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What does it mean that it was exactly Seven Jewish Sabbath years between the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora a

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posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 01:53 PM
Possibly there is somehow a connection between the Mt St Helens biggest eruption date of "5-18-1980" and the date when Israel will become 70 years in age on "5-18" ( that is May 2018, as 2018 minus 1948 equals age 70 ).


posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Rex282

Unfortunately I doubt there will be much response to this, because they love them some doom porn.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: zardust
a reply to: Rex282

Unfortunately I doubt there will be much response to this, because they love them some doom porn.

Unfortunately I am positive there won't.The only thing that can be done is to deny ignorance to testify of the truth.The carnal(porno) religious mind (satan) is completely blind.It is impossible for it to perceive the truth....doom porn rules!!

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 05:57 PM
@zardust: Firstly. I don't believe the years leading up to 70AD fulfilled John's Apocalypse, there are far too many loose ends. But it's a common explanation, and it does hold some credit, but I don't see it that way. Nero et al tried, but failed horribly. That said....

originally posted by: zardust
Repent is a Metanoia Meta=outside/above (like metaphysics) Noia/Nous=mind.

Your definitions here are a bit vague. Noia is mind or consciousness. For instance there is para-noia ('irrational fear of being followed'), and epi-noia ('intelligence'). And like you say there is meta-noia. Meta, and this is what I wanted to sort out with this reply, means 'after' or 'beyond'. Aristotle's book/chapter 'Metaphysics' was so named since it was published just after a book/chapter which was called 'Physics'. The 'meta' involved with 'metanoia', is from another definition of meta which is 'change' in the sense of 'turning over' or a 'new start'. As a noun 'meta' is feminine and is the word for certain conical turning posts at either end of a racetrack the Greeks used.

And while at it, since you mention metaphysics: Contrary to popular belief metaphysics is not some prominent and advanced branch of physics or some area of physics at all. Most people seem to think that metaphysics is the same as quantum physics. This is all bollocks. Few would even consider metaphysics science. It's basically an archaic treatise on consciousness discussing things like duality and psudo-scientific ideas like "Does animals have a soul, and if it has, is it as good as a human one?" Metaphysics is cheap and long outdated philosophy at best.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

I was using metaphysics as an explanation, and um yeah metaphysics is not defunct. Though you are right, it is not a branch of physics but of philosophy. In Metaphysics meta refers to above, as in spiritual or philosophical thought as opposed to physical discussion physical=physics.

Another use of meta in the NT is metamorphoo(which is our metamorphosis), this is the word transformed or transfigured, speaking of the change into the divine. I see this word as an upward change.

As to the nature of the Johns Revelation, the intro says multiple times that it is about things that must shortly come to pass. Now while there may have been some speaking of the actual events that took place in Jerusalem, this book along with the entire bible is the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy according to RevJohn. This is where so many get lost thinking prophecy is a future external literal thing. But that is not the case, as Jesus was using the temple as an illustration about his body, and events that take place inside.

I get you don't see it that way, and thats cool.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 10:08 PM
The only comment I have is about 'changing the sabbath to Sunday.' That truly makes no sense, even though most Christians believe it. The word sabbath is a translation of the Hebrew word Shabbat, which is literally the Hebrew word for Saturday. Saying the sabbath was changed to Sunday is exactly equivalent to saying Saturday was changed to Sunday.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: zardust
As to the nature of the Johns Revelation, the intro says multiple times that it is about things that must shortly come to pass.

This I believe is a misunderstanding, for the angel tells John (Re 22) not to seal up or lock away the book, for "the time is near". Like I have explained the prophecies started unfolding even as John wrote the book, and I believe the book lists a series of events. The flood doesn't end when it has come. It lasts. The storm isn't over when the winds start revving and the clouds are mining thunder. It's only just begun.

