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Bill Maher on Liberals That Defend Muslim Atrocities

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posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: tadaman

In all fairness to him, he makes some good points, by our standards in the western world.

He does seem to forget that the US is part of the world, but is not the world, and that alot of the world doesn't conform to western standards. And yet he sits and judges.

And yes, he's right, some religions have their dark sides, and those dark sides should not be condoned or celebrated or excused.

But should the people who practice those things, and who have been practicing them for centuries be condemed and castigated and isolated because they simply don't know any better - or should they be allowed time to experience something different and become educated instead?

Of course, those from such societies who solely choose violence and disruption as means of expression without recourse to people's lives deserve all that is coming to them, but those people are in a minority.

And if the majority are judged on the basis of the minority, then no one will ever learn anything except hate.

And those who are lucky enough to be afforded a different, more pleasant lifestyle/culture/religious viewpoint by the random act of birthplace but choose to spread hate out of ignorance, or feigned superiority also need to understand their place in the hate cycle as well. They perpetuate it just as much.

Up until about 20 years ago, the world was a much more segregated place. It is only with the advent of the computer age and the internet that we are all really getting a good look at each other. Before that we had narrow, focussed snapshots of what is a vast world.

Everyone still has a whole lot to learn

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: neformore

I agree with what you say. I think Mahers main problem and one that rings throughout his little monologue in this clip is that he just doesnt respect or even tolerate religion. While he made good points, I feel he went a little too far into his own personal ethos and that bled through into his words.

Like with all things, a grain of salt and ones own discretion are required.

You are also correct in that we have much to learn.

Have a good one. Hold it down.

edit on 9 30 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: neformore

I agree with what you say. I think Mahers main problem and one that rings throughout his little monologue in this clip is that he just doesnt respect or even tolerate religion. While he made good points, I feel he went a little too far into his own personal ethos and that bled through into his words.

Is it wrong to not respect a religion you find immoral? The reason I find Islam dangerous, is because it calls for my death on several issues. When it doesn't call for death, it still oppresses women and has many other laws that go against my morals.

Why am i expected to respect something just because it calls itself a religion? Why can't I be intolerant of an ideology that goes against everything i believe, and orders my death?

I respect Buddhism, and other religions that don't demand my death. Buddhism offers all the same views of peace, minus the jealous monotheistic tyrant. Jainism seems nice, I can respect them and every other religion that leaves me alone, but Islam is easily the worst religion I know of. Many of it's followers fear that god so much, that this post speaking out against violence, would turn them violent against me or at the very least they'd see me as blasphemous/evil for daring to question the morals of their violent oppressive god.

edit on Seppm04pm302014-09-30T16:00:07-05:0004America/Chicago by mahatche because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: mahatche

Its not wrong or immoral to choose or even to judge on a personal level. No. That is entirely up to your discretion.

I was referring to the tone and direction of Mahers commentary. While I agree with him on this one subject, I will say that his over all thought on religion falls short to adequately quantify human spirituality. He denies it all together. I think that is wrong.

How you go about that is up to you. I personally think that even satanism is valid if thats what is valid to you. I dont see Muslims as being any different from the rest of human religions. I would personally choose a more custom and case specific form of spirituality. I think it to be entirely personal and only between you and your source. Anything else done with others of similar mindsets is just brain storming or pooling assets for a common goal.

I have learned allot from Islam. I would hate to think that one day it might be gone- just like I would for any faith. Its all valid if valid to you IMO.

edit on 9 30 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 06:32 PM
Maher is a religious bigot. He hates ALL religion.
Any chance he has to paint a whole religion in a negative light with blatant demagoguery he will do.

It’s like asking a Klansmen their opinion on black people and crime.

