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An Alternative JH15 Speculation ...

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posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

If you scrolled down a little on the second link you will see a second video that is not the same photo. It has a couple of different photos of UN Humvees and what look to be Armored Car type vehicles possibly conversions from brinks type vehicles.

edit on 8/6/15 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

I'll play.
The united states has become a subsurface fortress. The "openings" are strategic. Warehouses, if not directly on top of these openings will be located in situ to provide immediate urban camouflage to troops leaving the tunnels.

Texas is the second biggest state in terms of land and populace, a key area if you are planning a war or occupation.
Also note, that in terms of strategy, Texas and so/cal would be good jumping off points for actions in mexico..

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

Sorry not credible. Not to me. The UN wouldn't have anything to do with this military exercises. Which is what JH15 is and nothing more. I can't wait until Sept so I can say told ya so!

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657

I did see and interview with Warren Pollock this morning who is a fairly reputable trends analyst and when asked about Jade Helm responded that he was not really following it because in his estimation it was just another MSM diversion from the real problem which is China and the financial meltdown. I have a lot of respect for this fellow and will be happy to contour my expectations to consider his opinions.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657

I hope you are right truly! I personally think it would be near impossible to try and take over the US against the citizens. They had a hell of a time trying to hold down Iraq, the size of one state. America's enemies would be supplying arms and advisers, even spec ops to the people to take down the USG. It would be the largest and fatal mistake the USG could ever do to themselves. Now maybe they think they can be successful, but if so they are deluded past any hope. Most military and law enforcement I know would be on the sides of the citizens, even if it took a few weeks to change many others opinions and allegiances. Telling the troops to bring in martial law and secure the country is one thing. Start mass executions is another entirely and but a few would be on the wrong side of that.

However, I have to ask you have you ever heard of an exercise using so much equipment and territory as the JH is? It seems to be of the size of being operational, not training. Too many signs, like Agenda 21 and the Treaty on Small Arms coming out of the UN, and an Administration bent on implementing the globalist agenda makes me very suspicious. And if it were a few folks crying foul and posting pics, ok. But this has so much stuff out there, including veterans that see this as not being an exercise but being an operation make me even more wary. But, I will be waiting and hoping for your scathing 'I told your dumb a$$' U2U,Thread, or Post! And I will be happy to receive it!

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

I agree with you. This might be coincided with a Fall financial crash (they always happen in Fall don't the) and perhaps the forces are planned to be peacekeeping rather than oppressive. And it is a Shemitah year to boot.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: spirit_horse

I agree with you. This might be coincided with a Fall financial crash (they always happen in Fall don't the) and perhaps the forces are planned to be peacekeeping rather than oppressive. And it is a Shemitah year to boot.

Well, that is very interesting. I didn't know about the Shemitah year till now. And JH ends Sept. 15th, and the Elul 29 is Sept. 13th. Even if it ushers it in, I think they want to have people prepared and in place when the next crash which will really bring people to their knees happens. I mean what do you think people will do when they find out the banks have done much worse that the last crash and the US taxpayers are on the line for Quadrillions of derivatives? The Globalists/bankers may want to take all the property throwing American's out on the street when they can't pay. I could see catastrophic loss of life over something like that.

I always wondered why the elite started building all these bunkers back around 2012. I mean they never responded to prophecy before, so why then. Perhaps it wasn't that they were preparing for. Something where the world's financial system would crash would no doubt lead to war and probably WWIII by countries demanding wealth be stripped from countries and people alike. The seed vaults and all the preparations indicate a preparation for global catastrophe. I know about the Apophis meteor impact in the Pacific in 2036 and that it will fly under the communication satellites in 2029. NASA says the latest research it won't hit, but I saw an astrophysicist say it would hit some 500 miles West of California in the Pacific. Could be older tracking data, but if it is coming under the comm satellites, it would not take much for something to alter it's orbit just a little bit to cause either a 2029 0r 2036 impact if they can't come up with an intervention. That sure would clear up the population problem. Anyway, just something to pay attention to.

Regardless, the financial system is smoke and mirrors and is going to fail catastrophically imho. I am a Realtor now and just the other day I heard an ad for no-doc loans. I kid you not, I couldn't believe they are up to their same old tricks and probably think after Cyprus (taking from the citizens savings accounts) that they will just take whatever they need to bail themselves out. This time, I think there won't be enough to take no matter what. People that are so desperate will be a huge issue. I can see how interment and resettlement could happen and why they would need those kind of folks in the ranks. Whatever happens, I don't think the collapse is too far off. I suspect they did bail outs and kept the system going because they were not prepared to deal with the citizens at that time. Look at the riots in Europe and those populations are not armed to the teeth. In the US it would be another matter altogether.

edit on 9/6/15 by spirit_horse because: typos

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

Yes it is all very, very interesting to say the least. Debt, debt, debt has been the rule of the day in finance for so long in this country, if not this world and how exactly is that supposed to work anyway? Debt, by definition means that those who borrow for today pay back with interest starting tomorrow and continue paying, with interest until, well, whenever. The inability to pay back (hello Greece), can now be solved by MORE DEBT? Seriously? Unless those who loan are willing to "forgive" their debtors, well than eventually the bill must be paid or somebody gets their legs broken, right?

No one, including the Federal Reserve or the US government is claiming that it can go on forever, but all of them have ALWAYS said openly and outright that it was UNSUSTAINABLE, yes UNSUSTAINABLE. Have the simpletons in America forgotten what that means? Or have the drugs and alcohol finally affected their tiny brains to the point where they no long know what unsustainable IS, or maybe they are just burnt out and cannot care anymore. For that I would not fault them, but unsustainable means that at some point in time it all collapses, period, end of story. And what better time than in the Fall when all financial calamity seems to strike us hardest.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: spirit_horse

It's less than 1500 troops. Yes it's large in scope but it's still going to go relatively unnoticed.
Seven states 1500 troops. No it's really not enough to get worked up about.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: spirit_horse

Banks are not the government. Banks hold the mortgages on most American homes. A crash that brings the nation to its knees, sure that might happen but it won't be the government that gets the houses when owners default. It will be private banking conglomerates.
But really this just sounds like so much drama over a simple military exercises.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: EA006

Yeah, they'll dress the troops as overweight women in inappropriate clothing pushing strollers with dirty faced kids in them armed with EBT cards. Or as old men in plaid shorts wearing white socks with sandals .

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 10:14 AM
I understand that it is much easier to blow this whole thing off as hooey and get back to our fruitful lives of endless entertainment and distraction, or cranking out profits for our insolent masters, but there are a lot of bizarre details about the whole gig that just don't add up to "nothing to see her, move along"....

So what is the point of running rooftop evac drills with suppressing 50 cal machine gun fire at midnight on a US city street as civilians look on? Why to prepare them for just such a possibility of course and to make sure they all get it! Anyone that even thinks to chide in that this has never happened before so it can't happen now is simply full of crap. It happened in 1975 in Saigon and I recall it well. There are numerous conspiracy theories over what might bring this about, but the economic collapse idea is hardly a big stretch for a failing empire built on debt, sustained by debt and fueling countless debt onto the problem which has to end in disaster at some point in time. These exercises "end" in the Fall which just happens to be the same time that financial calamities always seem to occur.

Is the government planning to attack Americans to enslave us all? Come on get real. First of all we are already enslaved, what makes the most sense is that the government is aware of what has to happen as it all comes down and they are taking steps to be prepared to do what the cavalry always does, at least in the movies, ride to the rescue when the SHTF. In actuality, they are just doing their job, and doing what we will all want them to do when it happens.

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