The angel tells John not to seal up the scroll, for the first thing he tells John is to write seven letters to seven angels, to the seven congregations in Asia Minor, the Apocalypse will be set in motion as he sends the seven letters and conclude his book.

I believe Nero got his hands on this booke and set out to fulfil it in order to play God in utter decadence. Did Nero have 200 million soldiers for instance? And what about the promised Messiah and his millennium kingdom? When was Judgement Day? I must have missed it. Like I said there are way too many loose ends.

Now while there may have been some speaking of the actual events that took place in Jerusalem, this book along with the entire bible is the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy according to RevJohn. This is where so many get lost thinking prophecy is a future external literal thing. But that is not the case, as Jesus was using the temple as an illustration about his body, and events that take place inside.

I get you don't see it that way, and thats cool.

The Apocalypse is a plan or a series of paradigms or eras within the church, science and politics. And now we have come to the part when God's wrath is to be poured out in the shape of seven vials.

Seven Churches thread ==>
Seven Seals thread ==>
Seven Trumpets thread ==>

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 10:54 AM
I can help here.

In 31AD (the year of Christ's death) the Passover was on a Wednesday (Sunset Tuesday night through sunset Wednesday night).

The "Last Supper" was the "Passover Meal" observed by Jews at the time (including Christ).

During the Last Supper Jesus Christ changed the manner of observing the annual Passover, from sacrificing a lamb without blemish for the removal of sins; to sacrificing himself as the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of all the world". Because he was going to be the perfect sacrifice, no longer would there be a need for an imperfect one.

During the 24 hours of Passover 31 AD, Jesus Christ fulfilled his role as the Passover sacrifice, that night he changed how the Passover would be kept (Eucharist). He was captured, tried, and died by having his blood spill to the Earth (just like the Passover lamb), notice the other two criminals who were hung on a pole (crucified) at the same time as Christ died by suffocation (broken legs) while Christ had already died via the spear in his side. He was buried in the tomb just before the 1st annual High holy Sabbath (1st day of unleavened Bread, which is called a "Sabbath" but does NOT fall on a Saturday), he did not die on a Friday just prior to a weekly Sabbath (Saturday), He died on Passover day just prior to an annual Sabbath.

He was dead and in the tomb for EXACTLY 3 days and 3 nights. No more, no less. 72 hours. (the same time Jonah was in the belly of the fish).

He was buried just before sunset on Wednesday (ending the Passover).
Sunset on Thursday (High Holy Day, could not visit tomb)= 24 hours.
Sunset on Friday (Preparation day for weekly Sabbath, could not visit the tomb) = 48 hours.
Sunset on Saturday (weekly Sabbath, could not visit the tomb) = 72 hours.

Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead on the WEEKLY SABBATH (Saturday) just before sunset, exactly 72 hours after his death. The 2 Mary's arrived at the tomb of Christ before sunrise (still dark, as soon as they were allowed to visit the tomb) on Sunday and the angel tells the 2 women "he has already risen", the angel says this because he (Christ) rose the previous evening, NOT SUNDAY MORNING!

There is one weekly Sabbath day and 7 annual Sabbath days and all must be kept Holy as commanded forever by Almighty God. The weekly Sabbath is the 7th day of the week called Saturday today. Jesus Christ died on Passover and was resurrected on the weekly Sabbath day. He faithfully kept the 7th Day Holy every week of his life while living a life without sin (perfect), if keeping the 7th day Holy is required to live a life without sin (as exemplified in Christ's life); why would those who claim to follow Christ choose to keep a different day?

Because some Roman Emperor (Constantine) at the counsel of Nicaea in 325AD decided all "Christians" should break the law of Almighty God and instead keep the day of the Sun (Sunday), or the festival of Valentino (Valentine's Day), or the day of the dead (Halloween), or the festival of the fertility goddess Easter; or Nimrod's birthday (winter solstice, rebirth of the sun god; December 25th) by claiming Christ disobeyed (rebelled against) his Father in heaven and changed the laws commanded by Almighty God forever to be kept?

