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Pyramid texts AKA. How to OOBE.

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posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 07:28 PM
It struck me, as rather interesting that ancient man, would spend so much time building, enclosures made of Granite type materials, with a high content of Quartz. The life they led would have been very hand to mouth and would require, a vast amount of organised labour with a big payoff to make it worth it. Not only did they expend this time and energy on the structures, but they positioned these, semiconductor materials mainly in areas of high telluric currents electrically speaking. All these structures have a large astrological alignment and symbolism.

In the Pyramid texts we have an account of what to expect when the Astral traveller leaves his body , not necessarily when he is dead. We also have a learned explanation of what the Ka Ba and Ankh is. Which can be loosely translated into, Astral body, Energy body and Physical body. The kings Chamber in the GP. is made of Pink granite, one of the hardest Granites, which was also known as "Spirit stone" Not just any old stone, nor was the Blue stone of Stonehenge, it had to be carried and quarried from many miles away, and placed like the GP. on limestone bedrock, with precise astronomical alignments. Someone knew what they were doing?

We know that for all our cleverness, their is a high probability that Deep Space travel, will never be ours, because physically we have the speed of light to contend with. So the question remains why our supposedly brutish ancient ancestors, who had a high mathematical knowledge, of the movement of celestial bodies, and Geometry, would go to such lengths to make such structures. If the above facts stack up, the structures were created not for physical travel, but for Astral travel. Which changes the game, in a very interesting way.

So we have a structures that, contains high amounts of electrical semiconductors immersed in a natural flow of electrical energy, I'm suggesting that, this energy was required, to keep the physical body energised whilst the Astral and energy body vacated, the Physical body, to do whatever. Its not that radical a suggestion if you consider that this was the big payoff.

Their are plenty of theories to suggest that, types of stone enhance paranormal, activity, even the "Reel theory" that causes holographic type playbacks, of apparitions. We know semiconductors store information, that's what the Micro chips are all about. So did they just go about it in a different way? and with regards to the

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 07:42 PM
The life they led pretty much was hand to mouth. That`s probably because they were slaves.

Or was it aliens????? I forget. One of them supposedly built them darn pyramids though.

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: fenian8
The life they led pretty much was hand to mouth. That`s probably because they were slaves.

Or was it aliens????? I forget. One of them supposedly built them darn pyramids though.

Aha. I see what you did there. Clever. Can't stop The Truth!

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: fenian8

The idea was to push the OOBE. like a really good one tends to leave you stuffed the next day. If your energy body left with the astral your body totally you would die. To have any practical use you would have to take your energy body with you, so you could interact with the physical world. Which would require something that continued to energise your physical body, like one of these structures. Or something like that.

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 08:13 PM
So you're saying the pyramids had something to do with OOBE? I'd love to hear more
Thanks for sharing!

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 09:44 PM
It would not surprise me if the pyramids were for OOB or and advanced form of Reiki equivalent tool.

My interest is on how it works with sound/acoustic.

But I am unsure on how advanced ancient Egypt were compared to what people create now days with other tools and can make available for all souls to use.

edit on 5-2-2015 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
So you're saying the pyramids had something to do with OOBE? I'd love to hear more
Thanks for sharing!

Not just the Pyramid but most of the Ancient structures with a high concentration of quartz. Working on the fairly established theory that, the three bodies that our consciousness use, and to have the type of OBBE that can be seen by observers , and can move physical things, requires that most, if not all of the energy body stays with the astral. As is the case with the newly deceased, where most of the woo is reported, because their energy body is still strong. More so in the case of accidental traumatic death. The problem being in the OOBE that if the energy body is removed entirely, then the physical one will just die. If only a portion is removed then the quality of the OOBE declines.

In certain places where the same energy as the energy body is abundance, then enhanced by the geometric state of the structure, the demise of the physical body isn't a problem. As we have within the GP. and Stonehenge , the effect is powerful enough to cause illness to be cured, and to be called Gods miracle, when in fact its enhancing the failing energy body of the patient, and is in fact electrical or informative in nature.

