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Inuit elders sharing information with NASA regarding Earth's "WOBBLE"

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posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 02:30 PM
Well we did not have snow last year in Scandinavia ( except lapland ) no skiing, no skating. This coming winter looks like a replay of last year, december and no snow. While we lack of snow what we are used to have plenty, there are areas in USA which has received more what they have asked in some places almost 2 meter high. This actually supports canadian inuit view earth tilting to North as it would also mean lower temperatures to Skandinavia as the position this side of the World would be more to south then.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

See above post and also I don't trust the stone builders for things like modern day physics, etc.

Honestly, the sun dials still work. The Pyramids still work and the stone circles still work. The Sun rises in (more or less) the exact same place it did 5, 000 years ago.

Ok, that is the best I can do. If you want to split hairs go ahead. I will not step in your way.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

i have a sense of deja vue here - so the following will probally be a regurgitation of my response the last time this crap was presented :


using the gear i have - i can measure the bearing and time of a sunrise to demonstrate that it agrees with published predictions

so unless the innuit are claimimng that the aerth is deforming - then they are either wrong or being mis-represented

either way get over it - the sun is in the correct position each morning

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 02:59 PM
Maybe we should just ask Brian May!

Brian May


posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

Polar aligning is aligning to the axis of the Earth's spin. At this time, the Earth's axis happens to point directly at Polaris.

When you polar align, your a locking the scope's axis to Polaris.

If the Earth has shifted on it's axis, then it's axis is no longer pointing directly at Polaris.

If that were to happen, after you have polar aligned your telescope to Polaris, the mount's axis in not aligned with the Earth's axis anymore, because of this, when you dial in RA and Dec coordinates for an object in the sky, your telescope will NOT be pointed at it.

Anyone can test this quite easily. Simply take the telescope and when you do your polar alignment, off set it from Polaris. Then try using the RA and Dec coordinates to say, look at the Crab Nebula.

Guess what? When you look in your scope, it won't be there.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 04:01 PM
Perhaps the land under their feet had shifted.

Maybe not the entire planet, just where they are located has risen or sunk a little.
Dunno, was just a passing thought.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

I didn't get past the first page yet, so this may have been mentioned, but I like your analogy Son of the Law of One.

The easiest way to think of this is a washing machine that the clothes bundle up in and cause it to get off-balance, and start to wobble worse and worse as the drum spins more. You have to stop it, re-distribute the mass of clothing, and start it again so that it remains balanced.

I remember reading somewhere years ago, about how most of the world's big hydro-electric dams are in the northern hemisphere and that because they are holding all that water back, and not allowing it to flow back into the sea, it causes a measurable wobble in the earth's spin.

The oceans bulge near the equator and that is where it balances out the spin, like your over loaded washing machine.

P.S. Maybe you could explain that to my old lady, she gets pissed at me for saying she's over loading it. Never mind, she get's pissed at normal conversations, best to just try and fix the damn thing when she kills another one.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: dollukka
Well we did not have snow last year in Scandinavia ( except lapland ) no skiing, no skating. This coming winter looks like a replay of last year, december and no snow. While we lack of snow what we are used to have plenty, there are areas in USA which has received more what they have asked in some places almost 2 meter high. This actually supports canadian inuit view earth tilting to North as it would also mean lower temperatures to Skandinavia as the position this side of the World would be more to south then.

And yet we here in Britain are about to get our first snow of the winter. No. Sorry, that's bunkum. The sun rose yesterday morning in exactly the correct place on the horizon here in London as it always has. People would have noticed if there had been a crustal shift. For a start there would have been major earthquakes, tidal waves and the sea level would have changed. I may be a bit absent minded sometimes but I don't remember any of the above happening recently. Plus I would have spotted via my own telescope that the position of the stars in the sky would have changed.
edit on 4-12-2014 by AngryCymraeg because: Typos

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

That is interesting. Here's an idea,
Maybe someone here at ATS in the U.K. can
check and see if everything still lines up perfectly
at Stonehenge this winter solstice.
Maybe someone in Georgia can check the guide stones
Solstice lineup to find out if there has been enough of a "tilt"
to be noticeable.

I think there are some Central Mexican structures that were
aligned with the solstices as well.

Hmmnnn? S&F

edit on 4-12-2014 by Wildmanimal because: typo

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: eriktheawful
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

Polar aligning is aligning to the axis of the Earth's spin. At this time, the Earth's axis happens to point directly at Polaris.

When you polar align, your a locking the scope's axis to Polaris.

If the Earth has shifted on it's axis, then it's axis is no longer pointing directly at Polaris.

If that were to happen, after you have polar aligned your telescope to Polaris, the mount's axis in not aligned with the Earth's axis anymore, because of this, when you dial in RA and Dec coordinates for an object in the sky, your telescope will NOT be pointed at it.

Anyone can test this quite easily. Simply take the telescope and when you do your polar alignment, off set it from Polaris. Then try using the RA and Dec coordinates to say, look at the Crab Nebula.

Guess what? When you look in your scope, it won't be there.

Thanks for explaining that and answering my questions.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that the sun is in a different place, or that the planet has or has not tilted.

As a follow-up to your answer... precession means that you will not be able to point to Polaris forever, right? So it's not really a fixed point to track relative movement against. In several thousand years, you will have to point at Vega due to the wobble of the planet.

So I guess what I'm saying is...

Since we only have recorded history of the observation of the stars and planets that goes back a few thousand years, and it wasn't that long ago that we still thought the universe spun around the Earth... there is really no observational evidence of humans looking at or tracking the stars throughout the beginning and end of a full precession. If something caused the planet to wobble more, theoretically it could lead to the precession (the existing wobble) taking longer, or the obliquity could be greater.... and we won't know until we reach the end of the precession and find that the planet continues to tilt and wobble more than it has in the past.

