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Americas secret, diabolical reason behind letting illegals in?

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posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

I knew of so many doing that, and doing very well financially

You keep saying that. "I knew, or know" this or that personally.

I have been around illegal immigrants my whole life and most of what you say is so far off base I cant help but think that you dont actually know anyone like this.

This all rings familiar to the typical sheltered view of someone who guides their perceptions based off stereotypes and extremes. Things they have never seen or experienced but have made true in their minds out of fear or a sense of disgust for other people they have never met.

I am sorry but you are so confused you are here defending the position that somehow illegal aliens are here as guinea pigs for micro chip implants. Think about that.

edit on 9 24 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: 222mockingbirdlane
a reply to: Jenisiz

You answered your own question on why the homeless don't do it, and if they did, you wouldn't see many homeless. As for illegals, the fathers are working, and the moms collecting welfare as single mothers. I knew of so many doing that, and doing very well financially. There is no way to keep track of people who aren't even in the system, and they network with one another to find ways to rake in all they can! Illegals with children are set.

Exactly? Illegals will work jobs Americans won't hence the reason you see homeless folks begging that are more then capable. And what are you talking about? If they're not in the system they're not getting the same benefits period. Beat benefits are allotted to lazy Americans complaining about illegals taking jobs when the jobs they're working aren't ones they would even take. Muse nailed it...corporate America is making a killing convincing people like you its illegals all the while I call Verizon to fix my bill and someone in India picks up while the Verizon V'S are sitting on the beach drinking Mai Tais.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 10:54 PM
Never did I say illegal aliens are responsible for every economic issue, and I'm not sure how this thread turned into that. There are obviously many factors. Just like there are many factors on why illegals are here; it is a "kill 5 birds with 1 stone" issue. All these other drains on the economy and reasons people like illegals to stay here are not major revelations, it's common stuff we hear on a regular basis. Microchip identification will be bird #5 the stone kills, it's just my theory, and I won't go in shock if it happens. It is based on things that exist, unlike "reptilian overlords"

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: 222mockingbirdlane
Never did I say illegal aliens are responsible for every economic issue, and I'm not sure how this thread turned into that. There are obviously many factors. Just like there are many factors on why illegals are here; it is a "kill 5 birds with 1 stone" issue. All these other drains on the economy and reasons people like illegals to stay here are not major revelations, it's common stuff we hear on a regular basis. Microchip identification will be bird #5 the stone kills, it's just my theory, and I won't go in shock if it happens. It is based on things that exist, unlike "reptilian overlords"

You know everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

And in my opinion, your theory is poppycock.

We've had illegals since the U.S. was created and it wasn't until recently when the economy entered a deep recession DUE to wall street that all these rabid right wing conspiracy theories about illegals started popping up every where.

It's a natural reaction to blame immigrants when a country's economy is doing bad.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane
There are multiple reasons why they don’t control the flow of illegals into the US. On the democrat side, they view them as future democratic voters; on the Republican side, as cheap labor to man their sweat shops. Are they being used as an excuse to bring in stricter ID systems? Sure. However, if not them it would be another excuse.

Now as far as the RFID goes.

The RFID is a threat that is being used to frighten conservative Christians, while implementing worse, but less “mark of the beast”'ish appearing ID’s. The RFID is old hat now, they have better, and cheaper solutions.

In order to use a RFID system, you have to have everyone implanted, then you have to put in networked reader stations everywhere that you want to read the chip. Very expensive, very limited range, and very intrusive…

Today, under the Real ID Act you have to give your biometrics to the government in exchange for driver’s license with a nifty DHS “Mark” on it (yes they call it a mark). This proves you’re a good little citizen in allegiance and compliance with their system, and won’t cause any trouble by being one of the “enemies”. They can read that information from any camera they have activated anywhere. They can read who you are, where you are, when you passed what camera, and pull up all your information without having to make it obvious to you that it’s being done. How many times a day do you cross a camera and not even know about it? Every time you cross one that is networked into the Facial Recognition system it logs it and who you are. It’s a tracking system put in under the guise of a “harmless” driver’s license, its being implemented around the world, and the threat of the RFID makes people not think twice about getting it.

