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Poll for all members (skeptics, debunkers, and believers) of ATS: Have you ever had a UFO sighting?

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posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: sHuRuLuNi

Well, not being the OP of the thread I can't answer that question, but IMHO it seems to be more of an "informal" poll, here are the latest "stats" on the "poll" which don't include most of the responses on the previous page:

edit on 4-10-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: correction

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: Deaner

Thanks for sharing. Did you report it to anyone?

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

So you equate seeing some kind of apparition or shadow with seeing some kind of craft in the sky?

No, I equate the hair standing up on the back of your neck when you see something in the sky with the hair standing up on the back of your neck when you see something in the woods, or an old house, or a cemetery, or a Scottish Loch.

Also, we do have numerous reporting centers/databases for UFO's such as NUFORC, MUFON and smaller other ones plus numerous other ones in various countries, yet I don't think anything of that type exists for fairies or ghosts.

Seriously? Are you that ill infoermed?

To report a ghost:

To report a fairy:

These phenomena have been researched by dedicated organizations much, much, longer than the UFO fad has been going on. Its ranks have included people like pioneering scientist Alfred Wallace and intellectuals like Arthur Conan Doyle.

Was there an equivalent report such as Project Bluebook, Project Grudge, Project Sign, Project Stork, The Robertson Panel, the Condon Report, the Cometa Report done on ghosts or fairies?

Too many to name!

edit on 4-10-2015 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: DJW001

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: DJW001

I don't know, I think many people know about Project Bluebook and organizations like MUFON and NUFORC, they are sometimes referenced in the news and movies and TV, I have never seen any "fairy" reporting organizations or "ghost" reporting organizations referenced in the news, tv or movies.

Anyway, all the projects I mentioned were under the direction of the government, really, you didn't reference any projects related to fairies of ghosts, just a couple of unknown civilian organizations. Please mention some government projects equivalent to Project Grudge, Bluebook, the Condon report or the Robertson Panel on fairies and ghosts and I will concede the point.

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: cuckooold

I've never seen anything in the sky I could not identify. However, I have had some uncanny experiences that most people would take as evidence of ghosts. I do not believe in ghosts, although the mind can play some very convincing tricks. I submit that there are similar mechanism at work when people have "numinous" encounters, whether with ghosts, fairies, or extraterrestrials.

So you equate seeing some kind of apparition or shadow with seeing some kind of craft in the sky?

Also, we do have numerous reporting centers/databases for UFO's such as NUFORC, MUFON and smaller other ones plus numerous other ones in various countries, yet I don't think anything of that type exists for fairies or ghosts. Was there an equivalent report such as Project Bluebook, Project Grudge, Project Sign, Project Stork, The Robertson Panel, the Condon Report, the Cometa Report done on ghosts or fairies?

More notable UFO projects

Shocking COMETA report

edit on 4-10-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

I don't know, I think many people know about Project Bluebook and organizations like MUFON and NUFORC, they are sometimes referenced in the news and movies and TV, I have never seen any "fairy" reporting organizations or "ghost" reporting organizations referenced in the news, tv or movies.

That's because you only watch TV shows about UFOs, not ghosts. I have a friend who hosts a cable network show about ghosts. She gets mail from all around the world reporting sightings. Are you saying those people are less reliable than the people who report UFOs?

Anyway, all the projects I mentioned were under the direction of the government, really, you didn't reference any projects related to fairies of ghosts, just a couple of unknown civilian organizations. Please mention some government projects equivalent to Project Grudge, Bluebook, the Condon report or the Robertson Panel on fairies and ghosts and I will concede the point.

The government investigated UFO reports because some of them might actually have been Soviet aircraft! Ever hear of the Cold War?

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: DJW001

I don't watch TV.

So you are saying there are no reports/projects that are the equivalent of Bluebook, Grudge, etc mentioned above done by the government on fairies and ghosts? Sure I've heard of the Cold War. I also know that the possibility that ET's are interacting with our planet is more significant for most people than if ghosts and fairies are interacting with our planet.