The GP. in particular has this energy in abundance where a practitioner of the OOBE wouldn't have to worry about a failing energy body. In fact reports of various dead animals not purifying is well know. So his body would be in good shape after he returned. (They thought that embalming would keep it going for ever). Control of the masses would be fairly certain, in fact it would literally freak anyone wanting to take over, but it wouldn't be a certainty, although the superstitious control would be strong.

This effect has the same problem as any OOBE the main thing is to get over the initial fear of accepting it as a fact of life although one not generally known or referred to. Hence the testing of the resolve during the initial attempts, stylised by the demon protectors of the dead, not only in the "Texts" but in the "Tibetan book of the dead". and warnings with regards to places in the stars written in the Pyramid texts to avoid.

So we have a situation of a select few having the only thing of real value, knowledge of life and death. Whereby the practitioners can ascend from the constraints of the physical world, cause various paranormal effects, and be regarded by the majority of the population in awe, and as a God in their paradigm.

Which might suggest that our paradigm is flawed, by our lack of knowledge, and the other people that populate the vastness of the cosmos may not be physical, as we know it, but more real than in any sense we at present can imagine.

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 09:57 PM
Interesting notion but it's not a secret the ancient egyptians were very spiritual and made up lots of interesting things. At the end of the day though humans are just like most animals which have evolved, like beavers and birds we build homes and with a lot of spare time great buildings were built.

Lest not forget they kept slaves, nothing good can come of it, their civilization was not succesful and did not survive. Even if they had valid OBE methods, would you want to ever risk meeting them? It would be like being around royals, except you are not one of them, most likely they'll regard you as a potential slave to do their bidding. Not a place to go to in the astral.

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 10:14 PM
I like this theory. It sparked some ideas in my mind as well.

Some chambers in the pyramid are known to resonate certain frequencies really well. It made me think if the pyramids were fully functional it could cause vibrations and sounds similar to what happens when you have an OBE, and project you out of body. Then you fly out the passage that points to the star Sirius (not sure if thats right) and fly to there, or follow another passage to Orion's belt and fly there.

Egyptians whole life revolved around preparing for the after life. I believe some ancient Egyptians were trained spiritual masters that considered a fully functional human to have 360 different senses.
What if you were well trained enough spiritually to have OBE's at will? When you were old an wanted to die, you could just astral project and not come back to your body. (has anyone done this? or does everyone do this?)
What if the pyramids were used as canons to shoot souls to different star systems when people were on their death beds?

Old people or people ready to die escaped our Earth by cannoning there souls across the universe to other star systems to be reincarnated in a more spiritual star system of their choosing?

I call dibs on writing the movie!

What if thats what all the pyramids all around the whole world were used for? Astral projection canons.

Prove it wrong! Bet you can't! haha

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: johnnyjoe1979

There are many different theories about ancient Egypt. In my opinion the theories they teach in school are lies taught to keep us ignorant about our ancient past.

I like Graham Hancock's ideas about ancient history. We are a species with amnesia and we've forgotten our true history. We have possibly built civilization up to understandings, and technology beyond what we know today. Those civilizations were destroyed by ancient natural or self induced cataclysms which brought us back to the stone age.

The pyramids and other ancient sites and structures are remnants of those ancients civilizations which once were thriving and eventually destroyed.

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: johnnyjoe1979
Interesting notion but it's not a secret the ancient egyptians were very spiritual and made up lots of interesting things. At the end of the day though humans are just like most animals which have evolved, like beavers and birds we build homes and with a lot of spare time great buildings were built.

Lest not forget they kept slaves, nothing good can come of it, their civilization was not succesful and did not survive. Even if they had valid OBE methods, would you want to ever risk meeting them? It would be like being around royals, except you are not one of them, most likely they'll regard you as a potential slave to do their bidding. Not a place to go to in the astral.

If you took a random section of the present population and asked them if they would like to have an OOBE where they could talk to other beings in the Cosmos. I know what most of their replies would be. The individual approaches these questions when they are ready, for whatever reasons. I guess the same applied to ancient times.

