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Yahweh's War against Heaven and Plan to Rule from Earth

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posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 07:46 PM
As I am reading from the Names of God Bible, it has occurred to me that much of Yahweh's plans were stopped by the Cross in the first century. If you need to review my past threads outlining Yahweh as the prodigal Son, feel free to look at this one first: Spirit of Yahweh vs. Spirit of Elohim (Holy Spirit)

Isaiah 24

On that day Yahweh will punish heaven’s armies in heaven
and earth’s kings on earth.
22 They’ll be gathered like prisoners in a jail
and locked in prison.
After a long time they’ll be punished.
23 The moon will be embarrassed.
The sun will be ashamed,
because Yahweh Tsebaoth will rule
on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem.
He will be glorious
in the presence of his respected leaders.

In this passage, it appears that Yahweh is planning what can only be a coup d'etat of Heaven. After reading this passage with new eyes, I can compare this to the Book of Enoch and the book of Jude, where God will come to punish the fallen watchers with armies from heaven.

“The Lord has come with countless thousands of his holy angels. 15 He has come to judge all these people. He has come to convict all these ungodly sinners for all the ungodly things they have done and all the harsh things they have said about him.”

The question for this thread is this: Are the armies Yahweh stands against those of the fallen Watchers or those of God? Is it possible this plan was stopped by God (Elohim) in the first century when Jesus paid the penalty for the fall of mankind? If you have read my past few threads, you will know that I am speculating that Yahweh was the Son of God humbled by God.

Consider the first part of Isaiah 24:

24 Yahweh is going to turn the earth into a desolate wasteland.
He will mar the face of the earth and scatter the people living on it.
2 The same will happen to people and priests,
male slaves and masters,
female slaves and masters,
buyers and sellers,
lenders and borrowers,
debtors and creditors.
3 The earth will be completely laid waste and stripped
because Yahweh has spoken.

To me, it is entirely possible that the "Day of the wrath of the Lord" was stopped by God. Jesus paid it all. Again, we can only speculate here, but the story seems to be a mystery that can be solved if we only seek. I hope we can have good discussion on this and not hate. Mysteries are meant to be solved.

edit on 27-9-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 08:36 PM
One simple question....What do you do for fun?

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: minkmouse
One simple question....What do you do for fun?

My job is fun. My family is fun. I spent the entire day at a fair with them. Television is mindless. I prefer to use mine.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: AlephBet

originally posted by: minkmouse
One simple question....What do you do for fun?

My job is fun. My family is fun. I spent the entire day at a fair with them. Television is mindless. I prefer to use mine.

Television is both mindless and hypnotic making it dangerous, I haven't watched in years. I was just wondering about your single minded posting attitude and not really in a bad way, it just seems so focused in one area? Curious is all

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:08 PM
Had Israel accepted their King Messiah what you have said would be in the past BUT ..... a reply to: AlephBet

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:09 PM
I'll give you a star for the volcano story

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: minkmouse
I'll give you a star for the volcano story

It's the least I could do.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: the2ofusr1
Had Israel accepted their King Messiah what you have said would be in the past BUT ..... a reply to: AlephBet

I think it might be deeper that this. By the groom dying, a new bride could be constructed. The marriage to Israel could not end in divorce. Death was the only way out. If it is true that Yahweh had to repent for the ramifications of the fall of creation, then it is doubly unjust for mankind--even a single human--to be sentenced to destruction of any kind. Does the body control the head or is it the other way around? For God to be Love, he must keep no records of wrongs and He must love His enemies. Anything short of this cancels the words of Jesus and Paul. Ultimately, the head leads the body around. An image can only reflect the one looking into it. If we are the image of God, then for better or worse, we are consummated to that reflection. The image reads both ways. For the body to heal, the head must change its thoughts, words and deeds. It's true for us and it's true for God. We are HIS image. What must take place for the image to improve?

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:50 PM
As usual yo do take a step forward to a time when there is no time .If the revelation of the King Messiah was not real then they had no way to accept Him .There has to be a legitimacy of His appearing and for them to accept Him ,otherwise where was their choice ? Unless if you take a complete Calvinistic view of free will ,how could it not be one way or the other ? a reply to: AlephBet

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

With most revelation, it's never the outcome you predicted. It's like trying to figure out why a train whistle changes pitch, but at the same time, being oblivious to the Doppler Effect. You will not see the answer coming, but only going. Perspective and frame of reference require the higher axiom of truth. When you see contradiction and paradox, there will always be a higher truth there to unify the lower axiom. I believe the higher axiom is that the Son of God was unaware of his higher mind, just as we are unaware of our own. Below, we must be destroyed by our own actions to then see ourselves clearly. The higher mind (Angel) was created in perfection first, then immersed into the lower worlds to wander around and learn. If this is true for us,then it must also be true for the Son of God. He was required to see through our eyes, yet in a different form than us. The parallel between above and below must be a mirror. Find his state of being in the future and see your own. We are a trailing edge to his building of our final home. The groom comes back for the bride. In this case, his requirement was to save the entire world and all souls in it.

