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Have you thanked a rich person lately?

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posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: Involutionist

All love and good vibes huh?

The "wealthy" as you put it do good things because they are just good people who want to help out their fellow humans. They do this by donating to some charity. I have seen so many charities dissected lately, that I no longer believe in them. Parasites just feed off of them.. A charity can pull in millions of dollars and only tens of thousands actually go to the people in need. Those are the good cases. The bad ones, well.... you get it..

Saying "some are angry toward wealthy people simply because they are wealthy" makes no sense whatsoever. Everybody has a reason to resent these creatures. Everybody who has ever toiled the day away for ____ $'s per hour, or Gawd forbid a salary knows that without their own personal knowledge and skill, Joe CEO wouldn't be pulling down a 1.6 million dollar a year salary with a 1 million dollar christmas bonus, with 14 million in stocks and benefits.

Capitalism was great when the percentages were not so astronomically different. Having an average CEO make some 400% more than the skilled worker, not unskilled laborer, that makes his or her business possible is unacceptable.

Those people who believe they are actually worth that much more than the "workers" should be dragged out in the street and shot. Simple.

I don't give a damn about "redistribution" of currency that is nearly worthless to these creatures, I want blood. I am not alone.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 02:20 AM
I have a problem with the Billionaires. Not the Millionaires.

Seriously think about it, 1 Billion Dollars could feed half the planet, yet Africa is still starving and charities are still singing 'We Are The World'. The people who are starving on Planet Hell should start singing and making their own cash because apparently the billions sent to them over the last 50 yrs hasn't changed the way they live if at all.

Perhaps they should sing a new song , like ... 'We are the World, and We're still Starving', Someone better Balsy up and stop pretending... that every thing's ok Cause lying doesn't pay, and everyone is fed the fark up etc etc etc. You know what i mean..

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 02:56 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated

This weekend I completed a 1000 mile round trip charity motorcycle ride where myself and 12 others raised in excess of $50k for a large childrens' hospital. When we presented the check to the hospital, they were giving us a tour and some of the background of how the hospital was built. To make a long story short, some mega millionaire / billionaire basically bank rolled the hospital. The guy basically spent like $75 million of his own money to build the hospital. He had a soft spot for children because he was seriously ill as a child, so this was his way of giving back. Even though the guy is now dead, his children have still given tens of millions more in his name for this cause.

The hospital administrator was almost in tears sharing the story of how much this guy has given and changed the lives of thousands of children who have gone through this hospital.

The reason I am posting this is the because it got me thinking about the posters on this forum who constantly bash the rich and advocate for wealth redistribution. These same posters refuse to acknowledge all the good that a lot of the very wealthy do. Yes, there are some greedy bastards, but I think it is both ignorant and short sighted to paint all the wealthy with such a broad brush. The story I presented is not unique.

Many of us do not realize how much some of the very wealthy contribute to various causes. Think about all the universities, hospitals, research, museums, parks, arts & culture, scholarships, etc that are bank rolled by the wealthy. The names you see on buildings, plaques, etc. Government didn't build that...

The point I am making is that in a capitalist economy, the fact that people can get immensely wealthy allows them to contribute to a variety of causes that can make lives better for the public at large. I realize that some leftist / progressives will never be satisfied until everyone is equally broke, but all I'm asking is to look around and acknowledge the good that has been done.

Flame away.

Good on you for helping others but you seem to be overlooking the small fact that our planet has been killed by these people as well as the fact that the majority of us would not be ill if it wasn't for all the chemicals used in our everyday lives just so a few people can have more money.
Its a way bigger picture than you realise unfortunately just because some give back a small percentage does not mean they are alright and a big percentage of philanthropists give money to disguise the fact that they are scum. Take the van der bilts the guy who made the fortune set up I think 3 hospitals but was pure evil the rockerfellers have killed our planet with there control over oil, basically our planet has been killed over the last 60 years although you really have to go back to the start of the industrial revolution but all the same capitalism has made our planet extinct do the research and you will see this.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 04:32 AM

originally posted by: awareness10
I have a problem with the Billionaires. Not the Millionaires.

I share this view too. The excessively rich are not good. That said, some of the excessively rich (like Bill Gates) are also highly prolific philanthropists, so it's not all bad.

I read today that Apple is reporting obscene profits. It's these extremes that worry me. How may people arguing against extreme wealth are using an Apple product?

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 05:12 AM
Never mind the rich man but that is also worth of praise, but respect to you and your friends who raised that large sum!

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: Bobaganoosh

The poor make the rich and the rich make the poor. How else could it be? Do the rich help the poor to be as rich as they are? No, they want to maintain their privilege and financial dominance. No amount of charity can compensate. I despise charity. It is a poor substitute for a fair society. No charity has helped me. I know it helps their Chair People etc though. They cream of executive wages and go to fancy dinners in limos. Oxfam boss a few years ago was doing deeds like that.

I know that poverty is created by excess wealth.

Don't give me charity. I want a fair society where I have rights and resources, access to the legal system, access to health care, with all the same quality as the rich.

