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Black Triangle UFOs and an Alleged Breakaway Civilization- Discuss

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posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

So seems like we have at least 4:

* big slow Big Black Triangles (i think airships), slow and sometimes low --- unknown purpose, possibly recon or special forces logistics
* BASSPLYR's medium grey triangle, fast and low --- fast attack/ECM?
* green flame lady, high altitude hypersonic, diborane fuel, global range, either strategic bomber or recon
* the twitchy platform, maybe EW, but they make people make little rocks out of big rocks for a long time if they talk

and then there's the daytime triangle sightings in Texas. which category? Or yet another?
edit on 22-10-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: _Del_

BASSPLYRs craft could have a turbojet in it. sound might be going 'up' where nobody's listening.

yeah I don't know how ECM would work with plasma stealth.

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

I think the Gut already nailed it for me, knowingly or unknowingly: Different timeline…LOL
I remember something I can't at the moment back up. But I think you should know it had nothing, absolutely, to do with FL. I am never on their site.

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: mbkennel

The green and EW are unrelated to the triangles. But if you count all the test aircraft as a group, there are a lot more than just four.

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: mbkennel

I keep going this same route too. I need a list of what is we are talking about. Several different platforms on a few different threads.

This particular thread I was going to stick a fork in her but I see she came back to life today.

I try to check in at break of course during daytime hours but where I sit I have all of the sudden lost access. Not sure if its the server I am going through and my side of wall is saying no or if it is ats saying keep on a knocking but you can't come in. Usually if I hit a link they don't want me on it tells me straight out (usually advertising type sites).

Anyway that has nothing to do with nothing. Glad to see some traction here again.

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: mbkennel

I really don't think it has a turbo jet. I could be wrong. But I think the triangles are playing with a more exotic method of propulsion. I also don't think they are using ionic wind to fly. Maybe ions have something to do with it. Those lights on the bottom do something and I don't think they would have wasted the probable billions it took to develop whatever those three lights do just to make themselves a giant ion wind lifter. Who knows maybe it's a crazy idea using quantum science that they actually got to work. I have no idea but they aren't there for show. They do something and it's advanced what ever it is they do. I have no real proof for that but I just feel like the triangles are something entirely different and a major advancement in whatever it is they do. Their presence is impressive when you witness one.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 02:06 AM
I want to see one of those Big Black Triangles for myself.

I live in Northern California, if they ever fly this far north for some reason.

I devoted more than a decade of my life, without pay, to a group contracted by the USAF to develop what I now believe was a "white" version of this so-called "black" project: delta-shaped LTA supposedly intended as a high-altitude, long duration surveillence platform.

Or, maybe we were just chosen to spin our wheels on a "decoy project" similar enough to the real thing, but "deniably" different enough to serve as a "cover" for the BBT's should anyone ever get uncomfortably close to blowing the lid off the real vehicle.

At any rate, I put a lot of time and sweat into that beast, and I'd like to see that it was not all in vain.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: Bhadhidar

Do tell....if it was white and you weren't paid you probably arent under a NDA so spilling your guts will be the best therapy for any ongoing resentment you might harbour.

I cant help but wonder where we'd be in this thread if A0 had just posted technical deets in his original posts?
I think I can find at least 50 similar posts across various forums where the core premise (tech, conjecture etc) is similar but garners virtually no interest.

People shouting from the rooftops that there is a big technological gap yet no one listens (including me).

If anything the Zorgon's and Bigfatfurrytexans of this world seem to have been onto this a long time ago (allegations that HAARP is also involved) but they never seemed to get a wide audience.

This approach (RKers laughing at you earth bound maggots who are only good for running calculations) would, on the basis of results witnessed here, seem to be a more cerebral approach to draw attention to this very interesting area.

Who would blame someone adding spice anyway- there have been people saying exactly the same as A0 for years on ATS yet they never get past 5 pages.

Put someone sneaking into your dreams into the mix and it becomes a multi topic behemoth with 60 page threads that has people uniting via PM's and supporting each other through tales of shared encounters-hell- this thread is a tough crowd and we've come to a sort of mutual consensus that one member did actually see one of the things we are discussing....not once but twice!!

edit on 23-10-2014 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2014 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

So in other words, the author deliberately made the story provocative to draw in attention? Maybe.

But perhaps the element of RKers (social elite) laughing at us maggots serves a different purpose. Maybe it's just to contribute to the idea that the powers that be have amazing secret technology and are basicaly untouchable so we all should just cease our resistance and give up because there is nothing we can do. Oh, and there are totaly no aliens or extra-deminesionals or such so there is no need to think about unpleasant existential questions either.

It's certainly easy to see this kind of passivating narrative element underneath the idea that the triangles are of human origin. Maybe it's just the general elitistic ideology and narrative of the day seeping into them. Maybe it was built into it for purpose. At least it's more exiting to think that all that black budget money goes into some really amazing destination. Maybe the truth is both really dull and unpleasant. Black money is used to make pretty conventional planes and a healthy share of it gets funneled directly to shareholders. Some slice goes to spinning outrageous tales to convince the population that they're doing something else than basicaly siphoning money through a mechanism that is beyond any political overview.

They're black projects. By definition we don't know how the funding is allocated, how much the stuff actually costs and if there even are any projects going on. Sure there are insiders telling tales, but they could just be people paid to spin tales. Likely something gets actually produced every now and then. I'm not denying that. But that something is probably a lot less exciting than anti-gravity/anti-mass black triangles.

