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Did Jesus say anything about gay folk?.

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posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: orangetom1999

Once again...people are more than sex and sexuality.


That's the only thing you have got right. You might consider my posts to be anything you wish - including immature and emotional, but I'd like to remind you that I'm a human being and these things come naturally to us. If you think I'll ignore my emotions, you're insane.

I'm not sure why you're so pissy about words changing - words change throughout the history of their use. Get over it.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 08:23 PM
The fact that this thread is still going scares me.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: orangetom1999

It takes two to create a conflict. If gay people are focusing on their sexuality, then those against gay people are doing the same. It is the focus of sexuality which causes people to want the law to treat gays as lower than themselves, and if gay people are responding to this by focusing on their sexuality, then that is all it is - a response to the focus of sexuality that was already there by others (those against gays).

Look at your words for example, when people talk about gays you keep saying "people are more than their sexuality", but gay does not automatically have to refer to sexuality, it can also refer to romance between people of the same gender as well.

It's very interesting that when people think of "straight" they don't only thing of sexuality but they think of romance, but for some people, when they see the word "gay" they automatically think of sexuality.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: BasementWarriorKryptonite

That's the only thing you have got right. You might consider my posts to be anything you wish - including immature and emotional, but I'd like to remind you that I'm a human being and these things come naturally to us. If you think I'll ignore my emotions, you're insane.

I'm not sure why you're so pissy about words changing - words change throughout the history of their use. Get over it.

Wow..You make more and more mature posts as this thread continues on. Even your language faculties demonstrate this while you try to pigeon hole me into a corner on the same topic of words and language. Astonishing. No problem once again. I merely point this out to readers who can still think for themselves.

Unless you can intimidate other readers to shut down and leave this such dissonance are going to need more practice. You are coming across now more like plea bargaining or at least resorting to baseness and crassness.

I should probably tell you that I work in a shipyard..on the ships. I endure such crassness and baseness often among men and males who ..outside of their work/jobs ..their stock in trade is women, alcohol, the gods of sports, and base language faculties. I am not impressed with any or either. Even the women working here ..have mostly a four letter word vocabulary.

One thing you do not do here when working the particularly hazardous jobs and emote your way through them...with drama. You will get yourself and those around you killed or maimed. This is how I can see right through your posts and emotions. Those of us who know ...have learned to discipline our emotions..and funnel these emotions into getting jobs done by skills/disciplines..not self indulgence..or drama...instant gratification beliefs.

I do not change my beliefs and understandings because I put my gear away in my locker. This knowledge comes home with me ..right here.

That is free for cover charge. This in the idea that you understand now our differences and why.


It does indeed take two people to make a conflict...two or more. There is a conflict going on here?? What is it?? Do tell??

If gay people are focusing on their sexuality, then those against gay people are doing the same.

Wow!! G. F. W. Hegel??? Thesis, antithesis, Synthesis?? I think you assume to much here in order to go on to your next assumption in crisis management techniques.

Why would you be so far gone as to assume that there is a focus against gay people...based on sexuality..and that is the only two possibilities?? Why would you be so ignorant as to limit the thinking to only that??
I say this to demonstrate your provincial thinking.
Remember what I stated in a previous post about not having all the cards in the deck and then dealing them out thinking no one would catch it?? You are doing it right here ..again!!

People who know and can think for themselves do not want to view people through their sex and sexuality...particularly as the very first thing by which to be accosted. Thinking people find this to be base and vulgar..very common.

They do not want to look at everything and anything through the prism of sex and sexuality.

However ..due to mass marketing ..and particularly in public education and television movie education..the same thing...most people do not even think this way today. This is not is propaganda...conditioning.

I, on the other hand, have conditioned myself to not think this way and spot it in those who do.

I have done the same thing on the subject of Race..I do not want to look upon a person first through the prism of race.

But I do notice when people do exactly that. I want to look upon them by their potential as a human being..not their race.

Same thing with sex and sexuality. I do not want to look upon people through this prism as well..but on their other human attributes...and I don't mean ..women, alcohol, the gods of sports and foul language abilities. Understand now??

I am not interested in yours or anyone else's romance life, nor their sex lives. Understand??? And I certainly am not interested in it being boasted about in public as a badge or index of merit or glory.

