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Amazing interview heralds the beginning of disclosure? Whistleblower reveals.... + updates

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posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 02:30 PM
I don't want to be rude, but seeing a donation widget and even a store on his site, sorry, I just can't buy this story.

I mean...If I had ever seen an alien and even had had a telepathic conversation (and especially the "powder touch" on my hand)...You wouldn't have discovered me selling these vapid "can coolers" and "playing cards". What a hogwash.

And that deficient interviewer: "I've spent 20 years on the subject and this guy is unique and fits all the puzzles". Heh.

Guys, if you read this, try better next time. No donations, no stores, no gimcrack designs, no intuitive empaths, etc.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 03:54 PM

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 03:56 PM
I typed up a long response about the video, but my stupid iPhone bugged out and deleted whole point was the fact that even if this man were telling the truth, the same percentage of people who normally don't believe this type of narrative would not change. More tangible proof is required for one to conclusively adhere to said narrative as being factual.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: s1ngular1ty

Sure, some info is hard to swallow, but much info relates to info that has come out or been uncovered over the past 70 years or so and seems to answer many questions. If you look at the whole situation, as I did a few pages back, logically you can pretty much rule out that he is lying, insane, or a psy-op.

Here is what he says himself about proof - doesn't really sound that deceptive to me:

From Questions and Answers:

Is this legit? Where is the proof?

One should use their discernment and treat all info (From all sources) as potential disinfo until proof is seen. I agree with that. All I ask is that people keep an open mind and prepare themselves spiritually and mentally for the time coming up when they will have more "proof" than they can handle. Full Disclosure is not going to just be a happy event when we finally find out we are not alone in the cosmos. It is going to also involve the release of quite a lot of traumatic information about our true history.

Q & A

The whistleblower says treat this as disinfo until more proof is seen, but work on raising your consciousness. Much of his message is about working on raising one's consciousness, does anyone have an issue with that?

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
I agree of course with the ATS motto of "Deny Ignorance", but IMHO they should have tagged on to that phrase "but be open minded". We know there is much we have been lied to deceived about past and current goings on, and when I say past I don't mean the middle of the last century.

So we can't take these claims at face value, but lets be open minded and not dismiss them out of hand. Let's try some logic.......what are the possibilities?

1. Is Corey Goode severely disturbed or insane?

I don't think so. I posted his LinkedIn page on the top of page 3, looks like in the last few years he's had a bunch of normal jobs. Also, in another audio interview you could hear his kids and wife in the background. Women with kids will stay with "eccentric" guys, or guys with some issues, but I don't think any woman with kids would stay with someone who was hallucinating to this point of making up hours of this stuff and sounding genuine and normal the whole time.

So no, the proof is there that Corey is not severely disturbed.

2. Is he lying about this?

Well sure, that could be a possibility, of course. Let's look at some things though. What would be his motivation? He says he had to quit a six-figure income job to do this, so you think he is going to replace that selling t-shirts on his website? For those of you who are married with kids, would your wife agree to you doing something like that?

Also, I have watched the four interviews on Gaiam TV, there are about two hours of interview or more. Does anyone understand how difficult it would be first to make that much up, and secondly keep it consistent with previous and future interviews and questions? Trained actors would have a hard time. True, he could have a photographic memory, but then again what would be the motivation for all this? You can read on his site he just dragged his whole family to Denver from Texas for these Gaiam interviews.......seems like a huge amount of hassle just to sell t-shirts.

So I don't think he's lying, and I think HE believes what he is saying. Of course that does not mean it is true.

3. Is Corey Goode being run and part of some kind of psy-op?

This is the only one of the above three I would be willing to consider giving what I have seen and know so far.

Ok, if it is some kind of psy-op, what is its purpose? To give people in the conspiracy community some kind of false hope? But if you have read his message, again and again he underscores that while disclosure may be interesting, the main thing he wishes we would all take away from this is to work on raising our consciousness and help others raise theirs. He states many times that the elites have used our group consciousness against us, and we would only take that power away from them and use it against them instead by becoming aware/awakening the elites would be powerless.

