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World Trade Center 7 Explosion and Controlled Collaspe Caught on Tape.

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posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 08:31 PM
Creating spheres with a butane lighter and steel wool

edit on 15-8-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
Agreed to disagree then.

Another trurher that can't accept a rational explanation to his mysterious question.

How ordinary.

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

nd no. Pictu

Pictures can't explain the lack of evidence for this sloppy theory.

Sloppy??? Annealing metals, including steel, at only 1000 degrees F., which is far below the melting point of steel, was one of my jobs as an airframe technician. It is clear in the photo that the steel beam never reached the melting point of steel nor even close.
edit on 15-8-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Said evidence gets ignored instead. We talked about spheres and you came up with some lazy explanations like fly-ash, ignoring the fact that the RJ LeeGroup stated quite the opposite.


A cenosphere is a lightweight, inert, hollow sphere made largely of silica and alumina and filled with air or inert gas, typically produced as a byproduct of coal combustion at thermal power plants.

The color of cenospheres varies from gray to almost white and their density is about 0.4–0.8 g/cm3 (0.014–0.029 lb/cu in), which gives them a great buoyancy. Cf. glass microspheres.

Anyone can create shperes with nothing more than steel wool and a lighter.

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: skyeagle409

The hollow silica and alumina Spheres are also a product of the cement kiln. So these spheres can be found in the dust from the fire proofing and concrete.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:15 AM
a reply to: waypastvne

The hollow silica and alumina Spheres are also a product of the cement kiln. So these spheres can be found in the dust from the fire proofing and concrete.

Thank you!

posted on Aug, 18 2015 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: skyeagle409

It is clear in the photo that the steel beam never reached the melting point of steel nor even close.

Why bother and construct a whacky Nist-report then? Pictures should've been sufficient, that's quite clear by now.

Cenospheres? How is that supposed to have anything to do with that study? Yes, spheres are not spheres, get a grip. Agreed to disagree then, again!

posted on Aug, 18 2015 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: waypastvne

And now you guys may explain how the difference in sizes of said spheres could be explained, if you prefer to ignore their concentrations on the site and in said Background Buildings. Or just forget about it and repeat your funny theory, that all the dust came from the fireproofing. Que dices? You can't? Niscience for beginners, eh?

Have a ordinary obeyful week!

posted on Aug, 18 2015 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Why bother and construct a whacky Nist-report then? Pictures should've been sufficient, that's quite clear by now.

The photo is clear and straight to the point.

Cenospheres? How is that supposed to have anything to do with that study? Yes, spheres are not spheres, get a grip. Agreed to disagree then, again!

What it all means is that you have been allowing yourself to be duped by people such as Steven Jones, Richard Gage, and Alex and CT websites that are well-known for passing disinformation.

edit on 18-8-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: skyeagle409

Would you rather like me to ignore a good study and to consider that pictures could somehow depict hard facts? Ok, the Toldya-Theorem is backed up with picturesque evidence now. Solid bender, awesome!
edit on 19-8-2015 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Would you rather like me to ignore a good study and to consider that pictures could somehow depict hard facts? Ok, the Toldya-Theorem is backed up with picturesque evidence now. Solid bender, awesome!

It is all very simple to understand especially since free falling dust plumes and debris are seen striking the ground while the collapse of the buildings were still in progress hundreds of feet above the ground.

The towers did not fall at or below free fall speeds

In every photo and every video, you can see columns far outpacing the collapse of the building. Not only are the columns falling faster than the building but they are also falling faster than the debris cloud which is ALSO falling faster than the building. This proves the buildings fell well below free fall speed. That is, unless the beams had a rocket pointed to the ground.

Just look at any video you like and watch the perimeter columns.

No Free Fall Here 1

No Free Fall Here 2

edit on 19-8-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: Shadow Herder
This video was a freedom of information requested video which you can clearly hear a deep thud explosion followed by the penthouse partial controlled collapse followed by total controlled collapse. There are people who claim that there were no explosions. They are lying.

Here is a smaller one from earlier

Here is an obvious huge explosion

Eyewitness accounts to explosions " Thumb thumb thum thumb" explosions...