I do not think this to deep for you..but I am concerned that it may go way over the head of BasementWarriorKryptonite who seems to be caught in an emotional warp.

Not everyone out here is interested in the standard issue propaganda default settings. They are not that easily controlled by dissonance techniques or todays language of dissonance.

And this is exactly the stock in trade of the Homosexual movements , the race movements, and also the womens movements...dissonance.

Once you learn to spot it will see it every time and with predictability and almost every time. Because the methods and patterns of operation are very very similar. Almost a Xerox copy of each other..complete with emotions and drama.

Look at your words for example, when people talk about gays you keep saying "people are more than their sexuality", but gay does not automatically have to refer to sexuality, it can also refer to romance between people of the same gender as well.

It's very interesting that when people think of "straight" they don't only thing of sexuality but they think of romance, but for some people, when they see the word "gay" they automatically think of sexuality.

No gay does not always have to refer to sex and sexuality which is what I have been stating...when I declare that people are so much more than this. Gay or straight. And I am not interested in the romance life or sex lives of others and do not want to look at them through this prism.

But what are the "Enlightened people " on this thread talking about In a reflection of gay?? Are they talking about the same thing I am trying to cast light upon?? Or are they referring to peoples sex lives?? I don't think it ever occurred to most of them to think of it in the manner I am describing..the propaganda and non thinking is so entrenched today by media controlled lives and thinking..or if you prefer ..non

I do not choose to look at people through the prizm of their sex or straight. It is none of my business. It is private and should so remain. Hence I state and have determined that people should not be defined by their sex or sexuality. They should be defined by traits more important than ones sex or sexuality.

The only manner in which people can be taught to constantly think of others by their sex and sexuality is if they have been dumbed down and have little to no concept of other lines of thinking and thought. In other words..this line of thinking for which I am describing or this line of thought is forbidden to them..not allowed..not promoted..not taught.

And this is one of the goals of dissonance...censorship.

I am also not into censorship..particularly of thought..ideas and understanding.

Hope this helps clarify,

Thanks again to all for their posts,

edit on 21-9-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: orangetom1999

originally posted by: orangetom1999
It does indeed take two people to make a conflict...two or more. There is a conflict going on here?? What is it?? Do tell??

The conflict between those who are for and against gay rights.

originally posted by: orangetom1999
Wow!! G. F. W. Hegel??? Thesis, antithesis, Synthesis?? I think you assume to much here in order to go on to your next assumption in crisis management techniques.

It is not an assumption. If someone is against homosexuality, then that itself is a focus on sexuality in order to fight against it.

originally posted by: orangetom1999
People who know and can think for themselves do not want to view people through their sex and sexuality...particularly as the very first thing by which to be accosted. Thinking people find this to be base and vulgar..very common.

Just because some people don't have the same perspective as you (that the focus of sexuality is 'vulgar') that doesn't mean that they don't think for themselves. Many religions already see sexuality as a 'vulgar' thing, maybe someone wants to think out of the box and see it as something to be celebrated.

originally posted by: orangetom1999
However ..due to mass marketing ..and particularly in public education and television movie education..the same thing...most people do not even think this way today. This is not is propaganda...conditioning.

Sexuality is a normal thing for a human being (and nature in general). That's why it's in the media a lot because it's one of the things that are a part of human nature.

originally posted by: orangetom1999
I, on the other hand, have conditioned myself to not think this way and spot it in those who do.

Some people have chosen not to be conditioned to see sexuality as a 'vulgar' thing, not because they don't think, but because they have thought about it and decided not to.

originally posted by: orangetom1999
I am not interested in yours or anyone else's romance life, nor their sex lives. Understand??? And I certainly am not interested in it being boasted about in public as a badge or index of merit or glory.

It may not be your preference but it is the preference of others. If, for example, you don't like blue sweaters in are not interested in it being 'boasted' about in public, then there is not much you can do about it. Trying to ban blue sweaters or force people to not wear it in public would be tyranny and 'emoting' (since you would be banning something on the basis of preference rather than equality/justice).

originally posted by: orangetom1999
I don't think it ever occurred to most of them to think of it in the manner I am describing..the propaganda and non thinking is so entrenched today by media controlled lives and thinking..or if you prefer ..non

Again, just because people choose not to see sexuality a 'vulgar' like you and many religions/societies do, does not mean that they are 'not thinking' it could be that they just choose to focus on sexuality because they enjoy it.