Many of us know this to be true, and how raising our consciousness has put us on the path to inner peace and opened up new worlds to us, improved relationships, how could that be a psy-op?

If Corey, the whistleblower just talked about disclosure and didn't talk about raising our consciousness I would be more suspicious that this was some kind of psy-op or disinformation, we have all seen many, and some reading this have participated and are still participating in such.

Okay, through logic we have this - Corey Goode is not delusional, not lying, and not a psy-op. Any other possibilities other than this might be the truth?

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: ARcrazy
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

I believe our government is far more advanced than we know and who knows, they probably do have technology that can teleport through the universe. It's mind blowing to imagine what he is saying, and if it's true it gave me a good feeling. Lol great video

The tech IS interesting and exciting, but remember that is just the icing on the cake. The main message is to work on raising your consciousness, IMHO Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" is a great place to start and has actually permanently changed my life.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: Vasteel
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Watched the videos, have to say that this stuff is right up my street.

I can happily watch someone talk about aliens, secret space programs etc and find it really entertaining in the same way that camp fire stories are entertaining. The guy in the video may be one in a long line of people who cannot prove that anything they are saying is the truth, but this stuff is sooo interesting!

Do I think disclosure will happen by the end of the year? or within my lifetime? I hope so, but for all I really know there may be nothing to disclose and these people are all frauds...entertaining frauds though.

I agree, I think this is highly possible, but I'm definitely not 100% convinced (BUT I'M OPEN MINDED) - anyway, if you are a fan of Sci-Fi, this is still HUGELY entertaining, as this example illustrates, about the SSP Alliance and the Sphere Alliance through Corey investigate one of the corporate


on Mars.

He was carefully watching our reactions as he gave us a summary of what to expect from the base commander. He stated that the people at this facility were here for generations and that they were under the impression for decades now that the earth had been through some sort of cataclysm and was no longer inhabitable. He said that we are being asked to not throw off the social dynamics of the facility by revealing that this was not the case or that any of us were from the surface of Earth.

As we entered, the base commander gave us the storyline about the people not knowing that the earth was still thriving and that this wasn’t anything to do with any slavery theories being promoted by the SSP Alliance but was a complex “social experiment”. It was stressed that we needed to be careful not to contaminate a multi-decades long experiment that will help humanity. I looked at Gonzales and he rolled his eyes at me as this was being said. The base commander then stated that the “main hall” was being setup for the conference and that we would be taken on a tour of the industrial plant first that was 8 kilometers away via an underground train. He said after the conference we would then tour the colony and meet the people, see their living conditions and ask a family if they would be willing to leave with us.

The way we entered caused us to be seated in a strange order. The seats were two by two and facing each other. I ended up being several people down from Gonzales and had one of our security personnel on either side of me. There was a solid row of the facilities security personnel across from me. I noticed one of them kept whispering to the other and finally asked me as we were traveling down the tunnel “Where are you from”, I responded without thinking “Texas” and received a very shocked look on the 3 faces that I could see in front of me. I knew immediately that I had already screwed up.

We had gotten to the end of the tour where we had seen their environmental control system and their laundry and recycling system (everything is recycled) and community centers. It was now time for Gonzales to give the ICC representative the choice of the family we were to take back with us. He gave the number of a certain family's dwelling that was an alpha numeric number outside their door and 15 minutes later a man, woman, teenage son and pre-teen daughter showed up with a small bag in each of their hands. They seemed kind of stoic and nervous. This was to be expected but they seemed off to me. I didn’t say anything at the time. One of the “IE”/Security Personnel leaned over to Gonzales and whispered to him and Gonzales ordered us all to our vessel.

When the door was closed Gonzales turned to the people and told them they were safe and that he would not betray their good faith. He said that “We know that there is another member of your family that is not present”, the father said “How could you know that?” Gonzales motioned to our security personnel and said that “our people have abilities”. The family then clammed up and would not talk. Gonzales became upset and said he would straighten this out and he and the two security personnel assigned to him left the vessel.

