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Jehovah's Witnesses: Behind Their Lies

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posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 02:48 PM
I don't remember the rules on how many youtube videos you can link to, so excuse me if I'm breaking them.

Matthew 5: 11, 12:

“Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. 12 Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens, for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you."

So, keep it coming, how about these accusations (some more material for ye):

Or these:

Who are the brainwashers again?

And who are being brainwashed to commit acts of violence against those who will not conform to the brainwashing?

And what's the result of all the propagandistic lies repeated here and other places as well as historical propaganda?

And what are Jehovah's Witnesses doing in the meantime:

Don't miss out on the language switch at 2:49:

since I'm probably breaking rules anyway, here's one more, I couldn't resist cause it's appropiate when speaking of persecution and lies/propaganda:

edit on 30-10-2014 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

Matthew 5: 11, 12:

“Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake.

What has any ex-JW here said that was a lie?

Did Francis Chan lie about or persecute those two sisters who came to his door?

Like I said in response to Char-Lee "They constantly publish stories about their martyrs" you are trying to paint yourself as lied against and persecuted in this thread? Come on, go get yourself some real persecution, like in Saudi Arabia or somewhere where they really persecute JWs - just like these Christians VOM

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 10:04 PM
The persecution thing is BIG with the JWs. They are convinced that they, and they alone, will undergo real persecution at the hand of Satan's minions. They wait....and the idea that it's coming. It's just around the corner. Hang on. Stand firm. It's going to happen. Wait...don't lose it comes. Just a little while longer.

Then when it doesn't happen (like 1975), they blame their rank and file by saying they misunderstood. Or, their leadership changes things up and callsl it "new light". The old light was faulty evidently (bad connection with the Holy Spirit, I guess) and it started blinking and voila! New light!! The old stuff no longer applies.

Hey, I don't care what religion one chooses as an adult. As I said in a previous post, the children raised in the JW mindset are at risk should they ever decide to leave. Their lifelong friends and family members shun them and treat them like lepers. It's sad to watch a really good and decent person who has chosen a different spiritual path be treated like this. And, the JWs have a scripture for anything and everything. They twist the scriptures like a pretzel and make it all sound so right. Sad.
edit on 30-10-2014 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 04:15 AM
I found the answer to the question at 2:24 in the first video I posted rather funny, quote:

"It's hard to say why they're being picked on..."

Uhhh, perhaps because of faked videos like you just participated in, PAINTING a picture of a threat to society filled with slanderous propagandistic lies like half-truths? Even intermixing videos of real Jehovah's Witnesses with... lol, a guy dressed up as an Indian? Some snake worshipper or something? What was that? Reminds me of the chanting thing claimed by the OP though, but of course Cinrad would just argue that I'm doing the painting or point out that Russia Today never actually said that the videos were all Jehovah's Witnesses, how convenient, or like his previous comment, ignore the whole content of the video and switch to something else even though the same arguments and views in the first 2 videos are repeated all over this thread, never happened, just like the OP with his chanting thing, all the historical and ongoing persecution, switching the topic to me personally in a very sneaky way, as if I even matter in this thread, just your usual ATS ad hominem, then admitting that JW's are persecuted but saying it in a way that tries to make it less of a big deal and allows for people to brush away or completely ignore in the first place especially that which is pointed out in video 3 and 4, nothing to see here. Continuing the quote:

"...They do have a very bad image, both in the media and among the public in general..."

Jee, how could that be, after we just made such a nice video? Why oh why could they possibly get such a bad image in the media and among the public in general? Hmm, let's ignore the past too, well, unless we can dig up something like queenofswords just did which we can use against them, we know that trick very well, we teach it all the time to the fans of our favorite politicians as well. Let's dig 'm all up.

oops, wrong one, let me try again:

Oops, I must be trying to sneak in subjects that nobody brought up, let's ask the question "what has any ex-JW here said that was a lie?", that'll destroy the evidence that conspiracy exposers like Fritz Springmeier (not his birthname), David Icke, atheists, trinitarians, politicians, lots of mainstream media, professed Satanists and ex-satanists, and on and on all have many different views but they all seem to agree on one thing when it comes to propagandistic lies about Jehovah's Witnesses:

It's Ooohkay.

Some of 'm actually love this stuff. See, you aren't as divided as you all might think. You're all on the same road/side when it comes to (the name) Jehovah and his witnesses... atheists, agnosts, creationists and new agers alike (and I'm sure I forgot some terms in that list).
edit on 31-10-2014 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 07:34 AM
I am going to call BS. For one thing, you mention that they spoke in tongues. JWs do not believe in speaking in tongues. Your whole story felt made up like you have an agenda against JWs. I want to know why?