Why do most Christians choose to keep the traditions of pagan mankind over the laws of the Almighty God, as Christ kept while living as the perfect example?

Jesus kept the 7th day Holy, Jesus lived a life without sin, those who follow Jesus should also do as he did in spirit and in truth (WWJD? more like What DID Jesus do).

God Bless,
edit on 2-12-2014 by ElohimJD because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: ElohimJD

I would like to add that there is a possibility of the existence of a spiritual Sabbath, that may be a little different than the physical Sabbath that you wrote about.

Jesus taught more about the inner faith workings of the hidden inner intentions of men, rather than any physical outward activity. Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven is on the inside, to clean the inside first, only what comes out of us can harm us, and to ask and it should be given to you.

The connecting link between the existence of a spiritual Sabbath faith that is on the inside, and the Jewish physical Sabbath is that both are different types of being at rest ( one is a rest of the mind's activity and the other is a body physical activity rest ).

A spiritual Sabbath faith possibly would mean to trust God totally, to turn loose to God, and to not labor in our minds as to what needs to be done, on and off for brief 1/7 periods of time.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 01:26 AM
do you people really think this stuff is real? our history is so flawed even back 200 years. I mean; I am sorry I have a had a few drinks, but you really think these silly prophecies from ~1500 years ago are real? have you read the dead sea scrolls to see how different the old beliefs were from the modern ones? Once again; Sorry. I am not trying to be a meanie.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 02:10 AM
Here is a web age that gives a possible good explanation as to why Christians meet on Sunday.

Web page title: "Jesus is our Sabbath Rest" by Ray C. Stedman

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 04:40 PM
I believe that the Jewish Diaspora being on the seventh day is a precision perfect timing by God for God's message and purpose. The Jewish leaders of Israel had a holy seventh year Sabbath rest from their hostilities toward Christians due to the Jewish Diaspora, as the Jewish leaders were then too busy trying to stay alive for themselves. St Paul was also originally a Jewish leader persecutor of Christians.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: Utnapisjtim

The Apocalypse is a plan or a series of paradigms or eras within the church, science and politics. And now we have come to the part when God's wrath is to be poured out in the shape of seven vials.

This is incorrect.The word apocalypse as written in the book of "apocalypse" means unveiling.It does not mean a great cataclysm or anything you said.It is the "revealing of Yahoshua (Yahweh is salvation deliverance) written in signs (metaphors).It is NOT prophecies or predictions of literal past ,present or future historical events.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: Rex282

Guess we'll just have to see then. Looks like we've might have to have a revisit of the bubonic plague. Good luck with your denial. I see you are not alone here on ATS claiming such intellectualised denial of the obvious. The Apocalypse is a book on prophecy, it lists a chronological succession of paradigms. If you don't see it you are blind as a bat. «Hearie hearie: The End is Nigh!»

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 03:10 AM


Have you ever heard of this idea before, and what do you think about it ?



It was exactly "six" years ( Jewish Sabbath Six work years ) between (1) the beginning of the Great Christian ( Holocaust ) 250 years long persecutions that were started by the Roman Emperor Nero that began in ( the "seventh" month ) July of 64 AD, and until (2) the beginning of the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora ( that is until the seventh year which would be July 70 AD to July 71 AD ). In other words the Diaspora started at the beginning of the seventh year, which was July of 70 AD ( as July of 70 AD was the end of the sixth year from the date July of 64 AD ).

This exact time period of seven Sabbath years may represent a miraculous precision perfect timing by God for God's message and purpose given to mankind. The Jewish leaders of Israel may have received this holy seventh year Sabbath rest from their hostilities toward Christians due to the Jewish Diaspora by the Romans, as the Jewish leaders were then too busy trying to stay alive instead of being hostile to the Christians. St Paul was originally a Jewish leader who persecuted the Christians with great hostility that was similar to other Jewish leaders, before Paul converted.