Oh, BTW, don’t believe that crap about illegals “bringing down the system”, because they aren’t. Its BS, it’s made up by lobbyists of certain interest groups. The “Entitlements” that are costing us so much is actually the Baby Boomers Social Security and medicare. Yeah, you read that right. They bundle Social Security and medicare into the “entitlement” numbers to make it look like the illegals and the poor are bringing down the country instead of the rich hoarders, your masters, the ones who want you marked and tracked, who are actually behind it all.

edit on 9/24/2014 by defcon5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: defcon5
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane
There are multiple reasons why they don’t control the flow of illegals into the US. On the democrat side, they view them as future democratic voters; on the Republican side, as cheap labor to man their sweat shops. Are they being used as an excuse to bring in stricter ID systems? Sure. However, if not them it would be another excuse.

Now as far as the RFID goes.

The RFID is a threat that is being used to frighten conservative Christians, while implementing worse, but less “mark of the beast”'ish appearing ID’s. The RFID is old hat now, they have better, and cheaper solutions.

In order to use a RFID system, you have to have everyone implanted, then you have to put in networked reader stations everywhere that you want to read the chip. Very expensive, very limited range, and very intrusive…

Today, under the Real ID Act you have to give your biometrics to the government in exchange for driver’s license with a nifty DHS “Mark” on it (yes they call it a mark). This proves you’re a good little citizen in allegiance and compliance with their system, and won’t cause any trouble by being one of the “enemies”. They can read that information from any camera they have activated anywhere. They can read who you are, where you are, when you passed what camera, and pull up all your information without having to make it obvious to you that it’s being done. How many times a day do you cross a camera and not even know about it? Every time you cross one that is networked into the Facial Recognition system it logs it and who you are. It’s a tracking system put in under the guise of a “harmless” driver’s license, its being implemented around the world, and the threat of the RFID makes people not think twice about getting it.

Oh, BTW, don’t believe that crap about illegals “bringing down the system”, because they aren’t. Its BS, it’s made up by lobbyists of certain interest groups. The “Entitlements” that are costing us so much is actually the Baby Boomers Social Security and medicare. Yeah, you read that right. They bundle Social Security and medicare into the “entitlement” numbers to make it look like the illegals and the poor are bringing down the country instead of the rich hoarders, your masters, the ones who want you marked and tracked, who are actually behind it all.

I know... little do these "mark of the beast" folk know, you were already born with it. If you don't know, it's your face. They can already tell who you are through predictive algorithms and your Drivers License photo. They've had the tech for years and it's just recently been made public albeit a dumb downed version that can't tell with hats and sunglasses but that's just smoke and screens.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

I don't understand why we ever had a dept. for immigration and naturalization
at all? OP has one truth figured out to be sure, as well as the Native American
Indians do. The United States government can't be trusted by anyone. Because
there is obviously an agenda it is working towards. This is a great attempt to see
that agenda. OP is on the right path.

I think of the problems we see occurring today with kidnappings and beheadings
and disappearing airplanes and people. And so much what looks like total fakery
in the MSM. Pay attention ATS.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: defcon5

Oh, BTW, don’t believe that crap about illegals “bringing down the system”, because they aren’t. Its BS, it’s made up by lobbyists of certain interest groups. The “Entitlements” that are costing us so much is actually the Baby Boomers Social Security and medicare. Yeah, you read that right. They bundle Social Security and medicare into the “entitlement” numbers to make it look like the illegals and the poor are bringing down the country instead of the rich hoarders, your masters, the ones who want you marked and tracked, who are actually behind it all.

they borrowed the money out of the social security fund and now they have to pay some of it back! poor souls!
My dad worked all his life and paid into the system he died at age 53 never collected a dime of it! My mom enjoyed a social security check for maybe half a year, my production manager worked past retirement age and passed on before retiring she didn't collect much either. My husband and me have paid in and haven't reached retirement age yet.
Where did all the money all these people pay in go to?? What happened to it??
Oh ya the gov't BORROWED that money along with a whole mess more and I really don't remember much griping at all while that money was being used to provide for the single mothers who didn't want to work, subsidize the payrolls of companies that didn't want to pay a decent wage ( you don't think t hat these programs don't benefit the companies? ), build new schools, new football stadiums, new malls, and well let's not forget about the wars and the defense contractors that provide the world with their killing machines!
The lower the wages go the less the contribution to this fund by the way! And of course the people who make over $117,000. don't pay social security tax on anything above that amount. So it seems, at least to me that more and more of the available funds are being shifted from the taxable to the nontaxable. After all which groups is it that are actually seeing increases in their earnings, I kind of think they are those who are making over the $117,000 while most of us have either seen a decrease in our earnings or stagnation. And well we just won't talk about the money that was taken out to help out with the Medicaid and Chips will we?