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 08:00 AM
Anyone ever notice how, no matter how 'out of the box' the question you ask, 'they' that an answer?
Although I did talk down one old lady about the deluge, according the JV, the deluge came from the sky, enough water in the clouds to cover the whole world? really? the water encircled the world, right, in space? right, well then it would be solid ice, not water, and the world would freeze solid, sunlight being deflected away by the ice, that caused her thinking gears to jamb for a bit, untill she realised god would not let the water freeze!!! Dear lord, why do you pick the dumbasses?

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: pikestaff

I just found this on google searching for "water in the stratosphere", it's a different subject but it shares some interesting facts what happens to the temperature if water vapor in the stratosphere increases (if the old lady said "space", that's probably because she's not an expert). The article says:

"Climate Myth: Water vapor in the stratosphere stopped global warming

A new study authored by Susan Solomon, lead author of the study and a researcher at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colo. could explain why atmospheric carbon is not contributing to warming significantly. According to the study, as carbon levels have risen, the cold air at high altitudes over the tropics has actually grown colder. The lower temperatures at this "coldest point" have caused global water vapor levels to drop, even as carbon levels rise. Water vapor helps trap heat, and is a far the strongest of the major greenhouse gases, contributing 36–72 percent of the greenhouse effect. However more atmospheric carbon has actually decreased water vapor levels. Thus rather than a "doomsday" cycle of runaway warming, Mother Earth appears surprisingly tolerant of carbon, decreasing atmospheric levels of water vapor -- a more effective greenhouse gas -- to compensate. (Daily Tech)"

I see no reason why it should (all) freeze just because there's more of it, since it'll get warmer with more water vapor in the stratosphere allowing in turn for more water at higher altitudes again, because it's getting warmer from the inside/the earth's side. In case you're unfamiliar with how heat works, try reading up on some of Newton's work on this subject. What happens to heat in your room, like the heat coming of whatever you're using to heat your room? Ever tried checking with your hands where it's going? This also had an effect on global climate btw, for which there is very strong evidence available for those who care concerning that period.

quote: Dear lord, why do you pick the dumbasses?

Making fun of people concerning subjects you don't understand yourself very well because you possibly never really cared studying it in a little bit more detail anyway, has little effect on those who have. But hey, in terms of the effect on those who haven't or want to see some ridicule because it 'tickles their ears' (just what they wanted to hear, see 2 Tim. 4:3,4), it works quite effective in getting them to embrace ignorance and not even take 1 minute to google something such as what I've quoted above, so they can dismiss the biblical account without giving it a 2nd thought (which is usually their primary objective, not actually learning something new or finding out the truth of the matter). Sigh, if people could only do the same with methodological naturalism/philosophical naturalism, i.e. 'Mother Nature did it' no matter what, damn the evidence, all hail the Great We Don't Know (Yet) when we are asked for evidence of our belief/assumption/unspoken or forbidden to be spoken claim that Mother Nature did it. That would safe them so much time studying subjects as punctuated equilibrium, abiogenesis, the multiverse, apemen, aquatic apemen A.K.A. mermaids, walking whales and similar fantasies. But I guess on those subjects skepticism isn't allowed for some people.
edit on 31-10-2014 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

I forgot to point out the usage of the term "Mother Earth" in that scientific article, which is (if you check wiki/google) another term for "Mother Nature" and was called Gaia by the Zeus-worshipping Pagan philosophers who promoted evolutionary philosophies long before the word "evolution" became popular (but they were less dishonest and secretive with their 'Mother Nature did its' and worshipping Mother Nature as one of their gods).

They are quite fond of that term in scientific articles, sometimes they'll just use the phrase, 'nature found a way to...', as if nature can think and look for solutions and make decisions like a god. Methodological naturalism, philosophical naturalism and the unspoken 'Mother Nature did it' is all over the place.