I'll say it again: If he does not love his enemies as he loves himself, then he has failed his own testimony. When he was illuminated to the truth, it set him free from the former life as Yahweh. The same will be true for each of us. All eyes will see the truth, allowing us to see that if Yahweh can be saved by God, there is hope for all of us. What life can you name in the past history of world rulers that can equal the wars and destruction of Yahweh? Even if he was righteous in his actions, this amounts to self-righteousness, which is the same as wickedness. Suffering and education is the key to raising the mind, not war, punishment and duress. Any teacher who has succeeded in the classroom with students will tell you this conclusion.

Students learn in an environment of love. The environment created by Yahweh was one of toil and hardship through punishment. Which school situation would allow a better education? Actually, the answer is both. One uses the other as the reflecting point. It's the best method and God knew this. Freedom from one allows the full benefit of the next.

edit on 28-9-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: AlephBet

The question for this thread is this: Are the armies Yahweh stands against those of the fallen Watchers or those of God? Is it possible this plan was stopped by God (Elohim) in the first century when Jesus paid the penalty for the fall of mankind? If you have read my past few threads, you will know that I am speculating that Yahweh was the Son of God humbled by God.

Isaiah 24:19 states that the world will be clean dissolved. I have understood this as to mean that the entire terrestrial creation will also (at this time) be also destroyed. At this time all who were alive will stand before judgment of the great white throne of God. Hell has already judged but will receive their punishment at this time. This includes the fallen angels (the host of the high ones) who are also now in hell. These fallen angels have already been judged simply because they are in hell but as yet have not received their eternal punishment. One cannot be in hell without already having judgment.

The watchers, who are the demons today, have not been judged as God's creation and will never be considered a creation of God. They are not the high ones because they have never been celestial substance. They are disowned spirits of the earth who are considered destined for destruction with no hope of any sort of salvation.

So the high ones in this case are the host that disobeyed God, were cast down to hell, and are at this point to receive their punishment. These are the fallen angels who are now in hell.

Jesus shed His blood to reveal a new covenant between all of the human people and His Father God. Although He did pay the salvation blood, it was also to reveal the New Jerusalem that was His kingdom of heaven. Jesus never revealed this Kingdom of God till He was on the cross and His blood was shed for us. Naturally one must believe His message in order to become a citizen of His kingdom and this is revealed in john 3:16. My belief is that Jesus did not prevent but fulfilled.

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 01:59 PM
If my views hold any merit then i say much of this will happen in a land that we do not know. I'm getting vibes that tell me it has begun but we do not see it but very soon (look at the moon) we will know that much has happened but is hidden. You gotta check out stephen colberts manana banana and prince hawkcat. I think we have created worlds filled with people through our use of drugs here on earth or at least we use these drugs as dooorways and a means to entrap different aspects of all of us. Those places are just as real as ours and are being raptured now.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 02:09 PM
If this is true then why isn't it clear to anyone? Why the semantics and wordplay? Why isn't God making this truth crystal clear? That seems more like something man would do rather than God in my opinion.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 02:01 PM
Everything is in the Gnostic teachings.

As above so below. When Yaldabaoth looked down he saw God's reflection in the water (he could not look up because he is imperfect and God's power to great to look at directly), he knew that the image wasn't his own (he learned that he wasn't the only god, that there was a greater One). So he try to make that image believing that by doing so he could steal God's power. So he created man in the image of God (not in his image).

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

The question for this thread is this: Are the armies Yahweh stands against those of the fallen Watchers or those of God?

Answer: Yahweh stands against El.
This is discovered by doing an in-depth analysis of Isaiah 14:12-14, and once again, we must turn to the older Canaanite and Sumerian systems for supplemental understanding. (Reference: [1], [2], [3].

How you have fallen from heaven, Helel Ben Shahar! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!

You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of El; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like El Elyon.”

- Isaiah 14:12-14

Helel Ben Shahar means: "Helel, son of Shahar"

Shahar is the Canaanite god of Venus.

Venus = Inanna = Ishtar = Athirat = Asherah

Asherah/Athirat is the consort of El.

We can now derive: "Helel, son of Asherah/Athirat and El"


Now, let us examine "Mount Zaphon."

