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Right VS Left ideology (The Puppet show)

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posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 01:44 PM
This won't be a long OP. It is pretty simple really.

Right VS left debates in some ways makes a lot of sense. I can see why so many people are blinded by this. I was at one time in my life too.
I was taught from a young age. I must pick a "side".

Yet I share Right ideas, and I share left ideas. I think most of us do. Yet in this world, I have been witness to some real back and forth non sense! And it keeps us all at each others throats. Keeps us divided. However there are some very valid debates. However instead of left VS Right slant on them, they should just fall under one common banner. As left and Right minded folks can see eye to eye, and really get stuff done, instead of the back and forth bickering that gets us no where at all.

I do not understand why and how so many people are being duped by this system. I really am confused how so many people in this world, and on ATS defend either Left or Right view points with such passion. Like they are defending a close personal friend.
All these puppets are put on the stage we call life. There are MANY people who have left and right views, this OP is not judging or attacking their charter, this is about the people who have DUG themselves into one side or the other.

I can see the strings. Yet when I point out, "Hey I see strings, who is really running this show?"

I am looked at funny. As these people do not see the strings. They can't see the strings. How is it, that I can see the strings attached to all these puppets. (I did spend 6 years of my life dedicated to research and study of this, so that might be one reason why I can see what others can not.) It does not make me Smarter, or better than anyone either, so let us not go there..

Yet 80% of all people simply do not see the strings. And keep up with this illusion we have choice.
Its like a mass delusion that is really hurting us as a whole.

Maybe someone can explain to me, how is it that I can see through this so clearly. Yet so many others look at me like I am either crazy, or I am just some "conspiracy theory" type, Or a "Truther".

So much that happens, is just a big show. Its a total Sham, They are all Flim Flam Men!

Just ask yourself, how many jobs out there, that you would not be fired for some of the things both sides do?
At the end of the day, Right, Left. They all work for the same corporations and Private Bankers.

Many of these members of congress are very passionate about their ideas. And makes for a great show.

That is the most important thing to note. Left and Right all work for the same Private interests.
Example. Obama Care. Romney Care. No matter who was "selected" we would have gotten the same thing.

How many of you see this?

How many of you, think I am off my rocker, and the left and right do not work for the same elite and private bankers.
edit on 24414235095 by zysin5 because: spelling edit

edit on 24414525395 by zysin5 because: spelling edit

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 01:51 PM
You mean, how are many intelligent, informed, highly educated individuals in this country are still duped by it.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Yeahkeepwatchingme

Indeed, that would be the root to my question. As we have so many brilliant people in this world that have real strength of being, and are passionate about what they do. Yet why are they duped by a system that I see through so clearly.
Not saying that makes me smarter than anyone else, or makes me better.
But there is something that allows me to see this.
Was it all the years I spent researching, reading, and digging into roots of Private Banks, and how the Elite operate.

Edit-- Ive seen people who where close friends for years and years. End their friendships over Left VS right ideas.
Ive seen people throw punches, We have all seen the fall out that comes from this dangerous game. Why?
edit on 24414420095 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:01 PM
I can't understand it either. Many are able to comprehend big corruption like the mafia and other organized crime. They see how history repeats itself.

A lot of times they're afraid and in denial. The attitude that something like a fascist system enslaving the world can never occur again is insane. Who really won WWII? America went down the slippery slope of fascism and is now showing its true colors (it did for years but people like you and I among many others could see through it) but the world can't admit it.

It's a mental block, they go silent, they laugh, they joke and equate it to something "I saw on Family Guy".

Manipulation is the key, we are as malleable as warm putty.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: Yeahkeepwatchingme

I think that people knowingly subscribe to either side to feel as though they are part of something bigger than themselves.

I notice a great deal of arrogance conveyed by both sides more often than not failing to acknowledge the numerous short comings or hypocrisy of either side.. both sides seldom admit any wrondoings when confronted on issues but are so quick to point out the problems with the other parties as if to minimize what they have done wrong.

Parties are the easiest way this country can divide us and most follow their party with absolute blindness. I would say people need to vote their conscious but in reality the republican and the democrat are two wings of the same bird.
edit on 2-9-2014 by chrismarco because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: zysin5

Just because a person defends an idea that is thought to be a "liberal" or "conservative" idea, that doesn't mean they defend that idea BECAUSE it's a liberal or conservative idea. Nor does it mean that they defend ALL liberal or conservative ideas.

I defend positions that are thought to be liberal and others that are thought to be conservative. And others, I can't defend at all.

The left and right politicians do both serve the same masters. But there are still VERY valid liberal and conservative ideas. I think that's what most people argue about.

Then you have the large group of people who defends their "team" regardless how idiotic the ideas they have are. Why THEY don't see through the political BS, I have no idea.

I know most people assume I'm liberal because most of the ideas I defend here are thought to be liberal ideas. But I've never belonged to a political party and never will. Neither side is my team. So, I would caution you on judging people simply because they defend an idea.

edit on 9/2/2014 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:09 PM
I agree totally.