He will never highlight items in the news that refute his ignorant bigotry

Muslims Around The World Rally Against Extremist Antics Of Islamic State:

PARIS (AP) — In tweets, in street gatherings and in open letters, moderate Muslims around the world are insisting that Islamic State extremists don't speak for their religion. Many are also frustrated that anyone might think they do, and a backlash has already begun.This week's videotaped beheading of a French mountaineer by militants linked to the Islamic State group prompted heartsick fury among Muslims in France and elsewhere in Europe, torn between anger at the atrocities committed in the name of Islam and frustration that they have to defend themselves at all.
Herve Gourdel was the fifth Western hostage decapitated in recent weeks by Islamic extremists — this time, the militants said, as revenge for France's decision to join airstrikes against the Islamic State group.
The head of France's largest mosque called for Muslims to rally Friday in Paris to condemn Gourdel's slaying and show unity against terrorism, saying Islamic State's "deadly ideology" had nothing to do with Islam. Within hours of the call, the rector of the Bordeaux mosque, Tareq Oubrou, said French Muslims need not demonstrate in the name of Islam — but should be joined by everyone.
"They are doubly affected, because this crime touched one of our countrymen and because this crime was carried out in the name of our religion," Oubrou told RTL radio.
The same debate played out elsewhere. The hashtag campaign #notinmyname — or #pasenmonnom in French — initiated by British Muslims who wanted to show their opposition to extremist violence, spawned a #MuslimApologies backlash by those who thought the sense of regret was overwrought. Tweets "apologized" for algebra, soap and coffee.
"Nowhere does the Quran say other religions or nations must be attacked. Cutting people's heads off is really the most despicable. If airstrikes can stop these fundamentalist, aggressive ideas from spreading, I am all for it," said 65-year-old Enes Mustafic.
Another congregant, Omer Jamak, questioned the devotion and even sanity of anyone who thought otherwise.
"According to Islam, nobody is allowed to be evil to others. Nobody has the right to do such a thing. I am against everything they do down there like every sane person is," Jamak said.
An online poll posted by France's Le Figaro newspaper, asking whether people thought the country's Muslim community had sufficiently denounced Gourdel's death, drew an infuriated response. Rachida Dati, the mayor of Paris' 7th arrondissement and the daughter of Algerian immigrants, called for an end to the "confounding of Islam and fundamentalism, as the French political class has done for too long." The paper on Friday apologized for what it called a "clumsy" question.
Dawud Walid, director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said headlines about the Islamic State were often frustrating in his work. Walid said he's been speaking out against excessive force by police after the fatal shooting of a young black man in Ferguson, Missouri.
"I received calls and emails from fellow Americans who say, 'Why are you worried about what's going in Ferguson? Stop ISIS.' That is ridiculous," said Walid, a black Muslim.
"My primary responsibility as an American citizen is to try to make America more of a just place," Walid said. "People in Iraq and Syria can't even fix their own problems. What am I supposed to be doing from Detroit?"
Still, the banner at Friday's gathering in Paris honoring Gourdel was emblazoned with "Not in My Name" and many in the crowd of about 500 said they were dismayed and appalled.
"We all gathered today ... to tell people, you want to convert, that's very good, but do it for your faith, because you want to convert and because you appreciate this religion. Don't do it to go fight, to go kill people because it is not what Islam says," said Nadir M'Sallaoui, a 27-year-old Parisian.
U.S. Muslim leaders and scholars issued an open letter Wednesday denouncing Islamic State militants point by point, notably on "the killing of innocents" and jihad.
Muqtedar Khan, professor of political science at the University of Delaware and author of "American Muslims, Bridging Faith and Freedom," said Muslim condemnations after the 9/11 attacks failed to dent the reach of extremists.
"They are beginning to react the way they should have on Sept. 12, 2001," Khan said. "Muslims have gotten really tired of these groups that bring nothing, that have no positive impact at all among their societies."
Khan said whether the protests take root will depend upon what happens when the beheadings have subsided, and Islamic State is no longer considered an immediate threat. Muslim leaders will have difficulty coming up with a message as attractive as the extremists' sermons to young people disillusioned with life in countries where they feel under constant suspicion. France's ban on face-covering veils and prohibitions on wearing headscarves in schools, for example, are often cited as proof the country is hostile to Muslims.
Speaking of the extremist preachers, Khan said: "Their theology becomes more potent because their politics are right."

Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter To Islamic State Meticulously Blasting Its Ideology

WASHINGTON (RNS) More than 120 Muslim scholars from around the world joined an open letter to the “fighters and followers” of the Islamic State, denouncing them as un-Islamic by using the most Islamic of terms.Relying heavily on the Quran, the 18-page letter released Wednesday (Sept. 24) picks apart the extremist ideology of the militants who have left a wake of brutal death and destruction in their bid to establish a transnational Islamic state in Iraq and Syria.

Even translated into English, the letter will still sound alien to most Americans, said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council of American-Islamic Relations, who released it in Washington with 10 other American Muslim religious and civil rights leaders.

Its ONLY liberal news outlets (never Fox news or mainstream Zionist news) and a few fair conspiracy sights where you read things like the above. Proving that the media neglects these events. Bigots like Maher takes advantage of this ignorance and the equally ignorant and bigots lap it up.
edit on 30-9-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 07:15 PM
For starters there is no such thing as a "religious scholar" You can't be educated in something that is make believe because there is no quantifiable "real"

Second, I prefer the radicals to cut off my head rather than listen to the 120 "moderate" Islam "scholars" lol who would force me to listen to their bs until I converted

"Just kill them"... VS the "convert them" Yes...thank you moderate Islam for defending my right to be allowed to live by your laws, change my beliefs to suit you, walk in a living freedom-less fiction, Allah is merciful...

you know what this crap is right?

Good Cop Bad Cop

either way they keep getting exposure to their retarded religion in our media and sympathies from members of our society, "we don't believe you should just be killed, come see how nice some of us are let us tell you more about Allah"

You have to be an idiot to fall for this.

edit on 30-9-2014 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 07:35 PM
So you hear the bigots: “they aren’t moderate they NEVER denounce the radicals” to show that the object of their irrational hate is worthy of their irrational scorn…
So when they do denounce the radicals the REAL bigotry comes out: I HATE RELIIGON so it doesnt matter its all stupid

Just admit you have an irrational bigotry for ALL religion

edit on 30-9-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 09:49 PM
I found the letter interesting enough to read the whole thing. It appears, without giving it serious analysis, to be a very impressive and encouraging document. At the broadest general level, a few things stood out for me.

1.) The letter was addressed only to ISIS, but a number of the wrongs the letters point to are practiced by other Islamic groups and nations.

2.) This appears to be a legal opinion letter. It seems to be saying "You ISIS kids, think you're following Islam, but we think you're not.

3.) There is no "or else." The letter says "we think you're wrong and we think you should stop doing things that are wrong." (My paraphrase)

4.) It doesn't call for any action to be taken against ISIS by anyone, although it does say that intervention by the West may have saved thousands of lives. Maybe the Great Satan is starting a reputation remake. Who would have thought it would come from bombing and killing?

5.) I didn't see any information, from the site that referenced the letter, that there had been any response from other Muslims or ISIS.

By the way, trying to connect Maher with feelings for any religion (calling him "bigoted" for example) misses the whole point. That miss may have been caused by a jerky knee.

Maher's point seemed to be that the US makes small errors in the field of human rights compared to the massive, hideous violations committed by ISIS, and the Western Liberals say, "Go ahead with the beheadings and stonings, we'll get to you some day, but first we have to make sure a football team changes it's name, and school kids can't wear American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo."