Slaves were mentioned, how would they have got a living in a society where money was in short supply. In Rome a slave was considered a part of the family. Who could have got their freedom if their luck was in. The prime thing about being a slave, was to have a slave mentality. Morally speaking to us its reprehensible. But like most things that were bought and sold were treated well in most cases. If your on a minimum wage, and cant afford the basics, my bet is that to be in a home that cared about you would be better than living on the streets today, whatever you were called.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

The main thing about all the different theories , their might be some truth in all of them. But until you get stuck in to look for commonalities that exist with regards to most of the enigmatic sites the theories remain dysfunctional. The first thing that struck me was astronomical alignments, the second was that they were constructed of granite with the high percentage of Quartz, brought in from many miles away. The third was placement on Leys which also have high natural telluric currents, which activate according to astronomical placement. So you have what can amount, to not a micro chip but a "Mega chip" placed in an electrical circuit. In fact "Technology" The fact that the monuments had religious, astronomical purpose can also be inferred. So we have commonality. We also have a lot of paranormal woo associated with these sites'

What was the purpose of this technology? This reasoned electrical alignment. The main clue must come from the oldest historical records, written from the point of view of the Paradigm of the people that used them. By the time the hieroglyphics were formed and became history, it would also be reasonable to assume, that their essence had been around possibly for millennia before. Also like most tales would have grown in the telling. Luckily of all these sites ,Egypt had reached a high degree of sophistication. Plus a god given clue in the Pyramid texts. In fact the nub of the matter "Shamanistic flight" or the OOBE.

So it could really be a Star gate but not as in the popular fiction series, but in the fact that to operate it you had to leave your physical behind, in one of the chambers provided, for the purpose of. More like getting to Barsoom . The clues are scattered in the Memes of art as well. Ok why not go to bed at night and do the same thing. I don't want to labour the point but it requires energy to maintain the physical body in good shape until you return to it. That's the energy that these sites provide, to up the voltage of the human energy body, the one that is intermediary between the Astral and the physical, the interface. That's what the Mega chip does. It sounds right because the truth is self evident.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Hi anonentity, I made a thread about this, not so much centred on the GP, but more encompassing slightly more modern temples.

"Ancient temples. Analog/auxiliary connections to the celestial/astral."

Standing stones erected in the north-northwestern sections of the walls in two key enclosures at Göbekli Tepe bore large holes that framed the setting of Deneb each night, highlighting the star’s significance to the Göbekli builders, and showing the precise direction in which the shaman should access the sky world

Are you thinking like a astral stargate?

edit on 6-2-2015 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: Wifibrains
a reply to: anonentity

Hi anonentity, I made a thread about this, not so much centred on the GP, but more encompassing slightly more modern temples.

"Ancient temples. Analog/auxiliary connections to the celestial/astral."

Standing stones erected in the north-northwestern sections of the walls in two key enclosures at Göbekli Tepe bore large holes that framed the setting of Deneb each night, highlighting the star’s significance to the Göbekli builders, and showing the precise direction in which the shaman should access the sky world

Are you thinking like a astral stargate?

In a word yes. Whatever definitions you use that would have to be the conclusion. Just because the paradigm the ancients had obscure the fact to our modern thinking. The basic definition would be Star gate. So here we a human body that complies with the definition of a bio electrical machine. Digging a bit deeper, the consciousness is interfacing with normal elements. To do this the energy body which is electrical in nature interfaces with the bodies elements probably with quantum locking. The key to this theory is the ,Energy body. Normally If it declines as with age, OOBE's become rarer and of poorer quality, in youth after puberty its humming. In disease it declines etc. But if used within this type of structure, it would be nicely charged whatever the physical age of the practitioner. When its drained the physical body gets recycled.