Nice compilation; there was little doubt that building 7 came down with the use of some device considering NIST states in their investigation report it would of took 9 lbs of RDX to take down building 7 i guess they wouldnt need many weeks and hundreds of men to pre wire the building considering it was just one column that failed. 9 pounds. thats it

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: skyeagle409
a reply to: PublicOpinion

What it all means is that you have been allowing yourself to be duped by people such as Steven Jones, Richard Gage, and Alex and CT websites that are well-known for passing disinformation.

Ive read that the people who are spreading blatant disinformation are the same people who are trying to cover up real 911 investigations by promoting stupid conspiracy theories then having people from that same group go on conspiracy sites and easily debunk the intentionally false theories posing as debunkers and truth seekers claiming false victory and that all 911 investigations are stupid/

I dunno, I dont like kick the hornets nest but everything about 911 is not what they told us; thats for sure.
edit on 6-9-2015 by AsherLewin11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: AsherLewin11

Ive read that the people who are spreading blatant disinformation are the same people who are trying to cover up real 911 investigations by promoting stupid conspiracy theories then having people from that same group go on conspiracy sites and easily debunk the intentionally false theories posing as debunkers and truth seekers claiming false victory and that all 911 investigations are stupid/

I dunno, I dont like kick the hornets nest but everything about 911 is not what they told us; thats for sure.

It was the disinformation that has been mainly responsible for clouding the results of the conclusions of the 9/11 investigations.

Just recently, I've posted that there are people planting disinformation in order to discredit the Truth Movement, which is then picked up and re-posted by conspiracy theorist. In fact, I even provided a reference to a particular hoaxed video of WTC 7 as proof that truthers were re-posting hoaxed and bogus videos and photos and not long afterward, two truthers had referenced that same hoaxed video as their evidence that demo explosives took down WTC 7.

I figured they didn't read my previous reference to that hoaxed WTC 7 video, otherwise they wouldn't have claimed that hoaxed video was evidence of demo explosions in WTC 7. It shows that they are doing exactly what people wanted them to do in order to discredit the Truth Movement. Now, we have truthers issuing the following claims:

* Nukes took out the WTC buildings

* Mini-nukes took out the WTC buildings

* No aircraft struck the WTC buildings

* United 175 fired a missile just before it struck WTC 2

* A pod beneath United 175 was added to carry explosives

* Missiles took out the WTC buildings

* The WTC buildings fell at free fall speed

* Explosives was responsible for the ejection of structural steel into another building

* Thermite was responsible for the destruction at ground zero

* Thermite was responsible for molten steel at ground zero

* Angled cuts on steel columns at ground level was the result of planted thermite

* Photo depicts grapple picking up molten steel

* A missile took out the Pentagon

* American 77 flew north of the gas station

* American 77 overflew the Pentagon and secretly landed at Ronald Reagan Airport

* No aircraft crashed at Shanksville

* No aircraft wreckage found at the crash site of United 93

* A white jet shot down United 93 at Shanksville

* An F-16 shot down United 93

* United 175 was actually a military aircraft because it didn't have windows

* The 9/11 airliners were switched

* The 9/11 airliners were flown under remote control

* The maneuver conducted by the American 77 hijacker was impossible

* United 93 landed at Cleveland Airport

* Passengers of United 93 were seen boarding a bus at Cleveland Airport

* Space beam weapons took out the WTC buildings

* Molten steel was seen flowing at ground zero

* Molten steel was seen flowing from the northeast corner of WTC 2

* Demo explosions were heard before, and during the collapse of the WTC buildings

* A photo of molten steel was provided by Steven Jones

* Thermite was found at ground zero

* Passengers and crew of the 9/11 airliners were moved to secret bases

* The 9/11 hijackers are still alive

* Osama bin Laden was not responsible

* Seismic data depicted demo explosions at ground zero

* $2.3 trillions is missing from the Pentagon

What you see above are all disinformation that I have been talking about over the years and I can go over each one on that list and reveal how it was determined they are nothing more than disinformation, and I might add that some of that disinformation came directly from the VA Today website where editor, Gordon Duff, admitted on video that he has been deliberately writing disinformation.

