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I can't stand the stupidity and ignorance anymore! Please read and help

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posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:26 AM
I HATE PEOPLE! Seriously, everyday I witness stupidity, ignorance,and BS from disgusting human beings who are disgraces, in my opinion, to the world. I am 26 years old, and the last few years have been a struggle. As a kid life was great, but as I got older I realized and understood how the world works and how corrupt it really is, but nobody seems to care! I eat healthy, I exercise daily, I have had sex with only 1 person in my life who is my girlfriend of 5 years,I don't have kids (I refuse to bring life into this mess of a world), I work at a gym so I contribute to society in a positive way that I believe is important. Basically, I am a good human being. My problem is this world and how other people ruin it. They ruin it for me, you, nature, everything. And for what? To fulfill their own selfish temporary pleasures and desires.
The root cause of every problem on this planet is due to overpopulation. That is a fact. War, diseases, the economy, etc. Even the little stuff like pot holes in roads, traffics jams, accidents. Quality of life is diminished the more people inhabit this beautiful planet that we are destroying, and it makes me sick!
I have friends who have had babies by mistake, with people they don't love. I witness everybody just wanting to party and have sex with strangers every weekend. I see people smoking and looking unhealthy everyday. Their motto of life is "YOLO" which stands for "you only live once". I agree with what it stands for, but not what they think it means. To the majority it means "lets party, do drugs, eat garbage food because it satisfies my taste buds. lets have sex with as many people as possible, WOOOOOOOOO. Even those bud lite ads that show a person partying and it says "i'm too busy living". THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE! We're a bunch of #ing pleasure seeking monkeys, and people just accept it without caring about the consequences.
So many people die daily, I don't understand how we're reproducing exponentially. I bet over %50 of humans nowadays are mistakes. They grow up with parents who are not fit to be parents. Their DNA is horrible and they pass it on without caring. people want cures for cancer, when it is very preventable if you eat healthy and stay away from toxic #, but we're constantly pollluting etc etc I can go on sorry starting to ramble.
My point is humans are #ing disgusting. Don't get me wrong, I think humans are amazing too. We have the ability to do and create amazing things, but the majority are just obstacles and are the ones responsible for destroying this planet.
I have a solution. DON'T LET THE IDIOTS BREED! Seriously, can we please somehow get laws to prevent idiots from breeding? You should have to take tests to prove you are worthy of raising a life form for the well being of this planet! I swear to god it's the only way to fix every problem on this planet. If we did this, we could fix almost everything within 1 generation. But no, humans keeps doing what they think is normal, and by 2020 this planet will have over 9 billion retards consuming resources and causing harm to the planet it's unimaginable. We are on a road to destroying ourselves, why is it not so obvious that over population is the root cause? Just think of all the resources one human being consumes in a lifetime. The amount of air it breathes, the amount of pollution is leaves behind, the amount of food and energy it consumes. It's insane.

Anyway, I can go on and on and on I hope you get my point and please calm me down because Im starting to get suicidal thoughts (not that I would ever kill myself or anyone ever) but all I can do is hope and pray an asteroid hits this mess of a planet and that I'm at the epicenter of that giant rock lol. Oh btw, YOLO to me means the same but you should work hard to achieve something positive to civilization and the planet. Their are alot of great humans who did great things to the benefit of civilization. We need more people like those, and can't let the idiots out breed us lol. Please tell me theirs hope.

+8 more 
posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Binky21

The root cause of every problem on this planet is due to overpopulation.

Overpopulation is a myth. The world's population is actually leveling, not increasing exponentially. The issue is not lack of resources, it's mis-management of resources. That and the fact that humans like to congregate in places prone to natural disasters.

On the bright side? The generations of folks who caused all this mis-management is currently retiring and on it's way out and it seems that the up and coming generation, might just do a better job.

Who knows? I guess time will tell.


posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

I don't have much faith in the up and coming generation at all. This world is overpopulated as it is. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have the problems we have today. Just thinking about all the chickens that die daily to satisfy other peoples cravings for mcnuggets make me sick. We shouldn't have to be mass slaughtering animals to appease peoples BS needs. The world is a mess and nothing will get fixed, it'll only get worse, if humans keep being stupid. a quote from Martin Luther King "Our biggest enemy is ignorance and consciencous stupidity".

edit on 4-3-2015 by Binky21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: Binky21

Right, makes me sick too, but it's not an overpopulation issue. It's a corporate greed issue, followed by the idea that Western Culture is a culture of excess. This view you have is of the west. The majority of European, Asian nations etc do not consume nearly on the level that the West does.


posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

Oh man. tothetenthpower, I luv ya' to death but I totally disagree. The planet is overpopulated and people in general aren't very bright. We are destroying the planet and each other. It's Idiocracy in action. A change of generations won't help that at all. It's endemic to the human species. IMHO.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: Binky21
I witness everybody just wanting to party and have sex with strangers every weekend.

I'm not really seeing a problem with this statement. If they are grown consenting adults, then why does it matter to you if they want to blow off steam on the weekend and have sex? Sounds to me a little bit like jealousy.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:40 AM

edit on 432015 by IpoopThere4IAM because: Embed fail.

edit on 432015 by IpoopThere4IAM because: Deleted failed embed.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Binky21

You suffering an allergic reaction, due most probably to falling out of love.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: IpoopThere4IAM

paste in what is AFTER the = .

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

The planet is not overpopulated....Canada is a large country and we still have places nobody has ever touched.
2nd biggest country on the planet and yet we are still underpopulated?