Woody Guthrie wrote these lines:

"Your two dollar shoe hurts my feet,
And I ain't gonna be treated this way

I need a ten dollar shoe to fit my feet,
I ain't gonna be treated this way".

Yep, going down that old dusty road demanding a fair society. No amount of charity propaganda is going to make me go awww, aren't the rich so kind. Look how good they treat us who are the non recyclable batteries of their wealth.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

It isn't right that we should have to rely on the god like benevolence of a rich person when they just feel like it. It is like blooming blood money to relieve their conscience.

Nooo! Your conscience is not relieved rich person. I want what you have or we can meet somewhere in the middle with you having less and me having a little more. Yet you will not even give me the slightest opportunity to earn my way to having anything like what you have. It is a closed private club of protected privilege.

I have no hate of the rich. It is not about such base silly negative feelings. It is about hard core values and social architecture. Come on Great Architect, it may be that you are smashing your own ivory tower by maintaining the current neo feudalist parasitical economics of wealth distribution. There are billions of angry forsaken people who have been the batteries of your world. You might wish to maintain your privilege by force. We'll see how that works out if need be, but billions of people are working it out that they are your batteries and you don't even treat them fairly or kindly for it. You keep them in the gutter why you have the side walk. Watch out for the future!

edit on 22-7-2015 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 06:18 AM
Ok. Maybe he was a good person. Maybe he got a nice tax break, enjoyed the accolades, and had a few billion stashed away.

There are over 300million people in America. Each person could give 25c and that would make $75million. So we really don't need the rich to do things like this.

But I don't personally know the guy, so maybe he is or was a great guy. Maybe he didn't live a life of extreme excess while others were homeless and starving. I can't say.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 07:02 AM
Mark 12:41-44New International Version (NIV)

The Widow’s Offering
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

New International Version (NIV)
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

I'm not a Christian...but good story.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

People are not just bashing all rich people. But the ones who have gotten rich at the expense of others or the expense of the environment.

And Politicians.

When a majority of the global wealth is held by a minority there is a problem.

Sure some give to charity but that doesnt excuse the corrupt system that allows these people to get rich and if the system worked for the benefit of everyone there would be no need for charities in the first place.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated I realize that some leftist / progressives will never be satisfied until everyone is equally broke

equally broke? just plain equal is actually the ideal. generous charitable donations are to be applauded whatever the source. or amount.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 08:34 AM

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 08:48 AM
I appreciate all the responses. A lot of you are missing my points.

1) I used this one particular hospital as an example. I didn't care to list it's name because it is irrelevant. The point is that this hospital is not unique. If you look in any major city, there are hospitals, museums, universities, arts & culture, homeless shelters, food pantries, parks, humane societies, and all kinds of others things that society at large benefits from that were either entirely funded by the mega rich or other well off donors.

2) We all directly and indirectly benefit from the wealth creation that occurs when someone is able to make an immense amount of money. What some of you don't understand is that wealth is not a fixed pie. When someone gets rich, in most cases, the pie itself is actually getting larger, they are not taking someone else's slice. For example, someone responded about Apple's obscene profits. If you have a pension, mutual fund, or other type of retirement vehicle, I'd bet you a dozen steak dinners you likely have shares of Apple whether you know it or not. The returns that your investment earns is a by product of Apple making obscene profits. Secondly, no one ever mentions all the well paid jobs, other millionaires, other industries, etc that have been created from Apple. You probably can't even count the number of Apple millionaires at this point. Regular employees or people who just happened to invest a little in Apple. Think of all the case and other doo dad manufacturers, the people they employ, etc.

3) The utopian vision that many of you desire is beyond reality. There has always been and always be wealth inequality. Even in societies where supposedly everyone is equal - pick your favorite commie country, you always have a wealthy elite.

4) It is often easy to say things like if everyone just gave 25 cents we could feed the world. The problem is everyone won't give 25 cents. There will always be war, famine, and cultural issues that keep some parts of the world dirt poor despite the best efforts of everyone. Unfortunately, this suffering is a by product of man's intelligence and fallibility.

5) Last, I always find it funny when someone says some billionaire got rich destroying the environment or something. let's take oil companies. Yes, they can hurt the environment, but at the same time you also have to acknowledge that the work they do makes your life easier. Plastic is a by product. The computer you type on would not be possible. The smooth roads you drive on would not be possible without asphalt which is a by product of oil refining. The jobs they create. The energy produced. The cars you drive. The technological progress made by companies allows us to not have to do back breaking work out in the fields. Hunt for food. Air conditioning. I can go on and on. Open your eyes. This is not say that companies don't do bad things, but too many of you can't balance out the good that results.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

Have you thanked a rich person lately?

Sure I have. I've thanked lots of rich folks for lots of things. Many times for personal kindnesses... other times for their generosity for projects/events I've worked. I've also told a few rich folks they were too big for their britches and to check their egos... I've even made a couple cry when they couldn't handle the truth about their bad behavior/attitudes.