The talking heads get us all worked up about it too.

Two problems. ONe is that the right wing pundits like Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, Orielly...they're really mean and easy to hate. It's really easy to hate conservatives with those types of talking heads and makes you entrench in left philosophy, just to go against them. Does anyone else feel that?

Two...the left pundits are nicer and funnier. So does that mean that they are really nicer, better people or is it a sneak attack? You know like they're using psychology against us. Showing themselves to be better people then the right, but not insulting and making funny jokes and appearing more humane and caring. is that a sham?

Think of it this way. I'd invite Lawrence O'Donnell in my house because he seems like a nice guy. I may not agree with everything he says or believes in or the policies he advocates but I feel like he would listen to me if I talked to him and tried to convince him of why I think a certain way, like reducing taxes or gun ownership. However, Rush Limbaugh on the other hand, I would kick him off my property first chance I got. Not a chance I would let him anywhere near my house. Wouldn't give him the chance to call my wife a whore and insult me and my children.
edit on 2-9-2014 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:25 PM
My problem is the Christian Right --- which has become the official stance and media voice of the GOP and the Right.

When an official party of a primarily 2 party system takes the official stance of religion in a secular government ------ that is a BIGGIE as far as I'm concerned.

IMO fundamental Christianity has caused the divide in this country. There is no confusion for me.

Secular conservatives (there has to be some) need to take back their party.

I consider myself primarily centrist in a diverse country. Beyond that I don't discuss my political beliefs on ATS.

edit on 2-9-2014 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

I to share ideas on both sides.
Its not so much judging others, I am just confused as to how so many people can be divided so vastly with others who work everyday, and just do their best to feed their families. While the Rich Elite could care less, and seem to enjoy watching us chase our tails.
I agree there are some valid left vs right ideas. However they really do serve a higher purpose.
I am just confused by as a whole, how we can all be duped and tricked by something that seems to me to be so clear cut.

What job could you hold, that you go into work. Lie over and over again. Steal, and extort others, and keep your job?
I do not consider that judgmental. I consider that a function of self protection against these thugs and criminals.

People seem to act fearful of these thugs. And rightfully so. They are putting labels like Terroist on people like me who would speak against their Status Quo. Domestic Terrorist, or homegrown type. Which I am not in the least bit.
Yet I am being judged and painted as such.

We know each other well enough to know where both our ideas lay. For the most part anyway..
Thanks for your input here BH!

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:32 PM
S&F for you! Very well said! I've been saying this exact same thing for decades now. WE HAVE NO TRUE VOTE!

All I can say is the ones who see this truth are literally surrounded by STUPID INSANE PEOPLE who are dragging the rest of us down with them.

Remember the definition of "insane": Repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.

I swear this planet is some other planet's hell!

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Annee

Yes, the extreme sides to these parties, is honestly what is hurting everyone. Yet we must allow them their rights to speak as we do.
Yet I am with you on the Right wing Neocons, I have been jaded harshly by their base. Watching them, was one of the first things to "expose" the strings connected to these puppets.

I agree yet again with you Annee, I try to stay out of politics and religion here on ATS.. But this has been burning on me for a while now.. Needed to get it out.

The left has their extreme sides too! I would say, to each extreme side to this matter. They could very well be part of the major issue here.
Yet we are stuck in this repeating loop. We have to allow them their base, and platforms to speak. Less I would be no better off than where I started.

However if more people where aware to these extremes maybe they would slowly start to be exposed, and they would get less funding, and find less backing. Yet I would never want to directly tell them, they have NO right to speak. They do, just as everyone else does.
Its a real catch 22.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: LrdRedhawk

Remember the definition of "insane": Repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Indeed a total catch 22. Its this repeating cycle. And it is much easier to do nothing. Than to take action. The worst thing anyone can do is nothing at all.
And it seems we have allowed others to do our talking and walking for us. And here we are. Up to our necks in it.
Thanks for the post!

Glad to know what I feel, is a shared experience. You see the strings too then.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:40 PM
Does everybody understand that the "far Right" is actually in favor of limited government and idealisms?

Why would "they" be so interested in authoritarianisms like those on the "Left"?

I think most of the "Left/Right" wedges are actually sponsored by the kings of authority whether they be Democrat or Republican.

Perhaps Libertarians need to excel in the political arenas.

I think the "Left" side is afraid of losing their power structures.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: amazing
Two problems. ONe is that the right wing pundits like Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, Orielly...they're really mean and easy to hate. It's really easy to hate conservatives with those types of talking heads and makes you entrench in left philosophy, just to go against them. Does anyone else feel that?

Two...the left pundits are nicer and funnier. So does that mean that they are really nicer, better people or is it a sneak attack? You know like they're using psychology against us. Showing themselves to be better people then the right, but not insulting and making funny jokes and appearing more humane and caring. is that a sham?