Ignore everything after 1:41 and take note of (and resist) how the book quoted in this video is promoting/propagandizing/marketing this Pagan Mother Nature and Zeus-worshipping philosopher Anaximander, especially at 0:20 (he got his ideas from somewhere else again, but I'm trying to keep my number of videos limited and short, so it won't take much of your time to watch):

Ignore everything after 2:47 unless you wanna see more propaganda and misinformation:

This one screws up with his biblical quote concerning philosophy and science (I think he's stumbling a bit on his words or something, I dunno, it's a bit confusing so either look up the verse yourselves or just ignore that short part of the video, and the sharp edges, I think he was a bit pissed off when he made that video, he says a lot of true things though):

Here's someone who uses different bible quotations for the warning the guy above is trying to give concerning philosophy that is falsely called/billed/marketed as science (from the Latin "scientia" meaning knowledge, hence, this translation quoted below uses the word "knowledge" rather than science, just to fill in that gap from the video above, the rest might be interesting to some people as well since it's related to the OP, so just to get back on-topic, which apparently was telling "lies" ABOUT "Jehovah's Witnesses", rather than the title of this topic if you read through the OP and many comments from people that jumped on the bandwagon, btw thanks for everyone who pointed out how ridiculous the OP was and who didn't fall for it completely, even though their minds were affected by reading it anyway and some of the comments on it):

edit on 4-11-2014 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: whereislogic


edit on 5-11-2014 by iNobody because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: Fopicon
You don't hear about Jehovah's Witnesses in the media that often if at all. They do exist and they are becoming a widely accepted religion. I was born into a JW family and continued showing interest in the religion as I got older. A growing problem within the JW congregations (churches) is the younger ones who do some sort of wrongful act that is against the pre-set rules. This can be anything but not limited to smoking, drugs, alcohol or premarital sex.

At the age of 16 I had become our congregations youngest Ministerial Servant. There are two "ranks" in a congregation. Ministerial Servant and Elder. I'll link sources to various bits of information at the end of this post.

When I turned 17 I had started to slowly drift away from my duties as a MS and the Elders took quick notice of this. I was called in to have a meeting with the Elders and other MS. The Elders were sending one MS and one Elder to Bethel. Bethel is basically the JW HQ. I was chosen along with the Elder who recommended I should be appointed MS. I had known him for my entire life and felt more calm about heading to Bethel after my recent divided attention towards congregation duties. I must mention that by this time I had started to actually read what JW's are all about despite being born into the religion. The Internet was my source for much of the information I researched. I didn't have many doubts at that point in time regarding the beliefs. While I did read some disturbing information and rumors, I tried to push them aside and let Jehovah strengthen me with "power that is beyond normal" to get through this.

My first week at Bethel was very pleasant. I learned so much from the brothers and sisters there. I even got to meet several "144,000". A few around my own age! This is great I thought. These young brothers and sisters can help get me through this moment of doubt and lack of attention. I was more excited now. Everyone there was very nice and polite. Humbling and modest. Most JW's are. "144,000" or not.

(side note: please excuse any grammars or anything that doesn't quite make sense, I'm very tired as of typing this. thank you for understanding.)

Move ahead two weeks from the initial week. This is now my third week at Bethel. The night before my third week there I had a strange dream. I've never had one quite like it at that point in my life. Elders and MS were present in a dark room. The atmosphere felt very uneasy. I felt fear and terror. I woke soon after. I shrugged it off without a second thought. It's just a dream I told myself. My mind was just overactive I told myself.

When we headed to sleep on the third week I had decided to stay awake and roam about the various buildings and rooms that were connected in tunnels and sky walks. I had no intentions. I was just wandering about and checking everything out. I had found it was much more empty than the other nights. Security guards were roaming the halls which isn't unusual. In fact, one of them asked if I was lost and looking for the Elders. I told him I was not lost but asked about the Elders. He shook his head and waved with his hand to follow him. We walked for some time it seemed. In one of the main hallways was what appeared to be a small crack in the wall. Come to find out it was not just a crack in the wall but instead a door that is opened by pushing and holding that area for a few brief seconds. Stairs led down and the guard waved me on. I told him thank you and slowly made my way down the stairs. The walls and flooring wasn't like the style in the main areas. The walls were white and the floor was a very smooth marble. Looked like something from a movie.

What I heard next is something I thought I would never hear. What I saw still "haunts" me to this day. The Elders were there. My friend and mentor was also present. The chanting was surreal. They spoke in tongues and often mentioned "power beyond what is normal" and chanted more frequently about the "144,000".

"Our lord, we your faithful servants, doing your will, commanding your slaves, bring you offerings of the apostates who spoil your name, hear us lord, fill us with power that is beyond normal, let us perform acts through your power"

Jehovah's Witnesses are not what they appear to be. When I left for home. I committed acts against the religion such as drugs, sex and drinking. I was disfellowshipped. Exiled from my family. Forgotten. We often talk of the Illuminati or Freemasons. Or any other countless societies. This too is one to add to that list. While they maintain an image to is positive and pure to "the slaves", they also maintain something far more insidious behind closed doors.