No the problem isn't the boomers! Most of them worked instead of getting handouts! They've paid their dues! The problem is that our gov't is too broke to pay back the money that they borrowed! And well if they were to tell the seniors tough luck just what do you think all their other creditors will think?

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 07:47 AM
Dedicated to collecting the truth and ensuring that it's not lost by the people that don't want you to think about it.

Amazing statistics about the illegal immigrants - with the sources of the information included.
If nothing else, read the bottom. Why don't we use the LAWS that on the books already!!!
Below are 14 Reasons to deport illegal aliens – and they are not unsubstantiated, wild numbers that are fabricated out of ‘thin air' to upset people. Each ‘reason' with an associated statistic has an associated link. Hope these 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read by the majority of Americans. Then they will have something to yell at their U.S. Congress members. If you don't forward this email, then don't complain when 35% of your paycheck is gone before you get it AND the national debt is 10 trillion dollars.
Oh, and if you're going to discredit any of the information form any of the links because some of the info references “immigrants” but does not specify “illegal immigrants” – the Federal government accepts less than 800,000 LEGAL immigrants each year and in a average year, over 200,000 of those or previously admitted legal immigrants will leave the US. By far, the money spent on “immigrants” is almost all ILLEGAL immigrants.

1.) $11 Bill ion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. /zob77
2.) $2.2 Bill ion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
3.) $2.5 Bill ion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
4.) $12 Bill ion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
5.) $17 Bill ion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
8.) $90 Bill ion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
$200 Bill ion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
10.) The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States .
11.) During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, coc aine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S. from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report: /t9sht
The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."
13.) In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.
14.) "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants in the United States “.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:01 AM
All immigrants pay taxes whether they are illegal or not. They pay them in the forms of: property tax (directly if they own a home, or indirectly if they rent); sales tax on all the goods they buy; and income tax at Federal, State and local level — if their employment is properly recorded and tax deductions administered by their employer. However, since illegal immigrants do not have work permits and cannot legally be employed, they are often employed "off the books" in casual or seasonal work by less scrupulous employers who pay in cash and don't deduct taxes.Since illegal immigrants often have fake or stolen documents, including fake and stolen Social Security numbers, the money they pay into the system is money that will never be withdrawn. The amount in question is evidenced by the Social Security Administration’s “suspense file” (taxes that cannot be matched to workers’ names and Social Security numbers), which grew $20 billion between 1990 and 1998. Still, the true owners of the Social Security numbers are often targeted by the IRS for failure to pay taxes, resulting in real victimization of legal residents. Immigrants come here to get "welfare"Immigrants come to work and to reunite with family members.Immigrant labor-force participation is consistently higher than native-born, and immigrant workers make up a larger share of the U.S. labor force (12.4%) than they do the U.S. population (11.5%). Moreover, the ratio between immigrant use of public benefits and the amount of taxes they pay is consistently favorable to the U.S., unless the “study” was undertaken by an anti-immigrant group. In one estimate, immigrants earn about $240 billion a year, pay about $90 billion a year in taxes, and use about $5 billion in public benefits. In another cut of the data, immigrant tax payments total $20 to $30 billion more than the amount of government services they use.

Since the welfare reform of 1996, when limits were implemented cutting off benefits to two years consecutively or five years cumulatively, this is a bogus accusation.To immigrate into the US, you must have a sponsor (generally the family member, such as the spouse, bringing you into the country) who will testify that he or she has enough money to support you, if you are unable to support yourself, or if you lose your job. This agreement means that within the first 5 years of living in the US, you cannot take welfare. Your family member will be assessed a penalty if you demand it.

