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posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 07:18 PM
What is a good history topic (between the 20s and the end of WWII) to write a persuasive speech on?


posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 07:20 PM
Whether or not the German jet made near the end of WWII would have helped them had it not been for Hitler's inept and idiotic control of the military?

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 07:22 PM
Thats a good thought for a subject TC, but the problem is that the logic of hitler screwing it up could be carried over to almost all facets of german military in WWII. Would get way beyond a useable subject.

How about the likelihood of german technology prevailing in the war if say the Me-262 or the V2 had been operationally deployed by say 1942, in truly useful numbers?

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 08:43 PM
How about a discourse on whose ideologies were most persuasive....

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 10:50 PM
here are two real quik

what was the true reason for prohibition in the tweties and how does it relate to the establishment of social security and control of the mass'es

if we must talk about Hitler, how about. what sub-conscious
experience in Vienna drove him to rise to political power and attempt to exterminate the jew's from germany.

he contracted syphilis from a jewish harlot

see the book 'Hitler' i forget by whom' use the dewey decimal

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 10:55 PM
Economic policies leading to inflation in Germany after WW! and the dangers of following that same path in reconstructing Iraq and Afghanistan.

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 11:04 PM
Abe Lincoln died with sphyilis....

His son died of it....


posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Phimes
Abe Lincoln died with sphyilis....

His son died of it....

Phimes [/quote

that explains the growth on his face thanxs]

posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 12:04 AM
Here are some topics you might want to look at:
1.) The passage of the Volstead Act (Prohibition) and its effect of organized crime in the USA. (Boot legging give organized crime big bucks to expand into other areas.)
2.) The early development of electronic warfare. Electronic warfare began in the night skies of Germany during WW2.
3.) The development of early computers (ENIAC) during WW2.
4.) Early women aviators (1930-1945) other than Amelia Earhart. Many women made significant contributions (such as Hanna Reitsch in Germany) to aviation. Today we remember Amelia Erahart primarily because she was married to George Putman who owned a chain of newspapers who would give her coverage in his papers.
5.) Early developments of television (first demostration of TV was on January 23, 1926 given by John Logie Baird).

By the way, in spite of all of his other crimes, Hitler did not screw up the development of the Me 262. That was a little white lie created by Galland and Speer. If you want I will post the true story. Hitler did a lot of stupid things but he probably right about what he wanted for the Me 262. (Messerschmitt and others lead Hitler to believe that a Jabo version of the Me 262 would be ready for use during the Normandy landings.)

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