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Why is Charlie Hebdo OK, but not Dieudonné ?

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posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I didn't stick up for Hebdo's Islamophobia...

Mocking a religion isn't an irrational fear of it.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

The respect of dead people implies IMO to let them in their grave and not instrumentalize them for the defence of an idealogy that is, pretty much the same as the one that caused their death.
If some are no shy of doing this, there is nothing wrong when you mock them for that.

I will probably sound mystical in the next few lines, but Mr Dieudonné M'bala M'bala is IMO in these troubled times, the Elijah Prophet. No more, no less.
Dieudonné is french for 'God-given'.
He used to start his career in a duo with a jewish comedian Elie Seymoun.
Their name was 'Elie et Dieudoné'. Elie et Dieudonné Elie EST Dieudonné

The statement that got Dieudonné into trouble (this time) is the following :

Après cette marche historique, que dis-je... Légendaire! Instant magique égal au Big Bang qui créa l'univers!...ou dans une moindre mesure (plus locale) comparable au couronnement de Vercingétorix, je rentre enfin chez moi. Sachez que ce soir, en ce qui me concerne, je me sens Charlie Coulibaly»

After this historical march, or should I say ... legendary! Magical instant comparable to the big-bang who created the universe!... or in a lesser way (more regional) similar to the crowning of Vercingétorix, I finally get back home. Please know that tonignt, IMO, I feel Charlie Coulibaly

So this event is a big-bang as of Dieudonné.
For me too, it's a tiping point in the global consiouness. Clowns have become martyrs.
And I hope people will finally realise that the usual martyrs are nothing but clowns.
Without Dieudonné there is nothing to prevent the victims of Charlie from assimilation with Pro-Israelian rhetoric.
As Charlie used to clash the Jews too from time to time, the line is getting blurry for most here.

I know we're on ATS ... If you manage to leave aside most Jewsish/NWO/Iluminatii/Masons conspiracies you'll realise that if jewish people are more likely to end up in high positions, its thanks to their superior education.
No magic, the more educated you are, the more likely you are to get a good job.
And this remarkable ability from the jewish community to be able to provide the best education for its members will also, sooner or later, backfire againt them.
They won't even be able to claim that they don't know what for a stupid game they are playing.

Global awareness needs to be improved.

edit on 25-1-2015 by theultimatebelgianjoke because: filled out

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: NOTurTypical

an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
"she suffered from a phobia about birds"
synonyms: abnormal fear, irrational fear, obsessive fear, fear, dread, horror, terror, dislike, hatred, loathing, detestation, distaste, aversion, antipathy, revulsion, repulsion; More

People like you are not as smart as you think...

Educate yourself before you try to educate others!!!

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: NOTurTypical

an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
"she suffered from a phobia about birds"
synonyms: abnormal fear, irrational fear, obsessive fear, fear, dread, horror, terror, dislike, hatred, loathing, detestation, distaste, aversion, antipathy, revulsion, repulsion; More

People like you are not as smart as you think...

Educate yourself before you try to educate others!!!

Truth is.... You're not as smart as you think as well Charlie.
Educate yourself on what an anti Semite is.

On lots of posts you clearly demonstrate your ignorance and it's often mind blowing.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: samsamm9

Sure Sam, sure...

Because telling a Jew they should be put in a Gas Chamber isn't anti-Semitic is it?

Get real.
edit on 25-1-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

My guess is that a true antisemite wouldn't have invited anti-sionists rabbis ...
(video in french)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: samsamm9

Sure Sam, sure...

Because telling a Jew they should be put in a Gas Chambet isn't anti-Semitic is it?

Get real.

You're being out of context.., he's a freakin comedian

Listen Charlie, I would never ever like or support anyone who's anti Semite, xenophobic or racist, never.
One of the reason of his success is the fact that he is NOT and he mocks everybody equally.

Again, I don't think you've watch the video, it's obvious.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

So I guess Farrakhan talking about the gifts the White man has brought to the World means he isn't a racist?

The world doesn't work like that...

If you say a Jew should be put in a Gas Chamber you're anti-Semitic no matter who you fraternise and associate with.
edit on 25-1-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: samsamm9

You wouldn't accept a comedian saying that a black man deserves to be sold into slavery no matter the context!

Or that a Native American deserves to be slaughtered for his land.

So why would you accept a "joke" about a Jew who deserves to be put in a Gas Chamber?

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: samsamm9

Great argument

Why is a comedian different from a preacher?