Immigrants send all their money back to their home countriesIn addition to the consumer spending of immigrant households, immigrants and their businesses contribute $162 billion in tax revenue to U.S. federal, state, and local governments. While it is true that immigrants remit billions of dollars a year to their home countries, this is one of the most targeted and effective forms of direct foreign investment.

Also, if you are going to complain that immigrants send money back to their home countries, you have to also raise a stink that very often, the rich offshore their money in foreign banks.[edit]Immigrants take jobs and opportunity away from Americans.

The largest wave of immigration to the U.S. since the early 1900s coincided with the lowest national unemployment rate and fastest economic growth. Immigrant entrepreneurs create jobs for U.S. and foreign workers, and foreign-born students allow many U.S. graduate programs to keep their doors open. While there has been no comprehensive study done of immigrant-owned businesses, we have countless examples: in Silicon Valley, companies begun by Chinese and Indian immigrants generated more than $19.5 billion in sales and nearly 73,000 jobs in 2000.

Illegal immigrants, as well as legal immigrants with little job skills or language skills often take the work seen by most Americans as "beneath them." Janitorial services, crop pickers and garbage collectors need workers, and they do not find them from high-school-educated, English-speaking citizens. As a demonstration of this fact, in Georgia, a 2011 crackdown on illegal immigrants caused many to be deported and more to flee the state. This caused a shortage of labor on the state's farms, indicating that illegal immigrants in that state do not compete very much with Americans for jobs.[edit]Immigrants are a drain on the U.S. economyDuring the 1990s, half of all new workers were foreign-born, filling gaps left by native-born workers in both the high- and low-skill ends of the spectrum.Immigrants fill jobs in key sectors, start their own businesses, and contribute to a thriving economy. The net benefit of immigration to the U.S. is nearly $10 billion annually. As Alan Greenspan points out, 70% of immigrants arrive in prime working age.

Due to welfare reform, legal immigrants are severely restricted from accessing public benefits, and illegal immigrants are even further precluded from anything other than emergency services. Anti-immigrant groups skew these figures by including programs used by U.S. citizen children of immigrants in their definition of immigrant welfare use, among other tactics. transplanted into our workforce and will contribute $500 billion toward our social security system over the next 20 years

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Jenisiz

When ICE used to raid places of employment and deport illegals, every single position was quickly and easily filled by a citizen.
We don't need millions and millions of illegals to pick crops and those who do can easily get a temporary workers permit or whatever it is they offer these people seasonally and legally.

It is a myth that illegals are only doing jobs that citizens won't do. They are now in many areas of the workforce and are getting those jobs because they will work for sub standard wages. The illegals get screwed and so do the citizens.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: Jenisiz
All immigrants pay taxes whether they are illegal or not. They pay them in the forms of: property tax (directly if they own a home, or indirectly if they rent); sales tax on all the goods they buy; and income tax at Federal, State and local level — if their employment is properly recorded and tax deductions administered by their employer. However, since illegal immigrants do not have work permits and cannot legally be employed, they are often employed "off the books" in casual or seasonal work by less scrupulous employers who pay in cash and don't deduct taxes.Since illegal immigrants often have fake or stolen documents, including fake and stolen Social Security numbers, the money they pay into the system is money that will never be withdrawn. The amount in question is evidenced by the Social Security Administration’s “suspense file” (taxes that cannot be matched to workers’ names and Social Security numbers), which grew $20 billion between 1990 and 1998. Still, the true owners of the Social Security numbers are often targeted by the IRS for failure to pay taxes, resulting in real victimization of legal residents. Immigrants come here to get "welfare"Immigrants come to work and to reunite with family members.Immigrant labor-force participation is consistently higher than native-born, and immigrant workers make up a larger share of the U.S. labor force (12.4%) than they do the U.S. population (11.5%). Moreover, the ratio between immigrant use of public benefits and the amount of taxes they pay is consistently favorable to the U.S., unless the “study” was undertaken by an anti-immigrant group. In one estimate, immigrants earn about $240 billion a year, pay about $90 billion a year in taxes, and use about $5 billion in public benefits. In another cut of the data, immigrant tax payments total $20 to $30 billion more than the amount of government services they use.