Touring the Mars human slave ICC colony

So, if this is true, there are millions of human slaves around the solar system working for the ICC, the Interplanetary Corporate Congress. If there is even the slightest chance this is true, can we ignore this? If you were a slave on some colony and had been told the Earth was uninhabitable due to some cataclysm, and it weren't true, wouldn't you hope the people of Earth would move mountains to free you if they found out the truth, or at least investigate if there was a hint of the truth?
edit on 29-7-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: s1ngular1ty

Either just incredibly wrong or more doom porn disinformation, with slivers of the truth, the best way to sell a lie.

According to the whistleblower, some/many/or all the members of the antiquated Solar Warden program have formed/joined the Secret Space Program Alliance (SSP Alliance), and are trying to take down the elite criminals on Earth and fighting the ICC with defectors from some of the newer Secret Space Programs, including from ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Congress), Solar Warden, Dark Fleet, "NATO type" SSP, and various smaller special access program (SAP) SSP's,

See a description of these various secret space programs here:

Secret Space programs
edit on 29-7-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Much of his message is about working on raising one's consciousness, does anyone have an issue with that?

Yes. "raising your consciousness" takes years of hard work and discipline where in the end you will have an understanding of yourself and no need for ego. He seems more like a cult leader babbling nonsensically.

If you look at the whole situation, as I did a few pages back, logically you can pretty much rule out that he is lying, insane, or a psy-op.

Honestly, if he spewed this nonsense to a psychologist, he would be committed. If his wife decides to leave him, he could loose custody of his children. Just sayin

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
[SSP] are trying to take down the elite criminals on Earth and fighting the ICC with defectors from some of the newer Secret Space Programs, including from ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Congress), Solar Warden, Dark Fleet, "NATO type" SSP, and various smaller special access program (SAP) SSP's,

Why couldn't they do this in like ten seconds?

By "Elite criminals on Earth" we are talking "people who run the energy and finance industries" right? I'd have thought that people with Star-Trek technology could take them down in a snap. The whistleblower (if he is that, the $$$ aspect of it has me doubting it more), says that Blue Avians want humanity to sort the Elites out themselves, but if the SSP do it then that is humanity sorting them out. So why has it taken like 50 years, and counting? Or have I missed some part of the story?

edit on 30-7-2015 by Vasteel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
So, if this is true, there are millions of human slaves around the solar system working for the ICC, the Interplanetary Corporate Congress. If there is even the slightest chance this is true, can we ignore this? If you were a slave on some colony and had been told the Earth was uninhabitable due to some cataclysm, and it weren't true, wouldn't you hope the people of Earth would move mountains to free you if they found out the truth, or at least investigate if there was a hint of the truth?

I know, but the whistleblower needs to come out with proof before anyone could do anything. Even if he is telling the truth he needs to prove beyond reasonable doubt that this ICC exists and that the slaves and their colonies do.

How would the average person free Martian slaves anyway - Write to their local representatives? Call the Police? Pray? Boycott Martian goods? j/k lol

edit on 30-7-2015 by Vasteel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 03:00 AM
The fact is, he's a self professed "contactee"

Here's a long list of them, all with convoluted stories and no proof, just proven frauds in the mix.

One angle on contactees is that some were connected to intelligence agencies for the purposes:

-to disinform, confuse the subject of UFO's which around WW2 they (ufos) might have been only secret technology.

-to pass intelligence, espionage, in coded form, where Adamski's Orthon, for instance, was a code word, or an entire narrative was a metaphor for something related to defense or espionage. It would take a cipher to decode the messages. Spy Games.

Who knows, but the CODED MEANINGS, metaphor theory could hold true, which would be even more fascinating given the people involved (who's who?)

Now, check Corey's Google profile. He'll claim it was setup years ago by disinformation agents, as he claimed about his linkedin which disappeared and then reappeared without reference to masonry (he pissed them off).


