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How is Christian Science Christian or Science?

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posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:51 PM
This is a cut & paste of:

What does Christian Science Teach?

The following doctrines are referenced out of the primary Christian Science work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.
It is supposed to be a companion to the Bible.
Science and Health together with the Bible are called the Pastor of Christian Science.

God is infinite...and there is no other power or source, S&H, 471:18.
God is Universal Principle, S&H 331:18-19
God cannot indwell a person, S&H 336:19-20
God is the only intelligence in the universe, including man S&H 330:11-12
God is Mind, S&H 330:20-21; 469:13
God is the Father-Mother, S&H 331:30; 332:4
The Trinity is Life, Truth, and Love, S&H 331:26
Belief in the traditional doctrine of the Trinity is polytheism, S&H 256:9-11
Christ is the spiritual idea of sonship S&H 331:30-31
Jesus was not the Christ, S&H 333:3-15; 334:3
"Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus himself declared..." S&H 361:12-13
Jesus did not reflect the fullness of God, S&H 336:20-21
Jesus did not die, S&H 45:32-46:3
The Holy Spirit is divine science, S&H 331:31
There is no devil, S&H 469:13-17
There is no sin, S&H 447:24
Evil and good are not real, S&H, 330:25-27; 470:9-14
Matter, sin, and sickness are not real, but only illusions," S&H 335:7-15;
Life is not material or organic, "S&H, 83:21
The sacrifice of Jesus was not sufficient to cleanse from sin, "S&H, 25:6.
True healings are the result of true belief, "S&H, 194:6"
Additionally, Christian Scientists prefer not to use doctors, medicine, or immunizations. Christian Science Practitioners are used to help people through the false reality of illness.
Proper prayer and training are employed to battle the "non-reality" of illness.
They have no ordinances like the Lord's Supper or baptism.
Church services are interspersed with Bible reading and readings from Science and Health.
Mary Baker Eddy is highly regarded as a revelator of God's word, almost equal to Jesus.

It seems contradictory to the label. Anyone care to shed some light?

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 04:02 PM
Well, I googled "christian science" andcame up wit several links put up by former CS folks. Also, a link that says CS is a cult, with CS beliefs proofed by Scripture:

Eddy claimed to have discover the secret of "Divine Science" after being miraculously healed from a crippling fall. She began teaching the healing techniques and spiritual philosophy to interested students.

The Church of Christ, Scientist, was designed to "reinstate primitive Christianity," to reduce and relieve illness and to heal sin, as the early Christians did.

Christian Science is Christian, in the Protestant tradition. The sacraments of communion and baptism, while non-instrumental, are very important to Christian Scientists. For example, rather than being an event of physical immersion, baptism is a daily purification of thought. Much emphasis is placed upon individual communion with God and one's motivation rather than on outward symbols and rituals.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 03:51 PM
I can say from extended experience that Christian Science is not a cult in any way shpe or form. I was raised CS as were my brother,2 sisters,and 2 neices.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 04:39 PM
All religions are cults, if for no other reason than it closes your mind to the broader realities of life.

This is just my humble opinion.

Love and light to each of you,


posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
All religions are cults, if for no other reason than it closes your mind to the broader realities of life.

This is just my humble opinion.

Love and light to each of you,


you've hit the nail on the head there.. geegee

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 01:57 PM
Indeed. All religions are/were cults. But some of them are very good/moral in teaching:

Buddhism. Jainism. Hinduism. Gnosticism. Nordic Mythology, etc.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 02:47 PM
for taking the original question seriously. Can a mod close this thread? Doesn't look like anyone else cares to answer my original question. It'll save the carpet bombing for someone else's thread. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 06:24 AM
I think the reason no one is answering a 'Christian Science' qusetion, is because there is no Christian Science.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 08:00 AM
Saint4God, you need to take a little more time in choosing your souces before using them as support for your topics. I am not a Christian Scientist, nor am I familiar with what they teach, however, even without any formal knowledge of CS it was very clear after only a matter of seconds that the information you posted was Intentionally Misleading and Deceptive.(By Them, not You
) In other words, it was purposefully written by the people at to cause confusion and/or internal 'spiritual' conflict for those who read it as being true.

Upon further investigation, meaning I actually went to the home page, I then found out that CARM means "CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS & RESEARCH MINISTRY".

n. (used with a sing. verb)

1. The branch of theology that is concerned with defending or proving the truth of Christian doctrines.
2. Formal argumentation in defense of something, such as a position or system.