Did you see the title of the French Cometa report, put together by some very high-level French scientists, military officials and civil servants? Part of the title, translated from French, was, "what should we be prepared for?" and I don't think they were referring to space junk, stars, satellites, weather balloons or Chinese lanterns.


I think it is quite obvious and reasonable that governments and the populace of the world would treat the topics of UFO's/ET's vs ghosts/fairies quite differently for obvious and rational reasons, hey, if you would like to disagree despite all evidence to the contrary it is your right - like it says in your signature I would defend your right to disagree.

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

So you are saying there are no reports/projects that are the equivalent of Bluebook, Grudge, etc mentioned above done by the government on fairies and ghosts?

That's because no-one has figured out a way to weaponize ghosts or fairies. If soldiers in the Black Forest started reporting werewolf attacks, you bet those would get investigated. (There were and they were!)

Sure I've heard of the Cold War. I also know that the possibility that ET's are interacting with our planet is more significant for most people than if ghosts and fairies are interacting with our planet.

The people who believe that the fairies are here to help humanity evolve to the next level of consciousness would disagree with you there.

Did you see the title of the French Cometa report, put together by some very high-level French scientists, military officials and civil servants? Part of the title, translated from French, was, "what should we be prepared for?" and I don't think they were referring to space junk, stars, satellites, weather balloons or Chinese lanterns.

Yes, but they weren't a government panel, either. I agree that we should be prepared to contact other intelligent species some day... but they won't respect us if we can't tell the difference between a spaceship and a flock of birds.

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 06:22 PM
A close encounter in northern california. Two weeks later tall blondes told me to keep my mouth shut. The night of the encounter I woke up in the middle of the room totally disoriented, also happened to my roommate.

Very strange.

posted on Oct, 5 2015 @ 06:27 PM
Between 2008 and 2013 I definitely had over 1,500 UFO encounters. I encountered remote flown drones, which flew by creating artificial gravity in their engines! I also saw UFO which created artificial gravity which could have been manned due to their shear size. I may well have had over 3000 encounters with UFO since 2001, but I can no longer count the amount of UFO I have seen.

UFO exist and fly by creating artificial gravity in their engines! If you don't believe UFO exist, seeing is believing and good luck finding out that UFO are real because it's a real eye opener on a variety of subjects!

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 09:51 AM
I saw my 4th UFO last week, typical white orb at high altitude. I thought it was a star until it pulled a huge spiral and shot straight up and faded away.
Luckily my partner and son saw it so they don't think I'm making it up any more!

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 10:15 AM
I live in Washington D.C. My West facing window is a great place to spot Ufos. I've seen a disk release two orbs in opposite directions. Through my telescope I've seen transparent objects actually change shape. Airplanes and helicopters are a common sight, so picking out something else is easy.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 07:29 AM
Great reports! So for any of the above posters, did you report your sightings to any of the National UFO reporting agencies like MUFON or NUFORC?

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 09:08 AM
My wife and I had a pretty close up sighting of a UFO (flying disc) about 6 years ago as it flew over our house one night, need to get to 5 replies before I can post a topic on it to let everyone know the details. Was a 'jaw dropping' moment for us both, changed our lives forever.... Including that my Wife has seen 3 UFO's in her life - although she has no real interest in it and frankly gets upset talking about the subject....

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 09:28 AM
I have seen a UFO. I am still a skeptic.

I was working out of town, and I was trying to get a little sleep in the truck... between 11-midnight. I could see an aircraft approaching in the distance, and as i watched, I saw a light sequence of arrows move out towards the wings. A second sequence of light arrows move towards the head and tail. As I watched in aww, it made a very quick 90 degree turn, accelerated at a mind numbing speed and vanished. I spent the next thirty minutes watching the reflections of passing traffic on my windows, wondering if what I saw was a reflection. I had just worked 17 hours, so I was very exhausted.