Gordon Duff And Veterans Today Is An Admitted Source

Truthers need to do their homework and do some background checks before they post, otherwise, they will continue to spew the same disinformation that has made the Truth Movement a mockery of itself over the years.

Check it out.

Disinformation Killed 9/11 “Truth”

By 2009, the 9/11 “Truth” Movement was so inundated with disinformation that it had become a laughingstock. The easily-discredited claims (lies) contaminated the greater issue and soiled dissenters across the board. “Turd blossom” was a Karl Rove phrase that could describe what the movement had devolved into. The media, whether corporate or foundation-funded, could find people ranting about “the Jews” or the Illuminati, the Lizard People, the missiles, holograms, mini-nukes or space beam weapons vaporizing the Twin Towers.

Many trolls, and some public personalities, appeared to be professional disinformation artists hard at work concocting and posting this crap online, which others repeated to their own detriment. One cannot easily prove that a specific person is a paid shill, a disinformation agent, a cyber agent provocateur, but be assured they are out there, and “out there.”


Author Thomas Pynchon wrote, “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.” I’ll go one better and in the process explain modern cyber disinformation: If they can get you asking stupid questions, then their lapdog media can dismiss you as a “nut.”

As a pilot since 1969, I've caught 'Pilots for 9/11 Truth' spewing disinformation and lies and I might add that my Wing Commander was inside the Pentagon when American 77 struck.

As someone who has been in war and heard hundreds of explosions, I can safely say that the WTC 7 videos you see above that claim to depict demo explosions are false as well. Explosives make a lot of noise and at no time did I see nor hear evidence of demo explosions as WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC 7 collapse.

Witnesses accounts of explosions were later attributed to things that had nothing to do with explosives, included testimony from some firefighters that the explosions they heard were from exploding gas lines. On another note, manhole explosions are not uncommon in New York City.

Manhole Explosions Set Cars On Fire In SoHo

December 29, 2012 4:22 PM

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Several cars were ablaze on Prince Street in SoHo Saturday afternoon, after a series of explosions in manholes below.

Predicting the Next Deadly Manhole Explosion

Every so often in New York City, a disk of cast iron weighing up to 300 pounds will burst out of the street and fly as high as several stories before clattering back to the blacktop. Flames, smoke or both may issue from the breach, as if somebody had pulled hell’s own pop-top

Manhole explosions aren’t just spectacular; they’re dangerous. As one firefighter observed after a manhole exploded near Times Square in May: “It’s not Disneyland, people. Get the hell out of the way.”

To sum it up, there was never a 9/11 false flag operation because it was a fabrication that was spread around by the 9/11 truthers.

edit on 7-9-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 02:21 AM
agreed. 911 truth seekers have debunked those silly conspiracy theories long ago debunkers actually repost those theories as truthers then debunk them as debunk-er.
One thing for sure is that the official story has been debunked, just about every aspect of it so fake 911 theories were created to derail the investigators and allow 911 bunkers to easily debunk the silly claims then claim that if one silly theory is debunked then all the 911 investigations should halt.

There is no proof of the official story.
edit on 7-9-2015 by AsherLewin11 because: (no reason given)

btw, what do those stars mean above my post?
edit on 7-9-2015 by AsherLewin11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: AsherLewin11

There is no proof of the official story.

The official story is mainly correct. In 1995, the Philippine government warned the United States that terrorist were planning to hijack airliners to kill thousands of people. One of the terrorist who escaped arrest in the Philippines was Ramzi Yousef, the terrorist who bombed WTC 1 in 1993 and nephew of the 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The terrorist operation was known as the 'Bojinka Plot.'

In the months prior to the 9/11 attack, a number of countries around the world issued warnings to the United States that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were in the process of carrying out their attack on the United States. We can go here.

Many warnings specifically mentioned a threat coming from the air

They Tried to Warn Us: Foreign Intelligence Warnings Before 9/11

And then, there was this report to Bush.

Osama bin Laden Determined to Strike in the United States

As you can see, the warnings from a number of countries around the world were pointing their fingers at Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, not at the Bush Administration.

