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United Earth - New World Order or One World Government?

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posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

With that set of believes you have none, thank you very much.
How is believing that BS freedom?

I really have difficulty understanding you. What set of beliefs do you think I have? I'm just not sure we are on the same page, no offense. But let's say, yes I am against the NWO and against the One World Government. The reasons are many. One, I believe in national sovereignty and the preservation of individual identity, two the NWO goes against national sovereignty, three those who are pushing the NWO want to be the ones running everyone else's lives and controlling the world's resources, four if you knew who it was running the show and why you would agree with me(a hint, they are not nice people...think Bill Gates and John Holdren vaccines and involuntary sterilization as a means of depopulation Illuminati bloodlines in which the same people nephilim fallen ones keep reincarnating in the same families thus keeping the power and the money), five this is far more complex than just having a nice government with a world court to decide things and metaphysically speaking I doubt you are ready to hear what's really going on, but again metaphysically speaking it has been going on for aeons.
But hey if you loved the bread lines of the Cold War Soviet Union and the rationing of WWII, you're gonna looooove what they have for you now.
edit on 19-11-2014 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

As long as there are no perpetual wars against boogeymen, everyone has the right to a home, food, and clean water without a gun shoved in the back and the labor isn't excessive compared to benefits, then, sign me up for communisocia-whozitswhatnot NOW!!!

Waiting is nothing new in today's societies...

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
a reply to: Annee

It's the same thing, Annee. It's really not that difficult a concept.

No, it's not.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: SLAYER69

The only real avenue to success for a world government, is the creation of a Global Scientific Dictatorship. The need will arise to throw off the out-dated and barbaric systems of control, such as nations, religion, democracy. Global war is the result of these systems, during a time of advanced technologies. This form of governance will be formed as a result of the emerging world war we are seeing today.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: SLAYER69

Starting with the US, eliminate money first. Once all the banks, insurance companies, mortgage companies, insurance companies and everything else that only exists to facilitate the transfer of currency are gone, millions upon millions of people will be left with nothing to do.

Then require 3 days a week of civil service from every adult in the country until the age of 50. Every extra day worked will come off of your retirement date and every workday missed will add a day.

The goal of our society would be to eliminate jobs through automation rather than creating them. Corporations are already doing this and will continue to, so why not use it to OUR advantage instead of THEIRS?

I'd also make all recreational drugs legal, but I wouldn't require anyone to produce them. Same goes for alcohol and tobacco, if you want it, make it or grow it yourself.

Once we eliminate our currency and all foreign trade, China will have no choice but to follow suit, and the rest will fall like dominoes.

Of course this is just a pipe dream because you'll never convince everyone to go along with it, but then again you never know.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 11:13 PM
At this point in the "Recipe",
The "chefs" are having this exact

Unfortunately, it involves a much more
volatile choice of ingredients than were
available on Grandma's Spice Rack.

Per your thread title,
yes, Salt and Pepper will always be added.
The ratio of such opposites, however, is under Very
Serious Debate.

S&F Great Thread

Check out this Historical Waypoint Speach

Link Reagan on Peace and Prosperity: Warning : this will require 30 minutes of your attention.

Link :
edit on 20-11-2014 by Wildmanimal because: add somewhat unrelated link

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: SLAYER69

You can't change human nature.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

nephillim bloodlines? Illuminati? Depopulation?
that's where I disagree with you. "They" only can rule you if you bend. Sounds like you're already a little bit panic-ish.
There will be a turmoil, no question. Clashes of societes, believes, and classes.
Your bloodline doesn't matter as much as your soul, or personality, or what have you. Only the strong ones will survive and it's kind of overdue, if you look at all the crap that's procreating. Undecent unsmart people, give birth to even worth entitled little wracks.... natural selection: we skipped that for a few generations, because we got too wealthy. And look at the mess it got us in.

Now comes the part you don't have to agree with, because it touches mysticism:
All the "originals" are here, this is the point in our timeline, where we'll make the decission to what we will evolve. The earth is only one of the 9 gates every soul has to go through, and this is the first time in humanoid history we all gather here. To support the younglings, we all came here, because we share the same faith. All the decissions have impacts, on all the other 8 gates as well.