Just to make this on topic:

Strictly giving a Biblical answer on this,

Jesus did not tell people to force others to give up their way of life. Jesus only said preach The Gospel and be in the world but not of it - but he did not say to try to make the entire world go along with it, because according to John 15:19 the followers of Jesus Christ were chosen by Jesus himself, and do not belong to the world - so you can't really make people to go along with it anyway.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: arpgme

Incredibly well done.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: orangetom1999

Question? Why do you care what homosexuals do? Is it because you feel they are the cause for all your ills?

2 Chronicles 7:14New King James Version (NKJV)

14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land

According to that nugget, you are to blame for the damage to our land. Not homosexuality. What are the requirements for resolution? Being oppressive over someone's sexuality, or humbling yourself, seeking his face, pray, and turn from YOUR wicked ways.

Here is a refresher to how you are failing.
edit on 21-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 01:51 AM

The conflict between those who are for and against gay rights.

I don't have a dog in this fight. My point in my posts was and still is that it is dumb for people ..hetero and homo both to define themselves by their sex and sexuality.

You seem want to start from a default setting that everyone has a dog in this fight and according to the standard default settings of dissonance so popular today. I don't view it from those standard defaults and am not interested in said default settings.

It is not an assumption. If someone is against homosexuality, then that itself is a focus on sexuality in order to fight against it.

Oh..goodness me..Zooommmm!! again over your an attempt to create a position of dissonance from which to begin your work and establish your credibility and hope no one catches on. This is politic..not intelligence. It is again G. F. W. Hegel...thesis, antithesis, synthesis as a crisis management technique to be fanned and hope no one catches it.

What I post is not against what you are describing ..but against what I consider ignorance..carte blanche..ignorance. Dumbing down of people by dissonance techniques.

I have little use for ignorance ..just as I do not watch sports..for the same reasons.

Once again...You have to become educated and dumbed down not to realize that people ..hetero and Homo both are so much more than sex and sexuality. And for someone to define themselves by their sex and sexuality ..and demand that people silence their views and understandings...or at least be the epitome of dumbness and ignorance.
And I mean this hetero and homo is ignorance..across the board ignorance being deliberately fostered and promoted as enlightenment. It is none of these.

Just because some people don't have the same perspective as you (that the focus of sexuality is 'vulgar') that doesn't mean that they don't think for themselves. Many religions already see sexuality as a 'vulgar' thing, maybe someone wants to think out of the box and see it as something to be celebrated.

Oh..I understand that people do not have the same perspective as do I. No problem. I am just want to speak out about it.
No problem again. I do not go the emotional militant route as others such as BasementWarriorKryptonite are want to so do.

I stick an ear of dried corn out on a nail in my backyard and on a platform on one of my trees. This way the squirrels can feed and feast on it. One thing is obvious..that they have sex and sexuality. But I am not interested in their sex and sexuality. Same thing with other people..humans...I am not interested in their sex and sexuality. I am happy for them that they have it..but I do not want to know the details or be pigeonholed or forced by dissonance techniques to go along..hetero or homo...both.

I do not want to go along with other peoples baseness...under the guise of any belief and zealous religion.

Sexuality is a normal thing for a human being (and nature in general). That's why it's in the media a lot because it's one of the things that are a part of human nature.

I am not debating this point...and so stated. I am not debating that people do not have sex and sexuality..but that they are so much more than this point.

As to the media..they are nothing more than pimps in this ..making merchandize to sell copy. They know that unthinking people can easily be seduced to this template and thereby make a profit off their unthinkingness. Lack of knowledge and all emotions. So to with politicians and today's pseudo leadership. They will use and misuse this weakness for votes on people who are unaware of what is going on. Politics will sell anyone and any bodies soul for a vote.

Again, just because people choose not to see sexuality a 'vulgar' like you and many religions/societies do, does not mean that they are 'not thinking' it could be that they just choose to focus on sexuality because they enjoy it.

This is not the same point I am making in my posts. And while I am thinking about it...this....

It may not be your preference but it is the preference of others. If, for example, you don't like blue sweaters in are not interested in it being 'boasted' about in public, then there is not much you can do about it. Trying to ban blue sweaters or force people to not wear it in public would be tyranny and 'emoting' (since you would be banning something on the basis of preference rather than equality/justice).