Since the welfare reform of 1996, when limits were implemented cutting off benefits to two years consecutively or five years cumulatively, this is a bogus accusation.To immigrate into the US, you must have a sponsor (generally the family member, such as the spouse, bringing you into the country) who will testify that he or she has enough money to support you, if you are unable to support yourself, or if you lose your job. This agreement means that within the first 5 years of living in the US, you cannot take welfare. Your family member will be assessed a penalty if you demand it.

Immigrants send all their money back to their home countriesIn addition to the consumer spending of immigrant households, immigrants and their businesses contribute $162 billion in tax revenue to U.S. federal, state, and local governments. While it is true that immigrants remit billions of dollars a year to their home countries, this is one of the most targeted and effective forms of direct foreign investment.

Also, if you are going to complain that immigrants send money back to their home countries, you have to also raise a stink that very often, the rich offshore their money in foreign banks.[edit]Immigrants take jobs and opportunity away from Americans.

The largest wave of immigration to the U.S. since the early 1900s coincided with the lowest national unemployment rate and fastest economic growth. Immigrant entrepreneurs create jobs for U.S. and foreign workers, and foreign-born students allow many U.S. graduate programs to keep their doors open. While there has been no comprehensive study done of immigrant-owned businesses, we have countless examples: in Silicon Valley, companies begun by Chinese and Indian immigrants generated more than $19.5 billion in sales and nearly 73,000 jobs in 2000.

Illegal immigrants, as well as legal immigrants with little job skills or language skills often take the work seen by most Americans as "beneath them." Janitorial services, crop pickers and garbage collectors need workers, and they do not find them from high-school-educated, English-speaking citizens. As a demonstration of this fact, in Georgia, a 2011 crackdown on illegal immigrants caused many to be deported and more to flee the state. This caused a shortage of labor on the state's farms, indicating that illegal immigrants in that state do not compete very much with Americans for jobs.[edit]Immigrants are a drain on the U.S. economyDuring the 1990s, half of all new workers were foreign-born, filling gaps left by native-born workers in both the high- and low-skill ends of the spectrum.Immigrants fill jobs in key sectors, start their own businesses, and contribute to a thriving economy. The net benefit of immigration to the U.S. is nearly $10 billion annually. As Alan Greenspan points out, 70% of immigrants arrive in prime working age.

Due to welfare reform, legal immigrants are severely restricted from accessing public benefits, and illegal immigrants are even further precluded from anything other than emergency services. Anti-immigrant groups skew these figures by including programs used by U.S. citizen children of immigrants in their definition of immigrant welfare use, among other tactics. transplanted into our workforce and will contribute $500 billion toward our social security system over the next 20 years


Nevermind, I found it.

You didn't expect me to think you just wrote this off the top of your head did you?

edit on Ram92514v24201400000001 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting
The reason is not diabolical. It's economic. Our current society cannot function without service jobs. In other words, we need people to harvest our crops, clean our houses and cut our grass. Honestly, it's as simple as that.

Yes unfortunately there are still plenty of racists in America who think it is somehow OK to pay a brown skinned Hispanic lower wages than they pay Caucasian Americans or African Americans just so they can make more money themselves. If you were paying Caucasian Americans or African Americans a certain wage to get a job done, then you should pay the little brown skinned Hispanic folks the same wage for the same job. Racism just never seems to go away. Racism is bad. Racism coupled with greed is even more so.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 10:00 AM
For a stronger Democratic voting demographic.
edit on 25-9-2014 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Jenisiz

To say illegals pay taxes In the form of sales tax when purchasing things and sometimes property tax... SO what???

We pay those too, plus loads more. Whatever minuscule tax amount illegals inadvertently pay, is a drop in the bucket compared to all the money illegals collect and debt caused.