Back to reality: Bill Gates isn't necessarily a bad guy. He uses a lot of his money for benevolent projects. Some people have the ressources they got for a reason. The problem is the fictional system of currency in general. Or the human misinterpretation of fiction in general.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 05:05 AM
I appreciate everyone's participation and taking the time to post their thoughts. Pro, Con, Other..

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: SLAYER69

Our one world government will be created when we create the first super AI , it will control our human existence and govern us and help us shape our destiny

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: SLAYER69

It would take an astronomical shift in beliefs and priorities to unite every nation, and there are hundreds of them.

Or it would take a global catastrophe, which has always been the catalyst for action. It took the Indonesian Tsunami for some countries to implement Tsunami warning services,it took earthquakes to level half of Japan before more stable structures were designed, and it takes a heart attack for some people to change their lifestyles.

If a one world government was to become possible it needs to be a proactive and not reactive decision. As for what form of governance it should take, I have no idea. Maybe a new approach is needed.

edit on 20-11-2014 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-11-2014 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:50 AM
My opinion is further consolidation of power comes with a proportional increase in the fallacies historically demonstrated with centralization. How is the viewpoint, "-fill in the blank- organization/government just needs more bite, more legislation...etc to be effective at overcoming -fill in the blank- opposition", NOT an excellent example of Einstein's definition of insanity given the historical precedent set by centralization? I submit the following fallacies with consolidation of power:

1. Inefficiency at addressing local conditions/desires
2. Increasingly vulnerable to corruption as more power is merged into fewer offices of power
3. No precedent set by time-vetted natural systems. ie no species on earth has its needs/energy managed by only a few of its kind. This is because the laws of energy management in our universe, that is preeminent to all lifeforms, dictate that energy is exchanged locally and any long-distance action (other than quantum entanglement) suffers too much entropy.

What if, theoretically speaking, long ago wise people believed that we, like all other species, evolve out of an infinite awareness hidden somewhere inside of us in response to outward stimuli/conditions? And they knew that the solution comes from this place but the problem had to be generated first to accelerate the evolution. So they formed secret societies and started putting on shows like stupid inter-species world wars, or fiat currencies, or monarchies or...the Kardashians, knowing one day that the fetus of the next human would be delivered as a result. What if the internet is week 41 of the third trimester, and the "New World Order" isn't some dystopian organization but a headless body comprised of the ability for humans to learn from each other on a global setting but devote their energy in a manageable local environment. What if the secret societies themselves don't exist and the machinations of "the bogeyman" are coming from the same subjective/collective place that the evolution comes from?

Fun story, but I don't need it at all to know that a one-world government will be a fail based on the numbered list above. Natural systems seem to educate us that more centralization = more inefficiency/vulnerability and relatively recent human history seems to agree with this law.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

I like my personal liberty thank you very much.

and no one can take them from you unless you allow them to.

Do some research and you will understand my point of view.

I have read some or a bit of your material on here and think you have already researched yourself but have lost some valuable knowledge of the power your own will.

No one can take anything from you unless you allow it to be taken, If you fear what might happen to you or those around you if you refuse and hold your ground and allow that fear to dictate your will then made the choice to give up what ever was attempted to be taken.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 11:20 AM
Human keep human race go further and survive, the answer is that we have to spread through universe.
We cant stay on this beautiful small blue spot forever, can we?

Could also be that poweful people/families/bankers know that we are not alone, and for good or bad we have to get it together to tacle what may lay for us in the future. Wether you like it or not, the world have to unite...

Could be 500 years from now, they think what the h*** were they thinking, fighting against unity...

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 01:59 PM
First we can never allow a central figure to take control of the world. "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely". There is no way around it, even if a future world government works at first, one or two generations later it will be completely corrupt. And if you don't like the new laws where will you go to? Mars? See the recipe for disaster? We always need at least a Bipolar World. If we don't like one side we can always run to the other.

Want some ideas for a New World?

Want wars? Sure, lead the way... put them warmongers in the front lines along with their family and friends first.
Want to taxes us to hell? Sure, made them live under minimum wage and make them pay the same taxes we do first.

