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Jordan is really choked....says theyll wipe out ISIS

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posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: stirling

Does anyone notice how quiet Israel is on this whole ISIS thing

They bombed recently again Assad and his soldiers and killed Iranian army advisor too

But not a single bombing of ISIS

Speaks volumes about their priorities, why mess with a pet project of US and Saudis
edit on 8-2-2015 by PizzaAnyday505 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 04:20 AM
Seems to me that very few are questioning their spoon fed propaganda.

Reading between the lines, I would say it looks more like...

The false flag execution of a Jordanian pilot, by the agent provocateurs we have been funding has played out flawlessly.

The bribery of Jordanian officials has served us well, as the Jordanian populace are right behind us on this, the western population are being fed the same garbage, and are now securely mind controlled by our messages.

Under the guise of attacking Isis, we continue to bomb the hell out of Syria, until the leadership falls. We then install an emergency government to re-stabilize the region, and continue with the planned pipeline through Syria, which takes us to our next priority, crippling Russia. Our staged warzone can then shift to the Baltics.

Peace, not likely

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Once again...not one mention of Jew...and you come in and claim anti Semitic...

Zionism....does not = Jew


My task today is to speak about Judaism and Zionism. Given the current assumptions of the mass media that seems to be a redundant title. Aren’t the two one and the same? Isn’t Judaism Zionism? Aren’t Jews by definition Zionists? This is an impression which is, as I hope will become absolutely clear by the end of this talk, totally false. It is, however, an impression that is today quite widespread, both among non – Jews as well as misinformed Jews.

Jew Against Zionism

To even assume I might not be Jewish is a mistake....

Did you bother to read the articles linked to the posting...or didn't this rant just come from your heart.

fact: the Zionist (not Jewish) political movement is strong and has been aggressively going after their goal through deception and lies for many years....they left Jews to the slaughter in Poland for their own gains in ww11 and will sell their own people down the river again...Jews and gentiles are being swindled by this bunch of radicals and frankly..people can throw their anti_Semitic crud at me all they wish....because I would be letting my friends and neighbours and family down if I did not speak out against such atrocities.

I would personally much rather be called everything under the sun...than to just believe the lies being pushed by the Zionist MSM.....I havent any love for Muslims ,Christians, Buddhists, or Jedi who claim to kill on behalf of their gods.

But I acknowledge who the perpetrators are in this elitist propaganda war on please read and learn...because right now the only bigoted statements seem to be coming from your side of the fence...where I am just not allowing myself to be swindled by TPB.
edit on 042828p://f30Sunday by plube because: (no reason given)

edit on 042828p://f31Sunday by plube because: link fix...spelling

edit on 042828p://f34Sunday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: Willtell
Its good news but sorry ass Turkey needs to step up.

Also Egypt should step in to aid Jordan.

The only thing that can stop this is the Zionist and neocons who really want to fight Syria for Israel’s sake.

They can press Obama to fight against Syria as well as Isil, a ridiculous notion.

Watch closely that this will be a wrench thrown in this.

Isn't that proxy war you mentioned being fought through turkey? I seem to remembering bengazi tipping us off to that one... or was it Turkish rebels? I can't even keep track of who we're secretely running guns to anymore.. freaking CIA.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: plube

Most of us are wearing tin-foil hats; this is ATS.

But If you insist on wearing a full helmet, at least cut some eye holes. There's a reason conspiracy theorists are associated with 'going off the deep end.'

Ditto to everything ManBehindTheMask said, as well.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: OpenMindedRealist

Interesting...I give links with reading and insight to back what I have stated...but not once do any of the points get discussed...instead I am bigoted and blind because my helmet is to thick...

Strange that rather than discuss goes to character assassination ....why is that?

Your welcome to your opinion..but would be nice to converse on where my points are wrong....

Does Zionism = Jew.....because the link I provided has a differing please read articles...then comment....plenty to read through...considering it is written by Jews(not Zionists).

Also the links earlier on Elliot Shimon are from various sources...but yet I am the one who is what...oh yes bigoted.

Easy to just discount things without everything to be believed...only as long as it follows what comes from mass media.... So please stop with the anti Semitic crud.

Triumph of Falsity
But first we must ask a simple question. Why has the lie, which equates Judaism and Zionism, triumphed? Why, has what is so demonstrably false, captured the citadels of Western public opinion? And, in the end, what can we do about it? History is invariably written by those who emerge victorious from its struggles. In the case of the Zionist/Palestinian struggle of the past century this factor immediately places the Israeli state, its
propagandists and international apologists, in the ideological driver’s seat.