The energy body if fully attached to the astral one, can interact and cause a lot of what would be seen as paranormal activity, plus cause apparitions, ghosts etc. So the more energy which can be used, the more the astral traveller can effect the physical world .It would suggest that this is the energy, that the structures generated ,simply a charge for the physical body, so the travellers physical body was kept in good shape. Or also Healed of the numerous ailments, by boosting the general electrical capacity of the physical body. First OOBE's feel like electric shocks.

At this stage theirs no point in quoting all the electrical effects caused by Psi phenomena, to anyone interested they are well known.

Thanks for pointing out your thread I'll certainly be on to it. this is a case of If enough people think and bring what they have to the party we might be getting somewhere.

So we have a whole civilisation, that seems worldwide that built these structures to interact with what the common people would call Gods. Most of the people would be held in awe until it was shown, how it all worked. Which really was no mystery to those in the know. If you think about it they had it all.

The energy body
edit on 6-2-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

Thanks for your input. The various sounds are low frequencies, vibrating much like a transformer, but in this case the charge is held in the crystal lattice structure of the quartz, in the granite, and probably below the range of human hearing. The energy thus produced just charges the energy body of the subject, but like everything consciousness, and direction of purpose being the main ingredients its been known for ages that the placement of these stones give off energy but , the use of it has been in doubt. The energy body of humans has only been brought into the light in recent years before it was just conjecture.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 06:07 PM
Native americans say that some spirits learned to travel on the wind.

I can not really input much anymore on subjects but you are on one of the paths.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: deadeyedick

We have a bit of proof that suggested the Egypt Mediterranean culture, not only mined copper around lake Superior, but set up mini dolmen type structures. If the theory holds water then some form of contact was required between these far flung outposts. The theory suggests that these small "PSI" structures were for that purpose, and run by the Polito religious officer. It also begs the question of how, they found the massive copper deposits in the first place, especially as it was in some remote country.

The date the mining stops is about the time of the Minoan eruption. Note a couple of chambers one to the Summer and one to the Winter equinox, which suggests one or the other was more active at certain times of the year.
edit on 6-2-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

Also note that in the old kingdom Priests, had to abstain from sex not wear animal clothing, and had to fast. All things advised prior to attempting OOBE's.
edit on 6-2-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: booyakasha

When you think about the fact that your spiritual energy body is actually your "Immune" system. If its depleted as in age and sickness, you can generally tell. If its in good shape as usually in youth and at the end of adolescents. Then some unfortunate accident terminates the life at this stage. They end up with a dead physical body but with an astral with a highly charged energy body. Its no wonder then the reports of Poltergeist activity can surround such a demise. Also its highly charged in females at this time of life.

When talking about how to keep the energy body in good shape for OOBES, its generally accepted that fasting and vegetarian diets are highly recommended, along with abstinence of intoxicants along with sex. Which as far as I can tell is exactly what the ancient Egyptian priesthood had to comply with.

When subsequently purified, they then did their thing in the temple.

posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: anonentity

To do this the energy body which is electrical in nature interfaces with the bodies elements probably with quantum locking. The key to this theory is the ,Energy body.Energy body. Normally If it declines as with age, OOBE's become rarer and of poorer quality

Interesting, I wonder if it has anything to do with body water?
This is also supposed to decrease with age also.

Before the development of automobiles, airplanes and spaceships water was a passageway for transportation. Civilisations were established near oceans, bays and large rivers that provided a "highway" for trade and travel even beyond Earth. Water may exist in other "bodies" in the solar system creating that "quantum lock".

The Ancient Egyptians envisaged the oceanic abyss of the Nun as surrounding a bubble in which the sphere of life is encapsulated, representing the deepest mystery of their cosmogony. In Ancient Egyptian creation accounts the original mound of land comes forth from the waters of the Nun.

The Nun is the source of all that appears in a differentiated world, encompassing all aspects of divine and earthly existence.

Nu (/nuː/; "watery one"), also called Nun (/nʌn/ or /nuːn/; "inert one") Nunet (/ˈnuːˌnɛt/; also spelt Naunet) is the female aspect, which is the name Nu with a female gender ending. The male aspect, Nun, is written with a male gender ending. As with the primordial concepts of the Ogdoad, Nu's male aspect was depicted as a frog, or a frog-headed man.

