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There Is No Man-Made Global Warming

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posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:35 PM
Gerlac was measuring CO2 from all known volcanoes and compiling them into an average yearly number, but what he did not add to his data was all geothermal vents, fissures,natural outgassing, and every living creature on this planet that exhales co2, not to mention we are outnumbered by trees 1050 to 1 and the average tree converts more co2 to oxygen in one day than the average human being converts to co2 in day

"I pity the Fool"
Mr T.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:42 PM

You are funny and actually quite right about this, it is scare tactics, I mean the mention of the bad ol hurricanes and yet no mention of the cycle in the 50's that was much worse imho...

I was from that part of the country and hurricanes are natural and the severity has squat to do with global warming...

If it were up to me, I would build plenty of coal fired power plants and rig them somehow to dump all their acid rain on Quebec, I mean they don't need a missile shield , so maybe a acid rain shield would be good....

And no I am not serious but it was damn funny no?

[edit on 2-3-2005 by edsinger]


posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by desertsoldier22
Yeah read that link it says we produce more sulfer than volcanoes but Volcanoes produce on average 5 to 7 times the amount in other gases each year and sulfer is not a greenhouse gas
And mankind produces something like hundred times more CO2 than volcanoes. You seem to have quite bad vision... or how did you miss that part?

Are you deliberately flooding thread with those one sentence replies because you clearly have obsession to them?

Originally posted by desertsoldier22
Gerlac was measuring CO2 from all known volcanoes and compiling them into an average yearly number, but what he did not add to his data was all geothermal vents, fissures,natural outgassing, and every living creature on this planet that exhales co2
Well... didn't you just claim that volcanoes release much more CO2 than everything else?
Geothermal vents are like "air bleeding away from air balloon" which happens slowly and over long time. (and actually lot of them lie in volcanoes)

And problem isn't CO2, or actually carbon in it released by breathing animals, because it is (and has been long) already in equation.
Problem is excessive carbon coming from outside equation.

Also there would have to huge amount of more trees to absorb excessive carbon released by man's activity... and considering capability of trees to absorb CO2, mankind's emissions (like sulfur and nitrogen oxides) cause damage to trees.
And don't forget that it wouldn't take it away from circulation/equation, trees release all absorbed carbon in decaying.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 07:37 PM
well maybe we ought to just live like we did in the 1600's , I mean you don't need the Internet the the electricity it requires right?

What you speak of is only theory, the earth could very well adapt to deal with more carbon, you don't know...

It is certainly a legit issue but the science does not warrant an unbearable burden on only the American people and the taxpayers here, what about China and India?

If we all have to deal with it the it is an issues we ALL must deal with, not just them nasty ol Americans.

The Kyoto treaty was a turdblossom if I ever saw one....

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 07:15 PM
If you still believe in the fairy tale of man-made global "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. A stunning book full of graphs, statistics and proof.


posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 07:20 PM
The Sky is falling! The Sky is falling!

The science does not prove that it is man made and to what effect mans emissions are having, I am not saying that we have no effect at all but the science is still out........give it chance before introducing draconian measures.

I think one person had it right in this thread already, Global Warming is big business.....

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 12:34 AM
Trees don't just photosyntheisiz plankton, bacteria,alegae,mosses,grass,weeds,
mold on dog# they all expell oxygen as a result of the chemical reaction.
Half of theses lifeforms actually benifit from hotter temperatures and grow and multiply better from it. If the world got hotter they would be producing o2 like wildfire in turn reducing these "greenhouse" gases. You see it is a cycle, a system that has been operating perfectly before we appeared and will continue on after we are gone. I think you guys are afraid earth is going to turn into venus or something

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by desertsoldier22
Trees don't just photosyntheisiz plankton, bacteria,alegae,mosses,grass,weeds,
mold on dog# they all expell oxygen as a result of the chemical reaction.
Half of theses lifeforms actually benifit from hotter temperatures and grow and multiply better from it. If the world got hotter they would be producing o2 like wildfire in turn reducing these "greenhouse" gases. You see it is a cycle, a system that has been operating perfectly before we appeared and will continue on after we are gone. I think you guys are afraid earth is going to turn into venus or something

You bring a very good point, what they fail to realize is that the earth warmed in cycles long before man was a factor, I never really thought about it like you did and now it makes even more sense. I had read somewhere that the type of trees taking hold in places that they never did means that although the rain forest is disappearing trees are sprouting in other places as well.....

