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Israel land grab policy continuous despite UN Security Council resolutions

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posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 01:06 AM
Yes Iran is next on their list. I hope China, Russia and India step in and stop USA, UK and Israel. They have the people and the army. No one can stop that team. I don't want to see it happen, but that is what it will take.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Israel is a problem country and I really wish the US would stop giving them money and let them fend for themselves for a change. Maybe then they can finally learn to play nice with their neighbors.

While I agree Israel is a problem country, I do think that they are that way BECAUSE of their neighbours, so it is Israel's neighbours who should learn to play. With Israel, it takes two to tango.

It is a fact the significant majority of Arab and Muslim nations don't recognise Israel complicates relations as they don't talk to each other! How can they learn to play if they don't talk.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 02:43 AM
Two months old but still relevant :


Today :

edit on 4-3-2015 by theultimatebelgianjoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 04:55 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
Yesterday every single news network carried the Israeli prime minister visiting the US and not one report I saw carried even one mention of the Israelis governments civil rights violations within its own borders.

Double standard when it comes to media bashing other world leaders whom the US targets.

Yea they do the same thing when someone from Iran comes over here to run his flap.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 05:05 AM

originally posted by: YouNeedMe
Israel’s Goal Isn’t Survival — It’s Regional Dominance

WOW! Hope Iran doesn't get that news! They have plans to and are all ready deep into other peoples junk. Iran already has armed lap dogs to the north and south of Israle. They haven't built the iron dome for nothing.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 05:09 AM
There's no nice way of building settlements in occupied territory

Those familiar with the system know that as long as settlement construction continues, the abuse and intimidation of the Palestinian civilian population will be maintained.

UNICEF, the UN body tasked with providing humanitarian aid to children in developing countries, recently issued an update on the progress made regarding the treatment of minors held in Israeli military detention. In its 2013 report, Children in Israeli Military Detention, UNICEF reviewed over 400 sworn testimonies collected from minors who came in contact with Israel’s military system, and concluded that ill-treatment “appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized throughout the process,” and made 38 recommendations for improvement. Two years on, UNICEF is now warning that “reports of alleged ill-treatment of children during arrest, transfer, interrogation and detention have not significantly decreased in 2013 and 2014.”

Based on new evidence, UNICEF’s 2015 update found, among other things, that 91 percent of minors continue to report having their hands painfully tied; 82 percent report some form of physical violence; 78 percent are not adequately informed of their legal rights; 30 percent sign confessions in a foreign language; and 13 percent are held in solitary confinement while being interrogated.

But does any of this come as a surprise to those familiar with the system? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Last June marked 47 years since the Israeli military imposed martial law on the Palestinian civilian population in the West Bank. The UN estimates that, since then, over 750,000 Palestinian men, women and children have been detained — and in many cases prosecuted — in military courts that have jurisdiction over individuals as young as 12. The types of offenses prosecuted in these military courts range from acts of violence and membership in banned organizations to attending unauthorized protests — the latter of which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment.

In order to understand how this system has remained in place for so long, one needs to consider the role it plays in maintaining control over the Palestinian civilian population in the West Bank, and why such control is so important to the military. The answer to this question must be considered in light of Israel’s continued settlement activity (the latest estimates indicate that the number of Israelis living in East Jerusalem and the West Bank is fast approaching 600,000). Whilst there is no serious dispute as to the legal status of these settlements, they do pose a major security challenge for Israel’s military. Consider this: how can any military guarantee the protection of over half-a-million civilians who are encouraged to roam around a conflict zone by the civilian authorities?

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

part of an United Nations Security Council Res. 471 (Jun. 5, 1980)

[..] expresses deep concern “that the Jewish settlers in the occupied Arab territories are allowed to carry arms, thus enabling them to perpetrate crimes against the civilian Arab population”, “Condemns the assassination attempts against the Mayors of Nablus, Ramallah and Al Bireh and calls for the immediate apprehension and prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes”[..]

Resolution 471 (1980) of 5 June 1980

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Where have you been? About once a year we read about how Israel has started bombing such and such or has invaded somewhere else. It's rarely ever the neighbor first than Israel second. Israel is always the antagonist. If Israel was TRULY fending against hostile neighbors that they didn't create then we'd see a lot more invasions into Israel, and I can get behind defending against an invasion. I cannot get behind an aggressor attacking all its neighbors.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Where have you been? About once a year we read about how Israel has started bombing such and such or has invaded somewhere else. It's rarely ever the neighbor first than Israel second. Israel is always the antagonist. If Israel was TRULY fending against hostile neighbors that they didn't create then we'd see a lot more invasions into Israel, and I can get behind defending against an invasion. I cannot get behind an aggressor attacking all its neighbors.