All of the first original leaders of Christianity had desired to live in and have their Christian Headquarters located in Israel, but they all stayed far away from Israel because of a fear of a possible Christian Holocaust that would be sponsored by the Jewish Leaders.

The original Christian 64 AD leaders were all or almost all horribly murdered at about the same time in a Christian Holocaust that began in July 64 AD by Emperor Nero who is mentioned in the Jewish Talmud as being a student of Judaism.

Who do you think may be interested in this exact seven year information ?

Please help to explore and to make known this subject, as no one seems to be interested in this important subject.

Maybe you possibly know of some writers who may be interested in exploring this idea. And if so then please pass it on to them.

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: trader21
Please help me to discover the "meaning" in that it was exactly Seven Jewish Sabbath years between the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora out of Israel, and the 64 AD Great Christian Holocaust persecutions by the Romans ?

To me, the obvious answer to your thread's main inquiry above-- is that Rome never did anything half-way. If anything could be said about Rome, it could be summed up with the old mantra:

«Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer»

Rome had done its homework, hey, they nearly managed to fulfil the whole Apocalypse, well enough so that serious scholars even now, nearly two millennia after the fact, insist that Nero &al fulfilled the whole thing and that everything they didn't fulfil is to be understood metaphorically. Rome were experts in infiltration and breaking up hostile elements, creating inner fractions and setting their enemy up against itself, what we have come to recognise by the term:

«Divide and Conquer»

Rome is the classical "devil you know" the long lost friend suddenly joining the pack serving profound insights as means to, well, «dividing and conquering». So, as far as miracle goes, the «miracles» in question here, were the workings of the Beast, and at the time of John the Scribe, this Beast was the contemporary World Empire, the Roman Empire, who would later merge together with a false religion, who would promote a false Messiah, none other than the false-flag "saviour" IESVS, presented as a human sacrifice his God accepted, and whosoever would not believe this and confess the Beast's name (i.e. the Latin name), IESVS, would end in Hell to be tormented over and over in eternity, even a second death.

Compare the Ezra apocryphon to Suetonius' famous work «The Twelve Caesars». One could get the impression the two books were made to fulfil each other.
edit on 11-12-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: misc

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 08:24 AM
I have now found out that it took possibly two or three years between (1) the July 64 AD burning of Rome, and (2) the beginning of the great Christian Holocaust by the Romans that lasted for about 250 years.

Apparently it took two or three years for the Roman Emperor Nero to (1) suffer a build up of accusing against himself that he was the guilty one for the burning of Rome, and (2) Nero's efforts several years later then to blame the burning of Rome on the Christians of that time.

St. Paul had recently returned to Rome from escaping his death in Jerusalem, Israel, due to the Jewish leadership's false accusing and St. Paul's resulting Roman arrest and St. Paul's Roman guard return to Rome for his trial. St. Paul returned to Rome just a few years before the burning of Rome in July of 64 AD.

Therefore it was not very close to "six" years between (1) the beginning of the great Christian Holocaust by the Romans, and (2) the 70 AD burning and sacking of Jerusalem that was the start of the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora, as I had stated in error in my other prior posts.

But it was exactly "six" years between (1) the burning of Rome in July of 64 AD, and until (2) the burning and the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Romans.

And therefore this perfect timing of these historical events means that the 70 AD Jewish Diaspora out of Israel started on the Jewish Sabbath seventh year after the burning of Rome of July of 64 AD ( the seventh month ).

To me this is obviously a perfect and a direct communication from God, who orders all things perfectly according to God's plans.

But what exactly does this exact and precision communication from God mean ?

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: trader21
To me this is obviously a perfect and a direct communication from God, who orders all things perfectly according to God's plans.

But what exactly does this exact and precision communication from God mean ?

That it somehow takes an omnipotent God to count to six in your world?

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