Jews against Zionism

Shall we try something the whole thing...this following is interesting...but I am sure you will not bother as it will not say what you want to hear....but others might read a bit so that will be good.

Zionism and Anti-Semitism

Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, recognized that anti-Semitism would further his cause, the creation of a separate state for Jews. To solve the Jewish Question, he maintained “we must, above all, make it an international political issue.”

Herzl wrote that Zionism offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.” In his “Diaries”, page 19, Herzl stated “Anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies.”

Zionist reliance on Anti-Semitism to further their goals continues to this day. Studies of immigration records reflect increased immigration to the Zionist state during times of increased anti-Semitism. Without a continued inflow of Jewish immigrants to the state of "Israel", it is estimated that within a decade the Jewish population of the Zionist state will become the minority.

True Torah

Darn tin foil helmet is getting in the way...I should remove it...oh damn...I am an atheist....

You see I could care less about race religion bigots faggots hetro sexuals or what ever you might be into...but one thing I do not appreciate is being lied to on a mass scale when many thousands of innocent people will die because of some BS organisation who only seeks a means at all others cost to meet their own end.
edit on 012828p://f53Sunday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: plube

Don't flatter yourself - it's not personal.

We've all heard the Zionist theories spouted time and time again. It gets old having every thread derailed by members who only seem to have one message: the 'evil Jews' are to blame for everything from 9/11 to the abrasive texture of Captain Crunch.

Maybe I could tolerate it if there were an ounce of substantiated evidence.
Please do not take this as a request for more evidence. If you feel compelled to offer it anyways, make a thread of your own.
edit on 8-2-2015 by OpenMindedRealist because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: OpenMindedRealist

Well did not know you had started this thread...actually have been adding to this will stay here thank you very much....and again it is you whom persists with the term Jew and equating Jews with Zionism only..with out reading what I have presented from Jews (not Zionists).

The reason Jordan should not be swindled into losing innocent people for a cause that will only further destabilize the ME is because of the problem with who is really backing ISIS.

This is a zionist(not Jew) deception and should be recognised as such with out bias....this is not the Moslem's.... This is a divide and conquer is to pit brother against brother and Moslem against Moslem....and if you feel killing innocent people on a deception is OK....well I personally would not be OK with that...glad you might be able to feel clear in your conscience with such a ideal..... Peace be with you.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: OpenMindedRealist
a reply to: plube

Don't flatter yourself - it's not personal.

We've all heard the Zionist theories spouted time and time again. It gets old having every thread derailed by members who only seem to have one message: the 'evil Jews' are to blame for everything from 9/11 to the abrasive texture of Captain Crunch.

Maybe I could tolerate it if there were an ounce of substantiated evidence.
Please do not take this as a request for more evidence. If you feel compelled to offer it anyways, make a thread of your own.

There is loads of evidence of the heinous acts and intentions of Zionists.

Zionists can be related to Muslim Extremists and Jihadists

It’s just that there terrorism worked

The Zionist did many terrorist acts to create the abomination called Israel

The world is trying to stop another abomination called the IS

The world failed in stopping the creation of Israel and that has led to much misfortune in the ME and the world

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: plube

You know.........

I read posts like this and im struck at just how stupid and bigoted we as a society have become.......

No seriously........

What kind of delusion to people live in who continually think that every group, or every bad thing that happens in this world is carried out by zionists, jews, Israel, or all three?

I mean what kind of delusional hatred do you have to have for a specific group of people, that you are blind to your own bigotry BLAMING a group of people , instead of the actual people (isis and muslim extremist) who carry out the atrocities?

The media and others (including our president, who in his speech woudlnt even say the words Islam and extremist in the same sentence) bend over backwards to placate, explain away, and downplay the actions by sicko muslim extremist, accusing anyone who calls them out on their bs as racist, right wing sickos, ALL THE WHILE, blaming "zionist" and "israel" and "Jews"

Christ the anti-semetic rhetoric and BS has hit an all new level.......thats all it is is thinly veiled antisemitism, and its not fooling anyone anymore, trust me most intelligent people know EXACTLY what you people are saying when you do this......

Some people are just BAD, some people are JUST EXTREMIST, the jew/israeli boogeyman isnt out to get you.....