Network/VM/CITRIX Support/Security since 1995 to the present after being in the Physical/Electronic Surveillance Security Field. INFJ Personality Type

I am also a HAM Operator: KE5UNV. SPC, TXSG 2nd BT 19th Reg C4I. I have actively practiced RV since 1998 to Present. I have also become an activist for Military, Law Enforcement and Disaster first responders who suffer from PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injuries and Seizure Disorders related to these disabilities. Why? Because I have suffered this discrimination myself. Working in the past for Microsoft, XO Communications, ABSG/US Bio (Pharma company that produces flu vaccines etc)... and Beal Bank, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Citigroup Bank and Santander (Bank of Spain). I have witnessed extreme corruption. Being in the IT field you are basically invisible while helping support teleconference calls and meetings where executives speak freely and openly as though the IT person is wearing a cloak of invisibility. Other IT people can verify this. Postings here will be of family fun as well as recorded corruption I have taken from some (Not all) of the companies above."

End quote.

If Corey had dirt on big wigs and corporate conglomerates, he could be giving that info out in coded form. See?

This has been a theory since Blavatsky's days, that she was a Russian spy, where only Initiates could understand fully her Secret Doctrines, ie. other spies--running as masons or not--because she was a mason, as most occultists (alt media stars) are then and now, whether we know it or not.

Who has the cipher?

Just theories...

Or they're all nuts.
edit on 30-7-2015 by HenryBowen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: HenryBowen

So you also have visited over the years Project Avalon as "psychological study"? What line of work are you in if you don't mind me asking?

And yes, Corey Goode is obviously a contactee, no one is disputing that. Are you saying no contactee's were/are legitimate?

Here are Corey's own words on what happened at Project Avalon:

It has been difficult knowing how or what to post as a response to the PA Founders Posts, Personal Emails to me and other Researcher's and Open Forum Posts on Project Avalon. As a once huge admirer of this person and knowing that they have a HUGE ARMY of admirers and loyal followers I know that anything I post or say will be taken as a personal attack against all members of that Forum... Or if calling out that Forum's Founder (A once respected researcher in his field) you are seen as calling out the Forum and all members in a declaration of war. Which I do not intend to do by all means. There are some very wonderful and enlightened people on the site. There just so happens to be a state of total corruption within the leadership that is well hidden and filtered by the top, down...

Corey Goode on Project Avalon

I would like to go out into the solar system and look into Corey's message, that is what he says to do, and not focus on him. Of course credibility is an issue, but so far I have seen nothing to suggest he has any sort of credibility issue.

Just vague allegations and smears, the common tactic we know the PTB have used many times before to attempt to discredit those who decide to disclose the truth about the nasty issues many of the elites are involved with.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:57 AM
I see alot of skepticism towards Corey in this thread, supposedly because he has something like a donation button or some merchandise.

I fail to understand this approach. How is anyone supposed to pay the rent, internet access, food, etc. without money as our society currently stands? He is not forcing ANYONE to pay him a dime while spreading his message, and his message is primarly about being more loving, expanding your consiousess. He also states multiple times in the videos that he is against the monetary system, even naming it the 'Babylonian Money Magic Slave System'..

So even if you totally dismiss anything he puts forward because you find it weird that he wants to survive (by paying for food etc, like most of us need to do..), then I kindly request you to revaluate his message. Which is, like I stated before, be more loving, less selfish, and being more serviceful to others.

I honestly start to wonder how many paid shills have infiltrated ABS when I see the harsh negative skepticism on threads like these, as ABS is still currently one of the most reknown 'conspiracy' forums.

Anyway, thanks PlanetXisHERE for sharing this, and for putting up with all the 'skepticism' in this thread.1 I've done tons of research regarding these subjects and most of the legitimate whisteblowers are all consistent. Plus, we're all ready moving towards soft disclosure via mainstream media currently at this moment..

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: Alpam
I see alot of skepticism towards Corey in this thread, supposedly because he has something like a donation button or some merchandise.

The reason for this is that if you're a long time CT you have seen MANY people like this claim all sorts of things which turned out to be made up but they were selling books, seminar seats, website subscriptions etc the whole time.

Look at the whole "2012 industry" for example. How many people do you think there were peddling merchandise related to that? How many millions of dollars were made on what is now demonstrably false information?