Clearly I have travelled further than you.

I have recognised Israel is a problem country, but it takes two to tango and the antagonism is both ways. Rockets from Hamas and other militant groups and bombs from Israel is the cycle of violence. To solve one, you have to solve the other.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: Logarock

Yea they do the same thing when someone from Iran comes over here to run his flap

Iran isn't an "occupying power", bombing people within its own borders.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: paraphi

I have recognised Israel is a problem country, but it takes two to tango and the antagonism is both ways. Rockets from Hamas and other militant groups and bombs from Israel is the cycle of violence. To solve one, you have to solve the other.

How far you want to wind that tango clock back? How about after WWII when the jews invaded Palestine? You think thats "two sided" also?

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Israel brings it on themselves. I have no sympathy for that country. If they'd just play nice with others then maybe I'd sympathize with them, but nope.

Endorsing the cycle of violence as an answer to the cycle of violence is the dumbest circular reasoning that humans have ever undertaken. You have to BREAK the cycle of violence to end violence, not reinforce it.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
How far you want to wind that tango clock back? How about after WWII when the jews invaded Palestine? You think thats "two sided" also?

If you are capable of dealing with the situation as it currently stands. The fact that people are inclined to base their position on the distant past means that no one ever moves forward.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: paraphi

The fact that people are inclined to base their position on the distant past means that no one ever moves forward.

Yes, the forward land grab, bombing campaigns in Gaza and complicit inaction by the rest of the world.

Some progress.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 09:11 AM
Israels goal, has and always will be the vision of Theodore Herzl. He stated that "The Jewish state stretches from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates." Anyone know who Herzl is?

Oh.. and also Rabbi Fischman (Member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine) who in 1949 said "The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon." How interesting. Both have been repeatedly attacked by Israel over the decades.

This "plan" has been referred to as "Greater Israel" and if you look into its details, you will see it is falling into place. There is already talks of fracturing Iraq into three separate territories. ISIS is now running rampant through out the Middle East, most obviously pulling the US BACK into the area. And, once again we have the Mighty Midget Netanyahu crying about Iran having "the Bomb". (Never mind the fact that he's been saying they are "2 years away" since 1982).

Israel has continued to infringe upon the UN borders of 1947 (and 1967 after the Six-Day war.. which by the way Israel started on the pretense that "everyone was about to attack us". Yup.. the good old "We're just defending ourselves" garbage.)

It doesn't matter how many times the UN condemns Israel for their illegal settlements. Apparently it doesn't matter to the United States that they thumb their noses at us when we ask them to stop. (Or when they outright murder US Citizens). They will continue on. They will do whatever they want. And US Politicians will fight for the opportunity to put lips to backsides of Israel. We allow the head of a foreign nation to stand before our Congress and almost dictate what he "expects" to happen in Iran while chastising our sitting President. Like him or not.. I take serious offense to the way he treats our President. But... again they will do what they want. The Jewish run Media will continue to spin everything in favor of Israel, all the while ignoring the slaughter of Palestinians. Oh.. of course there will be those fools who come here talking about "rockets" and "Hamas"... completely disregarding the proportional uses of force. They will ignore that Israels "defenses" targeted hospitals, schools, private homes (against the Geneva Convention) and UN buildings.

You see... in TOO MANY minds, Israel can do absolutely NO wrong in this world. Until enough people learn the truth and decide that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH... we just have to take it.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Not to mention the 79 United Nations Resolutions Violated by Israel since 1948.
It's know and proved by United Nations documents, that it was a land grab since the begin, with support of the British mandate, and the Zionist terrorists.

The indigenous community never accepted the Plan of Partition with Economic Union of Palestine
29 January 1948from the UN comision:


in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable. The Arabs are determined to show that they will not submit tamely to the United Nations Plan of Partition; while the Jews are trying to consolidate the advantages gained at the General Assembly by a succession of drastic operations designed to intimidate and cure the Arabs of any desire for further conflict.


On 25 April 1920, the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers agreed to assign the Mandate for Palestine to Great Britain on the understanding that the Balfour Declaration54/ would be put into effect. The draft mandate was confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations on 24 July 1922, and entered into force formally on 29 September 1923.