That space or void which separates all things does not end here or there and permeates everything, everywhere, always. Not only is it in you, you are in it. You posses it while at the same are in within its possession, and vice versa, part and parcel. You could not be in better hands.

With a slight shift in perception, "THAT" which appears to separate by placing time and space between all things, becomes "THIS" which connects things, "HIM/HER" here and now.

This shift in perception opens up a omnipresent medium that is always everywhere. There is no distance or separation from this point of view. The physical mind can only interpret the experience as heaven on earth as space and time bend to accommodate the merging of realities.

When two circles, (Microcosm/Implicate Order) land, and (Macrocosm/Explicate Order) sky, are intersecting you then have the (superimposition) mid-point of (amphibious) hypnagogic trance, at the ‘almond’ shaped centre. Hence a trance adept of a shaman is symbolically represented as an amphibian, such as a Frog, Serpent or Fish. The (phallic) fish is an ancient pre-Christian symbol of the shamans, which represents the amphibious (hypnagogic) state of trance ingress through a (superimposition) Stargate of a (binary) Vesica Pisces and/or hexagram...

The symbolism of the Vesica Pisces, symbol, describes intercourse, when the phallic fish of a shamans consciousness attains entry into the watery womb, similarly to the hexagram/tetrahedron/Star of David, two realities merge into one.

The space between all things is a blank canvas on which a creation is to be painted and science is attempting to paint that picture as a destructive dark matter. But in reality they are reinterpreting kali/shakti or the waters of NUN.

Who is planting these seeds of change and to what ends?

Kali/Shakti and Nunet, were created with divine purpose and intent. "SHE/HE" has been hidden purposely from modern civilisation.

This seemingly great absence has been systematically demonised by association to darkness, made into nothing by ignorance, And emptied hollow and void by blind belief...

But is still "around"

“The ‘religion’ of the ancient Egyptian was a ‘magical religion’ or, as it has become more obvious in recent years, an ‘astral religion’. The belief was that the benevolent and nurturing influence of the stars could be drawn down into Egypt through a sacred science involving rituals and talismans (pyramids, statuary, etc.). This explains the building of the Giza pyramids as ‘stars’ to represent the region of the sky containing Orion, the latter deemed to be the stars most benevolent to mankind. It may sound ‘hocus pocus’ to us today, but I strongly suspect that the ancients could thus create ‘sacred cosmic landscapes’ in which high rituals were performed that affected the spiritual aspect of initiated men and women.

“Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is made in the image of heaven? Or, to be more precise, that everything governed and moved in heaven came down to Egypt and was transferred there."

Ancient people comprehended the language of the stars much better than we do today, despite our Hubble Space Telescope and Very Large Array. If we can translate the encoded messages from the celestial dimension to understand what these time-traveling pinpoints of light are endeavoring to tell us, then we will realize the complexity and depths of our past knowledge of a truly living cosmos.

What crystalline or geometric structure does pink granite have? There must be a link...
edit on 9-2-2015 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-2-2015 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-2-2015 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Wifibrains

The quartz is in a lattice structure within the granite. When the moon and sun come up over the horizon. The Telluric currents start to flow energising the quartz, the electrical flow causes a field . Much the same as the old crystal sets, worked, with the quartz crystal, amplifying the electro magnetic signal. In this case the field amplified the energy body of the shaman. What this would do would allow the shaman/priest to enhance all his psychic arts. Astral travel would be just one of them. In those days the height of the water table under the pyramid would have formed a sacred well, much like all the other sites. In all probability this also figured.

In the woo, quartz crystals have become fashionable, but the real effects lie in large bodies of granite, subject to stress, its at these fracture points where weird effects spontaneously occur. It elevates the energy body , to the point where if your looking for ghosts a UFO etc., or having a séance, or time slip you name it. The chances of a group of observers seeing one is almost certain. Mainly because the intention is already focused , the magician/priest was an artist because the artist could visualise.

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