Other than you give the benefit of the doubt that perhaps they don't truly believe what they say because you perceive it as a joke?

That's a cop out, simple and plain.

You can't prove people's intentions, and most comedians base their comedy on what they believe in.

Jim Davidson - Bigot... Believes what he says.
Ricky Gervais - Atheist... Believes what he says.
Joe Rogan - Stoner... Believes what he says.

I could keep going with many male & female stand ups that not only joke about things, but believe what they're making jokes about...

Jews in Gas Chamber jokes?
Not funny...
Not inventive...
Not educational...

Only shock value and perhaps a smoke screen to someone's true intentions.

We're done, we won't convince each other.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Please realise that the only country in the world that still consider today that the Jews should be wearing some sort of yellow star is Israel.
That makes them more recognizable, it's handy when whinning.
Did you ever saw gipsies gathering in front of the Brandenburg gate in Berlin to get new tires for their caravans because the ancestors got the same fate ?

If you like stereotypes, I happen to be dark haired, white/pale/greyish skined with clear colored eyes, long fingers and apparently for some, my little soldier may appear to miss his helmet but, I'm not circumsized.
I would have run into serious trouble just for that if I was born 60 ago where I live.

I'm from a roman catholic family and now I would just narrow my personnal perception of God as : I believe in it.
Let's not be hypocrites, there are black, yellow, arabs, latinos, and all kind of people. Do they need to be classified, ranked according to theses criterias ? No. But some can't get over theses simple facts they view as barriers.

Some consider themselves as #1 just because, don't give a s... about the others, and can't stop complaining about how much it costed them to behave so.
The gas chambers were the B plan for the nazis, when it turned out impossible to relocate the jews to Madagascar.

Dieudonné is making fun of the whinners, and therefore mocks their constant complaints.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Lighten up and dance Charlie

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 12:29 PM
Very interesting discussion building up here..

Ok I'll give it to you raw..

The Jews are descendants of a particular Annunaki bloodline, this is why they reside in prominent positions and have been protected for millennia.

There is a very real Jewish conspiracy..but they are also pawns in a greater game and just to clarify, this is not all Jews,who are mostly decent people.

The term anti Semitic was created to protect them and condemn any who may speak out against them, the same goes for the term racist, this was also coined to prevent any dissent from the natives,with regards to the very real encroachment of their lands and dilution of there heritage,cultures etc..*please do not confuse what I say and knee jerk you will be complying to the engrained conditioning.*

Interesting, that the tightest border controls and racial purity are implemented in their minions globally do the exact opposite..this is all intentional.

I could add more to this deception, but it is a tightrope walk..juggling so called freespeach and suppression..if only I could add more to this..

To add to the main area of discussion, I agree that Hebdo was disrespectful and irresponsible for printing the images and also the French government for not penalizing them..not too well versed on the Comedian mentioned..but it should be one rule for providing He was not genuinely anti Semitic and not the previously mentioned twisting of intent that I mentioned..if He was sincere in His anti semitism,that is not acceptable.

The world is backwards,please air caution!

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: TheTengriist

Of course, to suggest that the only religion Charlie Hebdo insulted is Islam is also false. I remember the thread where Pictures from Hebdo were posted here on ATS. Jews and Christians were insulted just as much by the magazine as Muslims were.

Hebdo was equal opportunity in its offensiveness.

Is the comic under discussion similarly equal opportunity or does he target just one religion and group? IMO opinion, that's the difference.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: TheTengriist

Of course, to suggest that the only religion Charlie Hebdo insulted is Islam is also false. I remember the thread where Pictures from Hebdo were posted here on ATS. Jews and Christians were insulted just as much by the magazine as Muslims were.

Hebdo was equal opportunity in its offensiveness.

Is the comic under discussion similarly equal opportunity or does he target just one religion and group? IMO opinion, that's the difference.

In 2009, the satirical weekly dismissed Maurice Sinet, a political cartoonist with Charlie Hebdo for 20 years, for his cartoons that allegedly ridiculed the relationship of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s son with a wealthy Jewish woman. In the column, the 80-year-old cartoonist commented on rumors that Sarkozy’s son, Jean, intended to convert from Catholicism to Judaism to marry the Jewish woman for financial reasons, saying, “He’ll go a long way in life, that little lad.” At the time, Charlie Hebdo’s editor, Philippe Val, found the piece offensive and asked Sinet to apologize, but the cartoonist strictly refused to do so.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Except one problem.