Plus, you used the term immigrant, let's not get confused. I have never met someone who has a problem with lawful legal citizens. We are discussing illegals.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: randyvs

Hell no lol, I just did a quick search but it wouldn't let me quote the entire article. It goes on and on. And I'm pretty sure the -

"$500 billion toward our social security system" being paid out by immigrants alone, which they don't get back, helps a tad. They don't even get a fraction of that back in welfare. And the best played out argument of them all...You were more then likely a decedent of an immigrant as well. Good thing there wasn't folks like you and others around during your ancestors immigration. America benefits from immigrants more then you know... The mere fact we're arguing about it proves you know VERY little about economics. It's the "Legal Slave Trade" of America. And it's here to stay. If it was that big of an epidemic, you think the government and corporate America would change. They love it.

Sales Tax doesn't count? How convenient. Your ignorance towards real economics is staggering. Come back when you've majored in Industrial Psychology and Advanced Business Statistics so we can discuss what I have a thorough understanding of. Just because you can arm chair inaccurate assessments doesn't give your view any merit. I'm now a senior analytical underwriter for Chase. Weighing risk to benefit is my job. The benefits of immigrants in our economy FAR outweigh the risks hence the reason the flood gates are open.

And back to the chipping illegals isn't going to happen. We don't even have an accurate number on how many are here. If anyone is going to be chipped, it'll be service members. In fact it's already an option for them.
edit on 25-9-2014 by Jenisiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Jenisiz
This is a conspiracy theory forum and I'm surprised none have mentioned it. Corporate America is far worse then the immigrant problem. They keep paying their upper management top dollar and outsourcing while helping support the nation in thinking is the illegals taking jobs. Not the case.

I did mention it:

We have TOO many people being born and not enough desire on the behalf of the "owners of capital" to employ them all for the sake of having a stable and safe civilization to live in day to day. The owners of capital want more people born, not simply for "growing the future tax base", but for the true purpose of DECREASING overall wages for everyone. More people MEANS less jobs and pay per person, affecting even the educated and highly skilled. Its actually quite simple for the peons/peasants of the world to start having more say in how the world is run. Simply don't have children, nor support those having children and oppose all forms of immigration. The result will be soaring wages and diverse employment options expanding for all. The current policy of taxing those without kids, more, is a subconscious way to influence the birth of more kids, by punishing those whom are abstaining from having kids in their own best FINANCIAL interests, whom are also not giving in to the desires for increased population coveted by both government and large corporations.

I have been making the argument, for a very long time, that the ever increasing "non-1%'er" population is, in fact, lowering the overall influence of those whom are not in the 1%.

How is this possible, you ask?

Because its easier to "pay less" or "nothing at all" to contracted or indentured "labor" when there is another willing laborer/slave waiting in the wings to do the work for less or nothing at all. Its actually quite simple, if those not in the 1% refused to get married or have babies from here on out & actively blocked any future immigration, the 1% would very quickly need to raise wages. Otherwise nothing the 1% want to get "worked on" would ever get done. When low-wage/low-skilled labor becomes scarce in the larger market, wages go up.

"Baby making with benefits" thoughts on a grand scale is the problem. There are not enough paying jobs to go around as it is and the "baby makers" somehow think bringing another human onto the earth is a good idea. Their future, unborn, child is going to do nothing except drive down wages for everyone else who was already here. These people, quite simply put, need to rethink their purpose in life. Its not to make babies in a world without a job for them to earn a living from. People who think like this are doing nothing more than driving the rest of us deeper into slavery at the hands of the "owners of capital", whom use "extra living bodies" as an excuse to constantly drive down wages and increase the costs of goods due to increased demand or even sometimes lack of demand. People need to change their world view, RIGHT NOW, its not about making babies anymore! Save a job for a person already born and living, by getting a vasectomy and vilifying those who choose to make more human beings through biological reproduction!

Guess when the largest “recorded” wage increase happened in history for, non-land owing, wage-laborers, post the introduction of fiat currency?

Any ideas?

I’ll tell you, it was after the black death pandemic in the 14th century, especially in post-pandemic England.

How is that possible?