I have to stop here. I am far too tired to continue right now. I will be replying to posts and adding more to what I've found tomorrow. For now I ask you to comment and let me know if you've ever experienced anything similar or heard about strange things.

Ok, I believe that you were a "Ministerial Servant" at Jehovah's Witnesses HQ in Brooklyn, New York, and there one night found some "Elders" that you say "spoke in tongues"

Here's my question: "normally" when other sects "speak in tongues" we don't understand anything they say, it's like listening to a foreign language. While your "Elders" spoke english, so I don't quite understand why you call it "speaking in tongues" ? or is "chanting" and "speaking in tongues" the same thing for you ? And in which building did this happen ?

edit on 28-11-2014 by Ove38 because: text fix

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:42 AM

originally posted by: Char-Lee
I don't get that any religion is a cult anymore than another unless something like snake handling. The JWs worship the same as almost all except they don't call their buildings churches but call the people the church correctly.

What the JW's are presenting to mankind is a counterfeit gospel.

A counterfeit is something that looks almost exactly like the real thing, but isn't the real thing.

To a spiritually undiscerning mind, the JW scam looks awfully convincing, because it is almost just like reality.

Our world is FULL of imitations! WHY should religion be any different?

Now, passing counterfeit money is a crime, causing inconvenience, loss and disappointment to the victim. But counterfeit religion is even worse. It’s deceptive, because it looks so much like the real thing. But sooner or later, it will catch up with the person who tries to pass it off as genuine religion. And when that happens, people get hurt; especially the people who know genuine religion. They often get turned off on all religion, and want nothing more to do with it.

Counterfeit or Genuine

When the Secret Service trains its members to recognize counterfeit money, they begin by studying and learning the genuine article. They study in great detail all of its protections, its paper and markings, and the very smallest details to ensure they know the “real thing” better than anything. A bank teller deals with money all day long and he or she can get a good feel of the currency and know the “real thing” from experience and handling the bills on a daily basis.

We begin by finding the genuine article by looking at the name…one that honors its founder and creator. As Christ pointed out to Peter, in Matthew 16:18, Christ is the founder…any other is an imposter/man-made/counterfeit.

Counterfeit Religion

MUST read books for Jehovah's Witnesses who have any doubt about whether or not the JW organization is a cult...

If you want to learn the truth of the JW’s I suggest you read two books by Raymond Franz “Crisis of Conscience” and “In Search of Christian Freedom”. Franz was born into the JW’s, his parents already involved with them for many years. During his 60 years with them Franz served at every level including serving as one of the ‘governing body’ for 10 years, the highest level possible to reach in this organization. During his life long membership with them Franz witnessed many atrocities that caused him to leave this Satanic cult. I strongly suggest that anyone wishing to know more about the JW’s read these two books which expose the JW’s for what they truly are, I assure you, you will be stunned beyond belief when you read the heartless schemes of this joyless religion.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

Total joke IMO. Just look DEEP into the history of what you call REAL religions.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 02:06 PM
Jehovah's Witnesses have been known to use young sexy looking girls to entice young lads (Like me a long time ago) and prey on old people living alone to try and get their cash when they die.

Sorry but the ones that keep door knocking are like vultures from what I have seen and you should warn old people falling into the trap.

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Shana91aus

Forgive me for a late post, but I thought I would add an experience. My drinking, drug-taking neighbour is a jehovah's witness. His mother is here for a holiday. We got into discussion about their religion, with her insisting she knows all there is to know. Trying to ridicule me and my intelligence, my right to free thought. She told me about the fbi in New York. Basically, she claimed that the fbi told a member ("whom she knows"), that the UN are working with the jehovah's witnesses to install a one world religion.

So maybe what she was saying has some credibility. I don't know. I just know I choose to steer clear of any organised religion. Kindness, love and good intentions should be all that matters.

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: absentia
a reply to: Shana91aus

Forgive me for a late post, but I thought I would add an experience. My drinking, drug-taking neighbour is a jehovah's witness. His mother is here for a holiday. We got into discussion about their religion, with her insisting she knows all there is to know. Trying to ridicule me and my intelligence, my right to free thought. She told me about the fbi in New York. Basically, she claimed that the fbi told a member ("whom she knows"), that the UN are working with the jehovah's witnesses to install a one world religion.

So maybe what she was saying has some credibility. I don't know. I just know I choose to steer clear of any organised religion. Kindness, love and good intentions should be all that matters.