There is only one law that we should follow: Do not harm others (Physically, financially, etc). All problems come from not following this rule.

And by the way, all that crap that we need a World Government to stop all wars was their idea in the first place. Create wars so that after we can offer them the solution (League of Nations after WW1; United Nations after WW2). What they don't tell you is that there could never be any war without them leaders and bankers wanting so, the same leaders and bankers that are offering you the solution now.

just like they took control of the education system. They dumbed us down first and then accuse of us of being too stupid/dumb to rule ourselves. Well, no # Sherlock...

Remember this: The same guys that are offering you their solutions for the world (world peace, etc) are the same ones that created all the problems (world wars, poor education, poor politics, etc). ALWAYS!!!!

Want to tax people for breeding? Use weather weapons to completely # the world and West Coast of U.S and then blame the poor people for causing it and invent some carbon tax. It's the same tactic all along, they have been using them for ages and the retarded sheep can't seem to get it.

When they offer the solution after destroying half the world tell them to go f*** themselves, their leaders and their solutions. Tell them we rule ourselves now. Bittorrent kind of Politics is what we need.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 02:11 PM
I would think we would have to remove our nationalities and all see ourselves as humans and as citizens of the world. Our differences are always highlighted. We are insular and see ourselves as American or Russian or Chinese etc and view anyone else as an outsider. Our differences are always perpetuated by the media and the governments that currently exist.

Secondly, capitalism is a huge problem. Humanities rapacious greed and it's want for more and more seems to perpetuate an endless cycle of wars and violence.

Perhaps only a cataclysmic nuclear war would allow humanity to change it's attitude, but by that point there'd be very few people left to make much of anything.

Humanity could expend it's energies and resources together on space exploration or other scientific or medical advancements. Instead we operate our own individual national space programs and spend billions each year on weapons. New technology is often viewed in terms of it's military applicability.

A global government would seem good, but the potential for it to descend into tyranny are too great in my opinion.

The United Nations could be a small foundation to be built upon, but that organisation is weak and is bypassed and ignored when it suits the major powers and for that reason is largely ineffective - having no major way to enforce any of it's resolutions. On the other hand the European Union polarizes opinion, so the idea of a world government would probably be even more divisive.

Call me an idealist but how humanity is portrayed in Star Trek is the kind of world that we should aspire to. War and poverty have been eradicated (and in Star Trek lore, humanity came to this particular point only after undergoing a nuclear third World War) and there is equality for all.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: Vehemens

Want wars? Sure, lead the way... put them warmongers in the front lines along with their family and friends first.

Want to taxes us to hell? Sure, made them live under minimum wage and make them pay the same taxes we do first.

Stuff like this may sound good in print,

. . . but . . . have you ever been part of a group that had a great leader? Then the leader left and the group fell apart.

The world needs leaders.

IMO --- leaders are born. It's in their DNA ---- they just aren't like the rest of us. If you have a great leader, you don't send him/her to the front lines to be killed.

Logic and practicality can suck sometimes. But, it's also needed.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Annee

What? A good leader rode front line with his infantry! That's why people followed them, because they were willing to die for what they believe to be the right thing.
That's why we didn't have a good leader since Alexander, by your logic that line of DNA died out a while ago. And I don't want no pseudo heroic speech before I hold my head out in the wind, while the fine Mr.Leader gets pampered and spoiled...
Leader is the last thing a new world order needs, as mentioned a trillion times before in this thread:
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There can be no leader in a just world, because there would be no just world if people are led...
Seriously keep your sexual preferences in your bed, if you need a spanking and someone to command you around....
edit on -06:00America/ChicagoAmerica/ChicagopThursdayAmerica/Chicago by Peeple because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Annee

What? A good leader rode front line with his infantry! That's why people followed them, because they were willing to die for what they believe to be the right thing.

I knew someone would go this route.

This is not the middle ages. We are talking about the future.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: Peeple

Seriously keep your sexual preferences in your bed, if you need a spanking and someone to command you around....

Well that statement sure gives you credibility.

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