I was curious about the telescope, not intending to pick an argument.


posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

The eye piece used in the small aligning telescope in the telescope mount has reticles, depending on who made the eye piece and when, which will show where to place Polaris. It's to take into account for precession.

While our eyes can't see any huge change (because precession is something like 26,000 years), zooming in with a telescope will show slight movement.

RA and Dec's do change. If you use coordinates that were written down prior to the year 2000, those coordinates are referred to as the B1950 Epoch. Since 2000, we use the J2000 Epoch.

It's to account for precession.

BTW - you're not nit picking, you're asking questions, which is great!

As you know (having read many of your posts on Climate Change, heh), our sun drives our climate. The northern latitudes receive sun light at a much more oblique angle than areas closer to the equator.

That of course is a major part (but not all) that drives the climate in those areas. In order for the climate to change due to a change in angle of the sunlight, that angle would have to change a lot. More than precession allows for.

So can the position of the sun rising and setting change and the position of the stars change due to the Earth's "wobble" or precession? Of course.

But that change is very small over a very long period of time. And you're only going to notice it with things like telescopes or a sextant, and comparing it to previously recorded data. You'll see that over the last century these things have changed. But by very small amounts.

Someone "eye balling it" with just their eyes are not going to see that change....

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful

Thanks for your explanations I learned a few things from them! Interesting stuff

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 07:02 PM
Unfortunately i'm on a train and going in and out of tunnels, but i invite every one to look up earth shift chile earth quake. People have short memories.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

A thought...what if we have been pumping CO2 into the atmosphere via fossil fuels and such to stay or prevent an ice age to come. Increasing volcanic activity by man made design, if that's even possible, to shield from the wobble? Far out there, but humans would attempt such futile efforts against the inevitable, don't you think? Naaaah, we're sure to mess it all up, just let it be.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 07:14 PM
This is leftovers from july 2011......they elders should have a better slant by now......maybe we should be paying closer attention......

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 07:27 PM
instinct and long experience, in conjunction with a powerful connection with nature which has been passed through many generations, should not be dismissed out of hand as superstition or myth. i'd listen carefully to these elders and any of their like.
edit on R2014th2014-12-04T19:27:39-06:0020140pm3374 by RoScoLaz4 because: grammar

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

I wonder if anyone who can see the stars and can read a star chart has noticed this shift. Probably not. Nobody has ever paid attention to such things. Imagine if we had eyes and telescopes n' stuff!

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 10:56 PM
A couple of points:

Someone mentioned the earthquakes quakes affecting the tilt of Earth's rotational axis. They don't. They can however, affect the Earth's figure axis. The change from an earthquake would be too small to measure but it can be calculated. A change in the figure axis can cause very slight changes in the length of a day but not the tilt of the rotational axis which determines where the Sun rises and Sets. The Earth's figure axis is continually changing due to movement of the oceans and atmosphere. No internal event can change the rotational axis. There is however, a very slight change in the rotational axis (axis of obliquity) over time which is caused by the influences other bodies in the Solar System. It has resulted in variations of a total change of about 2.5º over a period of 5 million years.

An earlier discussion on the topic:

Precession is not a change in the tilt of the Earth, it is a change in where the rotational axis points. As has been pointed out, it currently points (almost) at Polaris but because of precession it will not point at Polaris forever. But, because precession does not change the tilt of the axis, it does not change the location of Sunrise or Sunset. Both will occur at the same place on the horizon in 10,000 years that they do now, on any given day. What precession will change is the background of stars behind the Sun when it rises. To put it another way. On the upcoming solstice the Sun will rise in Sagittarius. In 1,000 years it will rise in Scorpius but it will do so at the same place on the horizon. An astronomy program which allows for precession (like Stellarium) can be used to demonstrate how it works.


The Inuit describe the sun rising in a normal location but setting more south. If the Earth's tilt were involved both sunrise and sunset would be dislocated, not just the sunset. This is an important clue about what has been observed. It’s interesting that the same observations have been made by others. Those others are scientists who have described the effect as a sort of mirage caused by the encroachment of warm air into arctic regions.

edit on 12/4/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/4/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

The Elders and myself have been saying this for years. Its not Man Made Global Warming at all. The whole Al Gore Global warming Lie has been nothing but a huge push to extort money out of Countries to try and control what can never be controlled by anyone but mother earth.

Its not a random wobble, Its WORMWOOD. Its out there and headed this way. They have not launched 30 new Infra-red searching telescopes for nothing. They are not looking for E.T., The Vatican is looking at the destroyer!! Brown Dwarf stars are composed mainly from Iron Oxide. Iron makes water Bitter just like the wormwood plant does. That is the only way the Prophet could explain it so we would know better what to look for. They did not have a clue what a Brown Dwarf star was at that time. Brown Dwarfs can only be spotted in the Infra red spectrum till they get very close to another bright sun or pass in front of a planet.

Us humans and all our toys have put a 0.03 percent dent in the total green house gas total. The rest is all natural from Volcanoes, cows farting ect. The only thing that will kill us off, is if we keep letting people in south America to continue cutting down the rain forest. We do not need more fast food fake hamburgers, so stop it McDonalds.

For many years now some places have thawed and others have froze. The U.S. and south Canada is looking to be the new arctic in time. Meanwhile Russia is growing crops were it used to be freezing snow 24-7.

The Trees and plants feed off of what we mostly produce Co2 and I don't know why all these people don't realize that. The Indians even know that lol.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Its not a random wobble, Its WORMWOOD. Its out there and headed this way.

How does it make the Sun rise in the same place it always has but set in a different place?

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