Because “the owners of capital”, post-black-death-pandemic still needed wage-laborers, but there was a HUGE shortage of able bodied people, so, in order for ANY work to get done they had to pay the peasants and other undesirables more, SIGNIFICANTLY MORE. This principle is still at work today, when you take the time to recognize that portions of the population are actively discouraged from participating in the full-time labor market. This is easily done, by throwing people in prison, forcing them to attend formal school longer and allowing more people to claim themselves as disabled or collect long/short term welfare. The next obvious step for government to further reduce the number of people participating in the full-time labor market is to allow them easier access to welfare, or, as some have been recommending lately, a guaranteed minimum wage/allowance that everyone gets, without having to provide labor to an employer first. I’m not going to go into any specific economic theory, but this above noted cohort of non-participants collecting a base amount of guaranteed welfare/allowance will likely keep wages stable for those whom are still working full-time. For example, if all people capable of working full-time, entered the job market simultaneously, wages would crash and to a certain extent have, as of 2014.

Contrary to popular, academic and authoritative opinions, history has already proved my above inference to be VERY effective against the 1%'ers quest to drive down wages. Hence, if those NOT in the 1% refused to get married or have babies from here on out and aggressively blocked any future immigration, both legal and illegal, the 1% would very quickly need to raise wages for non-land owing/peasants/undesirables/wage-laborers, etc. Otherwise nothing the 1% want to get "worked on" would ever get done. When low-wage/low-skilled labor becomes scarce in the larger market, wages go up, FOR EVERYBODY, even skilled workers. For us the peasants, "self induced labor shortages" is one of the few ways to get the "owners of capital" to pay more for services rendered. This includes the concept of the UNION, but Americans have already voted against their interests in that respect. All they really have left now to negotiate with, is making less babies and stopping both legal & illegal immigration.

Its not simply about "wealth redistribution" and taxing those without children more than those with children, its about overabundance of labor on the market and the ability of the 1% to artificially drive down wages of the 99%. When the Black Death came about and wiped out "excess labor", the 1%'ers of the day somehow found "extra money" to pay said labor, for services rendered. Which means it was always available and wages could have been higher previously, but instead the 1%, of the day, chose to play the game, "pit the desperate workers against each other".

The French Revolution and the Peasant's Revolt also function within my "scarce-labor of ALL types" theory, resulting in higher wages being paid to non-land owing/peasants/undesirables/wage-laborers. During the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1799, birth rates fell dramatically. Also the earlier Peasants Revolt, of 1381, not surprisingly, had roots in the aftermath of the Black Death. In fact, the Peasants Revolt was triggered by the "Statute of Labourers 1351".

The sustained wage growth for non-land owing, wage-laborers was rising so quickly that the English parliament, a few decades post the Black-Death, under King Edward III, introduced the "Statute of Labourers 1351". It was used by the "Owners of Capital", as an artificial means to drive down the wages of non-land owning peasants. Despite market conditions signalling the need for increased wages.

Its simple, newborn babies, legal immigrants and illegal immigrants destroy the wage negotiating power of the 99% and the 1% know this.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 02:02 PM
Business models for what you suggest would decimate the economy. Large corporations would still continue to outsource and even smaller companies would as well as the wages for Americans would increase. Gas and the general cost of living would sky rocket as I know of not one single living citizen willing to work for 20 bux a day picking strawberries. To employ citizens would require a massive increase in produce and goods manufactured locally which would only encourage importing and outsourcing. What you're suggesting is the common 1 year plan. Looks good short term...but once current inventory levels have been depleted, we're up sh1t Creek with no paddles.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

Thats a little far fetched. Micro chip test subjects....? Just no.

Then how about the same moved used to get rid of guns? Give you a reason to want to comply.

They say "we are overwhelmed and cannot control the borders, if you people want to keep illegals out help us fight fake ID and take a chip, anyone not having one will be known to be illegal."

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Jenisiz

Good thing there wasn't folks like you and others around during your ancestors immigration.

There were plenty of "Folks like me to go around". They just couldn't say a damn thing.
You see, they just weren't dense to the difference between legal and illegal. I swear
you just ignore the obvious and still lose the argument. Plagiarise Wiki, still lose.
Are you even an american?

Just because you can arm chair inaccurate assessments doesn't give your view any merit. I'm now a senior analytical underwriter for Chase.

Why am I not surprised? No illegals hoarding your source of income.
You just think you know something lady. You haven't had to endure
any of this totally unreasonable BS first hand. You know what this
isn't a good idea for me to even be debating this with you. I'm likely
to lose my membership. So have a good one.

edit on Rpm92514v412014u26 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

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