Don't get me wrong I'm glad this stuff is being posted here, I'm entertained by the whole subject in the same way people are by ghost stories told around the campfire, I'm just not gonna believe people like this unless they have 100% irrefutable proof, and no, I do not know what that would have to look like!

edit on 30-7-2015 by Vasteel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: Vasteel

Agreed. If I had such an important message to relay, I would either not care about my income or make sure I had sufficient means of support. Corey is out of work, has physical (and as he himselfs says: mental) problems - hardly a guy that would NOT grasp at straws.

Actually, I don't even find it entertaining - a good ghost story COULD have happened!

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: Alpam

He is not forcing ANYONE to pay him a dime while spreading his message, and his message is primarly about being more loving, expanding your consiousess. He also states multiple times in the videos that he is against the monetary system, even naming it the 'Babylonian Money Magic Slave System'..

Sounds more like a cult leader than a whistle blower. He is against the monetary system but will happily take your money?

Think about it. He is asking you to give him money so he can spread his message about the evil monetary system. is evil so give it to him because in order to spread the word, he needs evil money. He is sacrificing his soul and living in corruption in order to bring you this message. What a swell guy.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: HenryBowen

"Being in the IT field you are basically invisible while helping support teleconference calls and meetings where executives speak freely and openly as though the IT person is wearing a cloak of invisibility. Other IT people can verify this."

This is actually true.

If Corey had dirt on big wigs and corporate conglomerates, he could be giving that info out in coded form. See?

Why not just call someone?
edit on 30-7-2015 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 11:51 AM
I was perusing the Q&A plus the website itself. I read somewhere, and I am paraphrasing to summarize that "he had a 20 yr contract after which he would be financially secure, getting paid a six figure salary and other benefits, none of which was honored, that's why he blew the whistle."

Then I read in his "about me" info that he risked his six figure job, family etc only so that he could "help" humanity.

There is a discrepancy in those statements, and a fundamental one at that.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 01:36 PM
I feel guilty for past transgressions. There was a time I really believed in this because I heard it for the first time, and I shared too, thus creating long threads of conversation blended with more truths, fictions, and spins from trolls. I was made the fool. At times rightfully so. Then in retaliation at feeling the fool, my fault no one else, by pushing fiction with truth to see how easy it is to get people to believe. I even had a web site for spinning fodder that was similar to (maybe some old timers here remember) Blue Resonant Human/Brother Blue.
For this I feel bad and am trying to redeem myself by trying to help find the truths and contribute with great trepidation.

Not directed at OP or anyone who is posting but just saying this is a lot like the same stuff that seems to be recycled every so often and each time it gets a new spin or two because someone is either getting to it for the first time or seeking fresh attention in place of other 'stories' which lost momentum. Or there is some new overarching link made to something similarly related brought up by someone new or someone who found a new listener.

I believe I have an open mind. But I keep things like this at arms length to filter and untangle truths weaved into the unproven. Truths that are sometimes used to make the unproven sound more plausible, or raise others to the same level of emotional involvement or psychological investment of the presenter(s).

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: Alpam
I see alot of skepticism towards Corey in this thread, supposedly because he has something like a donation button or some merchandise.

I fail to understand this approach. How is anyone supposed to pay the rent, internet access, food, etc. without money as our society currently stands? He is not forcing ANYONE to pay him a dime while spreading his message, and his message is primarly about being more loving, expanding your consiousess. He also states multiple times in the videos that he is against the monetary system, even naming it the 'Babylonian Money Magic Slave System'..

So even if you totally dismiss anything he puts forward because you find it weird that he wants to survive (by paying for food etc, like most of us need to do..), then I kindly request you to revaluate his message. Which is, like I stated before, be more loving, less selfish, and being more serviceful to others.

I honestly start to wonder how many paid shills have infiltrated ABS when I see the harsh negative skepticism on threads like these, as ABS is still currently one of the most reknown 'conspiracy' forums.

Anyway, thanks PlanetXisHERE for sharing this, and for putting up with all the 'skepticism' in this thread.1 I've done tons of research regarding these subjects and most of the legitimate whisteblowers are all consistent. Plus, we're all ready moving towards soft disclosure via mainstream media currently at this moment..

Hi Corey, good point and thanks for finally showing up.
For what its worth, I believe that a lot of what is said in the video is close to the truth.

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