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: Willtell
So you hear the bigots: “they aren’t moderate they NEVER denounce the radicals” to show that the object of their irrational hate is worthy of their irrational scorn…
So when they do denounce the radicals the REAL bigotry comes out: I HATE RELIIGON so it doesnt matter its all stupid

Just admit you have an irrational bigotry for ALL religion

None of that is REAL

It is NOT "moderate" to draw a line at decapitating people

Okay, that's not where the word MODERATE lies, you can't drink, you have to pray x ties per day, women have to hide themselves, certain books aren't allowed, internet access is restricted, food products are banned.... BUT, we don't condone decapitation doesn't make them "Moderate"

Not by Western standards at least

There is no such thing as an ultra conservative religious "moderate"

Again if your too god damned thick to "get it"

One guy holding a scimitar my neck while the other guy says we are open to discussion about our intolerant beliefs and will allow you to choose Conversion is NOT a choice, it's a game of Good Cop Bad Cop to instill the beliefs of a Death Cult upon another society.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
a reply to: tadaman

Oh, very far from being liberal, what shocks me is why liberals align themselves with Islamic fundamentalism, while in the same breath criticizes everything Christian,and why Islam aligns itself with the liberal left, I even started s topic on the subject, how certain groups who are more conservative and extreme than most Christians vote democrat.

And why?

What a nice question. It has for a long time been fashionable.....I mean for 100 years or better in this country.....among a certain segment of those that consider themselves intellectual about religion. Only lately with all the exposure Islam has been getting has its full color stained the culture. The development of "liberal thought" in the US was from the start anti christian in nature and not simply as part of an intellectual exercise of challenging any traditional thought. Nor is it simply something that tagged along for the ride as "progressive" thought grew in popularity but is foundational and not simply fashionable to their goals of undermining traditional western thought on many things.

The department that deals with Christianity has introduced, much of it many years ago really, ideas like the separation of the God of the Old Testament and Jesus with Yah as evil and Jesus as antagonist, the term "Abrahamic Religions", Jesus was married or gay, John the Revelator must have been eating mushrooms, Paul was a spy for the Synagogue or a Roman invention, and much more.

But why would they embrace Islam then? Well they had so much momentum heading in that direction that it was hard for them to put on the brakes. So Bills got to come in and do damage control, while mouths on the right cover his.... to speak... for so doing, thus unwittingly obscuring the manifest full length and measure of liberal direction and thought. Some of them swallowing hard as they make the association while others embrace him now with about as much conscience as a harbor whore.

Still but why would they embrace Islam? Supposedly stands harder against anything they hold dear as liberals? Because they hate Christianity so much they will get in bed with anything that also opposes it, waters down the true nature of Jesus, God, the Hebrews as an oracle people, the authority of Hebrew and Christian scripture and prophesy ect.
edit on 1-10-2014 by Logarock because: n

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: criticalhit

Just because religion does have rules doesn’t mean it’s radical.

ALL religions have rules of modesty it’s just that you don’t have belief or little knowledge of them.

The Hindu leader is now fasting, starving for 9 days to Shakti or Shiva

Christians also have rules of modesty and fasting, and in other times burnt people alive for religion

It’s not whether I get it or not it’s your ignorance of history, religion and common sense and your own bigotry.

Also “western” standards have bred more serial killers and child molesters and crime than any civilization in history

That’s your heritage

Also it's only in 1977 when France, A WESTERN country, stopped using the( now read closely MR WESTERN MAN) guillotine for execution!

edit on 1-10-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: criticalhit

I have a tendency to believe as you do. Its a good cop/bad cop.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: Auricom
But the point that gets reiterated over and over again in countless threads is: a bunch of assholes speak for themselves only.

These violent criminals would be violent with or without religion, its just easier to justify crime using religion. Its like saying guns make people violent. Gets blamed, no one wants to admit personal responsibility for anything.

The thing in common with all the imported criminals is that they are poor, resentful, and Stoltenberg in his infinite wisdom didnt make it mandatory to speak Norwegian first. So there is the language, culture, climate difference that makes people so angry at their situation. No that doesnt justify any crimes, but they are hated by locals, it just pushes them angrier and angrier.

The same thing happens here in Canada, except with Indians rather than Muslims. Many look different, dont care to learn english, exclude white people, create violent gangs, have honour killings, wife abuse, etc. But the difference is we dont typecast all Indians as criminals...

Oslo has the worst problem in Norway, but throwing more hatred on the pile is like putting out a fire with gas. Nok er nok.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: charles1952By the way, trying to connect Maher with feelings for any religion (calling him "bigoted" for example) misses the whole point. That miss may have been caused by a jerky knee.