Good one is talking here about banning anything...except you and of course BasementWarriorKryptonite

This is fear and insecurity. I am talking about ignorance...and also of not having all the cards in the deck.

I also have not been talking about this kind of .BasementWarriorKryptonite back on page 19.

They're going to be accountable to us and everyone else from now on. This world doesn't have room for it anymore. I'm sure you agree that it just doesn't.

This is militancy and intolerance while demanding tolerance from others. Exactly the point I was making about that beauty contestant many years ago.

Oh..while I am at it ..I took the liberty to look up that beauty contestant. Her name is Carrie Prejean and the question and excoriation was done by someone named...Perez Hilton. I found this type of whoredom by Perez Hilton to be beneath contention when it was he who asked the woman that very question. One would think that a mature panel judge would be satisfied with someones answer....that they even answered. Not use or misuse their seat on a panel to roast and make a public spectacle of this woman. All they did was demonstrate their biases and willingness to abuse their position on the contest panel for their political They also clearly demonstrated their vast immaturity to go along with this whoredom. The buying, selling ,and trading the souls of others for political Obviously a very devout and zealous religion at practice here. A political priesthood. More accurately a front for an character assassination squad. That is what finally lost it for me on the leadership of this movement. An obvious sign or tell tale of their entitlement thinking.

Again, just because people choose not to see sexuality a 'vulgar' like you and many religions/societies do, does not mean that they are 'not thinking' it could be that they just choose to focus on sexuality because they enjoy it.

I do not think you grasp the whole context of this vulgarity you seem want to label here. What I find vulgar and common the ignorance so widely posted here on boards and threads like this one ..and with pride. It is not the sex and sexuality per se..but the very nature surrounding it. I have so stated..that people are so much more than sex and sexuality as well as stating that I am not speaking against sex and sexuality per se.

What I am against is carte blanche ignorance and I am attempting through many of my posts to make this point but it seems to go way over the head of many readers and posters here. No problem..once again I make note of this.

Appears I am running out of characters. Beginning another post.
edit on 25-9-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: arpgme

Jesus did not tell people to force others to give up their way of life. Jesus only said preach The Gospel and be in the world but not of it - but he did not say to try to make the entire world go along with it, because according to John 15:19 the followers of Jesus Christ were chosen by Jesus himself, and do not belong to the world - so you can't really make people to go along with it anyway.

The message of the Word/Bible from cover to cover to come out from amongst them and be ye separate. Both Olde and New Testaments. To be in the world but not of it...indeed...well said arpgme..well said.

But when people get on board such as this one to explain why they are so and why they do not approve of the appearance of this world or the things and values of this world..they are put on trial..excoriated...managed by dissonance. No problem by me..because Believers are told to expect this from the world. Nothing better.

I don't care what the world does or believes. I do not want to know what my neighbors are doing as long as they leave me alone. This is a public board...accessable by this computer. It is interesting to me to see the reactions of people demanding tolerance out find that they are not really tolerant.

The word described by King Agrippa of the Christians in appropriate..Sect meaning separated from.

As I stated ..I am aware of and trained in the techniques of dissonance...cognative dissonance used and misused by leadership, the media, and public education today.

Many of the posters here are following these techniques down to the stock arguments and positions ..even using the same starting points. I believe many of them are just responding to a control stimulus without thinking it emotional control stimulus. And I believe it was designed for them to not know the nature of the control mechanism.

Here is one of those control work..on the racial Topic of White Privilege become so popular today and particularly at university levels and other captive marketplaces of ideas and control.

Notice when scrolling down the article...this statement..

The military document advises personnel to “assume racism is everywhere, every day” and “notice code words for race.” They are also instructed to “understand and learn from the history of whiteness and racism.”

My point in this is to show that many in the homosexual movement begin from a starting point..that any who disagree with their position is that what they call homophobia is anyone who disagrees with them.

This is how I deduced that this movement is controlled at the top by the same bunch who control the womens movements as well as the racial movements. They all have this same pattern of assumption as their starting point and I can see it in many of the posts here on ATS and on these topics in particular.

Not Authorized,

Question? Why do you care what homosexuals do? Is it because you feel they are the cause for all your ills?