Good point and at least I know not everyone see's the world through 'turdblossom' eyes!

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 07:02 PM
What crap...of course there is human caused global, unless your one of those bible-thumping neo-cons...then, "All is Well! Praise Jesus and show me the way to Walmart!"

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Being_of_Now
What crap...of course there is human caused global, unless your one of those bible-thumping neo-cons...then, "All is Well! Praise Jesus and show me the way to Walmart!"

Or you could be one of the turdblossom folks that say the whole world will die if we dont kill off the population due to overcrowding, stop all power plants, oil drilling, yada yada yada.........

Eco treehugging freaks are just as bad as boils, they do go away but you must 'pop' them first.....

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:25 AM
That dude was such a commie

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:31 AM
We are the cleanest country on the Earth, all of these eco-jerks belive we are the worst. Just look at what they consider model countries
1..Japan - highest population density in the world
2.All of Europe- I don't think so, guess you've never been to Italy or France

They believe the Kyoto treaty is the answer to all problems, it is really signing on to another warsaw pact
According to the enviro wackos radical socialism is the only way to stop global warming, when in fact our evil capitalist society has been reponsible for growing more forests than there were before columbus arrived, half the species in our country are not even native to the continent

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:34 AM
In order for radical commies to survive there must be something for them to bitch about, America must do nothing right for them to succeed

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:48 AM

There Is NO Man-Made Global Warming

These claims are LIES and you know it. The problem is that you stupid americans think the world revolves around you when in fact we laugh at you and at your stupidity. Global warming is REAL and at least 50% of all CO2 emissions are caused by you americans with your big SUV's, Trucks and your huge cars that cost FAR too much just because you want to be different. Kyoto is not crap it is a way to cut down on CO2 emissions. I have a few ideas for you cavemen, Get a couple thousend windfarms then invest in water powered generators and if this is not enough put solar power panel's on the roof of houses, as for the car's Import more EU cars! Why not go electric or hydro.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by desertsoldier22
Gerlac was measuring CO2 from all known volcanoes and compiling them into an average yearly number, but what he did not add to his data was all geothermal vents, fissures,natural outgassing, and every living creature on this planet that exhales co2, not to mention we are outnumbered by trees 1050 to 1 and the average tree converts more co2 to oxygen in one day than the average human being converts to co2 in day

"I pity the Fool"
Mr T.

Ummm....This is true, If tree's didn't convert quicker than we can breathe then we would be dead. Fool. But this does not mean that they convert all the CO2 we are throwing into the atmosphere from the big fat SUV's and such low fuel costs mean you can keep guzzling the fuel that was meant for Germany and france lookup the treatie's before the Iraq war that says Germany and france have got first dibs on the oil if the sanctions get lifted about 5 years before iraq war. See dubya knew about this and you lot were getting awfully low on fossil fuels before the war!

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 10:16 PM
Actually alot of our vehicles are alot cleaner than europe's and japan's.
There is quite a few vehicles I'd like to get my hands on if it was'nt for our emisions laws.
1. Lancer Evolution mr fq300
2. R34 Skyline GTR
3. All German spec BMWs
4. Mitsu FTO
All of these vehicles must run on octane levels higher than 93, They all must rich because of higher compression whether by turbos or pistons. Our catalytic converters can't handle thier powerplants... so who is more wasteful. these are just a handful of vehicles, And don't get me into a discussion about diesel engines
these are the same people who want the Kyoto Treaty.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 10:22 PM
Boy you guys just like to pick apart quotes,Too bad your missing the point
Even if we detonated every nuke, dropped a 17mile asteroid or anything short of blowing up the sun we could not destroy our planet, assuming such is true arrogance and an overestimation of our abilities, If you had any other faith besides in yourselves you woud realize this. Call my country arrogant again
You people would not be free if it was not for our country and you would not have the right to write and speak your own opinions in this stupid blog