Charlie went after Christianity, not christians. it occasionally went after Judaism, but never Jews. However, Islam and Muslims are considered fair game. Do you see the difference here? "Hahaha, religion is stupid," is one thing. "Hahaha, gunning down Muslims because they're Muslims is funny" is a whole different thing.

Have you read this piece by a former Charlie employee?

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: TheTengriist
a reply to: ketsuko

Except one problem.

Charlie went after Christianity, not christians. it occasionally went after Judaism, but never Jews. However, Islam and Muslims are considered fair game. Do you see the difference here? "Hahaha, religion is stupid," is one thing. "Hahaha, gunning down Muslims because they're Muslims is funny" is a whole different thing.

Charlie went after biggots of all tendencies, they happen to be more likelly to be found among certain religions than others.

originally posted by: TheTengriist
a reply to: ketsuko
Have you read this piece by a former Charlie employee?

Et pour que les choses soient tout aussi claires : du même élan, nous crachons à la gueule de tous ceux qui, ces derniers jours, ont donné une nouvelle popularité à cet article1, en faisant tourner largement le lien avec ce sous-entendu plus ou moins explicite : les morts de Charlie-Hebdo l’auraient bien cherché. Ce sont là gens qui nous dégoûtent – et ce n’est pas une image.

And so that things are obvious : in the same mood, we spit at the face of all those who, during the last days, gave a new popularity to this article, and forwarding the link with more or less explicit suggestions : the victims of Charlie Hebdo deserved it well. Those people are disgusting - and this is not an image.

So your point is ?

edit on 25-1-2015 by theultimatebelgianjoke because: filled out

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
You know why Sam...

He is an anti-Semite...

I didn't stick up for Hebdo's Islamophobia...
I won't stick up for this guy either...

And the fact that he is a friend of Jean-Marie Le Pen...


He's anti-zionism, big difference there, however, of course for obvious reasons, the media never mentions zionism and instead pretends he has something against JEWS. That is such a nasty outdated strategy and the media is blatantly manipulating reality when they do that.

Have you ever considered he's not friends with anyone, they just contacted him because they appeal to the same kind of voters?? You judge people based on who they associate themselves with that easily?

The ONLY argument there could ever be for why he would not be allowed to mock jews is because of the holocaust, and I'm sorry but that is getting too old for me, and I hope for society as well.

There are people mocking slavery but i don't see them serving sentences for doing so. I guess the millions of blacks are less important than the millions of whites (not even all jews, but whatever, they're the only victims in there so...)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: theultimatebelgianjoke

originally posted by: TheTengriist
a reply to: ketsuko

Except one problem.

Charlie went after Christianity, not christians. it occasionally went after Judaism, but never Jews. However, Islam and Muslims are considered fair game. Do you see the difference here? "Hahaha, religion is stupid," is one thing. "Hahaha, gunning down Muslims because they're Muslims is funny" is a whole different thing.

Charlie went after biggots of all tendencies, they happen to be more likelly to be found among certain religions than others.

originally posted by: TheTengriist
a reply to: ketsuko
Have you read this piece by a former Charlie employee?

Et pour que les choses soient tout aussi claires : du même élan, nous crachons à la gueule de tous ceux qui, ces derniers jours, ont donné une nouvelle popularité à cet article1, en faisant tourner largement le lien avec ce sous-entendu plus ou moins explicite : les morts de Charlie-Hebdo l’auraient bien cherché. Ce sont là gens qui nous dégoûtent – et ce n’est pas une image.

And so that things are obvious : in the same mood, we spit at the face of all those who, during the last days, gave a new popularity to this article, and forwarding the link with more or less explicit suggestions : the victims of Charlie Hebdo deserved it well. Those people are disgusting - and this is not an image.

So your point is ?

There really is no denying Charlie went after muslims more than anything?

I'm not convinced of anything, but I do believe when you dedicate an entire magazine to provocation, well, it is to be expected some people will be provocated?

Does this mean they have the right to be? Yeah. Should they act to it? Nope.

But, errr, our opinions on it don't change all that much to they? We're just going to keep provoking because we can, and while some people think that's hilarious or courageous, I think it's plain stupid, but whatever.

Leave them to their stupid religion, by making fun of them you're drawing them to us :/ They want revenge and will stop at NOTHING to get it, so I have to wonder why we as a society deem it necessary to keep going.

Perhaps we just long for some MAD, since we can't just leave eachother alone (he started it she started it, can't we see we're like goddamn children?)

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