Following its occupation by British troops in 1917-1918, Palestine had been controlled by the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration of the United Kingdom Government. Anticipating the establishment of the Mandate, the United Kingdom Government, as from 1 July 1920, replaced the military with a civilian administration, headed by a High Commissioner ultimately responsible to the Secretary of State for the Colonies in Great Britain.

(in 1937 report) the mandatory Power had found itself "driven to the conclusion that there is an irreconcilable conflict between the aspirations of the Arabs and those of the Jews in Palestine" and "that these aspirations cannot be satisfied under the terms of the present Mandate

Few phrases in history have provoked such lasting contention as "Jewish National Home.

"This definition of the National Home has sometimes been taken to preclude the establishment of a Jewish State. But, though the phraseology was clearly intended to conciliate, as far as might be, Arab antagonism to the National Home, there is nothing in it to prohibit the ultimate establishment of a Jewish State, and Mr. Churchill himself has told us in evidence that no such prohibition was intended."

The consequent rising tension between the Administration and the Jewish community was in no way eased by the announcement of the Biltmore Programme adopted by the Zionist Conference in New York on 11 May 1942, which, inter alia, called for unlimited immigration and for Palestine to be established as a Jewish Commonwealth. From 1945 onwards, the Jewish resistance to the enforcement of the White Paper was accompanied by increasing acts of violence, culminating in 1946-1947 in the underground activities of the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the so-called Stern Group. Since the July 1946 attack by terrorists on the headquarters of the Administration Secretariat in the King David Hotel, Jerusalem, representatives of the Jewish Agency and the Vaad Leumi have from time to time condemned terrorist activities, and there have been some signs of active opposition to such methods on the part of the Haganah.92/ By June 1946, however, the breach had widened so far that the Administration found it necessary to arrest and detain on grounds of public security some 2,600 Jews, including four members of the Jewish Agency Executive.

Biltmore Conference - Biltmore Hotel in New York City on May 6-11, 1942 - It officially set the goal of an independent Jewish state as the goal of the Zionist movement

The Conference urges that the gates of Palestine be opened; that the Jewish Agency be vested with control of immigration into Palestine and with the necessary authority for upbuilding the country, including the development of its unoccupied and uncultivated lands; and that Palestine be established as a Jewish Commonwealth integrated in the structure of the new democratic world.

29 January 1948from the UN commission continues:

The right of any community to use force as a means of gaining its political ends is riot admitted in the British Commonwealth. Since the beginning of 1945 the Jews have implicitly claimed this right and have supported by an organized campaign of lawlessness, murder and sabotage their contention that, whatever other interests might be concerned, nothing should be allowed to stand in the way of a Jewish State and free Jewish immigration into Palestine. It is true that large numbers of Jews do not today attempt to defend the crimes that have been committed in the name of these political aspirations. They recognize the damage caused' to their good name by these methods in the court of world opinion. Nevertheless, the Jewish community of Palestine still publicly refuses its help to the Administration in suppressing terrorism, on the ground that the Administration's policy is opposed to Jewish interests. The converse of this attitude is clear, and its result, however much the Jewish leaders themselves may not wish it, has been to give active encouragement to the dissidents and freer scope to their activities.

"Zionism, however, does not content itself with mere propaganda in favour of the fulfilment of its expansionist projects at the expense of the Arab countries. Its plan involves recourse to terrorism, both in Palestine and in other countries. It is known that a secret army has been formed with a view to creating an atmosphere of tension and unrest by making attempts on the lives of representatives of the governing authority and by destroying public buildings . . . This aggressive attitude, resulting from the mandatory Power's weakness in dealing with them, will not fail to give rise in turn to the creation of similar organizations by the Arabs. The responsibility for the disturbances which might result therefrom throughout the Middle East will rest solely with the Zionist organizations, as having been the first to use these violent tactics." It was declared at the same meeting that "against a State established by violence, the Arab States will be obliged to use violence; that is a legitimate right of self-defence"

should I continue...?
edit on 4/3/2015 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 10:59 AM
The partitioning of the Ottoman Empire (30 October 1918 – 1 November 1922) was a political event that occurred after World War I.
At the time US, UK and France were disputing the modern time colonialism for the region, after turkey's fall.
The United Kingdom was granted control of Palestine by the Versailles Peace Conference which established the League of Nations in 1919.

Herbert Samuel, a former Postmaster General in the British cabinet who was instrumental in drafting the Balfour Declaration, was appointed the first High Commissioner in Palestine.
Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel was the first nominally practising Jew to serve as a Cabinet minister and to become the leader of a major British political party and the last member of the Liberal Party to hold one of the four Great Offices of State.

