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Birth of an ideology starting with a prize home. Input wanted

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posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 06:29 PM
Basically any system we have needs to recognize these simple things:

1.) As a human being I will make goods or provide services that are the products of my skills or abilities.

2.) The value of these goods and services are determined in part by me and in part by those who desire them from me.

3.) As the goods and services I provide could not exist without my time and effort, I have a right to them and a right to determine how they are to be distributed.

4.) Any goods I accrue to myself due to the distribution of my goods and services also becomes mine and I have a right to those also in the same way I have a right to the direct products of my labors.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 08:13 PM
Let me be the first to mention "Big Charity". Also, is the Red Cross too big too fail?

posted on Mar, 3 2015 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: FlySoloInstead of sending in our PST to the government, we put it in a separate entity by the people for the people.
So less individual choice, and more gov choice? (except of course that choice of a brand new branch of gov)

Every single thing you do is categorized in a merit earning point system.
Every single action is recorded, right? I don't object but I think that on this forum it may be a hard to sell idea

The more points you have, the more money is earned. Clean up a street, earn x-points. Volunteer in a hospital, earn x-points. Design an infrastructure which aides the homeless, environment or creates jobs, even more points. You get the idea. The current system can still work too. You can continue your day job, punch in/ punch out, get your paycheck and carry on with your life like the rest of us slave zombies and do nothing. Or you can participate in the new system and collect a little gravy on top of what you normally make.
So you just create a gov agency that subsidize volunteer work? You already thought which taxes are you raising to finance that?

Would putting helpful post online rewarded with points?

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