LOL LOL LOL...Wow!! From whence did this come??? I think you can do much better than this panic mode. I have read some of your posts going back to page 10 of this thread. You are obviously well read on a number of topics.

I note the comment you made on some page back on the Talmud. Most readers..including the Believers/Christians do not even know of the existence of the Talmud. So I cannot quite understand the basis of this type of panic approach with such a broad brush. I think it not worthy of your talents or extensive reading/knowledge base.

2 Chronicles 7:14New King James Version (NKJV)

14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land

According to that nugget, you are to blame for the damage to our land. Not homosexuality. What are the requirements for resolution? Being oppressive over someone's sexuality, or humbling yourself, seeking his face, pray, and turn from YOUR wicked ways.

Wow again!! Did you ever get this one way off the base plate or bag. This was spoken in Olde Testament times to a people He had chosen who were constantly doing what He told and warned them not to do...not to be as the nations surrounding them were doing. This to show that they were not like the nations surrounding them. This kind of disobedient conduct is called "Whoredom." In particular..Spiritual Whoredom which will lead to all the rest of the whoredom's.

Many of todays Believers are in like manner doing exactly as did the Ancient better and furthermore their leadership is keeping them ignorant of the Truth and the pattern of how to see..and identify these whoredom's all around them.

Give you an example here...and one which I made to Kryptonite in an earlier post without expanding on it.

You see the argument here is that Jesus said nothing about Homosexuality therefore it gets a free pass...more or less...correct??

What the thinker here notes is also..from the Olde and New Testaments is that there is no instruction for God's people to celebrate a birthday....ever. For it is known and the custom was ..humility in everything...modesty. For all glory was to go to God..not to the individual...but to God..every day...all day ...24/7.

But because of todays Enlightened thinking..Illumination...birthdays have become the fad/popular today.
Most do not know that this was also popular in the Heathen/Pagan nations...birthdays.

The Significance of Jesus the His death, burial and resurrection, not his Birth. This is how I know that Christmas is a counterfeit.

By men's traditions and education/enlightenment ..we have lost sight of this Truth. Today's pattern in humanity is to bring glory to men..not to God.

As I said...I study counterfeits and occult nature when I can find information's on it. And to so do needs to see with different eyes than the ones by which we are today and customarily educated.
I have learned that there is a difference in Light and light. I have also learned that many Believers are ignorant of this..even many ministers. they way..back on topic...

I want to ask you about something on which I am working..and to probe your extensive find if you know anything about this topic.

I ask this because there is very very little information's to be found on it through most sources...even on this computer.

The subject is "The Fallen." Another word for it is Nephilim. Have you any material or sources on this topic.

I ask because I am working on a connection to the very topic of this thread as well as other topics ..directions..such as public education...the direction public education is want to go or lead people.

I am suspecting that this topic is very occult in nature..controlled..known only by a chosen few and probably for good reason.

Do you have any knowledge or reference directions on this topic?? Would appreciate anything you might have.

And thanks to all for their posts,
edit on 25-9-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 02:49 AM
Some people simply will never give up trying to understand what they cannot. Why must we require understanding of a thing and not just be happy that it is what it is and that nothing can be done about it?

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: BasementWarriorKryptonite
Some people simply will never give up trying to understand what they cannot. Why must we require understanding of a thing and not just be happy that it is what it is and that nothing can be done about it?

LOL LOL LOL...Wow!!!!

Gotta make haste..but I will get back to this one when time constraints is not a default setting on your part BasementWarriorKryptonite.


posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: orangetom1999

What isn't a default setting on my part?

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: arpgme

If gay people are focusing on their sexuality, then those against gay people are doing the same. It is the focus of sexuality which causes people to want the law to treat gays as lower than themselves, and if gay people are responding to this by focusing on their sexuality, then that is all it is - a response to the focus of sexuality that was already there by others (those against gays).

I've not had time to post on this thread of late and will make up for some of my missing time with this reply to hopefully get BasementWarriorKryptonite to understand the concept of a default setting in an argument or position on a post here on blogs like this one and on certain topics.

Default settings are becoming the norm today in non thinking...non reasoning and instead..emoting.

This is textbook as well of assumptions and what today is passing for default settings in an attempt to normalize non thinking...and self justification while easing out or to the sidelines any competing or different thoughts.