I've also had the honor of working with and thanking plenty of less-than-rich folks who have given generously of their time, energy and LOVE. I've known rich people who throw a few bucks at a worthy cause -- so little they'll never miss it -- and pat themselves on the back as if they just single-handedly saved the world... I've also known poor people who give their last couple bucks and felt no glory, only sadness that they couldn't give more.

Hmmmmm... which one do I respect and appreciate more???

The ONLY THING all rich people have in common is lots of money. Being rich doesn't make one good or bad, being poor doesn't make one good or bad. Unfortunately, we live in a society in which too many people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Those people don't deserve anyone's thanks... just pity.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: Ultralight
a reply to: Edumakated

Excellent post!

Research how Stanford University Hospital came to be and you will find that similar story.

To those of you, rich and not, who give from the purity of spirit, unconditionally, I send you bright blessings and humble thanks. It really is better to give than to receive. Even if it's a single spare dollar.

S&F for you.

Research Egleston Children's Hospital in Atlanta. Very interesting story about a rich man dedicating an entire hospital to the memory of his mother .

I had cancer surgery at Egleston as a child. Egleston is part of the overall hospital charity that we raised the money for. Ironically, I didn't even make the connection that I benefited from this charity as a kid. I had just signed up to do the motorcycle ride because I liked the charity when the opportunity was presented to me.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: Cuervo

You totally missed my point. This particular example is not unique. It is just the one I used to illustrate for my post. Research many of the institutions in your local area and you will find similar stories.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: iDope

Many hospitals and this one in particular is a non-profit. These hospitals frequently do no charge for services. Many major insurers are also non-profit as well. Unfortunately, it cost a lot of money for medical care and technology. Again, there are plenty of donors who frequently cover the care for the under privileged.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 09:26 AM
No I haven't and I don't plan on doing so.

People don't do good things for a thank you... It's just a human thing to do.

And if they do it for a thank you, it's not their humanity that has driven them to doing so.

I do thank people however, just not at the request of an elitest.

Side note, you say don't broadbrush, and then proceed to attack all progressives/leftists...

Let me just clarify that without the progressives in history you'd still be eating bugs, without a flame to cook your food, wiping your arse on grass, & living in a mud hut or a cave without a weapon to fend off the predators of the ecosystem.

Basically, without progressives (defined as innovators), we'd be extinct.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Bobaganoosh

You meant 400 times more money than a worker, not 400% (=4 times the money), I am sure.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
a reply to: Involutionist

All love and good vibes huh?

The "wealthy" as you put it do good things because they are just good people who want to help out their fellow humans. They do this by donating to some charity. I have seen so many charities dissected lately, that I no longer believe in them. Parasites just feed off of them.. A charity can pull in millions of dollars and only tens of thousands actually go to the people in need. Those are the good cases. The bad ones, well.... you get it..

So is your rant about where wealthy people put their money or that they have the money to give to charities that you do not approve of?

Saying "some are angry toward wealthy people simply because they are wealthy" makes no sense whatsoever. Everybody has a reason to resent these creatures. Everybody who has ever toiled the day away for ____ $'s per hour, or Gawd forbid a salary knows that without their own personal knowledge and skill, Joe CEO wouldn't be pulling down a 1.6 million dollar a year salary with a 1 million dollar christmas bonus, with 14 million in stocks and benefits.

Did you ever think that the reason that you have with someone you don't even know, these creatures you name, is that you are not satisfied with yourself? You seem to have determined that all wealthy people have never worked for a salary or toiled in a difficult job. I would say that these perspectives are very myopic and biased (not to mention wrong). So you are saying that a company with a leader which accepts a lower salary than the market currently dictates will have no effect upon the future of the salaried workers in the company? What happens to the company when the CEO/President does a poor job? Who is going to keep the doors open for those people in the company? Your anger betrays you lack of knowledge on many levels; possibly if you took some of that anger and focused it on determination and trying to learn some new things, you might feel differently?

Capitalism was great when the percentages were not so astronomically different. Having an average CEO make some 400% more than the skilled worker, not unskilled laborer, that makes his or her business possible is unacceptable.

That is the whole point of capitalism, the market determines what the market will bear. If the CEO's are overpriced, corrections will be made naturally over time. However, when supra-natural forces (government) gets involved and subsidizes, incentivizes or some other type of manipulative 'bail-out', it overrides capitalism and alters these corrections that maintain equilibrium. I am not saying that pure capitalism is the best answer however you mentioned it as something that you would like to see more of in the great old days of yesteryear.

A properly run business is a team effort. All areas of the team operating effectively are necessary to help the team achieve it's goals. I do not see my staff in an lesser manner and I am sure they do not see me that way so maybe you personally just work in a crappy company; if so find another company to work.

Those people who believe they are actually worth that much more than the "workers" should be dragged out in the street and shot. Simple.

Nice, idiocracy in the making, the farce is strong in this one...

I don't give a damn about "redistribution" of currency that is nearly worthless to these creatures, I want blood. I am not alone.

The following quote comes to mind as I read your eloquent post:

When you truly believe that you can overcome lack of skill or knowledge by doubling your efforts, there is no end to what you can't do!

edit on 22-7-2015 by notmyrealname because: thpelling

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