Mount Zephon is known today as Mount Aqraa. It is upon this mountain that Baal Hadad, son of El and Athirat/Asherah, established his throne and sanctuary. From this event of the Baal Cycle, we get the name/title: Baal-Zephon.

Of related relevance, we have El Shaddai (El of the Mountain), and Zeus Kasios (Zeus of the Mountain [Mount Olympus]).


The two following phrases should be self-evident:

"I will raise my throne above the stars of El."

"I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like El Elyon."

Once again, we find the old archetypal power struggle, ascension, and usurpation:

• (Most High) El Elyon, An, Anu, Alalu, Allah Al-Aliyy, Uranus, Caelus

• (God the Father) El, Enlil, Kumarbi, Cronus, Saturn

• (Son of God) Yahweh, Baal Hadad, Marduk, Teshub, Zeus, Jupiter

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

You know why they said the 'Kings', obviously because they were wicked. But the way to interpret the other part 'In the heavens' means that there were a lot of things in the sky during ancient times. I know it sounds crazy, but there was like 5 different types of aliens mingling with earth back then, so they were saying, everybody on earth and in the sky is going to be rounded up.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

If you read revelations God will destroy everything.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

So, from this, you feel that there are twins for EL. One is Lucifer (mirrored by Yahweh) and the other is the one that incarnated as Jesus. Would you make this assumption from your analysis?

WIKI: Shahar

Shahar is the god of dawn in the pantheon of Ugarit. He is the twin brother and counterpart of Shalim, son of El, and the god of dusk. Both are gods of the planet Venus, and were considered by some to be a twinned avatar of the god Attar (Athtar). As the markers of dawn and dusk, Shahar and Shalim also represented the temporal structure of the day.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: AlephBet

I bet if that is true then Jesus would get many scared looks from people. I mean people seem to remember a face that frieghtens them the most.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

So, from this, you feel that there are twins for EL. One is Lucifer (mirrored by Yahweh) and the other is the one that incarnated as Jesus. Would you make this assumption from your analysis?

No, this is not my conclusions. My apologies if my post was not clear.

Just as you illustrate in many ways, that Hebrew and the Bible are layered, veiled, and encoded, I too am illustrating that the figures in the Bible must be deduced to their older archetypes and deities.

Firstly, "Lucifer" is not mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. Where many translate Isaiah 14:12 as, "Lucifer, son of the morning," the Hebrew actually states, "Helel ben Shashar."

"Lucifer, son of the morning," is an archaic mistranslation which implies, "Morning Star (Lucifer) son of the morning (Sun)," or "Light Bearer, bringer of Light," or "Phosphorus, son of the morning." This is incorrect.

So we must forget about "Lucifer," and examine the phrase, "Helel ben Shashar." This phrase means, "Helel son of Shashar." As discussed previously, "Shashar" is a Canaanite deity representative of the "Morning Star," which is Venus on the eastern horizon before sunrise. This deity is synonymous with the Greek deity "Phosphorus".

Now we have, "Helel son of Shashar/Phosphorus/Morning Star".

As we have the "Morning Star," we also have the "Evening Star." Venus, as the evening star, sits on the western horizon after sunset. The evening star was known in the Levant as the deity Shalim, and to the Greeks as the deity Hesperus.

The Greeks treated the morning star as one deity, and the evening star as a separate deity,... although they knew that both were the planet Venus. In tale and story, Venus was separated into Phosphorus and Hesperus., but always understood, intellectually, to both be Venus. The same can be said about the Levantines regarding Shashar and Shalim. Both cultures knew the morning and evening stars to be Venus.

So now we can deduce, "Helel son of Venus."

According to Greek mythology, Venus was a prominent goddess. And through archetype and correlation, we parallel the goddess Venus to the goddesses Inanna, Ishtar, Athirat, and Asherah.

Now we deduce, "Helel son of Asherah/Athirat."

And as we know, Asherah is the consort of El. So we further deduce, "Helel, son of Asherah and El".

Looking again at Isaiah 14:12,... we must think about which son of Asherah/Athirat has his throne on Mount Zephon,... and who wants to usurp both El and Elyon.

We are now completely drawn to none other than Baal-Zephon, who is also Baal-Hadad, who is also Marduk, Zeus, Jupiter, and in conclusion, Yahweh.

Back to my original analysis, Yahweh, the son of El and Asherah, seeks to overthrow and usurp his father El and his grandfather Elyon. The same as Marduk usurping Enlil, Ea/Enki, and An/Anu,... the same as Zeus usurping Cronus and Uranus.

Helel is Baal, Marduk, Yahweh, Zeus, and Jupiter.


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