Yeah these talking heads, are what I call Gate keepers. Others have used the term, so not my coin phrase

Limbaugh is a Right wing Gate keeper. Along with Hannity and pappa bear.

We have the other side keepers.. Left Wing gate keepers. They are there to inflame and debate with Right Wing Gate keepers, to keep the show going strong.

Then we have moderates, who are between the left and the right. Its really hard, as we do not want to judge these people. But I happen to look at their actions, not their words.

Words are just that. We can all say one thing, but our actions speak.
I understand left VS right helps make us all not look like war mongers.. Or just all peaceful hippies.

We can have one group say. We oppose this, the other group, we support that. So we get to have our cake and eat it too. As it serves its greater purpose. On so many fronts, it can become overwhelming.

And it is why so many folks are in support of this system. I think it is flawed, and have become so corrupted that the people do not know what to do about it. Its scary to think, that our only option would be to fight back.
But then, we are talking treason. They have it set up very well. Protects their hides. And turns us from patriots into terrorrisst.
Home grown terrorism is already in the works. Sure there are some "bad" people out there.
But why are they "bad" No one stops to listen to their side of the story. Instead we just lay waste to them, and kill them all. Some are okay with it.. Others are not. And that is the left vs Right way of life.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: zysin5

The left has their extreme sides too! I would say, to each extreme side to this matter. They could very well be part of the major issue here.

The left doesn't use the "fundamental Jesus platform". The left doesn't try to dictate/control how a person should live and think.

I am a former 40 year Republican, albeit "California" Republican. I and many others quit the party because of their direction toward extremism.

I am now registered to vote as non-affiliated. When I first registered to vote it was required to choose a party.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Does everybody understand that the "far Right" is actually in favor of limited government and idealisms?

And they can keep repeating that lie til doomsday.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Yeahkeepwatchingme
I don't think you are correct in your thought.Its the uninformed that are duped by propaganda,those that hear Rush or Sean's view and assume its the gospel truth.Those are the ones that fail to do any research into a topic.The educated realize its all a game and give up on it all.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: Annee

My problem is the Christian Right --- which has become the official stance and media voice of the GOP and the Right.

When an official party of a primarily 2 party system takes the official stance of religion in a secular government ------ that is a BIGGIE as far as I'm concerned.

IMO fundamental Christianity has caused the divide in this country. There is no confusion for me.

Secular conservatives (there has to be some) need to take back their party.

I consider myself primarily centrist in a diverse country. Beyond that I don't discuss my political beliefs on ATS.


Some conflicts of interest I believe !!

You seem to be deathly afraid of any religious overtones that you assume will somehow become authoritarian laws.

Am I correct?

Are there any of those laws already?

The "Left" voting base is just as religious as the "Right" voting base.

Why would anybody be so scared of only the "Right" Christians?

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: Annee
My problem is the Christian Right --- which has become the official stance and media voice of the GOP and the Right.

When an official party of a primarily 2 party system takes the official stance of religion in a secular government ------ that is a BIGGIE as far as I'm concerned.

IMO fundamental Christianity has caused the divide in this country. There is no confusion for me.

Secular conservatives (there has to be some) need to take back their party.

I consider myself primarily centrist in a diverse country. Beyond that I don't discuss my political beliefs on ATS.

Aren't we assuming that when we hear politicians on the right mention GOD that they are referring to the Christian God??

I have said all along, "When a politician mentions "GOD" what they are really referring to is Gold, Oil and Drugs"!

Anyone can say they believe in GOD, but actions speak louder than words!

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

I had to give you another reply here BH.
I to have considered liberal, due to my stances on some hot button topics. You know the ones

I just think for people like us. All the people who share left and right ideas, get a voice, without falling into the back and forth stuff that only holds up the process of getting rights to all people.

I think those of us who share Left and Right ideas, could get more done. As you know as well as I do. Some folks who are DUG in so deep on their side. Would refuse a great idea given by the left. Simply because they are left.

There are lots of people who have DUG themselves in deeply. Trenched in for the long haul.
No matter how great an idea might be. If it comes from the left, and they are right, they will shoot it down, no matter how logical or helpful it might be.

That is what this thread is about.. Those who are dug in so deep. And many of them are brilliant intelligent people.

Such as. Lets say we have a "human Rights" Side. Where people from both sides can get stuff DONE! like get some real progress for equal rights, and common sense things. We can leave all the other sided stuff for them to bicker and hold up in congress.
We need progress.. and left VS right is just holding that process up.

So many things we are passionate about, gets Deadlocked thanks to those who are in the trenches.

That make more sense than my first response to you? Was trying to think of a better way to explain myself here.
As we agree on so much, and see eye to eye on so many things. I never like to broad brush stroke people into groups. But if we don't talk about it, and bring it to light. We are going to remain deadlocked.

Yet there has been some progress with human rights, and equal treatment. Yet many "right wing" Gate keepers call it a left wing Gay agenda.. That is the kind of crap I am talking about here.

Thanks again BH!

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