"you are going no-where!
boondock saints

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas

There Is NO Man-Made Global Warming

These claims are LIES and you know it. The problem is that you stupid americans think the world revolves around you when in fact we laugh at you and at your stupidity. Global warming is REAL and at least 50% of all CO2 emissions are caused by you americans with your big SUV's, Trucks and your huge cars that cost FAR too much just because you want to be different. Kyoto is not crap it is a way to cut down on CO2 emissions. I have a few ideas for you cavemen, Get a couple thousend windfarms then invest in water powered generators and if this is not enough put solar power panel's on the roof of houses, as for the car's Import more EU cars! Why not go electric or hydro.


You apparently have no clue how much energy this nation uses do you? Solar and wind farms? You talk Megawatts when we need TeraWatts. Typical no clue turdblossom ranting!

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:17 PM
global warming is not what we have been led to believe, nor is it the likely cause for the climate seeming to change.

most likely we are going through a warm cycle. after all we have only been keeping track of temperatures for a couple hundred years max.

the one thing that realy bugs me though is the blameing of so called green house gasses.yes we do cause too much polution and should cut it down. but think about this "global WARMING" the stated cause is that polution is forming a shield that is blocking heat from going off into space. i even remember the blame put on heards due to flatulance (farting) and manure.

i have always been amazed that on major thing is compleatly overlooked.this is HEAT. just think the world population is growing. this means more homes,shopping centers and every other business. each of these is heated. every time you open a door, window or use an air conditioner you put more heat outside. buildings even radiate heat otherwise why do we need to continuously run heating systoms. every method to make electricity adds heat coal plants from combustion, nuke plants and hydro heat up the water, which puts heat into the surrounding air.

then we have our transportation. every engion produces major heat . just take a look at the temperature rateing on a car thermostat, normaly between 90-110f this is the temp it opens at to be cooled down.they actualy produce higher temps than that. how many cars,busses, trucks, trains and airplanes are always on the move?

i can't think of an industry that does not produce heat from farming to smelting and everything else. even the freezing of food releases heat. lights produce heat as well. heck if you think about it the slightest friction even produces heat.

what can we do about it? nothing meaningfull. even if we were to force everyone to stck to say medievil standards of liveing we would still have all those millions of fires going to heat us. (oh yeah fires cause polution as well).

and for those whineing about the poler and mountain ice caps melting.
why is it that lake levels have been dropping for years?anyone with a cottage in ontario is familiar with that. ever lived neer a mill st that has a tiny river or even a strem near it? well that river or stream used to be a lot bigger most were so named because there was a mill there. i have seen mills that have been kept up and restored they tend to be too far from the water to work as well as a lot of the time there wouldnt be enough water for it to work anyway. i have seen old paintings and pictures that are easy to identify the exact spot, and the only time there is even close to that much water is after a series of major storms. and the pictues were on regular days. gee when is the "we are useing too much water panic" going to start?

take the KYOTO ACCORD and burn it. it's all bull-dreck anyway.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 09:19 PM

Sami Solanki, Professor at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Switzerland, says the Sun has been burning more brightly over the last 60 years than over the previous 1090 years
During the Medieval maximum of 1000-1300 there was an extremely large Sunspot which is believed to have warmed the Earth higher than normal. There were no accurate measurements of the weather to call upon during this time but the discovery and colonization of Greenland by Eric the Red supports this hypothesis. Eric was exiled from Iceland for manslaughter and sailed west discovering Greenland. He then led many ships, filled with people who wanted to make a fresh start, to this new land. For 300 years Greenland flourished, new communities settled, trade with other countries grew, and the population increased. Around 1325 the climate cooled down considerably, people started to abandon the northern settlements. By 1350 glaciers covered the northern settlements, and the southern most settlements were dying out as well.

I have seen a few articles that mention the Sun's changing output and how it affects our climate. While Increased emissions by humans is not good I would think it would pale compared to what even a slight increase in Solar output would do to the earth. Does anyone have any other thoughts on this?

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