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ISIS Denounces 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Call It Idolatry LOL

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posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

LOL!!!! It is really hilarioius, in a way.

Soldiers leaving for fear of being IDed as "CIA".....
curiouser and curiouser.


posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

i can't get into all your philosophical mystery far as i can tell...

...Arab Muslim devotees of something called allah, murdered 3000 office workers in the United States on 9.11.2001.

their leader was shot in his head twice on 5.1.2011, but his successors continue to murder.

all the rest of your story is something they should save for a judge...the cops aren't going to be listening to your story when they get them in their sites.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: michaelbrux
the only group unlawfully occupying land in the earth is ISIS and that is why they are being exterminated and that is why nothing in Heaven or on Earth will delay their destruction.

Well .. they've literally taken over half of Syria .. so I'm going to go ahead and say that their destruction has been delayed. And considering what an easy target they really are, it seems to me that someone is purposely delaying their destruction.

To OP Charlie ... I'm reading what Buzzy is reading ... that ISIS wants to take credit for just about everything and they don't like that Conspiracy Theorists aren't freely giving all credit for all evil to them. If that's what I'm reading then ... What a hoot!!

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:47 PM
Of course, we mustn't discount the POSSIBILITY that ISIS and the CIA are, indeed, intimately involved with one another, and since their collusion (to keep it going?) plan is backfiring. People are leaving. The 'recruits' ('disposables') aren't as willing to sign up now.....they're getting wise.......

oh noez! What will the Global Military/Industrial complex do if the people abandon BOTH ISIS and THE CIA?



But still - WORLD HERITAGE SITES? Nah....that can't be. It could not be that alphabet agencies would sanction the destruction of WHSes and the beheading and massacres and depravity....

No. I refuse to believe that.
I can't, or I'll go mad.

edit on 5/24/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:48 PM
If they did truly did 911 strikes in NY, was that their all time best and only planned strike inside western countries? At that day they pull of the unthinkable, passing through American air defences like it wasnt even existent and brought down 3 massive buildings with 2 air planes and apparently no other explosives, they came down like perfectly planned building demolishing, they also managed to strike airplane side of pentagon, not to speculate the plane or missile but pointing out that they managed to strike against one of the most secured American buildings on the same day..

Yet till this day they have no other plans that come up to even close to that day, did they think America would pend over after they done with 911 ? Did they not consider at all possibility of whole western world would be called to roll down ME...

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

I did read the article, and I'm glad ISIS is feeling insecure, though I'm not familiar with the book you referenced...however, my reply was directed towards Michaelbrux's comment, which I found to be a bit naive.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Basically that's the gist FF...

They're also losing fighters and followers due to he conspiracies surrounding their founding and creation...

So they're trying to counteract the CTs to remain a growing threat...
As opposed to a dwindling bunch of psychos.

What a shame.

I find it ironic & slightly hilarious that a conspiracy about ISIS being an intelligence group, that may be false, could destroy ISIS & their ideology faster than all out war with them could.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

it hasn't been delayed...if it had, you wouldn't even know isis existed. isis' appearance is the direct result of the irresistible force that has come upon it. flushing it out of its hiding places.

the iraqis unwillingness to do their part is a different story all together.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

They're also losing fighters and followers due to he conspiracies surrounding their founding and creation...

So they're trying to counteract the CTs to remain a growing threat...
As opposed to a dwindling bunch of psychos.

What a shame.

I find it ironic & slightly hilarious that a conspiracy about ISIS being an intelligence group, that may be false, could destroy ISIS & their ideology faster than all out war with them could.

Charlie, you have a very good head on your shoulders. I recall reading or concluding that you are in your early 20s....if so, I commend you very much on your maturity, critical thinking skills, and reason.

And, I'm glad you're here!

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: michaelbrux

And what "mystery religion" would that be? All I'm saying is that the official 9/11story is just as much of an unfounded conspiracy theory as the inside-job theory is. The same goes for Bin Laden's death. No one has offered any real evidence of his time and cause of death.

The ISIS fools have every reason to fear the inside-job it might shed light as to who they are really taking orders from...and its not from some idiot in a turbin.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

In regards to "finding it naive", you should read the book -


Do a Google search - choose any of the SERPs (results). Learn about it.
Check it out. Read it.
Then you won't find michael's post so "naive".

And also,
read Jeremy Scahill's book: DIRTY WARS

Then come back and talk with us all some more, please.
The whole thing is a bewildering, convoluted cluster-funk.

edit on 5/24/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: michaelbrux

And what "mystery religion" would that be? All I'm saying is that the official 9/11story is just as much of an unfounded conspiracy theory as the inside-job theory is. The same goes for Bin Laden's death. No one has offered any real evidence of his time and cause of death.

The ISIS fools have every reason to fear the inside-job it might shed light as to who they are really taking orders from...and its not from some idiot in a turbin.

not for the Men that are hunting isis it isn't. the official story is the one that they will uphold in this life and the next...i apologize if you have difficulty coming to terms with this fact.

but in support of your position...i will say that 9/11 does get more interesting, but that's a story to hear it'll cost you more than you have to pay.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Well I turned 28 last Saturday so I'm closer to 30 than I'd like...
But I do appreciate the kind words very much!

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Happy belated.
My oldest is 26, youngest is 24. You Millennials are truly a remarkable generation.

Edit to add:
Please, take the reins. From a concerned Boomer.

edit on 5/24/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

K, I'll check it out, but I can't say it will change my mind very much...but then again, who knows. Either way, with 28 pages omitted from the 9/11 Commission Report, it's still just a theory. Very similar to Bin Laden's missing body, and John McCain's photo-op with al Baghdadi. We have a history of conveniently creating our own boogeymen when govt becomes unpopular.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

True. PLEASE DO check out those two books. At least the reviews and descriptions, or whatever.
You deserve to know this stuff. Both authors are Pulitzer guys - investigative journalists.

Thanks for not just shooting me down. I'm earnestly interested in discussing these topics in the context of the history being written as we muddle along here in this stinky bog.

Gotta go outside for my daily dose of Nature now....
talk to you all later!!

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: michaelbrux

The truth has this nasty habit of surfacing when it's the least convenient for the those trying to conceal it. I won't have to pay for it when it does. There is more to the ISIS story than most are prepared to handle.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:25 PM
So ISIS are unhappy some individuals do not buy into the fact Jihadists were behind 9/11?

They targeted British Muslims who felt disaffected with British society, brought them to the killing dust bowl of the ME. Trained them in the art of building bombs for a Jihadist cause, whilst forgetting that they were raised in Britain and if nothing of British society rubbed off on them, then the ability to be a critical thinker when required, has. Maybe ISIS overlooked this? If they did, how?

Or maybe their financial backers are feeding them their lines?

It's a catch 22 position.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

i'm in that fantastic place myself...I only benefit from the Truth; I love it...the Truth!

i'm logically inclined, then, to accept that the same applies for America and the United States. So sorry to tell you.

logic further dictates then...a group like isis and its supporters:

Off with Their Heads

edit on 24-5-2015 by michaelbrux because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: michaelbrux

I don't really agree with your take on 9/11 Michael...

But anyone who shares a Big Pun song in one of my threads gets a star and a virtual pint!!!

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