He put forward the idea of establishing a British Protectorate over Palestine in 1915 and his ideas influenced the Balfour Declaration.

Two months after Britain's declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire in November 1914, Samuel circulated a memorandum entitled The Future of Palestine to his cabinet colleagues, suggesting that Palestine become a home for the Jewish people under the British Rule.

The memorandum stated that "I am assured that the solution of the problem of Palestine which would be much the most welcome to the leaders and supporters of the Zionist movement throughout the world would be the annexation of the country to the British Empire".

He was appointed to the position of High Commissioner in 1920, before the Council of the League of Nations approved a British mandate for Palestine. [..] He served as High Commissioner until 1925. Samuel was the first Jew to govern the historic land of Israel in 2,000 years.

While the Zionists welcomed the appointment of a Zionist Jew to the post, the military government, headed by Allenby and Bols, called Samuel's appointment "highly dangerous" [..] the appointment was illegal, in that a civil administration that would compel the inhabitants of an occupied country to express their allegiance to it before a formal peace treaty (with Turkey) was signed, was in violation of both military law and the Hague Convention [..] Bols said the news was received with '(c)onsternation, despondency and exasperation' by the Moslem [and] Christian population ... They are convinced that he will be a partisan Zionist and that he represents a Jewish and not a British Government.

The Muslim-Christian Association had sent a telegram to Bols:

'Sir Herbert Samuel regarded as a Zionist leader, and his appointment as first step in formation of Zionist national home in the midst of Arab people contrary to their wishes. Inhabitants cannot recognise him, and Muslim-Christian Society cannot accept responsibility for riots or other disturbances of peace'.

the Morning Post wrote that 'Sir Herbert Samuel's appointment as High Commissioner was regarded by everyone, except Jews, as a serious mistake.

edit on 4/3/2015 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 11:21 AM
The King–Crane Commission officially called the 1919 Inter-Allied Commission on Mandates in Turkey, was an official investigation by the United States government concerning the disposition of non-Turkish areas within the former Ottoman Empire.

It began work in June 1919 and produced its report on 28 August 1919, though the report was not published until 1922.

The Commission's work was undercut from the beginning by continuing and competing colonialist designs on the part of the United Kingdom and France.

The King-Crane commission was "the first-ever survey of Arab public opinion" and the fact its results went largely unheeded was bemoaned by pollster James Zogby.

[..]the report was only released to the public in 1922, after the Senate and House had passed a joint resolution favoring the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine along the lines of the Balfour Declaration. Public opinion was divided when it was learned that the Arab majority had requested an American mandate with a democratically elected constituent assembly

In respect to the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East, the report cautioned "Not only you as president but the American people as a whole should realize that if the American government decided to support the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, they are committing the American people to the use of force in that area, since only by force can a Jewish state in Palestine be established or maintained." [..] The report noted that there is a principle that the wishes of the local population must be taken into account and that there is widespread anti-Zionist feeling in Palestine and Syria, and the holy nature of the land to Christians and Moslems as well as Jews must preclude solely Jewish dominion. It also noted that Jews at that time comprised only 10% of the population of Palestine.

nor can the erection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the gravest trespass upon the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 10:42 AM

With politicians around the globe calling on Israel to take action against illegal settlements in the West Bank, the Jewish state has finally taken action. Not against its own communities, but against an EU-funded building for Palestinians.

"We condemn today's demolition of temporary shelters funded by the European Union... as part of its response to the needs of the affected communities," an EU statement said, according AFP.

“I can tell you that issuing tenders like this does nothing to bolster Israel’s security, does not increase its prosperity and it does not further the cause for peace. In fact it does precisely the opposite,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.

The US believes Israeli settlement activity is “illegitimate and counterproductive” to achieving a two-state solution, Earnest told reporters.

According to Peace Now, an anti-settlement watchdog, 4,485 tenders were issued in 2014, a 20 percent increase from the previous year (3,710). In 2007, only 858 were handed out. The watchdog also stated that there had been a 40 percent rise in construction in 2014.

“Once again, Palestinian lives, rights and lands are being violated in the service of Israeli election campaigns,” said Hanan Ashrawi, a senior official from the Palestinian Liberation Organization, as cited by Reuters.

Israel destroys EU-funded West Bank shelter for Palestinians while expanding settlements

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Logarock

Yea they do the same thing when someone from Iran comes over here to run his flap

Iran isn't an "occupying power", bombing people within its own borders.

Save for the Kurds. And they have been known to beat down opposition movements. Were have you been? And where do you think the Hamas and Hezbollah gets all those rockets?

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