But the damn members of ISIS sure as hell will take your head in a heart beat and theyll tell you exactly who they are doing it for while they do it......

You should be more worried about the fact that they ARE involved in every little bit of it.

They ARE part of the problem, and are as fanatical about it as any Muslim Extremist or ANY OTHER group.

And to say that the media and others are talking trash about Israel is the absolute height of insanity, and everybody knows it.

Just because it is now part of the plan to condemn the complete and total demonization of everything Islam, SOMEWHAT does not mean that everything is in full swing, the total destruction of ALL THREE of these religions without them knowing.

It really is too bad that some will never learn, that something BEYOND what you see in this world, is pitting races against one another, despite the attempts to find the truth and end all religions, something keeps inflating it like the economies that just WILL NOT DIE.

Frankly it is comical that you do not seem to see that too some of us, that no difference exists between these groups, ALL of them will fail, ALL of them have been had, and NONE of them will be there to save you.

Jordan just stepped up, and has announced that they are going against the "Plan" which now means they will be totally and utterly destabilized.

Amazing how you believe that ISRAEL and the ones that own her , are not ALL OVER this action, steering and fomenting like madmen.

posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 12:32 AM
IDK about anyone else here....but there IS a surreal quality to the situation......
Blame Mossad, or Zionists, or Saudi Arabian hedgemony....
The US appetite for control of oil maybe....
But the fact remains somebody IS benefitting from all of the death and misery that's been dished up....That somebody needs as much killing as ISIS does....

posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 01:10 PM
Must be nice to have a President with balls. I've long forgotten how that is.

posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: stirling

Jordan will face the same problem every other nation does regarding ISIS. That being they refuse to present a significant target and hide amongst other innocent Muslims like the cowardly swine the obviously are!

The moment they present themselves collectively they will be wiped off the face of Gods Green Earth faster than you can say launch those Tomahawks.

Doubtful. ISIS has presented the majority of their forces in two separate occasions and both times the US just looked the other way and did not bother to act.

If Jordan really goes after ISIS something tells me every plane they loose will be from US manufactured munitions.

posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: stirling

With Egypt pivoting towards Russia and Jordan Pivoting towards the US for the last few years. This makes sense. It's the example Nation to be used as a testing ground for getting others to take a more serious role.

posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: vind21

The thing about any U.S or even coalition strikes against ISIS is that it only serves to create more bad blood between the Western Nations and the Middle Eastern Nations, which simply creates even more potential terrorist recruits. Kind of like cut off one head and two grow back.

Essentially we would need to destroy every last active member of of ISIS in one fell swoop. Which im sure you will agree is an utter impossibility, and even if it were somehow possible 5-10 years down the line we would only be fighting the same battle against there descendants and siblings.

Hopefully Jordan can manage to somehow fight the war we are(lets face it) complete and utterly incapable of winning given the guerilla tactics that ISIS employ.

At least if Jordan go against them then its not perceived as jihad war in the same manner.
edit on 9-2-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: OpenMindedRealist
a reply to: plube

Most of us are wearing tin-foil hats; this is ATS.

But If you insist on wearing a full helmet, at least cut some eye holes. There's a reason conspiracy theorists are associated with 'going off the deep end.'

Ditto to everything ManBehindTheMask said, as well.

Haha...this had me cracking up! Glad someone finally called them out.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: Willtell
Its good news but sorry ass Turkey needs to step up.

Also Egypt should step in to aid Jordan.

The only thing that can stop this is the Zionist and neocons who really want to fight Syria for Israel’s sake.

They can press Obama to fight against Syria as well as Isil, a ridiculous notion.

Watch closely that this will be a wrench thrown in this.

Don't hold your breath for Turkey to step up. They're providing funding and safe haven for ISIS, who roam the cities freely without any repercussions.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
Must be nice to have a President with balls. I've long forgotten how that is.

Ronald Reagan was the last POTUS who had testicular fortitude.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 10:00 AM
Reply to "willtell"

The Zionist did many terrorist acts to create the abomination called Israel

You made this comment yet have the unmitigated audacity to call other people a racist and a bigot?

And in another post you called the US the "Great Satan"? Haven't seen that since I read Malcolm X's biography.
And Louis Farrachon, whoever. So sad to know people can actually be brainwashed enough to believe that.
edit on 2/10/2015 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

Must be nice to have a President with balls.

Well he does have them...the misses just keeps them locked in a safe.

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