It's a very cynical view but the bottom line is companies are out there to make money. The more money you can make with the less actual effort the better.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: ManufacturedDissent
no one on the internet is unknown

Use tor a VPN, tails OS and only connect to the internet of a Laptop and internet dongle purchased with a fake ID.

NSA are f up then. NSA are powerfully and have a lot of resources but are not wizards and do not use magic.......well at least not yet.
edit on 23-10-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: phantomflier

Well put and probably lots of truth in terms of analyzing money as a motivating factor in any situation.

There is, after all, money to be made in the conspiracies themselves- perpetuating such "lore" for commercial reasons (books, videos, websites etc) or for obfuscating the truth if little snippets get out here and there.

They might even work together in some sort of weird symbiotic relationship.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

we've come to a sort of mutual consensus that one member did actually see one of the things we are discussing....not once but twice!!

imo it's always worth considering other explanations for the known facts - seems to me what we have is one persons account backed up by uninvestigated anonymous reports, posted on websites

but people can achieve a consensus about much stranger things than this based on a lot less

that's about it from me on this subject - anyway, i think the caravan is about to move on

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

NERVA was child s play.

It project Orion you need to look at.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: ManufacturedDissent
no one on the internet is unknown

Use tor a VPN, tails OS and only connect to the internet of a Laptop and internet dongle purchased with a fake ID.

NSA are f up then. NSA are powerfully and have a lot of resources but are not wizards and do not use magic.......well at least not yet.

All good for buying stuff off the Darknet but still fundamentally vulnerable to a global passive adversary that has legal (and none legal) selective access to the infrastructure itself- and has the ability to (retrospectively) analyse all or any of the data that traversed it.

Definitely good advice but if you were someone with classified info - using a device that connects to an untrusted network such as the internet is not good OPSEC.
edit on 23-10-2014 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

Worse they can do it tie you to a general area.

Of course if you the only person with classified Intel that lives in that area your screwed.

the person in question was in England. If he was in London best NSA could do was locate what borough he was in, that's still millions of people. If there is no real address or name linked to that laptop and internet dongle its a dead end.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: Bybyots
I'm still trying to figure out how these break-away humans have figured out how to keep their bodies from turning to bags of mush while they are out there rocketing around for extended periods of time.

I mean, in a ship nearly 3 miles long, I don't suppose they are catheterizing themselves, but how have they solved the problems of making these giant flying rocks human inhabitable?

I dunno. Anyone?

Spin the ship.

If a ships spinning then you can create a pseudo gravity effect. Its not gravity but mimics it.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: Jukiodone
a reply to: phantomflier
They might even work together in some sort of weird symbiotic relationship.

Well they certainly have at least in certain occasions. The idea of a UFO investigator who gets subverted by TPTB and starts spreading disinfo is certainly a pretty common meme. In some cases it may have very well have been true. That would by a pretty direct symbiotic relationship. But there are can be a less direct relationship too.

Let's take an example. The idea that there is alien activity going on at Dulce vs the idea that TPTB messed around with Paul Bennewitz to hide something. A lot of the Dulce underground base stuff is thought to have been a disinfo campaign to cover some relatively mundane high secret stuff or then something less mundane but likely not featuring reptilian aliens eating humans. Certainly there are still those who believe in the alien explation but I feel like the wind turned in the case of Dulce and more and more view it as some sort of bizarre, terrifying, elaborate disinfo op.

Just think how popular the whole Dulce idea has been. It must have put some bread to the table for at least a couple of people involved in this fringe economy. Some may have basicaly echoed things said by others and profited from it. Others may have been actually subverted/recruited to spin the story and the money they made from it was a bonus on the top. Some may have believed these stories to be real from the bottom of their hearts. Others may have been callous scam artists.

More on topic, I bet Edgar Fouche & the co-author of Alien Rapture & the whole TR-3B meme had a decent run. Maybe not spectacular but surely nice enough.

Perhaps the age of dubious authors confessing their sins in drunken rants is drawing close. There's too much information and counter-information going around these days. If you want to cook some memes these days it's going to take entirely different kind of effort than in the 90's.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

If there is no real address or name linked to that laptop and internet dongle its a dead end.

Hopefully he purchased the laptop and dongle in a garage sale in cash and not in a store or area where there are camaras ;=)

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: ForeverMan

I am talking about mechanics retrofitting out welded up cars with old retrofitted microwave ovens a few bottles of liquid hydrogen and buzzing the ISS with a 3 Kilowatt radio transmitting The Rocket Man song . LOL!

Will you also be able to provide schematics and instructions on how to create a working prototype near the fuel cost of a tank of petrol/gasoline?

I am not here to confirm or deny the other story's premise or data points

I'd rather just paint another picture and highlight what seems obvious to me

I always enjoy seeing things from others perspective so I look forward to yours. With that said , how exactly are you or were associated to the unnamed member and for how long have you had communications with that memeber.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: crazyewok
I highly doubt the TOR network and a sub-standard OS is going to save you from the sniffing tech the NSA has at their disposal... I've seen advanced virii that can literally control hardware remotely, and even offline without a C&C intervention. i.e. SUPRISE you're webcasting via your laptop camera.

If they want to find you, or see what you're doing, they already have.

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