Do you really think you're going to get a clear and unbias introduction into CS or ANY Religion/Spiritual Philosophy for that matter, from these people at

Alleged 'True Christians' who feel the dire need to 'Defend their Christian Faith'. Doesn't it seem like a bit of an Oxymoron to feel the need to 'Defend Your Faith' like these people are claiming to be doing. Obviously their Faith must be pretty weak if it needs all that Extra Defensive Training.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm
it was very clear after only a matter of seconds that the information you posted was Intentionally Misleading and Deceptive.(By Them, not You
) In other words, it was purposefully written by the people at to cause confusion and/or internal 'spiritual' conflict for those who read it as being true.

Hm. Odd they come up with the most hits on a search for those seeking 'Christian Science' and yet spin so much. Not saying it can't happen, just saying the true Christain Scientists should be pretty peeved if this is the case.

Originally posted by mOjOm
Do you really think you're going to get a clear and unbias introduction into CS or ANY Religion/Spiritual Philosophy for that matter, from these people at

I don't know. That's why I'm asking.

Originally posted by mOjOm
Alleged 'True Christians' who feel the dire need to 'Defend their Christian Faith'. Doesn't it seem like a bit of an Oxymoron to feel the need to 'Defend Your Faith' like these people are claiming to be doing. Obviously their Faith must be pretty weak if it needs all that Extra Defensive Training.

Again, news to me. Thanks for pointing these things out. Possibility: Website is spin. Got it.

My questions back to you are: Not being a Christian Scientist yourself, how are you able to validate what a Christian Scientist does or does not believe? DontTreadOnMe posted a link that supports my initial post. What proofs are there otherwise? What points about what a Christian Scientist believes in my post aren't correct?

[edit on 18-1-2005 by saint4God]

[edit on 18-1-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 06:01 AM
Just look at, (and read),'s pages about CS. I'll just point out quickly what I'm getting at:
Christian Science teaches that reality is an interpretation of Divine Mind, that Jesus was not the Christ, that His sacrifice did not clean from sin, that sickness and evil are illusions, and that the Bible can only be understood correctly through its teachings. Is Christian Science really Christian? No. It isn't.

So under the catagory of "Christian Science" at the site, they themselves say that CS isn't "Christian" at all. Remember also that is a "Pro Christian" site. Let's look deeper to make sure the above is correct:

Is Christian Science Christian?
Of all the biblically based cults in America today, Christian Science is one of the most interesting. Not only does it deny the essential doctrines of Christianity, but it has completely reinterpreted the Bible...Is Christian Science Christian? Definitely not.

...Unfortunately, these teachings are from Mary Baker Eddy a woman who founded the religion in the 1870's and not from God...

...But the reality is that Christian Science has only produced unbiblical and false doctrines. Eternal destruction is the only thing that will result from its false teaching. The fires of hell will be a bitter reality for those who have been taught that they don’t exist...

Damn!! That sounded serious didn't it??? Now, like I said before I'm not a CS, so maybe it's just that I'm not hip to the standard methods of teaching CS or something. But IMO, if really was a "Top Christian Science Website" I doubt they'd be telling all their fellow brothers and sisters that they'll be burning in hell for believing in CS. It just doesn't seem like you'd win many people over with a sales pitch like that, ya know?!?!?!

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by mOjOm
Damn!! That sounded serious didn't it???

Yeah it does, but nothing un-Biblical about it. The penalty for falsely testifying is severe. Just like in court.

Originally posted by mOjOm
Now, like I said before I'm not a CS, so maybe it's just that I'm not hip to the standard methods of teaching CS or something. But IMO, if really was a "Top Christian Science Website" I doubt they'd be telling all their fellow brothers and sisters that they'll be burning in hell for believing in CS. It just doesn't seem like you'd win many people over with a sales pitch like that, ya know?!?!?!

Gotcha. So it's a Christian site bashing Christian Science but in kind of an indirect route. It was built for Christians who would clearly recognize that the things said are 'not doctrine'. But but, what I want to know is the stuff quoted from Mary Baker Eddy's books and Christian Science it true or false? If some are false, which ones are?

Thank you seriously for digging into the background on the website
. I have my suspicions on from another thread in progress but will keep eyes and ears open.

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