I had also seen what I think was ball lightning when I was 15-16.
edit on 10-10-2015 by onthedownlow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2015 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: cuckooold

I can recall about 15-20 different sightings in the sky,mostly at night

I witnessed an object at night (still day light due to being summer time) in the "licking county" st.Louisville,ohio area on july14th 200.I saw a huge 747 plane flight very low (that alone caught my attention) to the ground around it was flying on by i noticed a tiny gray ball of light suddenly fly right next to the right stayed side by side with the plane,heading south,until i could no longer see either one.the plane was big and the oval shaped gray ball of light was 1/4 size of that was no cloud or missile.The object's center was dark gray,middle layer was a lighter gray and the outside layer was an even lighter gray.

If anybody else witnessed this,please respond back

my mother and her brother (who are both serious minded people) had an ufo experience on the same property within a short time after me at night.she claims this colorful object moved so fast in the sky,she couldnt catch the trails it left behind as it sped moved very,very,very fast and then came to a complete hault.she was convinced this was no man made aircraft.only reason she knew it moved unbelievably fast,one second it was over there and the next it was way over there.I believe her,why? she never was the joking around type of person.Her brother,an even more serious minded person,told me the same story.they both watched it together.He claims he had no idea what it was and how it moved all around,bouncing around in different directions.he was clueless,he was a witness.

On July25th,05 i was coming back home after leaving mansfield.A 95% clear crystal night during the summer.I noticed a red tear drop shaped object,which looked like it was on fire on the sides.Not in a burning sense,but wavey motion state.rather highly guessing it was few miles in the sky and about 3-4 miles away give and didnt move that i stayed in one spot.i followed it using zigzag formations on the backroads.i didnt want to lose sight of it! I'm driving home,using all back roads closest to this object,while looking up in the sky.this lasted a good 5-10 mins.Here's the kicker,when it vanished,it closed in on itself and poof,gone! just like turning off the tv,the screen closes in on itself towards the middle and then nothing,same difference.

I'm not saying these were alien space crafts,high tech man made aircrafts,satellites or meteorites.All i'm saying is i saw objects of some sort in the sky unlike any other (to rule out my sanity and keep myself grounded).My money says,yes they weren't from around here,not from earth.

posted on Oct, 11 2015 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: cuckooold
edit on 11-10-2015 by Dripper because: i added it twice by accident

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 11:18 PM
I have seen a few things in the sky I couldn't identify, but what does that mean? Nothing, nothing at all. Maybe that I am a poor observer but that's probably all...

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:46 AM
In July 2002 , I was fortunate enough to witness a very large U.F.O ,
at close range , for over an hour ...
I was out fishing one night , alone in my small sailboat . There was no moon ,
90% cloud cover , and an approaching thunderstorm , 50 km. away.
Drifting because of no wind , and reclining in the cockpit , at 2 a.m ,
I noticed in the sky, 10km. to my south , three solid , bright red lights in a
triangular formation . They were separated by 200 metres ., and approaching
my position at 15 knots , altitude 300 metres . As they came closer , I noticed
another three red lights following , 4 km. behind . This immediately got my
attention , and looking around I saw two more sets of red lights ,
equi-distant and at 90 degrees to the others . I was between several small
islands , and can accurately report it's overall dimensions as being 5km.
across .
As it slowly passed directly overhead , it's underside was illuminated from
the lights of a nearby city , 40km. away . It was a massive disc , with turrets ,
antennae , and one very large , brilliant white spotlight in the middle.
It was making a quiet and low buzzing noise , and took 30 mins. to pass
overhead . As it moved to the North , I could plainly see it was an
upside down saucer shape .
I don't drink or do drugs , this is as real as it gets .
There was nothing in the media about it the next day , and it passed an
International airport on it's way north ...
... and no it wasn't an R/C balloon swamp gas Venus lantern disinfo thingy.
At 3:30 a.m , the daily commercial jets screamed overhead towards
the airport , at 5000 feet , tiny and loud .
I am a very experienced seaman/bushman , and this is not my only
encounter .,( although the largest so far )
I have had contact of the fourth kind , and can assure you , they were
of the benevolent kind .... maybe another time

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: radarloveguy

This disc took 30 minutes to pass overhead? Really? And no one else saw it or reported it? If you were in the middle of the Pacific I could understand no one else seeing it........what part of the country were you in?

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