From Reuters....;jsessionid=ERBPJDJOGWCZGCRBAELCFEY?type=topNews&storyID=2848648
Strange as it may seem there is not much in the way of preparation with respect how those Israeli people who are relocated will react, if and when we
get to that point (at least not that is being openly discussed)
That this does not seem to be matter of concern from either side begs the question as to if either side is actually working to complete this in the
near future.
While Israeli militants have allowed the military for the most part to speak for them, they are very capable of reacting in as violent a fashion as
there Palestinian counterparts.
When faced with this reality how will the Israeli army
Israel does stand to loose substantial territory as a result of changing those dashes on the map to actual lines, so a question is what is it gaining
in return?
Certainly as a result of a general cessation of hostilities the military industrial complex which is an aspect of Israelis economy will also suffer.
So from a certain standpoint it can be considered that the losses far outweigh any potential benefit.
That is unless one takes into consideration the Saudi initiative which was presented some time ago (as I understand it the offer is still out their).
As well as the fact that the world powers state they are fully supporting this action, there contribution to Israel will be much more than just a pat
on the back (all sorts of things come to mind).
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the fodder to the terrorist canon its the wick and every time one kills another, justification for what
terrorist do is spawned.
As a result the basis for these initiatives are fundamental to the war on terror and to say that it is an almost impossible goal to achieve, is more
of an opinion with respect to the state of human evolution than the intricacy of the problem itself.
The real problem with a general cease fire between Israel and the Palestinians. Is to react to those who continue hostilities after the fact as
combatants opposed to the new way and to take that very seriously.
This is not something new and would site that almost every war fought in history had the same problem. Some people will not surrender for the myriad
of reasons that exist during war. Clearly many of these reasons are rational and that is what makes taking action against them, by forces which up
until the
cease fire protected them at best a real mess.
As it has always been throughout history.
What are your thoughts?