him (all publicity is good publicity in his world.) If he had an audience before, it's grown by orders of magnitude now. As counterintuitive as it may seem, I suspect he stands to make a great deal of money as a result of all this exposure and controversy. As someone once said, "controversy creates cash."

Not condoning it, but I do suspect that's his sole interest in all of this. He doesn't behave like someone trying to win a nomination, let alone an election.

Just my two cents.

edit on 8/8/2015 by AceWombat04 because: Typo

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 09:54 PM
Misogynism is a veritable job description prerequisite to becoming rich in today's world. Just do the math on how many boardroom heads are female, compared to male, and you'll see how phallocentric society is. The ironical offshoot is, this very insular attitude is what has given rise to SJW's and 'feminazi' movements -- something that adds further fuel to the she-hate fire.

The filter-less Donald Duck trumpeting such sentiments is merely a peek through the looking glass into the historical disdain for the weaker sex that still underpins society today.

NB: The mere act of poking one's pecker into a warm hole and calling it "hetero" =/= respect for women.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 09:59 PM
Every time I read someone explain why they are voting for trump I can't help but think of this Gore Vidal quote. They all basically say "screw his policy, the perception of his personality is all that matters."

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: supermarket2012
People either LOVE trump, or HATE him. He is NOT lukewarm.....and he KNOWS it. In fact, he is COUNTING on people to either LOVE him or HATE him....that is one of his strengths. Personally, I love the guy. Do I agree with everything he says? HELL NO. However, he is extremely calculated, extremely intelligent, and extremely successful. This man KNOWS how to maneuver around in the business world, AND in the political arena. He is cunning, and dare I say wise.

Sure, he acts like a baby sometimes.....but at least with him you KNOW where you stand. He doesn't try to pretend he is someone he is not....he shows you who he is right off the bat, his good side, and his bad side.

Threads like these just boost his popularity, so it works for me
He is COUNTING on those who don't like him to keep chattering about him. In fact, I'd say a pretty big chunk of his supporters probably first came on board due to some hate filled anti-Trump rant either in a yahoo article, or some blog somewhere, or a message board like this.

My whole point is, the guy knows what he is doing.

I suggest you dig a bit deeper if you really want a clear vision of the hero you consider Trump. He inherited from 40 to 200 million dollars. He didn't grind his way into greatness.. he lived a posh, spoiled life himself and then was handed a fortune. He has had multiple big failures in the business world, from a ridiculous idea about an airline he bought, to a supposed "sure thing" in home mortgages.. that folded in a year and a half. He claimed "Who knows more about real estate?"... and it would seem, plenty know more. Terrible husband, rude and crass, a bully, he would be the proverbial bull in the china shop when it comes to dealing with foreign powers.

Do you really think his brash nature would gain him an advantage with foreign powers? It would yield the exact opposite results.

Here are a few final Donald quotes to think about. If you think becoming President would change his views, you'd be wrong:

On hiring working mothers
“She’s not giving me 100%. She’s giving me 84%, and 16% is going towards taking care of children.”

On love
“I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

About media
“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

He isn't just racist against Mexicans
"Our great African American President hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!"

“The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yamakas every day.”

No worries.. he has insulted quite a few woman's looks (except his daughter.. who he would date if she wasn't his daughter, it seems)
"ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision."

He is a rich buffoon. Vote for him at your own peril.

edit on 8-8-2015 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: fleabit

I smell a world war coming...

I mean this world is so outta balance..

Media, is talking about Donald trump, not the Russian acts like flying nuclear bombers, off the west coast of America, on the 4th of July.

Lets not talk about iran, talking to putin either..

As a matter of a fact, lets just get lost in talking about Donald trump, so we remain ignorant to what is really happening right now...

I would love to see this thread fall off the front page.. I do not think there is anything left to say about this moron...

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