Its not that we are overpopulated,its more a where does everybody live thing.

I feel bad for China and feel good for Canada ,even Russia has underpopulation considering how big it is.

Both Russia and Canada are HUGE places...we are not overpopulated.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: network dude

Thanks. Guess I need more practice.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: tothetenthpower
a reply to: Binky21

Right, makes me sick too, but it's not an overpopulation issue. It's a corporate greed issue, followed by the idea that Western Culture is a culture of excess. This view you have is of the west. The majority of European, Asian nations etc do not consume nearly on the level that the West does.


Asian nations are aspiring to become just like the west. They're not aspiring to a European standard of living in China.

Starvation is a sign of overpopulation. Since we produce more food than we need globally we have had a problem with overpopulation for quite some time. No matter what logistical factors you include about having a transportation problem not a food problem the rule of biology is that more food = more population without control measures. Humans no longer have the control measures in place because things like starvation are frowned upon even in locations that are incapable of supporting the population. So they are fed, so they reproduce, so more starve, so we make more food, so there are more people.

Any situation can be sustainable for the inhabitants if food is a constant input to the system. It doesn't mean that it isn't overpopulated.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Binky21

My advice is for you take a deep breath and take a chill pill.

On overpopulation - note that you are part of the problem.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Humans no longer have the control measures in place because things like starvation are frowned upon even in locations that are incapable of supporting the population.

That's my point though right? It's not the there is TOO MANY PEOPLE, it's that there are TOO MANY PEOPLE in the wrong places.

Any situation can be sustainable for the inhabitants if food is a constant input to the system. It doesn't mean that it isn't overpopulated.

I agree and that's why I've always been in favor of self sustained systems for Africa for example, in order to get them to a place where they can sustain, without intervention from those who over support them with food etc.

Humans are dumb. We congregate in areas where like you said, we can't sustain proper life or big populations, but yet we still live there.

There are enough resources, for all of us here, if we used them correctly and lived in areas that were sustainable.

Large urban centers are what's causing all these problems with pollution and excess.

Good point about China though, your'e right, that thriving middle class is starting to look just like American circa 1950's and that could lead down some dark roads.


posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:58 AM
Everyone have the right for freedom, even stupid people....

The overpopulation isn't about space or resources, it's about 7 billion people that are destuctive in countless way both for the planet and society, and more will just make it worse.

It should be kept at a balance with what nature and what governments can handle, unfotunately the rule above ofsets that balance ..

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: tothetenthpower

That's my point though right? It's not the there is TOO MANY PEOPLE, it's that there are TOO MANY PEOPLE in the wrong places.

There are enough resources, for all of us here, if we used them correctly and lived in areas that were sustainable.


That's a very long conversation and has to be framed with an eye on the past few thousand years. Unfortunately I have to get to work

We're definitely in the same wheelhouse though!

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: Binky21
a reply to: tothetenthpower

I don't have much faith in the up and coming generation at all. This world is overpopulated as it is. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have the problems we have today. Just thinking about all the chickens that die daily to satisfy other peoples cravings for mcnuggets make me sick. We shouldn't have to be mass slaughtering animals to appease peoples BS needs. The world is a mess and nothing will get fixed, it'll only get worse, if humans keep being stupid. a quote from Martin Luther King "Our biggest enemy is ignorance and consciencous stupidity".

Right now, without any technological advancements or discoveries, we have the resources to feed, shelter, and clothe the entire planet and then some. As Tothetenthpower said, this is not an issue of overpopulation but one of monopolizing resources.

We have a very terrible but easily solvable set of problems and the solutions are all being held back by those in power. They are part of the Old World Order, the one that values personal acquisition and power above anything else. Those people are dying and fewer people of that mentality are replacing them.

I'm a total optimist about our future. The new generations have grown up disgusted by the older generation's greed and evil. They don't view most of the standard "virtues" like competition, individualism, greed, and perseverance as good things but as things rooted in stupidity, pride, and ignorance. The past value systems don't reward honesty or intelligence; they reward lustful ambition and blind consumption.

If the populations were less, the monopolization on resources would just increase and we would have the same perception on limited resources we have today. It's the game itself that sucks, not the amount players. The more fresh players we bring to this game, the sooner the rules will be forgotten and not respected anymore. And that's a good thing.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Binky21

everyday I witness stupidity

Yeah so do I,

Its judgement of others while those judging call themselves or actually believe they are good.

I have a solution. DON'T LET THE IDIOTS BREED! Seriously, can we please somehow get laws to prevent idiots from breeding

Whats your plan to stop yourself and others alike from breeding then?

Please tell me theirs hope.

With a perception like yours, it seems we are doomed.

edit on 4-3-2015 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 09:33 AM

I have a solution. DON'T LET THE IDIOTS BREED!

The dumbest have the mostest. Sorry, that's a sad fact of life.

My advice, FWIW is simply to stop worrying so much about the state of humanity and get into something creative be it writing, playing music, or painting.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

The planet is overpopulated and people in general aren't very bright.

The problem isn't overpopulation, it's a matter of dispersal.

Many of the worlds trading centers and cities are based around rivers and tributaries. Why? because the rivers provided food, water for crops, and served as trading hubs-those places are the ones that are overpopulated.

However if you go to places in the desert there could be as little as a dozen people per square mile because there is no water or a prospect of crop growth. If people could figure out how to propagate and irrigate arid regions of the world then the population could be equally disperse.

But that would require soil-and the not so bright people are destroying the soil factories by cutting down the rainforests.

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