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mad cow could be the end

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posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 03:26 AM
I'm wondering how many people realize how serious mad cow disease or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) really is? This abnormal protein known as infectious prions, represents an entirely new class of pathogen. Not a living organism, it is able to withstand conditions which kill any other known pathogen, representing a biological threat never before seen on Earth. Spread from the forced cannibalism of millions of bovine, nobody knows how many people have contracted this disease through contaminated beef and byproducts. Not only meat, but many processed foods, drugs, vaccines, dietary supplements and even cosmetics may carry the plague. The long term implications for the planet and its human and animal inhabitants are staggering. Just thought you might like to know, we're all gonna die!

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 04:13 AM
Quite possible, mad cow disease could kill us all, but so could war, so could other horrible diseases, so could an asteroid... There are tons of things that seem to point directly to a sort of pending doom. Mad cow disease is just another one.

We have made a great many mistakes that get us into these kinds of situations. (Like pumping up our animals with hormones, or perhaps grinding the dead ones up and feeding them to the next generation of animal... etc).
I'm not going to work myself into a sweat over it or anything... far too many things that seem to point to my death.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 06:00 AM
The really touchy part is the decades long incubation period. The only way to find out whether the MAD COW BOMB is already speeding towards it's target or not, is to find out the precise date when individual slaughterhouses started including brains, eyes, and spinal material into the feed, and then check that against the first diagnosed case of the disease in a human, and compare your total findings with a study on how many cows with BSE are capable of passing the disease on to humans, in other words, how many cases of cross species contamination you have. Efforts to put a number on the total infections are hampered by misdiagnosis and ignorance of the disease for a long period of time. The truth is, even if you went ahead and cranked the numbers for the infection probability among the average american, your data would be tainted and unreliable due to the Federal Governments "restrictions" on testing. The slaughterhouses that want to test all their cows are being told they can't. Somebody doesn't want the bottom line on exports to suffer any more than it already has, which is an indicator to me that many, many beef eaters are probably screwed (due largely in part, thank you very much, to the people who are supposed to be protecting the food supply)

I've also heard rumors that the slaughterhouses and ranches that had cattle destroyed years ago had acted unfavorably to the regulating authorities in the past, and or were not owned by goverment insiders by and large, while those ranchers who were also government connected escaped with little or no damage to their yearly profit margins. Can anyone substantiate this? I've been trying but a whole lot of websites that once were up, are up no longer. Mass, revolving outages..hmm..that sucks a lot huh?

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by dollmonster
nobody knows how many people have contracted this disease through contaminated beef and byproducts.

Exactly. Maybe it's none? There is no evidence that nvCJD is caused by eating beef from a cow suffering from BSE.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by dollmonster
I'm wondering how many people realize how serious mad cow disease or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) really is? This abnormal protein known as infectious prions, represents an entirely new class of pathogen. Not a living organism, it is able to withstand conditions which kill any other known pathogen, representing a biological threat never before seen on Earth.

Prions are actually thought to have been around for a while and existed outside of this 'forced cannibalisation'. A prion is a protein that is deformed, but deformed in such a way that it can cause other similiar proteins to also deform.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 10:38 AM
Magnetic prions. Conflicting cow souls inhabiting the same electron causing quantum interference. huh. It's possible for sure. Would explain why BSE seems to affect cows that consume "high energy" portions of their kin. I have heard of people channeling after ritual consumption of their neighbors in a tribal setting. Any thoughts on this. Might be on to something here.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 12:28 PM
Here are a couple of links to a prion disease called "Kuru" that occured in the South Pacific that was caused by tribal members consuming their dead:

This spongiform encepholopathy occured in the late 50's....

There used to be a webpage for the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) that mysteriously shut down one day stating that it's founder (Colm Kelleher) went into the cancer research field, which it said he always wanted to do. Strangely enough, that was the field in which he was employed when he first founded NIDS so I don't buy it.

NIDS reported on the so-named "Men In Black" which were frequently spotted at night in the same areas that people were finding their cattle eviscerated the next morning. This activity was blamed on extra-terrestrials, but in fact, NIDS found that when they investigated the cattle mutilations, the cattle were most frequently missing their eyes, tongues, brains, and stomachs. Guess where most prions from Mad Cow disease are found in cows?

Also, in the areas that these mutilations were taking place, there is a Mad-Cow like disease (Chronic Wasting Disease) that is running rampant in the deer and the elk population. In short, NIDS suspected that the government was tracking Mad Cow under the "UFO" guise of cattle mutilations.

Here is a link to a PDF of that report, which I think is going to go down as one of the most important scientific papers of our time:

It is 33 pages long, but it is a fascinating read, with a few case histories and photos!!

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 01:40 PM
Wow. Great Post Magickalworld. That report scared the crap out of me.
I've been thinking that alzheimer's was mad cow for a long time, but never ever would have tied the animal mutilations to it. It's a brilliant coverup.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 04:54 PM
Scared me too!! It's funny, but the mutilations is what led me to the mad cow. I kept asking myself "Why would supposed extra-terrestials travel so far and come and only take certain parts from animals, and put the carcasses back close to where they got them from?" From a scientific viewpoint, it didn't make any sense to me. If you are a scientist studying a species, you study the entire animal....And why would they bother putting the cow back where it came from? Why not just dump it anywhere on earth, like the ocean, or in space for that matter? So, then I started thinking about the Men In Black, and what their connection would be to the mutilations, and that's when it hit me...Mad Cow!! That is how I came to find the NIDS paper....Crazy isn't it??

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 08:03 PM
I nwonder if there is any relationship to some AIDS cases and nvCJD. As bad as it sounds, if it is a widespread epidemic odds are that some humans will adapt to be immune to infectious prions.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 09:26 PM
I just read the report suggested in "magickaworld's" mad cow reply. Connnecting the dots from cattle mutilations to mad cow makes perfect sense in retrospect. Yet I'm baffled by the implication animal carcasses are left behind as clues to a warning. Why would any covert government group deliberately draw attention to their agenda, even under the guise of ETs? Do you think it could be Ets helping us to circumvent a global plague? I never believed they were responsible for animal mutilations or abduction of humans for experimentation. It doesn't make sense. But for this, they seem the likely candidate. What do you think?

[edit on 1/15/2005 by dollmonster]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 10:33 PM
Anybody got on any info on what these body parts are being used for?


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 12:17 AM
To check for mad cow disease. Read the report suggested by magicakaworld, it will blow you away.

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