Maher's point seemed to be that the US makes small errors in the field of human rights compared to the massive, hideous violations committed by ISIS, and the Western Liberals say, "Go ahead with the beheadings and stonings, we'll get to you some day, but first we have to make sure a football team changes it's name, and school kids can't wear American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo."

How easy is that though? So we don't have extreme violence here why? Because the game here of cultural warping and mental subjugation doesn't require it. One could say that Bill is simply mocking the old school type subjugators by pointing out what a nice little well behaving crowd we have here as they witness the erosion of western culture, as the Slouch Toward Gomorra as it were. ISIS is simply making the game look bad, old fashioned.

For all we know Bill could have gone to his dressing room after the show pissed on a King James version and then masturbated to a gay porn video.
edit on 1-10-2014 by Logarock because: n

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:50 AM
People who denounce Islam so vociferously have to just understand that there are extremist in Islam but they are few.

It is a problem since the Wahhabi sect came out of Saudi Arabia 3 centuries ago.

But on the most Islam is and has been a sober religion as good or as bad as any religion.

It amazes me when people praise the great Poet Jajaludin Rumi.

What they don’t know about this great peaceful and loving poet and mystic is that he


posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: neformore

I agree with what you say. I think Mahers main problem and one that rings throughout his little monologue in this clip is that he just doesnt respect or even tolerate religion. While he made good points, I feel he went a little too far into his own personal ethos and that bled through into his words.

Right on. I think Bill rather likes the idea of Jesus giving oral.

"Your gona do some prayin for me boy and you better pray good"

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: criticalhit
I wouldn't live in Palestine for fear of being kidnapped by Israelis, being sprayed by skunk juice, being shot by a Israeli sniper, bombed, etc., etc.. I'll live in America and fight for what's right. My Zionist gov giving billions in taxpayer money - aid to terrorist Israel will stop. All foreign aid should stop. All weapon peddling should stop. All wars should stop. No foreign person should be able to hold office or dictate Americas policies. All dual citizens should have to choose. The fed should be erased. Wall Street speculators should be arrested.

Israel plays a large influence in what America is doing to Muslim countries. Sorry you can't see that.

Bill Mahar is a strong supporter of Israel, so naturally, he's all for America being at Israel feet and fighting their fights. He pretends not to be religious though. lol I don't buy it one bit.

edit on 2-10-2014 by Fylgje because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 10:00 AM
Liberals in America are the exact opposite of tolerant. If you support or believe in anything they don't then they protest you, attempt to make whatever it is illegal, and mud sling non-stop.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: tadaman

Please refain from calling ISIS muslim. As you should know there are many Imams worldwide that call out ISIS for their blatent disregard of the teachings of the holy Quran.

Also please dont desribe ALL muslim countrys the way you do. Yes the muslims of the middle east are at turmoil but that doesnt account for the rest the world.

Look up the Phd and scholar Reza Aslan who just so happens to be a muslim. He may help shed light on the Islamaphobia that our country is eating up like no tomorrow.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: MGaddafi

You could explain that gibberish you accuse me of. Where did I do those things/ say those things?

You are either one of two things:
Someone who is too lazy to read a brief and simple pragraph where I already explained everything and you could have avoided the embarrassment.

Or two,
the exact type of person I was referring to that doesnt think for themselves but is a knee jerk liberal for ALL the wrong reasons. If being liberal was less "cool" to you, you would end up being a knee jerk conservative.

What ever your reactionary tendancies demand of you.

Maybe you are young. Maybe you cant understand things as well as others.

What ever it is, you tried to form a well written rebuttal so I know you are trying.

How about you ACTUALLY read what I wrote and think of a rebuttal based on my words and not some formula you memorized from one of the talking heads you found most kick ass. Use your mind and talk to ME. Dont use me as a talking point for nonsense I have nothing to do with.

edit on 10 2 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)


on 10 2 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

edit on 10 2 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

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