There are thoughts and ideas and understanding missing from this post in
order to get readers to think this is normal and even intelligent thought....the new normal.

It does not even occur to many of the posters here that there are people out here who do not want to be bombarded by sex and sexuality of any kind...24/7...hetero or homo. This never seems to enter the mind or thought process of many trying to argue or justify their belief systems..their devout and zealous religious beliefs...their religion.

The erroneous assumption is that it is all sexuality....all of it...Hegelian dialectic...opposites in conflict...thesis/antithesis...and on to the assumption of synthesis...the new normal.
This now becomes the new default setting...because of an assumption.

arpgme's assumption is that if one group is sexual...the other group is also assumption. Not so.
Not everyone is interested in seeing the whole world and everything in it through the prism of sex and sexuality.
They find this default belief to be insulting and down right ignorant. They are against ignorance.

They are not interested in debating sex and sexuality...for they know that there are more important and substantial knowledges of which to grasp than human sexuality...or to glorify humans by their sexuality. For they know that being a human being is so much more than sexuality...much much more.

For they also know that people who only have sex and sexuality on their minds and knowledge will cheat others of what it is to be this very prism...narrow prism.

Once you know this and combine this with the understanding of how a Hegelian dialectic can see clearly the Hegelian thinking of folks like arpgme and others into conditioning others to silence or default through unquestioned and unchallenged.

As long as you do not know about Hegelian techniques or default setting to play will not catch it going on. You may not even know how a default setting works..or how assumptions work as a default setting to deceive others into believing they have the moral high ground when it is not so.

Default settings often work on assumptions and count on the idea that others do not even know they are going on..they are hidden..concealed and even esoteric...known only by a chosen few that they are even going on.
High emotion levels often help to conceal the default setting...and this is a tell tale sign that they are transpiring...that default setting are transpiring.

It has been awhile since I have had time to return to this thread..but spotted arpgme's Hegelian Dialectic immediately as did I the first time some months ago. It just stands out when you are familiar with the technique.

Hope this helps you expand out your thinking and reasoning capabilities BasementWarriorKryptonite as well as others who may read this post.


edit on 25-10-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 11:08 AM
sorry double post...


edit on 25-10-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 12:20 PM

a reply to: orangetom1999

What isn't a default setting on my part?

This is not a default setting on your part....

Some people simply will never give up trying to understand what they cannot. Why must we require understanding of a thing and not just be happy that it is what it is and that nothing can be done about it?

I will expand on this understanding and knowledge of what is a default setting and how it works..not just for you BasementWarriorKryptonite...but also for the other readers who might happen upon this post.

Here are some examples of recent default settings at work and in current events....

Here this one is often brought out and dusted off be reused near election time when it is necessary to program and control the women's thinking involved..only emoting allowed. It works better if the prey upon which one is being a parasite/controlling is not aware of how it works.

The problem is that this woman candidate so obviously got caught with the same olde tired mantra and control/guilt technique/manipulation...and got caught with predictability. The audience on which this candidate had chosen to prey ...quickly figured it out. She wanted and expected to Pimp them out emotionally and it backfired on her. About time too.

Here again...more emotional pimping near election they break out the same olde "Usual Suspects" to carry the water for them..using and misusing the same olde default techniques...guilt manipulations. becomes predictable when you have seen enough of it. It gets more and more difficult to put people on the emotional string and set the hook all the way to a voting booth...when you have seen it to many times.

Here we go again..more default settings..emotional pimps...and guilt manipulators..working the crowds like emotional predators..for money, power, and votes.

another one...

about time again.

These are among the "Usual Suspects" on whom I am often decrying for their poor political techniques which amount to Pimping others out emotionally while separating them from their moneys and votes.
And people are catching on to them. I hope it continues. These two in particular have been getting by with it for to long.

Now for your default techniques...

YOu decry that people never stop trying to understand what they cannot. Your assumption or starting point is that they can never understand this position on this thread. They understand it well. It is you and others out here who "assume " that disagreement with a position is not understanding it. In this you are in error.

Disagreement is not misunderstanding. It is disagreement.

And furthermore textbook of todays self justification you and others use disagreement as a label to foist off the moniker Homophobe and Hater people who do not automatically agree with you..or put another way..disagree.

This is not the tolerance about which this movement so often boasts and demands from others. People who can think for themselves see this taking place. Just a they see the women's movements and Al and Jesse's positions.