JW's are working with the UN to install a one world religion???? Really? She told you that? Then she is not a JW because JW's teach that the United Nations is "the image of the wild Beast" mentioned in Revelation.

They have always put the UN in a negative light (rightfully so, imo) and taught that it is a tool of Satan. But in the 90's they signed up as an NGO (a non-government organization) for the United Nations. They did this in secret keeping it from their rank and file members. When the Internet proliferated and everyday people finally had easy access to computers and the web, this information was discovered and created a pretty big stink among some JWs. The Watchtower Society (JWs publishing arm) removed their membership, but the damage was done. They slyly claimed it was to have access to the UN library. However, the average JW is unaware of this little nugget of info.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 02:06 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords

originally posted by: absentia
a reply to: Shana91aus

Forgive me for a late post, but I thought I would add an experience. My drinking, drug-taking neighbour is a jehovah's witness. His mother is here for a holiday. We got into discussion about their religion, with her insisting she knows all there is to know. Trying to ridicule me and my intelligence, my right to free thought. She told me about the fbi in New York. Basically, she claimed that the fbi told a member ("whom she knows"), that the UN are working with the jehovah's witnesses to install a one world religion.

So maybe what she was saying has some credibility. I don't know. I just know I choose to steer clear of any organised religion. Kindness, love and good intentions should be all that matters.

JW's are working with the UN to install a one world religion???? Really? She told you that? Then she is not a JW because JW's teach that the United Nations is "the image of the wild Beast" mentioned in Revelation.

They have always put the UN in a negative light (rightfully so, imo) and taught that it is a tool of Satan. But in the 90's they signed up as an NGO (a non-government organization) for the United Nations. They did this in secret keeping it from their rank and file members. When the Internet proliferated and everyday people finally had easy access to computers and the web, this information was discovered and created a pretty big stink among some JWs. The Watchtower Society (JWs publishing arm) removed their membership, but the damage was done. They slyly claimed it was to have access to the UN library. However, the average JW is unaware of this little nugget of info.

Hate to mention it to you "quuenie" but your information is old and has been debunked already.

Here's a link if you're interested.

quit spreading inaccurate propaganda.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: edmc^2

Every bit of the information you provided is coming from something published by the Watchtower Society....merely their own attempt to obscure the truth of the matter. When I have time and can stomach it, I will read all of it. But, I have the original somewhere around here that I printed directly off the site from years and years ago. I will trust my own eyes and heart before I ever trust that real-estate-investment-and-publishing-company-posing-as-religion bunch with their old light/new light/blinking light propaganda.

edit on 23-12-2014 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 08:30 PM
Okay. I started the reading. Two chapters is all I can stomach of their excuses and their dancing around the real issue. I will read the rest, however, at a later date and make my comments.

Quoted from your link:

Chapter 1
The Watchtower Society, the legal corporation used by Jehovah's Witnesses, immediately withdrew the DPI NGO membership. They explained that the requirements for being a DPI NGO had changed since they first signed up in 1992, and they then thanked The Guardian for bringing the matter to their attention.

How convenient for them. Wow! If The Guardian hadn't brought it to their attention, they never would have "gotten the memo" about the changes in the requirements to continue as a DPI NGO. Hmmmm. Sure... they immediately withdrew their membership... because the cat was out of the bag! Regular rank and file members saw it with their own two eyes and began to question The Society's association with "the unclean thing".

· The Watchtower Society became associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in 1992.
· The Guardian's report led to the Watchtower Society ending the membership in 2001.

Chapter 2
The Watchtower Society was a totally different type of NGO associated with a different UN department — the Department of Public Information (DPI). Accusers deny this, and claim the differences are “irrelevant facts”, when we can clearly see that is not how the UN feels about the matter. Let us now examine the original Resolutions of the United Nations to show the difference between ECOSOC and DPI NGOs.

Good try. But, for decades the Watchtower Society preached against the UN....they weren't even to "touch the unclean thing". Yet here they are applying to them as a DPI NGO.

Also, how many articles did they publish condemning the work of the UN during the years they were "touching the unclean thing"?? Man! Back before they began this association, they were always coming out with material about how the United Nations is the image of the wild beast....the unclean thing....the 8th world power. The articles were clearly negative and sometimes forcefully so. But, during that decade they were an NGO, how scathing were they toward the UN? I dare you to research that.

Two chapters was all I could take of their propaganda and BS. I'll read the rest later.

edit on 24-12-2014 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

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