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Conversation with a dead relative

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posted on Mar, 23 2015 @ 09:37 AM
Hello ATS.

First off, my appologies because all I seem to bring to the table lately are posts about the wierdness that goes on in my head at night. But that being said I had a doozy last night and wanted to share it here.

A little background first...this summer will mark the 10th anniversary of my sister's passing. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at a very young age, was in remission for about 8 years and then sadly lost her battle in August of 2005. I would see her in dreams every now and again but never anything like this...

The dream started where she and I were in some sort of room. I forget exactly how the conversation started but I asked what it was like to die. She made an image of a person appear on a wall (like a projection of some sort). The image kind of cracked, crumbled and faded away but the soul remained. The jist I got was that it was a painless process.

Then I asked her if she ever saw Molly. (Molly was my dog who was put to sleep a few years ago). She said "no". Then I asked her if she ever saw Dad (who also lost his fight with cancer many years ago). She sighed, frowned and answered "occasionally". It seemed as though she was not pleased with not seeing him much.

Unfortunately I awoke at this point and had the strangest feeling that I actually had a conversation with her. There was more to the first half but I just can't remember it now. I should've written it down when I awoke! Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. I don't know if there's deeper meaning or more to come but it's interesting theatre for sure.

posted on Mar, 23 2015 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: RomaSempre
Hello ATS.

First off, my appologies because all I seem to bring to the table lately are posts about the wierdness that goes on in my head at night. But that being said I had a doozy last night and wanted to share it here.

A little background first...this summer will mark the 10th anniversary of my sister's passing. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at a very young age, was in remission for about 8 years and then sadly lost her battle in August of 2005. I would see her in dreams every now and again but never anything like this...

The dream started where she and I were in some sort of room. I forget exactly how the conversation started but I asked what it was like to die. She made an image of a person appear on a wall (like a projection of some sort). The image kind of cracked, crumbled and faded away but the soul remained. The jist I got was that it was a painless process.

Then I asked her if she ever saw Molly. (Molly was my dog who was put to sleep a few years ago). She said "no". Then I asked her if she ever saw Dad (who also lost his fight with cancer many years ago). She sighed, frowned and answered "occasionally". It seemed as though she was not pleased with not seeing him much.

Unfortunately I awoke at this point and had the strangest feeling that I actually had a conversation with her. There was more to the first half but I just can't remember it now. I should've written it down when I awoke! Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. I don't know if there's deeper meaning or more to come but it's interesting theatre for sure.

I've had dreams before with my aunt, who died of a brain aneurysm, my Nana, who had neurofibromatosis.

She had it very bad like in the picture above. I felt bad not being able to say goodbye to both of them. But in the dreams, not only do I get to say goodbye, but I felt like I was able to tell them what was going on in my life, how my daughter, their grand-niece, and great granddaughter was doing. I always feel more comforted after these dreams, whether they are real, or figments of imagination.

posted on Mar, 23 2015 @ 10:35 AM

I don't know if there's deeper meaning or more to come but it's interesting theatre for sure.
a reply to: RomaSempre

There sure is more meaning. Your Sister wanted to contact you and she did. She didn't pass away, she shifted. Luck You, and Her! LOVE.

posted on Mar, 23 2015 @ 10:50 AM
I had a dream once where I spoke with my dead grandfather. He was sitting on the end of my bed, and I know that we had a deep conversation (telepathically - no actual speaking), where I asked questions and he answered. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember any specifics upon waking. The only thing I remember is at the end when he told me that he was always near and would try to help me however he could during my times of troubles. I don't know if it was real or just a dream in my head, but it was very comforting and I loved it.

posted on Mar, 23 2015 @ 01:03 PM
I belive the deeper meaning is here at face value - you have connected with your sisters spirit who confirmed (or not) specific questions you had about the non physical nature (spirit).

The deeper meaning is her consciousness EXISTS, and you have communicated her, within yourself, showing the spirit/mental connection of consciousness.

This is amazing experience, and I wish a deeper more clear connection will be made of your sister and yourself, in the future.

Thanks for sharing, bless your sisters spirit and may it be accompanied with love and well being

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 05:58 PM
I was going to start a thread about this just this morning.

My Dad passed away over 15 years ago, I regularly have dreams about him, at first I would wake up sad but then I kind of convinced myself that this was our way of spending time together.

My mate had issues when his mum passed, I told him of these dreams and think of them of more time with your mum. He never did and suffered bouts of depression until he hung himself 2 years ago, he was, completely un spiritual and a mans man, I doubt he was the type of person to look deeper than life is what it is? I'm not spiritual, I have tried but don't go all in for that but I am starting to open up and am now having regular dreams with Dad and Paul.

Need to pause here, a 38 year old man crying on the train on the way to work is not good!

So I am slightly open to this, I mean what are we anyway, it's all just memories anyway once it's happened, so I now am able to ask them questions and we go on holiday together and go out for meals and drinks.

I can't go the final step and accept that this is nothing more than how the brain works, I fear if I let go I would become incompatible with the world I have set up, good job, nice house, wife 2 kids, what would happen if I went mad or something.

But what if I embrace it, dad isn't really dead, he just lives in that part of my mind we think we don't use. And it's like life after death, what if that part of the brain connects with a force that surrounds us all and that is the after life.

What if sometimes it breaks a little and leaks into people making them think they were someone else, like reincarnation?

I have been able to enter a state of lucid dreaming a few times, usually during the mornin doze after the alarm has gone off. I might try and contact my sister with dad but as we are on opposite sides if earth we don't sleep at same time. Also if she doesn't believe she may not enter the same zone.

Wow, that's deep for me.


posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: RomaSempre

I believe you did talk with your sister which is a blessing. I recently had the same experience with a child who passed away. The most recent dream I saw her as an adult ( she was nine when she passed) and she told me we couldn't visit anymore because it was stopping me from getting " stuff"done. Even if this is just my subconcious mind trying to comfort me in times of stress I treasure the few dreams I' ve had.

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