Then you have the bad taste to contradict going from understanding to "Why must we require understanding?" Astonishing in it's contradiction.

Just something thinking people can notice in your posts. No problem again. I merely point it out.

I do not believe you are even aware of these contradictions in your posts and the emotions which guide you. No problem again. I just point it out you and the other readers out here.

The other problem is that there are people out here who can see this and think for themselves. They are teaching others to see and think their way through this type of contradiction..and they can now see this in leadership...or what is attempting to pass for leadership in this country today. They recognize it as pimping out people for their votes, money, and power.

THey have even taken it sufficiently far to ask the question.....what kind of devout and zealous religion ...promotes a product which is not the product advertised...and would pimp out the souls of people for votes, dollars, and power for this false product??? They are coming to recognize this as a religion..and a religion which is not the product advertised.

A religion which has attached itself to these three causes in particular...and uses default settings to mislead the unthinking...and inexperienced.

Now here ..this current event is why thinking people are so concerned about why and where this movement wants to take this nation in "Guilt Manipulation techniques, power grabs, not the product advertised, and also Entitlement Beliefs and Politics/Self Justification and on the public purse.

and this...

This is obviously entitlement thinking, beliefs, and religion at work and on the public purse. This is what many have been concerned about with this movement as well as others taking place out here...religiously, as well as politically.
Canada and France are beginning to learn this lesson. We will be very slow here stateside to learn..very slow.

Hope this helps you and some of the other readers out here who may come across this post.

edit on 25-10-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 02:15 PM
Jesus didn't say anything about homosexuality because he was a kosher jew, and by his time period, most jews were kosher so he didn't have to say anything, homosexuals would have been stoned to death as the law demanded, their blood being on their own heads.

He didn't say much about eating pork either and a host of other things kosher jews would have already known about.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: lonewolf19792000
Jesus didn't say anything about homosexuality because he was a kosher jew, and by his time period, most jews were kosher so he didn't have to say anything, homosexuals would have been stoned to death as the law demanded, their blood being on their own heads.

He didn't say much about eating pork either and a host of other things kosher jews would have already known about.

Jesus was not a kosher are the Jews in the modern sense today. If this were so...he would not have done things as did King David..doing certain things on the Sabbath. For He is the Sabbath..Rest..Peace.

It was His people who were not doing what was instructed in the Law..or the Law of Moses. It was the Jews who had privily inserted traditions into the Law of Moses as if they were the Law of Moses when they were no such thing.

Many of the Jews today are still doing this ..not keeping the Law of Moses though they claim to be so doing.

And Christians are also following this corrupt pattern in many things Christian today.

Remember also that they brought a woman before Jesus caught in adultery the very act...and wanted His account of what to do. Most ministers today err and deceive their flocks about what happened here.

They quote Jesus stating " He who is without sin cast the first stone.." and to the woman.."Go and sin no more."

But what they miss and do not teach is that the Law of Moses stated ..."They both shall be stoned."

For you cannot catch a woman in the very act ..without catching the man. They only brought the woman...not the man. The Law the Hebrews and Hebrew leadership were keeping stated that women get stoned for adultery and men do not. This was not at all the Law of Moses. It was another law and another god. The Hebrews and their leadership had secretly and privily switched gods and told no one they had done this. This is called Whoredom in the Word.

This is the secret most ministers today and also Jews do not teach their flocks.
But someone well versed in the Word would catch it right away.

You have to be able to think outside the box of most of what passes for thinking and enlightenment today to catch it.

The Jews themselves were not Kosher..not the product advertised and Jesus and the Prophets knew did God.

Homosexuality was not discussed because it was already taught in the Olde Testament..and Jesus obeyed the Olde Testament even though the Hebrew leadership did not...but only appeared to so do.

Also until the Cross..Jesus obeyed the Olde Testament in all parts. For it was His death which was to bring in the New Testament...the New Will and Testament. For a testament is of no effect as long as the testator liveth.

And He was and is the Testator of the New Testament. Hence he Kept the Olde Testament. For He is the Sabbath...Peace..Rest.
We rest in Him...24/7.

Until His death on the Cross it was the Olde Testament. This means that some of what we read of His walk on this earth is the Olde Testament..not the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John..

Thanks to all for their posts,

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