The official story is backed by structural and civil engineers, demolition experts, architects and even firefighters with no ties to the federal government.

The World Trade Center's Steel Structure Was Buckling Before the Collapse

Police, Firemen and Civilians Saw Warning Signs of Collapse of the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001

Civil & Structural Engineers on WTC Collapse

Did experts on the scene think WTC 7 was a controlled demolition?

"Several demolition teams had reached Ground Zero by 3:00 pm on 9/11, and these individuals witnessed the collapse of WTC 7 from within a few hundred feet of the event. We have spoken with several who possess extensive experience in explosive demolition, and all reported seeing or hearing nothing to indicate an explosive detonation precipitating the collapse.

Towers Weakened by Planes; Brought Down by Fire

Analysis by a team of 25 of the nation's leading structural and fire protection engineers suggests that the World Trade Center Towers could have remained standing indefinitely if fire had not overwhelmed the weakened structures, according to a report presented today at a hearing of the House Science Committee.

Why the World Trade Center Buildings Collapsed: A Fire Chief ’s Assessment

The jet collapsed the ceilings and scraped most of the spray-on fire retarding asbestos from the steel trusses. The steel truss floor supports probably started to fail quickly from the flames and the center steel supporting columns severed by plane parts heated by the flames began to buckle, sag, warp and fail.

Then the top part of the tower crashed down on the lower portion of the structure. This pancake collapse triggered the entire cascading collapse of the 110-story structure.

No Explosives Used in WTC Collapse, Says Demolition Industry Leader

Brent Blanchard, a leading professional and writer in the controlled demolition industry, publishes a 12-page report that says it refutes claims that the World Trade Center was destroyed with explosives. The report is published on, a demolition industry website edited by Blanchard.

Blanchard is also director of field operations for Protec Documentation Services, Inc., a company specializing in monitoring construction-related demolitions. In his report, Blanchard says that Protec had portable field seismographs in “several sites in Manhattan and Brooklyn” on 9/11.

Architects Shy From Trutherism

After the 9/11 attack, Osama bin Laden declared his responsibility.

Bin Laden Claims Responsibility for 9/11

Usama bin Laden (search ) made his first televised appearance in more than a year Friday in which he admitted for the first time ordering the Sept. 11 attacks and accused President Bush of "misleading" the American people.

And let's not forget that al-Qaeda released its martyr videos of the 9/1 hijackers.

Once again, we can blame the Truth Movement for clouding the official story with disinformation.
edit on 7-9-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: AsherLewin11

Welcome to ATS!

You get star_ed from other users for your postings, you just earned another one from me. The many rabbit-holes on ATS go very deep, better check your coffee-supply before you start delving in.


a reply to: skyeagle409

The official story is mainly correct

The Toldya-Theorem is mainly correct as well, but that was not the point.
You don't try to elude every awkward query that comes up, do you?

Again, as you seem to like repititions:

There is no proof of the official story.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

The Toldya-Theorem is mainly correct as well, but that was not the point.
You don't try to elude every awkward query that comes up, do you?

Let' me put it this way because It is all very simple.

Since a number of warnings were issued from countries around the world that pointed their fingers at Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, not at the United States, and that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda admitted they were responsible for the 9/11 attack, why do truthers claim that 9/11 was a false flag operation and make that claim without a shred of evidence?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: skyeagle409

Let me put it this way:

There is no proof of the official story.

Better we deny ignorance then, innit? But you bother about lacking evidence on truthers behalf whilst defending a theory that has not one shred to offer either. Simply mind-boggling, innit? Are we talking about faith now?

Keep it coming, couldn't get much worse now.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Better we deny ignorance then, innit?

The Truth Movement is based on ignorance. That is why they have been caught posting hoaxed and bogus videos and photos and passing disinformaton.

To highlight truther ignorance, let's not forget that this photo was truther evidence of molten steel at ground zero.

Photo of Truther Evidence of Molten Steel

Now, for the rest of the story.

The bright light in the photo that truthers claimed was molten steel, was nothing more than a reflection from a flashlight.

Just another example of the way the Truth Movement has made a mockery of itself over the years.

Now once again, where is your evidence of explosives?
edit on 7-9-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

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